28 research outputs found

    Activin/Nodal signalling in stem cells.

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    Activin/Nodal growth factors control a broad range of biological processes, including early cell fate decisions, organogenesis and adult tissue homeostasis. Here, we provide an overview of the mechanisms by which the Activin/Nodal signalling pathway governs stem cell function in these different stages of development. We describe recent findings that associate Activin/Nodal signalling to pathological conditions, focusing on cancer stem cells in tumorigenesis and its potential as a target for therapies. Moreover, we will discuss future directions and questions that currently remain unanswered on the role of Activin/Nodal signalling in stem cell self-renewal, differentiation and proliferation.S.P. was supported by the EUFP7 grant InnovaLIV and an FEBS long-term fellowship. L.V. was supported by the ERC starting grant Relieve IMDs and the Cambridge Hospitals National Institute for Health Research Biomedical Research Centre.This is the accepted manuscript of a paper published in Development (Pauklin S, Vallier L, Development 2015, 142, 607-619, doi: 10.1242/dev.091769). The final version is available at http://dx.doi.org/10.1242/dev.09176

    Chemically modified neoantigen-based immunotherapy for targeting KRASG12C-driven tumors

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    The clinical efficacy and durability of KRASG12C-targeted therapies are limited by the development of resistance mechanisms. Here, we provide a review of recent KRASG12C-targeted therapy and immunotherapy-unifying strategies that utilize covalently modified peptide/MHC class I complexes as tumor-specific neoantigens to tag drug-resistant cancer cells for destruction with hapten-based immunotherapeutics

    Initiation of stem cell differentiation involves cell cycle-dependent regulation of developmental genes by Cyclin D.

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    Coordination of differentiation and cell cycle progression represents an essential process for embryonic development and adult tissue homeostasis. These mechanisms ultimately determine the quantities of specific cell types that are generated. Despite their importance, the precise molecular interplays between cell cycle machinery and master regulators of cell fate choice remain to be fully uncovered. Here, we demonstrate that cell cycle regulators Cyclin D1-3 control cell fate decisions in human pluripotent stem cells by recruiting transcriptional corepressors and coactivator complexes onto neuroectoderm, mesoderm, and endoderm genes. This activity results in blocking the core transcriptional network necessary for endoderm specification while promoting neuroectoderm factors. The genomic location of Cyclin Ds is determined by their interactions with the transcription factors SP1 and E2Fs, which result in the assembly of cell cycle-controlled transcriptional complexes. These results reveal how the cell cycle orchestrates transcriptional networks and epigenetic modifiers to instruct cell fate decisions.This work was supported by the European Research Council grant Relieve IMDs and the Cambridge Hospitals National Institute for Health Research Biomedical Research Center (L.V.). A.B. was funded by the British Heart Foundation Ph.D. Studentship. S.P. was funded by a Federation of European Biochemical Societies long-term fellowship and a InnovaLiv EuFP7 grant. S.P. and L.V. conceived the research and wrote the manuscript. S.P. and A.B. performed the experiments. P.M. performed bioinformatic analyses.This is the final version of the article. It first appeared from Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory Press via http://dx.doi.org/10.1101/gad.271452.11

    KMT2A associates with PHF5A-PHF14-HMG20A-RAI1 subcomplex in pancreatic cancer stem cells and epigenetically regulates their characteristics

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    Pancreatic cancer (PC), one of the most aggressive and life-threatening human malignancies, is known for its resistance to cytotoxic therapies. This is increasingly ascribed to the subpopulation of undifferentiated cells, known as pancreatic cancer stem cells (PCSCs), which display greater evolutionary fitness than other tumor cells to evade the cytotoxic effects of chemotherapy. PCSCs are crucial for tumor relapse as they possess ‘stem cell-like’ features that are characterized by self-renewal and differentiation. However, the molecular mechanisms that maintain the unique characteristics of PCSCs are poorly understood. Here, we identify the histone methyltransferase KMT2A as a physical binding partner of an RNA polymerase-associated PHF5A-PHF14-HMG20A-RAI1 protein subcomplex and an epigenetic regulator of PCSC properties and functions. Targeting the protein subcomplex in PCSCs with a KMT2A-WDR5 inhibitor attenuates their self-renewal capacity, cell viability, and in vivo tumorigenicity

    Activin/nodal signaling and NANOG orchestrate human embryonic stem cell fate decisions by controlling the H3K4me3 chromatin mark.

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    Stem cells can self-renew and differentiate into multiple cell types. These characteristics are maintained by the combination of specific signaling pathways and transcription factors that cooperate to establish a unique epigenetic state. Despite the broad interest of these mechanisms, the precise molecular controls by which extracellular signals organize epigenetic marks to confer multipotency remain to be uncovered. Here, we use human embryonic stem cells (hESCs) to show that the Activin-SMAD2/3 signaling pathway cooperates with the core pluripotency factor NANOG to recruit the DPY30-COMPASS histone modifiers onto key developmental genes. Functional studies demonstrate the importance of these interactions for correct histone 3 Lys4 trimethylation and also self-renewal and differentiation. Finally, genetic studies in mice show that Dpy30 is also necessary to maintain pluripotency in the pregastrulation embryo, thereby confirming the existence of similar regulations in vivo during early embryonic development. Our results reveal the mechanisms by which extracellular factors coordinate chromatin status and cell fate decisions in hESCs.We thank Andrew Knights for the technical support and helpful discussion, and the Wellcome-Trust Sanger Institute Microarray and Next-Generation Sequencing facilities for the technical support. We also thank the Sanger Institute Mouse Genetics Projects for mouse production and genotyping. This work was supported by the European Research Council starting grant Relieve-IMDs and the Cambridge Hospitals National Institute for Health Research Biomedical Research Centre (L.V.), a British Heart Foundation Ph.D. Studentship (A.B.), a Federation of European Biochemical Societies (FEBS) long-term fellowship and EU Fp7 grant InnovaLIV (S.P.), EU Fp7 grant TissuGEN (S.M.), and Wellcome Trust grant 098051 (D.G.). A.B. conceived the research, performed and analyzed the experiments, and wrote the manuscript. P.M. computationally analyzed ChIP-seq data sets and performed statistical analyses. N.C.H., S.B., and R.A.P. provided technical support. A.G. performed embryo dissections and dysmorphology assessments. I.M. and D.B. performed teratoma assays. D.G. supervised the bioinformatics data analysis. S.P., S.M., and L.V. conceived the research and wrote the manuscript.This is the final published version. It first appeared at http://genesdev.cshlp.org/content/29/7/702.full

    BRD9-SMAD2/3 orchestrates stemness and tumorigenesis in pancreatic ductal adenocarcinoma

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    Background and Aims The dismal prognosis of pancreatic ductal adenocarcinoma (PDAC) is linked to the presence of pancreatic cancer stem-like cells (CSCs) that respond poorly to current chemotherapy regimens. The epigenetic mechanisms regulating CSCs are currently insufficiently understood, which hampers the development of novel strategies for eliminating CSCs. Methods By small molecule compound screening targeting 142 epigenetic enzymes, we identified that bromodomain-containing protein BRD9, a component of the BAF histone remodeling complex, is a key chromatin regulator to orchestrate the stemness of pancreatic CSCs via cooperating with the TGFβ/Activin-SMAD2/3 signaling pathway. Results Inhibition and genetic ablation of BRD9 block the self-renewal, cell cycle entry into G0 phase and invasiveness of CSCs, and improve the sensitivity of CSCs to gemcitabine treatment. In addition, pharmacological inhibition of BRD9 significantly reduced the tumorigenesis in patient-derived xenografts mouse models and eliminated CSCs in tumors from pancreatic cancer patients. Mechanistically, inhibition of BRD9 disrupts enhancer-promoter looping and transcription of stemness genes in CSCs. Conclusions Collectively, the data suggest BRD9 as a novel therapeutic target for PDAC treatment via modulation of CSC stemness

    DNA deaminases: AIDing hormones in immunity and cancer

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    It is well established that hormones can cause cancer, much less known is how they induce this change in our somatic cells. This review highlights the recent finding that estrogen can exert its DNA-damaging potential by directly activating DNA deaminases. This recently discovered class of proteins deaminate cytosine to uracil in DNA, and are essential enzymes in the immune system. The enhanced production of a given DNA deaminase, induced by estrogen, can lead not only to a more active immune response, but also to an increase in mutations and oncogenic translocations. Identifying the direct molecular link between estrogen and a mutation event provides us with new targets for studying and possibly inhibiting the pathological side-effects of estrogen

    Estrogen directly activates AID transcription and function

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    The immunological targets of estrogen at the molecular, humoral, and cellular level have been well documented, as has estrogen's role in establishing a gender bias in autoimmunity and cancer. During a healthy immune response, activation-induced deaminase (AID) deaminates cytosines at immunoglobulin (Ig) loci, initiating somatic hypermutation (SHM) and class switch recombination (CSR). Protein levels of nuclear AID are tightly controlled, as unregulated expression can lead to alterations in the immune response. Furthermore, hyperactivation of AID outside the immune system leads to oncogenesis. Here, we demonstrate that the estrogen–estrogen receptor complex binds to the AID promoter, enhancing AID messenger RNA expression, leading to a direct increase in AID protein production and alterations in SHM and CSR at the Ig locus. Enhanced translocations of the c-myc oncogene showed that the genotoxicity of estrogen via AID production was not limited to the Ig locus. Outside of the immune system (e.g., breast and ovaries), estrogen induced AID expression by >20-fold. The estrogen response was also partially conserved within the DNA deaminase family (APOBEC3B, -3F, and -3G), and could be inhibited by tamoxifen, an estrogen antagonist. We therefore suggest that estrogen-induced autoimmunity and oncogenesis may be derived through AID-dependent DNA instability