32 research outputs found

    The Indigenous Small Peoples of the Russian Arctic: Gender Inequality

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    The article deals with contemporary aspects of gender inequality on the example of indigenous small peoples of the Arctic zone of the Russian Federation, substantiate its main tendencies and develop directions for achieving gender equality in aboriginal society. Historical analysis of the origins of gender inequality among indigenous small peoples was conducted. In the course of the study, such methods as analysis and synthesis were used to generalise gender inequality; a historical method for understanding its origin; statistical methods for determining modern aspects of inequalities; the logical method was used for making conclusions. The natural and economic circumstances of regions of the Russian Arctic in the context of their influence on gender inequality were provided. The traditional social status and the role of women in the Russian Arctic was studied. The novelty of this study lies in the fact that the topic of gender inequality in the Russian Arctic was practically never discussed before. The survey showed that in indigenous people their mentality and their commitment to traditional nature management play an important role, which, according to the opinion of many aboriginal women, need more support at the state and regional levels, development of folk crafts, the creation of jobs and protection of this territory. The methods of achieving gender equality and improving the status of women of small indigenous peoples of the Russian Arctic were suggested. The conclusions stated what steps need to be taken to overcome gender inequality for women, what should be noted first and what is the key to achieving gender equality

    Effectiveness evaluation of implementation of target programs for municipal education: improvement of approaches

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    The paper is devoted to the study of the problem of effective quality evaluation of the implementation of municipal target programs in the regions of the Russian Federation. The evaluation of target programs is a methodologically complex process that requires not only specific knowledge, but also well-formed tools (approaches for effectiveness assessment). The authors revealed that there is no all-purpose approach to assess the effectiveness of municipal target programs in municipalities of the Russian Federation. However, municipalities develop different criteria and scales to evaluate the effectiveness of different programs. It is determined that the assessment is mainly based on two indicators, namely, the social outcome and budget efficiency resulting from the assessment of achievement of the planned targets of indicators. The authors emphasize the importance to interconnect the indicators of target programs’ implementation and strategic industry based plans. The method of integral assessment of program effectiveness is developed to make it possible to evaluate the implementation of programs at each stage to compare the results with the planned ones and to record critical moments that affect the effectiveness of program implementation to use tools to eliminate or minimize the impact of the risk events

    Investigation of the earth roof through the combined method: mechanical way and ground penetrating radar in the Yamalo-Nenets Autonomous Okrug

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    The paper presents the results of the multidisciplinary experimental investigation of the soils in the sporadic permafrost Northern-taiga subzone (Yamalo-Nenets Autonomous Okrug, Western Siberia) based on the combination of the methods of radiophysical GPR investigation and classical methods of soil science. The aim is to develop the methods of objective identification of soils during the decoding of radarograms when monitoring the state of permafrost soil

    COVID-19 and androgenic status: testosterone or dihydrotestosterone have a pivotal role?

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    The aim of our study is analysis of the androgenic status including testosterone (T) and dihydrotestosterone (DHT) in men hospitalized with coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) and them relationship with the course of the disease. This is a monocentric prospective study performed on 125 male patients hospitalized for COVID-19. We conducted hematological examination, blood biochemical profile, hemostasis analysis and hormonal examination (T and DHT levels) lung and chest computed tomography and also assessed outcomes of hospitalization. Low DHT serum level was found only in 18 patients (14.4%). Subjects with low DHT were significantly older compare to subjects with normal DHT. At the same time in patients with normal DHT white blood cells (WBC) count, neutrophils at admission were higher than in patients with low DHT. No correlation was observed between T and DHT serum blood levels. C-reactive protein (CRP) has a weak positive correlation of DHT serum blood concentration (r = 0.22; p = 0.016). The inverse pattern was obtained for T serum blood concentration (r = −0.285; p = 0.001). After divided all males according to T concentrations we conducted next correlation analysis for DHT and CRP in two different groups: with normal T levels and with low T levels. We found that in males with normal T DHT levels are not correlated with CRP (r = 0.095; p = 0.462). However, in males with low T DHT and CRP had weak positive correlation with r = 0.317 (p = 0.012). Higher DHT concentrations are associated with higher CRP levels, however correlation is weak and in patients with normal T is absent, that may indicate anti-inflammatory effect of T and possible proinflammatory effect of DHT

    Multi-criteria thermal evaluation of wall enclosures of high-rise buildings insulated products based on modified fibers

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    In article results of research of versions of offered types of heaters on the basis of products from the modified fibers for designing energy efficient building enclosures residential high-rise buildings are presented. Traditional building materials (reinforced concrete, brick, wood) are not able to provide the required value of thermal resistance in areas with a temperate and harsh Russia climate in a single-layered enclosing structure. It can be achieved in a multi-layered enclosing structure, where the decisive role is played by new insulating materials with high thermal properties. In general, modern design solutions for external walls are based on the use of new effective thermal insulation materials with the use of the latest technology. The relevance of the proposed topic is to research thermoinsulation properties of new mineral heaters. Theoretical researches of offered heaters from mineral wool on slime-colloidal binder, bentocolloid and microdispersed binders are carried out. In addition, theoretical studies were carried out with several types of facade systems. Comprehensive studies were conducted on the resistance to heat transfer, resistance to vapor permeation and air permeability. According to the received data, recommendations on the use of insulation types depending on the number of storeys of buildings are proposed

    Specialiosios paskirties savivaldybių programų įgyvendinimo efektyvumo vertinimas: metodų tobulinimas

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    The paper is devoted to the study of the problem of effective quality evaluation of the implementation of municipal target programs in the regions of the Russian Federation. The evaluation of target programs is a methodologically complex process that requires not only specific knowledge, but also well-formed tools (approaches for effectiveness assessment). The authors revealed that there is no all-purpose approach to assess the effectiveness of municipal target programs in municipalities of the Russian Federation. However, municipalities develop different criteria and scales to evaluate the effectiveness of different programs. It is determined that the assessment is mainly based on two indicators, namely, the social outcome and budget efficiency resulting from the assessment of achievement of the planned targets of indicators. The authors emphasize the importance to interconnect the indicators of target programs’ implementation and strategic industrybased plans. The method of integral assessment of program effectiveness is developed to make it possible to evaluate the implementation of programs at each stage to compare the results with the planned ones and to record critical moments that affect the effectiveness of program implementation to use tools to eliminate or minimize the impact of the risk events.Straipsnyje nagrinėjamas specialios paskirties savivaldybių programų įgyvendinimo efektyvumas Rusijos Federacijos regionuose. Specialiosios paskirties programų vertinimas yra metodiškai sudėtingas procesas, reikalaujantis ne tik specialių žinių, bet ir parengtų priemonių (efektyvumo vertinimo metodikos). Autoriai atskleidė, kad Rusijos Federacijos savivaldybių struktūrose nėra universalių metodų, skirtų specialios paskirties savivaldybių programų efektyvumui vertinti; savivaldybių struktūros kuria įvairius kriterijus ir vertinimo skales, kad įvertintų įvairių programų efektyvumą. Nustatyta, kad vertinimas daugiausia grindžiamas dviem rodikliais - socialiniu poveikiu ir biudžeto efektyvumu, kurių pagrindas – rodiklių planinių tikslinių verčių pasiekimo įvertinimas. Autoriai įrodė būtinybę integruoti specialiosios paskirties programų įgyvendinimo rodiklius su strateginiais sektorių planais. Jie taip pat pasiūlė integruoto programų efektyvumo vertinimo metodus, kurie leidžia įvertinti kiekvieną programų įgyvendinimo etapą, lyginant gautus rezultatus su planuojamais rezultatais; registruoti kritines problemas, turinčias įtakos įgyvendinimo efektyvumui ir taikyti priemones, skirtas rizikos pasekmėms kuo labiau sumažinti