1,101 research outputs found

    Decrease in Free Computer Science Papers Found through Google Scholar

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    Purpose - Google Scholar was used to locate free full-text versions of computer science research papers to determine what proportion could be freely accessed.Design/methodology/approach - A sample of 1967 conference papers and periodical articles from 2003-2010, indexed in the ACM Guide to Computing Literature, was searched for manually in Google Scholar, using the paper or article title and the first author’s surname and supplementary searches as needed. Findings - Free full-text versions were found for 52% of the conference papers and 55% of the periodical articles. Documents with older publication dates were more likely to be freely accessible than newer documents, with free full-text versions found for 71% of items published in 2003 and 43% of items published 2010. Many documents did not indicate what version of the document was presented. Research limitations/implications - Results were limited to the retrieval of known computer science publications via Google Scholar. The results may be different for other computer science publications, subject areas, types of searches, or search engines. Practical implications - Users of Google Scholar for finding free full-text computer science research papers may be hindered by the lower access to recent publications. Because many papers are freely available, libraries and scholarly publishers may be better served by promoting services they provide beyond simple access to papers. Originality/value – Previous research showed lower levels of free access than we found for computer science, but the decline found in this study runs contrary to increases found in previous research

    «Årene 1950-1954 var de verste». En studie av hvordan myndighetene håndterte poliomyelittepidemien i Norge på 1950-tallet.

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    Denne masteroppgaven fokuserer på den smittsomme sykdommen poliomyelitt, og hvordan de norske myndighetene reagerte og håndtere et epidemisk utbrudd i Norge. I sentrum for undersøkelsen står utbruddet på 1950-tallet for det er flere medisinere og historikere som sier at det er de verste epidemiårene. Oppgavens problemstilling er: Hva var myndighetenes reaksjon og aksjon på poliomyelittepidemien i Norge på 1950-tallet? Den historiske analysen fokuserer på poliomyelittepidemiene på 1950-tallet og hvordan myndighetene prøvde å håndtere smittespredningen. Hvilke tiltak kunne myndighetene iverksette for å forhindre smittespredning? Hvordan brukte de hjelpemidlene og ressursene de hadde tilgang på? Og hva eksisterte av lovverk om epidemiske sykdommer? Ble det etterhvert behov for nye lovbestemmelser? For å svare på problemstillingen er det blitt hentet en del materiale fra Stavanger byarkiv, samt digitaliserte avisartikler fra Nasjonalbiblioteket. Det har vært vesentlig for oppgaven å se på tidligere medisinvitenskapelige oppfatninger fra 1868 og utover. Det er derfor blitt henvist til tidligere forskning fra et historisk-medisinskperspektiv. I begynnelsen var målet om å bidra til ny kunnskap om et samfunns svar på en epidemis utfordringer, men på grunn av koronapandemien vil det være mulig å trekke linjer og gjenkjenne seg i utfordringene. Vi lever nå i 2021 i en lignende situasjon og de aller fleste som leser denne oppgaven vil kunne gjenkjenne seg i det som blir skrevet eller gjort for nesten 70 år siden.This master’s thesis focuses on the infectious disease poliomyelitis, and the reaction and handling by the Norwegian government following the epidemic outbreak in Norway. Most emphasis of the investigation will be given to the outbreak in the 1950s, which many doctors and historians consider the worst years of the epidemic. The main research question is: What were the government’s reaction and action to the poliomyelitis epidemic in Norway in the 1950s? The historical analysis therefore, focuses on the poliomyelitis epidemic and how the government tried to handle the spread of infection. What measures could the government put in place to stop the transmission of the disease? How did they use the tools and resources available to them? And what existed of legislation concerning epidemic diseases at the time? Was there any new legal provisions? To answer the research question, this thesis has used material from Stavanger city archive, as well as digitalized newspaper articles from National Library of Norway. It was essential for the thesis to look at earlier perceptions in the field of medical studies from 1868 and onwards. Therefore, references are made to earlier research from a historical-medical perspective. In the beginning, the goal of the research paper was to contribute towards knowledge of a society’s response to challenges stemming from an epidemic. However, following the Covid-19 pandemic, the thesis is perhaps more relevant than ever, and one can certainly draw lines between the past and present, recognize the challenges facing society in 2020/21. To the point where most people reading this thesis will identify with what was written or done almost 70 years ago

    Fra læreplan til klasserom

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    Høsten 2020 startet innføringen av Læreplanen for Kunnskapsløftet 2020 (LK20) (Utdanningsdirektoratet, 2020). Denne ble gjerne kalt fagfornyelsen. Bakgrunnen for dette var at skolen skulle tilpasses det samfunnet elevene skulle bli en del av, og for å få det til måtte fagene fornyes. På mange måter kan det se ut som om norskfaget har blitt totalrenovert. Den nye læreplanen i norsk inneholder seks kjerneelementer som skal representere det viktigste faglige innholdet (Utdanningsdirektoratet, 2019b), en omtrentlig halvering av kompetansemålene etter 10. trinn fra den foregående læreplanen, i tillegg er det først her at underveisvurderingen er konkretisert i en læreplan. Masteroppgaven tar sikte på å belyse ulike aspekter ved hvordan et utvalg norsklærere i ungdomsskolen har arbeidet med disse delene av LK20 i sin egen undervisning. Hensikten med denne studien er å gi lærerstudenter som skal ut i arbeidslivet en god start på yrkeskarrieren. Den kan også være nyttig og veiledende for lærere som ønsker å få en bedre innsikt i hvordan LK20, og de ulike delene av den, har blitt jobbet med. Studien omhandler hvordan norsklærere i ungdomsskolen arbeider med kjerneelementer, kompetansemål og underveisvurdering i LK20 i egen undervisning. Den er basert på resultater fra en spørreskjemaundersøkelse som omhandlet de seks kjerneelementene i norskfaget. I tillegg ble det utført tre gruppeintervjuer med til sammen ti norsklærere i ungdomsskolen. Her ble det blant annet stilt spørsmål rundt hvilke kjerneelementer de opplevde som mest utfordrende for elevene, og hvordan de arbeidet med kompetansemålene og underveisvurdering i faget. Svarene fra gruppeintervjuene inneholder betraktninger rundt hvordan undervisningen og vurderingssituasjoner kan tilpasses LK20. Funnene inkluderer også norsklæreres egne skildringer av klasseromssituasjoner, metodevalg og læringsformer. Det inneholder også tanker om hvor godt forberedt ungdomsskolelærerne opplever at de er i møte med LK20. Nøkkelord: LK20, norskfaget, ungdomsskolen, kjerneelementer, kompetansemål, underveisvurdering, arbeidsmetoder, erfaringe


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    The aim of this study is to evaluate the adequacy of treatment, and to identify factors influencing treatment of hypothyroidism. Patients newly diagnosed with overt hypothyroidism (n=345) were identified via a register linked to a laboratory database. In selected periods with staff available, 165 patients were invited, and 113 (68.5 %) accepted participating in a comprehensive program including blood tests and completion of questionnaires. We performed a longitudinal follow-up on thyroid function tests 10 years after the diagnosis. Time to reach a serum TSH level of 0.2-10 mU/L (termed as clinically acceptable) and biochemical normalization (TSH: 0.2-5.0 mU/L), respectively, were analyzed using Kaplan Meier survival analysis. Predictors for longer duration to reach the normal TSH range were identified using cox proportional hazards regression. Only 67.7 % of the patients were in the euthyroid range on the long term after diagnosis of overt hypothyroidism (2 years: 59.4 %; 10 years: 67.7 %). Median time to the first normal TSH was 8.9 months (95 % CI: 7.6-10.2 months). The factors associated with longer duration until normalization of TSH after multivariate analysis were age (HR 0.79 per 10 years; 95 % CI: 0.66-0.94; P = <0.01), smoking (HR 0.47; 95 % CI: 0.26-0.83; P = <0.01), serum TSH at diagnosis (HR 0.96 per 10 mU/L; 95 % CI: 0.93-0.99; P = 0.02) and BMI (HR 0.96 per kg/m(2); 95 % CI: 0.91-0.99; P = 0.03). A considerable number of hypothyroid patients remained inadequately treated. When treating hypothyroid patients, special attention should be addressed to those patients who never or lately obtain euthyroid status

    Exercise-Mediated Lowering of Glutamine Availability Suppresses Tumor Growth and Attenuates Muscle Wasting

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    Glutamine is a central nutrient for many cancers, contributing to the generation of building blocks and energy-promoting signaling necessary for neoplastic proliferation. In this study, we hypothesized that lowering systemic glutamine levels by exercise may starve tumors, thereby contributing to the inhibitory effect of exercise on tumor growth. We demonstrate that limiting glutamine availability, either pharmacologically or physiologically by voluntary wheel running, significantly attenuated the growth of two syngeneic murine tumor models of breast cancer and lung cancer, respectively, and decreased markers of atrophic signaling in muscles from tumor-bearing mice. In continuation, wheel running completely abolished tumor-induced loss of weight and lean body mass, independently of the effect of wheel running on tumor growth. Moreover, wheel running abolished tumor-induced upregulation of muscular glutamine transporters and myostatin signaling. In conclusion, our data suggest that voluntary wheel running preserves muscle mass by counteracting muscular glutamine release and tumor-induced atrophic signaling