3,436 research outputs found

    Gibbs sampling will fail in outlier problems with strong masking

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    This paper discusses the convergence of the Gibbs sampling algorithm when it is applied to the problem of outlier detection in regression models. Given any vector of initial conditions, theoretically, the algorithm converges to the true posterior distribution. However, the speed of convergence may slow down in a high dimensional parameter space where the parameters are highly correlated. We show that the effect of the leverage in regression models makes very difficult the convergence of the Gibbs sampling algorithm in sets of data with strong masking. The problem is illustrated in several examples

    De la historia de las mujeres a la historia del género

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    Este artículo muestra una revisión panorámica de la historia de las mujeres incluyendo la comprensión de las diversas características y sus diversas etapas historiográficas y del género. Se entiende a la teoría del género en su estrecha vinculación con el poder, la dominación y la subordinación. También se explora, de manera breve, el surgimiento de los estudios de las masculinidades y la teoría queer

    La privatización de la violencia conyugal en la ciudad de México entre los siglos XVIII y XX: polémicas de liberalismo

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    Historia de la concepción de la violencia conyugal a lo largo de tres siglos en México, se compara la normatividad novohispana con el proceso codificar de 1872 a 1929. Se explican las razones de su invisibilidad y por qué se mantuvo como un asunto de interés privado hasta las reformas de 1992.El Colegio de Jalisc

    A multivariate Kolmogorov-Smornov test of goodnes of fit

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    This paper presents a distribution free multivariate Kolmogorov-Smirnov goodıness of fit test. The test uses an statistic which is built using Rosenblatt's transformation and an algorithm is developed to compute it in the bivariate case. An approximate test, that can be easily computed in any dimension, is also presented. The power of these multivariate tests is studied in a simulationı study

    Comparación directa entre el ácido láctico, NEWS 2 y NEWS2-L para la predicción de convulsiones a nivel prehospitalario

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    Las convulsiones son una patología de difícil diagnóstico y uno de los trastornos neurológicos más prevalentes a nivel mundial. Diferentes estudios demuestran una relación positiva entre el aumento del ácido láctico y las pérdidas transitorias de conciencia, hecho que ocurre en las convulsiones. La medición del ácido láctico prehospitalario (pLA) asociado o no a escalas pronósticas indicadoras de gravedad como el National Early Warning Score 2 prehospitalario (pNEWS 2) puedesuponer un diagnóstico inicial y tratamiento más precoz de esta patología. El objetivo de este trabajo es determinar la asociación entre el ácido láctico y/o las escalas pronósticas (pNEWS 2 y pNEWS2-L) y el diagnóstico definitivo de crisis comicial. Para realizar este TFG se ha realizado un estudio multicéntrico observacional prospectivo longitudinal de cohortes en Valladolid, Salamanca y Segovia entre el 1 de abril y el 30 de noviembre de 2018. Los datos incluidos en la base de datos fueron: registros de signos vitales prehospitalarios, pLA, datos demográficos de los pacientes, interconsulta con el especialista, realización de TAC, necesidad de ingreso hospitalario y mortalidad (en el hospital). Se llegó a la conclusión de que el pLA, per se, es un buen predictor de convulsiones. Sin embargo, su asociación a la escala pNEWS 2 supone una pérdida de potencia diagnóstica. Es importante resaltar que la escala pNEWS 2, por sí misma, no sirve para discernir si los pacientes han experimentado o no convulsiones.Grado en Medicin

    The implementation of work-life balance practices: a case study assessment

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    Treball Final de Grau en Administració d'Empreses i Dret. Codi: DA0249. Curs 2022/2023Over the years, researchers have tried to find answers to the question of how work-life balance influences many organisational dimensions and which organisational practices should be implemented. However, the implementation process of WLB practices is scarcely analysed in the literature. The main goal of this project is trying to put into practice a tool for analysing the implementation process of WBL practices based on previous theoretical contributions. In particular, we analysed, in a Spanish subsidiary IT company, the quality of various steps of the implementation process (i.e., design, supportive environment, execution and demonstrated value). In doing so, we will draw conclusions on how the practices have been implemented, which potential steps influence some of the desired outcomes, and what are the main practical implications. To this end, personalised surveys were carried out according to their position within the company. The results obtained were subjected to different calculations, which were analysed and interpreted. The conclusions of this project are quite enlightening, and it can be stated that the sample of staff under study shows excellent satisfaction with work-life balance

    Adjusting the Labor Supply to Mitigate Violent Shocks: Evidence from Rural Colombia

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    This paper studies the use of labor markets to mitigate the impact of violent shocks on households in rural areas in Colombia. It examines changes in the labor supply from on-farm to off-farm labor as a means of coping with the violent shock and the ensuing redistribution of time within households. It identifies the heterogeneous response by gender. Because the incidence of violent shocks is not exogenous, the analysis uses instrumental variables that capture several dimensions of the cost of exercising terror. As a response to the violent shocks, households decrease the time spent on on-farm work and increase their supply of labor to off-farm activities (non-agricultural ones). Men carry the bulk of the adjustment in the use of time inasmuch as they supply the most hours to off-farm non-agricultural work and formal labor markets. Labor markets do not fully absorb the additional labor supply. Women in particular are unable to find jobs in formal labor markets and men have increased time dedicated to leisure and household chores. Additional off-farm supply does not fully cover the decrease in consumption. The results suggest that in rural Colombia, labor markets are a limited alternative for coping with violent shocks. Thus, policies in conflict-affected countries should go beyond short-term relief and aim at preventing labor markets from collapsing and at supporting the recovery of agricultural production.Conflict, labor markets, developing economies, instrumental variables