16 research outputs found

    Pengaruh Terapi Bermain Mendongeng dengan Penurunan Tingkat Kecemasan pada Anak Usia Pra Sekolah Akibat Hospitalisasi

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    This study aims to determine the effect of storytelling play therapy with a decrease in anxiety levels in pre-school age children due to hospitalization in Dr. Sobirin Lubuklinggau. The study design used a pre-experimental one group pre-post test design. The results obtained mean a decrease in anxiety 10.50, with the results of the Wilcoxon Test Asym 0,000 <0.005. The conclusion of this study is the effect of storytelling play therapy on pre-school age anxiety scores of children treated at RSUD Dr. Sobirin Lubuklinggau.   Keywords: Anxiety, Storytelling, Child Care, Play Therap

    Pengaruh Massase Menggunakan Olive Oil Terhadap Nyeri Dismenore pada Mahasiswi Jurusan Keperawatan STIKES Tri Mandiri Sakti Bengkulu

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     Masalah kesehatan reproduksi seperti dismenore adalah masalah yang berhubungan dengan menstruasi. Berdasarkan hasil survei pendahuluan dari peneliti pada 10 mahasiswa Keperawatan STIKES Tri Mandiri Sakti Bengkulu yang mengalami dismenore yang didapat semuanya mengatakan mereka tidak mengerti bagaimana cara mengatasi rasa sakit dismenorea dan hanya mengonsumsi obat-obatan yang dipercepat untuk mengurangi rasa sakit. Berdasarkan uraian di atas, peneliti tertarik untuk melakukan penelitian tentang efek penggunaan minyak zaitun pada nyeri dismenore. Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah untuk menentukan pijat menggunakan minyak zaitun untuk nyeri dismenore pada mahasiswa keperawatan. Penelitian ini menggunakan desain Pra-Eksperimen dengan Desain One Group Pretest Postest. Populasi dalam penelitian ini adalah seluruh mahasiswa Jurusan Keperawatan STIKES Tri Mandiri Sakti Bengkulu dengan jumlah 30 orang. Teknik pengambilan sampel dalam penelitian ini menggunakan teknik total sampling. Pengumpulan data dalam penelitian ini menggunakan data primer yang diperoleh melalui studi langsung pada Mahasiswa Jurusan Keperawatan STIKES Tri Mandiri Sakti Bengkulu. Analisis data menggunakan univariat dan bivariat. Hasil penelitian ini menunjukkan uji Wilcoxon Match Pair Test diperoleh nilai Z = 2,781 dengan p = 0,005 <0,05 berarti signifikan, sehingga Ho ditolak dan Ha diterima. Ada efek pengaruh massase menggunakan olive oil terhadap nyeri Dismenore pada Mahasiswa Jurusan Keperawatan Tri Mandiri Sakti Bengkulu. Pentingnya meningkatkan sumber informasi bagi siswa yang mengalami dismenore untuk dapat melakukan pijatan menggunakan olive oil ketika mengalami dismenore untuk mengurangi dan mengelola nyeri dismenore sebagai langkah utama untuk mengatasi nyeri dismenore dan mengurangi penggunaan obat-obatan menstruasi

    Faktor-Faktor yang Mempengaruhi Pengetahuan tentang Bantuan Hidup Dasar pada Tim Pemadam Kebakaran dan Penyelamatan Kota Bengkulu

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    This study aims to determine the factors that influence knowledge about BLS in the fire and rescue team in Bengkulu City. This research method uses a cross-sectional approach with the type of analytical survey research. The sample in this study amounted to 63 people, and bivariate data analysis using the regression coefficient test. The results showed that the value of the t statistic for the length of work variable was 3,330 with a p-value = 0.001 (α &lt; 0.05), and the t statistic for the education level variable was 4,149 with a p-value = 0.000. In conclusion, research proves that length of work and level of education influence knowledge about BLS in fire and rescue teams in Bengkulu City. &nbsp; Keywords: BLS, Length of Work, Education, Knowledg


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    Background: Under-fives who have stunting have a risk of decreased intellectual ability, productivity, and increased risk of degenerative diseases in the future (Anugraheni & Kartasurya, 2012). Objective: to examine the relationship between family characteristics with stunting incidence of under five children who visited the Integrated Healthcare Center (Posyandu) in working area of Padang Serai Public Health Center (Puskesmas) of Bengkulu City. Methods: this study was conducted in June, 2016. The type of the study was Analytical Survey and the design was Cross Sectional. Sample was under five children aged 0-59 months (stunted and non-stunted) who visited the Integrated Healthcare Center in working area of Padang Serai Public Health Center of Bengkulu City with their mothers. The sampling technique was Accidental Sampling and the sample total was 92 under five children. The data were primary and secondary data. The primary data were length or height, age of children, and family characteristics (education and knowledge of mothers, number of family, income rate of household heads). The secondary data was collected from Health Department and Integrated Healthcare Center. The data was analyzed with univariate and bivariate analysis. Bivariate analysis used Chi-Square (χ2) test. Results: The prevalence of stunting incidence was 27.17%, no relationship between family characteristics [height of mother (p=0.054), education of mother (p=0.857), knowledge of mother (p=1.000), total of family members (p=0.934), and income rate of household head (p=1.000)] with stunting incidence of under five children who visited the Integrated Healthcare Center in working area of Padang Serai Public Health Center of Bengkulu City. Conclusion: Padang Serai Public Health Center should be able to overcome the stunting problem by doing more intensive nutrition program for the fertile women, pregnant, and lactating women, under five children, and also socialization of the nutritional status of stunting to the community. Keywords: Family Characteristics, Stunting, Under Five Children


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    Kejadian ISPA erat terkait dengan pengetahuan dan sikap orang tua terhadap penanganan ISPA, karena orang tua sebagai penanggung jawab utama dalam pemeliharaan kesejahteraan anak. Penelitian ini bermaksud untuk mengetahui Hubungan Pengetahuan Dan Sikap Ibu Dengan Penanganan ISPA Di Rumah Pada Balita Di Puskesmas Tumbuan tahun 2018. Penelitian ini menggunakan metode accidental sampling dengan penekatan cross sectional menggunakan kuesioner sebagai alat pengumpulan data dengan menggunakan uji statistik yaitu chi square. Besaran sampel sebanyak 41 responden yang terdiri dari ibu yang balitanya menderita ISPA yang di bawah berobat di Puskesmas Tumbuan tahun 2018. Hasil penelitian berdasarkan uji statistik Pearson chi-square didapatkan nilai (P = 0,007<0,05) maka dapat disimpulkan bahwa ada hubungan pengetahuan ibu dengan penanganan ISPA di rumah pada balita. Untuk sikap dengan penanganan ISPA pada balita di rumah, dimana nilai p value 0,014 < Alpha 0,05 berarti signifikan. Jadi Ada hubungan Sikap ibu dengan penanganan ISPA di rumah pada balita di Puskesmas Tumbuan. Kata Kunci: Pengetahuan, sikap, penanganan ISPA, Ibu balita, di rumah  ABSTRACT The incidence of acute respiratory infections is closely related to the knowledge and attitudes of parents towards the handling of acute respiratory infections, because parents are the main responsibility in maintaining children's welfare. This study intends to determine the relationship between knowledge and attitude of mothers with the handling of acute respiratory infections at home in toddlers at health center in 2018. This study uses accidental sampling method with a cross sectional approach using a questionnaire as a means of data collection using statistical tests, namely chi squares. The sample size of 41 respondents consisting of mot] hers whose babies suffered from ARI under treatment at the Tumbuan Health Center in 2018. The results of the study based on Pearson chi-square statistical tests obtained values (P = 0.007 <0.05) it can be concluded that there is a relationship of maternal knowledge with ARI handling at home in infants. For attitudes with ARI handling in infants at home, where the p value is 0.014 <Alpha 0.05 means significant. So there is a relationship between the attitude of the mother and the handling of ARI at home in children under five at the Tumbuan Health Center. Keywords: Knowledge, attitude, handling ARI, mother under five, at hom

    Sosialisasi Transaksi Jual Beli Aman Terhadap Covid 19 Memasuki Fase New Normal Di Pasar Tradisional Kota Bengkulu

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    Semakin melonjaknya angka positif virus corona di Indonesiaberbanding terbalik dengan kesadaran masyarakat terhadap bahaya pandemi virus corona. Badan Stistik Nasional (2020) melaporkan pada Juni 2020 kasus yang terkonfirmasi diseluruh dunia berjumlah 163.973  kasus. Tim Gugus Tugas Percepatan Penanganan COVID-19 Indonesia melaporkan angka kejadian per 30 juni dilaporkan sebanyak 1293 kasus.  Angka kejadian di provinsi Bengkulu per Juni dilaporkan ada 124 kasus dan 10 orang meninggal dunia dan dari angka kasus tersebut 7 orang terkonfirmasi sebagai pedagang di pasar tradisional Panorama, artinya pasar menjadi cluster baru penyebaran COVID 19 di kota Bengkulu.  Tujuan pengabdian masyarakat ini adalah untuk mensosialisasi kesiapan dalam bertransaksi aman serta memutus rantai penyebaran Corona Virus Disease 19 pada pedagang dan pembeli di pasar tradisional Panorama dan Pasar Minggu kota Bengkulu. Kegiatan yang dilakukan berupa sosialisasi dengan memberikan informasi tentang transaksi jual beli aman dengan mendatangi tiap pembeli dan penjual  secara langsung, memasang poster pada tempat-tempat yang strategis.   Terdapat perubahan pengetahuan tentang transaksi jual beli aman pada masyarakat pasar tradisional Panorama dan Pasar Minggu terhadap COVID 19 memasuki fase new normal, dengan demikian sosialisasi transaksi jual beli aman terhadap COVID 19 memasuki fase new normal di pasar trasional sangat efektif untuk peningkatan pengetahuan dan merubah pola kebiasaan pedagang dan pembeli untuk mengikuti cara bertransaki yang aman dalam upaya pencegahan dan memutus rantai penyebaran COVID-19.Kata Kunci: sosialisasi, transaksi, COVID 19, pasar trasidional ABSTRACT The increasing number of positive corona viruses in Indonesia is inversely proportional to public awareness of the dangers of the corona virus pandemic. The National Statistics Agency (2020) reported that in June 2020 confirmed cases worldwide totaled 163,973 cases. The Task Force for the Acceleration of Handling COVID-19 Indonesia reported that the number of incidents as of June 30 was reported as 1293 cases. The number of incidents in Bengkulu province as of June was reported to have been 124 cases and 10 people died and from these cases 7 people were confirmed as traders in the Panorama traditional market, meaning the market became a new cluster for the spread of COVID 19 in Bengkulu city. The purpose of this community service is to socialize readiness for safe transactions and break the chain of spreading Corona Virus Disease 19 to traders and buyers in Panorama traditional markets and Pasar Minggu, Bengkulu city in entering the new normal phase, by implementing precautionary measures and preventing the spread of Covid-19 , carry out the dissemination of information about Covid-19 in the form of increasing public awareness of the dangers of COVID 19. Activities carried out are in the form of socialization by providing information about safe buying and selling transactions by visiting each buyer and seller directly, placing posters in strategic places. There is a change in knowledge about safe buying and selling transactions in the community of Panorama traditional markets and Pasar Minggu against COVID 19 entering a new normal phase, thus the socialization of safe buying and selling transactions against COVID 19 entering a new normal phase in the traditional market is very effective for increasing knowledge and changing habitual patterns traders and buyers to follow safe ways of transacting in an effort to prevent and break the chain of the spread of COVID 19. Keywords: socialization, transactions, COVID 19, traditional market


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    ABSTRAKBencana merupakan suatu kejadian yang tidak diinginkan dan biasanya terjadi secara mendadak serta menimbulkan korban jiwa (Menteri Kesehatan RI, 2006). Indonesia merupakan salah satu negara paling rawan bencana di dunia, seringkali dan tidak terduga, yaitu di antaranya gempa bumi, tsunami, tanah longsor, letusan gunung berapi, banjir, dan kekeringan (CFE-DM, 2018). Badan Nasional Penanggulangan Bencana (BNPB) mencatat pada 2017 terjadi 2.862 kejadian bencana alam, diantaranya banjir (34,2%), puting beliung (31%), tanah longsor (29,6%), kebakaran hutan dan lahan (3,4%), gempa bumi (0,7%), kekeringan (0,6%), gelombang pasang/abrasi (0,4%), dan letusan gunung api (0,1%) (BNPB, 2018), dan wilayah yang termasuk rawan bencana adalah provinsi bengkulu. Provinsi bengkulu termasuk provinsi ke 4 dalam indeks risiko tinggi bencana (Restra BPBR, 2016). Dan dari 80% kota yang berada di Bengkulu berisiko tinggi terhadap bencana. Secara geografis Bengkulu berada di jalur patahan sesar Mentai sehingga menyebabkan provinsi Bengkulu rentan bencana gempa dan tsunami. Hal ini yang paling memungkinkan Provinsi Bengkulu mengalami damapak buruk terhadap bencana bila keadaan ini tidak diantisipasi dengan seksama oleh semua unsur pemerintah dan masyarakat.  Tujuan penyuluhan dan simulasi yang dilakukan, diharapkan dapat meningkatkan pengetahuan dan kesigapan siswa MAN Model 01 tentang disaster management. Kegiatan yang dilakukan berupa penyuluhan dan simulasi  menggunakan leaflet, alat peraga dan simulasi. Terdapat peningkatan pengetahuan  pada siswa MAN Model 01 terhadap disaster management serta dan keterampilan dan kesigapan menghadapi bencana. Dengan demikian, pemberian penyuluhan dan simulasi pada siswa tentang disaster management sangat efektif untuk meningkatkan pengetahuan siswa tentang cara menyelamatkan diri saat terjadi bencana. Kata Kunci:  Penyuluhan, Simulasi, Disaster Management  ABSTRACT Disasters are undesirable events that usually occur suddenly and cause fatalities (Indonesian Minister of Health, 2006). Indonesia is one of the most disaster-prone countries in the world, often and unexpectedly, including earthquakes, tsunamis, landslides, volcanic eruptions, floods and drought (CFE-DM, 2018). The National Disaster Management Agency (BNPB) noted that in 2011 2,862 natural disasters occurred, including floods (34.2%), tornados (31%), landslides (29.6%), forest and land fires (3.4%) , earthquake (0.7%), drought (0.6%), tidal / abrasion (0.4%), and volcanic eruptions (0.1%) (BNPB, 2018), and areas that are vulnerable disaster is the province of bengkulu. Bengkulu Province is included as the 4th province in the high risk index for disaster (Restra BPBR, 2016). And 80% of cities in Bengkulu are at high risk of disaster. Geographically Bengkulu is on the Mentai fault fault line making Bengkulu province vulnerable to earthquake and tsunami disasters. This is the most possible for the Bengkulu Province to experience a negative impact on disaster if this situation is not anticipated carefully by all elements of government and society. The purpose of counseling and simulations conducted, is expected to increase the knowledge and alertness of MAN Model 01 students about disaster management. The activities carried out in the form of counseling and simulation using leaflets, props and simulations. There is an increase in knowledge in MAN Model 01 students towards disaster management and the skills and readiness to deal with disasters. Thus, providing counseling and simulations to students about disaster management is very effective Keyword: Counseling, Simulation, Disaster  Managemen

    The Effect of Health Education on the Advantage of Adolescent Knowledge About Reproductive Health in SMPN 5 Bengkulu

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    Health reproduce is a complete physical, mental and social well-being and not only has no disease or weakness in everything related to the reproductive system and its function and processes. The purpose of this study was is to the effect of counseling on the level of adolescent knowledge about reproductive health in Junior High School 5 in Bengkulu. The study used pre-experimental with a one group pretest posttes design. Population in this study were students in class VIII C and D as many as 60 people. Sampling technique was Total Sampling. The data collection technique used in this study was to fill reproductive health questionnaire. Data analysis techniques were performed by univariate and bivariate analysis by Paired Sample T-Test. The results of the study obtained a significance (sig) 0,000 (p&lt;0,05). There was a significant influence on the level of adolescent knowledge about reproductive health in SMPN 5 Bengkulu. It was expected Junior High School 5 in Bengkulu can work together with health centers so that the level of knowledge of adolescent on reproductive health can be bette

    Faktor-Faktor yang Berhubungan dengan Pemilihan Tempat Pertolongan Persalinan pada Ibu Bersalin

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    Labor events are physiological events whose processes can run smoothly and safely if the helper in labor can monitor labor to detect complications early. The purpose of this study was to look at the factors related to the selection of Birth assistance places for labor mothers in Lingkar Timur Public Health Center of Bengkulu City. This study used descriptive correlational using Cross Sectional design. The sample in this study was taken by using purposive sampling technique that is taking as many as 78 samples. Data were tested using the chi-square test. To determine the closeness of the relationship, a contingency coefficient (C) test has been used. There is a relationship between age with the selection of birth assistance places in labor mothers in the Lingkar Timur Public Health Center in Bengkulu City with p=0,000 &lt; 0,05 a close relationship category. There is a relationship of parity with the selection of birth places in delivery mothers in the Lingkar Timur Public Health Center Work Area with p=0,003 &lt; 0,05 medium relationship category. There is an educational relationship with the selection of birth places in delivery mothers in Lingkar Timur Public Health Center with p=0,000 &lt; 0,05 in the category of close relationships. There is a relationship between the complication of labor and the choice of place of delivery assistance for women giving birth in Lingkar Timur Public Health Center of Bengkulu City with p=0,000 &lt; 0,05 a close relationship category. Based on the results of the study recommends the importance of health promotion such as Antenatal care, conducting pregnant mothers class programs, so that pregnant women get information and knowledge about their pregnancy conditions and can choose the right place of delivery according to their pregnancy conditions

    Pelatihan Bantuan Hidup Dasar (BHD) Untuk TNI, Polri, PMI, Timsar, Dan Masyarakat Umum

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    ABSTRAK Penyakit henti jantung mendadak merupakan pembunuh terbesar nomor satu di dunia. Kondisi kegawatdaruratan ini dapat terjadi dimana saja, kapan saja dan sudah menjadi tugas dari petugas kesehatan untuk menangani masalah tersebut. Angka kematian dunia akibat penyakit jantung koroner berkisar 7,4 juta pada tahun 2012. Bantuan Hidup Dasar (BHD) adalah penanganan awal pada pasien yang mengalami henti jantung, henti napas, atau obstruksi jalan napas. Tujuan Pengabdian Masyarakat ini adalah untuk meningkatkan pengetahuan dan keterampilan anggota TNI, POLRI, PMI, TIMSAR, dan Masyarakat Umum dalam melakukan Bantuan Hidup Dasar (BHD) sebagai pertolongan pertama henti jantung. Kegiatan dilakukan berupa pelatihan dengan memberikan materi dan memsimulasikan cara melakukan Bantuan Hidup Dasar (BHD). Terdapat peningkatan pengetahuan dan keterampilan pada anggota TNI, POLRI, PMI, TIMSAR, dan Masyarakat Umum setelah diberikan pelatihan tentang Bantuan Hidup Dasar (BHD). Disimpulkan bahwa pelatihan yang dilakukan pada anggota TNI, POLRI, PMI, TIMSAR, dan Masyarakat Umum dapat meningkatkan pengetahuan dan keterampilan dalam melakukan Bantuan Hidup Dasar (BHD). Kata Kunci: Bantuan Hidup Dasar (BHD), Kegawatdaruratan, Pelatihan  ABSTRACT Cardiac arrest is the number one killer in the world. This emergency condition can occur anywhere, anytime and it is the duty of health workers to deal with these problems. The world death rate due to coronary heart disease was around 7.4 million in 2012. Basic Life Support (BLS) is the initial treatment for patients experiencing cardiac arrest, respiratory arrest, or airway obstruction. The purpose of this Community Service is to improve the knowledge and skills of members of the TNI, POLRI, PMI, TIMSAR, and the general public in performing Basic Life Support (BLS) as first aid for cardiac arrest. Activities carried out in the form of training by providing materials and simulating how to do Basic Life Support (BLS). There was an increase in knowledge and skills among members of the TNI, POLRI, PMI, TIMSAR, and the general public after being given training on Basic Life Support (BLS). It is concluded that the training carried out for members of the TNI, POLRI, PMI, TIMSAR, and the general public can improve knowledge and skills in conducting Basic Life Support (BLS). Keywords: Basic Life Support (BLS), Emergency, Training