11 research outputs found

    Microfluidic Chemical Cytometry of Peptide Degradation in Single Drug-Treated Acute Myeloid Leukemia Cells

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    Microfluidic systems show great promise for single-cell analysis, but as these technologies mature their utility must be validated by studies of biologically-relevant processes. An important biomedical application of these systems is characterization of tumor cell heterogeneity. In this work, we used a robust microfluidic platform to explore the heterogeneity of enzyme activity in single cells treated with a chemotherapeutic drug. Using chemical cytometry, we measured peptide degradation in the U937 acute myeloid leukemia (AML) cell line in the presence and absence of the aminopeptidase inhibitor Tosedostat (CHR-2797). Analysis of 99 untreated cells revealed rapid and consistent degradation of the peptide reporter within 20 min of loading. Results from drug-treated cells showed inhibited, but on-going degradation of the reporter. Because the device operates at an average sustained throughput of 37 ± 7 cells/h, we were able to sample cells over the course of this time-dependent degradation. In data from 498 individual drug-treated cells, we found a linear dependence of degradation rate on amount of substrate loaded superimposed upon substantial heterogeneity in peptide processing in response to inhibitor treatment. Importantly, these data demonstrated the potential of microfluidic systems to sample biologically-relevant analytes and time-dependent processes in large numbers of single cells

    Dynamics and evolution of β-catenin-dependent Wnt signaling revealed through massively parallel clonogenic screening

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    Wnt/β-catenin signaling is of significant interest due to the roles it plays in regulating development, tissue regeneration and disease. Transcriptional reporters have been widely employed to study Wnt/β-catenin signal transduction in live cells and whole organisms and have been applied to understanding embryonic development, exploring oncogenesis and developing therapeutics. Polyclonal heterogeneity in reporter cell lines has historically been seen as a challenge to be overcome in the development of novel cell lines and reporter-based assays, and monoclonal reporter cell lines are commonly employed to reduce this variability. A375 cell lines infected with a reporter for Wnt/β-catenin signaling were screened over short ( 25) generational timescales. To characterize phenotypic divergence these time-scales, a microfabricated cell array-based screen was developed enabling characterization of 1,119 clonal colonies in parallel. This screen revealed phenotypic divergence after 25 generations. Not only were reporter dynamics observed to diverge widely, but monoclonal cell lines were observed with seemingly opposite signaling phenotypes. Additionally, these observations revealed a generational-dependent trend in Wnt signaling in A375 cells that provide insight into the pathway’s mechanisms of positive feedback and self-inhibition

    Capture and 3D culture of colonic crypts and colonoids in a microarray platform

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    Crypts are the basic structural and functional units of colonic epithelium and can be isolated from the colon and cultured in vitro into multi-cell spheroids termed “colonoids”. Both crypts and colonoids are ideal building blocks for construction of an in vitro tissue model of the colon. Here we proposed and tested a microengineered platform for capture and in vitro 3D culture of colonic crypts and colonoids. An integrated platform was fabricated from polydimethylsiloxane which contained two fluidic layers separated by an array of cylindrical microwells (150-μm diameter, 150-μm depth) with perforated bottoms (30-μm opening, 10-μm depth) termed “microstrainers”. As fluid moved through the array, crypts or colonoids were retained in the microstrainers with a >90% array-filling efficiency. Matrigel as an extracellular matrix was then applied to the microstrainers to generate isolated Matrigel pockets encapsulating the crypts or colonoids. After supplying the essential growth factors, epidermal growth factor, Wnt-3A, R-spondin 2 and noggin, 63±13% of the crypts and 77±8% of the colonoids cultured in the microstrainers over a 48–72 h period formed viable 3D colonoids. Thus colonoid growth on the array was similar to that under standard culture conditions (78±5%). Additionally the colonoids displayed the same morphology and similar numbers of stem and progenitor cells as those under standard culture conditions. Immunofluorescence staining confirmed that the differentiated cell-types of the colon, goblet cells, enteroendocrine cells and absorptive enterocytes, formed on the array. To demonstrating the utility of the array in tracking the colonoid fate, quantitative fluorescence analysis was performed on the arrayed colonoids exposed to reagents such as Wnt-3A and the γ-secretase inhibitor LY-411575. The successful formation of viable, multi-cell type colonic tissue on the microengineered platform represents a first step in the building of a “colon-on-a-chip” with the goal of producing the physiologic structure and organ-level function of the colon for controlled experiments

    Novel metrics reveal new structure and unappreciated heterogeneity in Caenorhabditis elegans development.

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    High throughput experimental approaches are increasingly allowing for the quantitative description of cellular and organismal phenotypes. Distilling these large volumes of complex data into meaningful measures that can drive biological insight remains a central challenge. In the quantitative study of development, for instance, one can resolve phenotypic measures for single cells onto their lineage history, enabling joint consideration of heritable signals and cell fate decisions. Most attempts to analyze this type of data, however, discard much of the information content contained within lineage trees. In this work we introduce a generalized metric, which we term the branch edit distance, that allows us to compare any two embryos based on phenotypic measurements in individual cells. This approach aligns those phenotypic measurements to the underlying lineage tree, providing a flexible and intuitive framework for quantitative comparisons between, for instance, Wild-Type (WT) and mutant developmental programs. We apply this novel metric to data on cell-cycle timing from over 1300 WT and RNAi-treated Caenorhabditis elegans embryos. Our new metric revealed surprising heterogeneity within this data set, including subtle batch effects in WT embryos and dramatic variability in RNAi-induced developmental phenotypes, all of which had been missed in previous analyses. Further investigation of these results suggests a novel, quantitative link between pathways that govern cell fate decisions and pathways that pattern cell cycle timing in the early embryo. Our work demonstrates that the branch edit distance we propose, and similar metrics like it, have the potential to revolutionize our quantitative understanding of organismal phenotype


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    Codebase for computing distances between lineage treesIf you use this software, please cite it as below

    Microfluidic Chemical Cytometry of Peptide Degradation in Single Drug-Treated Acute Myeloid Leukemia Cells

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    Microfluidic systems show great promise for single-cell analysis; however, as these technologies mature, their utility must be validated by studies of biologically relevant processes. An important biomedical application of these systems is characterization of tumor cell heterogeneity. In this work, we used a robust microfluidic platform to explore the heterogeneity of enzyme activity in single cells treated with a chemotherapeutic drug. Using chemical cytometry, we measured peptide degradation in the U937 acute myeloid leukemia (AML) cell line in the presence and absence of the aminopeptidase inhibitor Tosedostat (CHR-2797). The analysis of 99 untreated cells revealed rapid and consistent degradation of the peptide reporter within 20 min of loading. Results from drug-treated cells showed inhibited, but ongoing degradation of the reporter. Because the device operates at an average sustained throughput of 37 ± 7 cells/h, we were able to sample cells over the course of this time-dependent degradation. In data from 498 individual drug-treated cells, we found a linear dependence of degradation rate on amount of substrate loaded superimposed upon substantial heterogeneity in peptide processing in response to inhibitor treatment. Importantly, these data demonstrated the potential of microfluidic systems to sample biologically relevant analytes and time-dependent processes in large numbers of single cells

    Capture and 3D culture of colonic crypts and colonoids in a microarray platform

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    Crypts are the basic structural and functional units of colonic epithelium and can be isolated from the colon and cultured in vitro into multi-cell spheroids termed “colonoids”. Both crypts and colonoids are ideal building blocks for construction of an in vitro tissue model of the colon. Here we proposed and tested a microengineered platform for capture and in vitro 3D culture of colonic crypts and colonoids. An integrated platform was fabricated from polydimethylsiloxane which contained two fluidic layers separated by an array of cylindrical microwells (150-μm diameter, 150-μm depth) with perforated bottoms (30-μm opening, 10-μm depth) termed “microstrainers”. As fluid moved through the array, crypts or colonoids were retained in the microstrainers with a >90% array-filling efficiency. Matrigel as an extracellular matrix was then applied to the microstrainers to generate isolated Matrigel pockets encapsulating the crypts or colonoids. After supplying the essential growth factors, epidermal growth factor, Wnt-3A, R-spondin 2 and noggin, 63±13% of the crypts and 77±8% of the colonoids cultured in the microstrainers over a 48–72 h period formed viable 3D colonoids. Thus colonoid growth on the array was similar to that under standard culture conditions (78±5%). Additionally the colonoids displayed the same morphology and similar numbers of stem and progenitor cells as those under standard culture conditions. Immunofluorescence staining confirmed that the differentiated cell-types of the colon, goblet cells, enteroendocrine cells and absorptive enterocytes, formed on the array. To demonstrating the utility of the array in tracking the colonoid fate, quantitative fluorescence analysis was performed on the arrayed colonoids exposed to reagents such as Wnt-3A and the γ-secretase inhibitor LY-411575. The successful formation of viable, multi-cell type colonic tissue on the microengineered platform represents a first step in the building of a “colon-on-a-chip” with the goal of producing the physiologic structure and organ-level function of the colon for controlled experiments

    Dynamics and evolution of β-catenin-dependent Wnt signaling revealed through massively parallel clonogenic screening

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    Wnt/β-catenin signaling is of significant interest due to the roles it plays in regulating development, tissue regeneration and disease. Transcriptional reporters have been widely employed to study Wnt/β-catenin signal transduction in live cells and whole organisms and have been applied to understanding embryonic development, exploring oncogenesis and developing therapeutics. Polyclonal heterogeneity in reporter cell lines has historically been seen as a challenge to be overcome in the development of novel cell lines and reporter-based assays, and monoclonal reporter cell lines are commonly employed to reduce this variability. A375 cell lines infected with a reporter for Wnt/β-catenin signaling were screened over short (< 6) and long (> 25) generational timescales. To characterize phenotypic divergence these time-scales, a microfabricated cell array-based screen was developed enabling characterization of 1,119 clonal colonies in parallel. This screen revealed phenotypic divergence after <6 generations at a similar scale to that observed in monoclonal cell lines cultured for >25 generations. Not only were reporter dynamics observed to diverge widely, but monoclonal cell lines were observed with seemingly opposite signaling phenotypes. Additionally, these observations revealed a generational-dependent trend in Wnt signaling in A375 cells that provide insight into the pathway’s mechanisms of positive feedback and self-inhibition

    Microfluidic Chemical Cytometry of Peptide Degradation in Single Drug-Treated Acute Myeloid Leukemia Cells

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    Microfluidic systems show great promise for single-cell analysis, but as these technologies mature their utility must be validated by studies of biologically-relevant processes. An important biomedical application of these systems is characterization of tumor cell heterogeneity. In this work, we used a robust microfluidic platform to explore the heterogeneity of enzyme activity in single cells treated with a chemotherapeutic drug. Using chemical cytometry, we measured peptide degradation in the U937 acute myeloid leukemia (AML) cell line in the presence and absence of the aminopeptidase inhibitor Tosedostat (CHR-2797). Analysis of 99 untreated cells revealed rapid and consistent degradation of the peptide reporter within 20 min of loading. Results from drug-treated cells showed inhibited, but on-going degradation of the reporter. Because the device operates at an average sustained throughput of 37 ± 7 cells/h, we were able to sample cells over the course of this time-dependent degradation. In data from 498 individual drug-treated cells, we found a linear dependence of degradation rate on amount of substrate loaded superimposed upon substantial heterogeneity in peptide processing in response to inhibitor treatment. Importantly, these data demonstrated the potential of microfluidic systems to sample biologically-relevant analytes and time-dependent processes in large numbers of single cells