82 research outputs found

    Выбор условий получения электролитических порошков цинка для металлнаполненных композиций

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    The paper presents a method of obtaining high-dispersed zinc powders by electrolysis and comparison of the properties of zinc-rich compositions prepared using as a pigment zinc powders obtained by different methods. Measurements have shown that the electrical conductivity of zinc-rich coatings containing electrolytic zinc powder, not inferior to the conductivity of the film with powder PZHD-0 obtained by the method of evaporation-condensation, despite the significant difference in the amount of zinc pigment. On the basis of the received data we can conclude that the use of electrolytic zinc powder as a pigment will significantly save zinc.В работе представлен способ получения высокодисперсных порошков цинка электролизом и сравнение свойств цинкнаполненных композиций, приготовленных с применением в качестве пигмента цинковых порошков, полученных разными методами. Проведенные измерения показали, что удельная электропроводность цинкнаполненных покрытий, содержащих электролитический порошок цинка, не уступает по проводимости пленкам с порошком ПЦВД-0, полученного методом испарения-конденсации, несмотря на существенное различие в количестве цинкового пигмента. На основании полученных данных можно сделать вывод, что использование электролитического порошка цинка в качестве пигмента позволит значительно экономить цинк.This work was supported by RFBR, project number 11-03-00226.Работа выполнена при поддержке РФФИ, проект № 11-03-00226

    Disentangling astroglial physiology with a realistic cell model in silico

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    Electrically non-excitable astroglia take up neurotransmitters, buffer extracellular K+ and generate Ca2+ signals that release molecular regulators of neural circuitry. The underlying machinery remains enigmatic, mainly because the sponge-like astrocyte morphology has been difficult to access experimentally or explore theoretically. Here, we systematically incorporate multi-scale, tri-dimensional astroglial architecture into a realistic multi-compartmental cell model, which we constrain by empirical tests and integrate into the NEURON computational biophysical environment. This approach is implemented as a flexible astrocyte-model builder ASTRO. As a proof-of-concept, we explore an in silico astrocyte to evaluate basic cell physiology features inaccessible experimentally. Our simulations suggest that currents generated by glutamate transporters or K+ channels have negligible distant effects on membrane voltage and that individual astrocytes can successfully handle extracellular K+ hotspots. We show how intracellular Ca2+ buffers affect Ca2+ waves and why the classical Ca2+ sparks-and-puffs mechanism is theoretically compatible with common readouts of astroglial Ca2+ imaging

    A database of microRNA expression patterns in Xenopus laevis

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    MicroRNAs (miRNAs) are short, non-coding RNAs around 22 nucleotides long. They inhibit gene expression either by translational repression or by causing the degradation of the mRNAs they bind to. Many are highly conserved amongst diverse organisms and have restricted spatio-temporal expression patterns during embryonic development where they are thought to be involved in generating accuracy of developmental timing and in supporting cell fate decisions and tissue identity. We determined the expression patterns of 180 miRNAs in Xenopus laevis embryos using LNA oligonucleotides. In addition we carried out small RNA-seq on different stages of early Xenopus development, identified 44 miRNAs belonging to 29 new families and characterized the expression of 5 of these. Our analyses identified miRNA expression in many organs of the developing embryo. In particular a large number were expressed in neural tissue and in the somites. Surprisingly none of the miRNAs we have looked at show expression in the heart. Our results have been made freely available as a resource in both XenMARK and Xenbase

    Prediction of Indicators of Competitiveness of Large-Scale Industrial Complexes

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    This article paper proposes the authors’ methodological toolkit for performing the assessment of corporate competitiveness and forecasting values of competitiveness indicators in industrial complexes. The article is based on the analysis of existing approaches to the problem. The competitiveness assessment of industrial complexes is based on a method that comprehensively considers various aspects of activity of the industrial complex being studied on the basis of comparative analysis of leading competitors in terms of their current competitiveness and competitive potential of an industrial complex. A block structure of indicators of the competitiveness of an industrial complex is formed within the limits of the indicated fields and includes the following blocks of indicators: measures of current competitiveness – operational efficiency and the market position; competitiveness of the main product types; the state and efficiency of the functioning of production facilities; the efficiency of staff and personnel policy; qualities of organization and management; investment and innovative activity, risks connected with the operation of an industrial complex; for the assessment of competitive potential - potential of industrial capacity utilization; market potential; a match between personnel qualifications and the requirements of scientific and technical progress. The structure of the indices of competitiveness, their benchmark (reference) values, approaches to and algorithms of the definition (calculation) of the indicators are developed for each block. The scenario approach serves as the basis for forecasting the indicators of the competitiveness of industrial complexes. The approach draws upon the scenario conditions of the development of the national economy and key markets for products of the industrial complexes under consideration. A step-by-step algorithm for obtaining forecast values of the business indices underlying the definition of competitiveness indicators of an industrial complex is generated. The practical implementation of the proposed methodological tools has been carried out for the purposes of solving the problem of estimating and predicting the values of the competitiveness indicators of the largest Russian power machine building complex formed by the Uralelektrotyazhmash group of enterprises of. The obtained results showed the practical feasibility of the developed methodological tools and the possibility of its use for solving the problems of strategic development of the industrial complex in question.В статье на основе анализа существующих подходов к оценке и прогнозированию конкурентоспособности предприятий и производственных комплексов предложен оригинальный авторский методический инструментарий к проведению такой оценки и прогнозированию показателей конкурентоспособности производственных комплексов. В основу оценки конкурентоспособности производственных комплексов положена методика, комплексно учитывающая различные стороны деятельности исследуемого ПК на основе сравнительного анализа с ведущими конкурентами в разрезе двух крупных направлений: текущей конкурентоспособности и конкурентного потенциала производственного комплекса. В рамках указанных направлений сформирована блочная структура показателей конкурентоспособности производственного комплекса, включающая следующие блоки показателей: для оценки текущей конкурентоспособности – операционной эффективности и положения на рынке, конкурентоспособности основных видов продукции, состояния и эффективности функционирования производственно-технологической базы, эффективность функционирования кадров и кадровой политики, качества организации и управления деятельностью, инвестиционной и инновационной активности, рисков, связанных с деятельностью производственного комплекса; для оценки конкурентного потенциала – потенциала использования производственной мощности, рыночного потенциала, соответствия кадровой квалификации персонала требованиям научно-технического прогресса. По каждому блоку разработаны состав отдельных показателей конкурентоспособности, их базовые (эталонные) значения, подходы и алгоритмы к определению (расчету) показателей. В основу прогнозирования показателей конкурентоспособности производственных комплексов положен сценарный подход, опирающийся на сценарные условия развития экономики страны и ключевых рынков сбыта продукции рассматриваемых производственных комплексов. Сформирован пошаговый алгоритм построения прогноза значений бизнес-показателей, лежащих в основе определения показателей конкурентоспособности производственного комплекса. Выполнена практическая реализация предложенного методического инструментария применительно к решению задачи оценки и прогнозирования показателей конкурентоспособности крупнейшего российского энергомашиностроительного комплекса, образованного группой предприятий «Уралэлектротяжмаш». Полученные результаты показали практическую реализуемость разработанного методического инструментария и возможность его использования для решения задач стратегического развития рассматриваемого производственного комплекса

    Metagenomic profiling of viral and microbial communities from the pox lesions of lumpy skin disease virus and sheeppox virus-infected hosts

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    IntroductionIt has been recognized that capripoxvirus infections have a strong cutaneous tropism with the manifestation of skin lesions in the form of nodules and scabs in the respective hosts, followed by necrosis and sloughing off. Considering that the skin microbiota is a complex community of commensal bacteria, fungi and viruses that are influenced by infections leading to pathological states, there is no evidence on how the skin microbiome is affected during capripoxvirus pathogenesis.MethodsIn this study, shotgun metagenomic sequencing was used to investigate the microbiome in pox lesions from hosts infected with lumpy skin disease virus and sheep pox virus.ResultsThe analysis revealed a high degree of variability in bacterial community structures across affected skin samples, indicating the importance of specific commensal microorganisms colonizing individual hosts. The most common and abundant bacteria found in scab samples were Fusobacterium necrophorum, Streptococcus dysgalactiae, Helcococcus ovis and Trueperella pyogenes, irrespective of host. Bacterial reads belonging to the genera Moraxella, Mannheimia, Corynebacterium, Staphylococcus and Micrococcus were identified.DiscussionThis study is the first to investigate capripox virus-associated changes in the skin microbiome using whole-genome metagenomic profiling. The findings will provide a basis for further investigation into capripoxvirus pathogenesis. In addition, this study highlights the challenge of selecting an optimal bioinformatics approach for the analysis of metagenomic data in clinical and veterinary practice. For example, direct classification of reads using a kmer-based algorithm resulted in a significant number of systematic false positives, which may be attributed to the peculiarities of the algorithm and database selection. On the contrary, the process of de novo assembly requires a large number of target reads from the symbiotic microbial community. In this work, the obtained sequencing data were processed by three different approaches, including direct classification of reads based on k-mers, mapping of reads to a marker gene database, and de novo assembly and binning of metagenomic contigs. The advantages and disadvantages of these techniques and their practicality in veterinary settings are discussed in relation to the results obtained

    Angiotensin II Requires Zinc and Downregulation of the Zinc Transporters ZnT3 and ZnT10 to Induce Senescence of Vascular Smooth Muscle Cells

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    Senescence, a hallmark of mammalian aging, is associated with the onset and progression of cardiovascular disease. Angiotensin II (Ang II) signaling and zinc homeostasis dysfunction are increased with age and are linked to cardiovascular disease, but the relationship among these processes has not been investigated. We used a model of cellular senescence induced by Ang II in vascular smooth muscle cells (VSMCs) to explore the role of zinc in vascular dysfunction. We found that Ang II-induced senescence is a zinc-dependent pathway mediated by the downregulation of the zinc transporters ZnT3 and ZnT10, which work to reduce cytosolic zinc. Zinc mimics Ang II by increasing reactive oxygen species (ROS), activating NADPH oxidase activity and Akt, and by downregulating ZnT3 and ZnT10 and inducing senescence. Zinc increases Ang II-induced senescence, while the zinc chelator TPEN, as well as overexpression of ZnT3 or ZnT10, decreases ROS and prevents senescence. Using HEK293 cells, we found that ZnT10 localizes in recycling endosomes and transports zinc into vesicles to prevent zinc toxicity. Zinc and ZnT3/ZnT10 downregulation induces senescence by decreasing the expression of catalase. Consistently, ZnT3 and ZnT10 downregulation by siRNA increases ROS while downregulation of catalase by siRNA induces senescence. Zinc, siZnT3 and siZnT10 downregulate catalase by a post-transcriptional mechanism mediated by decreased phosphorylation of ERK1/2. These data demonstrate that zinc homeostasis dysfunction by decreased expression of ZnT3 or ZnT10 promotes senescence and that Ang II-induced senescence is a zinc and ROS-dependent process. Our studies suggest that zinc might also affect other ROS-dependent processes induced by Ang II, such as hypertrophy and migration of smooth muscle cells


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    Mitochondria import hundreds of different precursor proteins from the cytosol, and only 13 proteins are encoded by mtDNA itself. Recent investigations demonstrated real size of mitochondrial proteome and complexity of their functions There are many methods using for mitochondrial proteome profiling, that help to understand a molecular mechanisms of mitochondrial functions and identify the causes of disruptions that lead to different disorders. In this review we discuss a recent data in the field of mitochondrial proteomics.Собственная ДНК митохондрий кодирует лишь 13 полипептидов – субъединиц электронтранспортной цепи. Большинство же белков импортируются в митохондрии посредством различных механизмов. Последние исследования митохондриального протеома продемонстрировали истинные размеры и сложную функциональную организацию митохондриальных белковых профилей. Для протеомного профилирования митохондрий применяются различные технологии, которые в сумме представляют результаты, помогающие понять молекулярные механизмы функционирования органелл и выявить нарушения, приводящие к различным заболеваниям. В данном обзоре рассмотрены и проанализированны последние данные в области протеомики митохондрий и затронуты некоторые аспекты молекулярного патогенеза заболеваний дыхательной цепи

    Role of paper kunsthistorisches prototyping architecture legendary city of gardens and urban parks in shaping the image of old industrial settlements the urals

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    В работе показана значимость художественно-исторического макетирования для изучения истории старопромышленных территорий Урала. Показано значение макетирования как инструмента индустриальной археологии, музейного дела, его роль в реконструкции прежнего облика Уральских городов.The paper shows the importance of art-historical maketirovnaiya for izuchneiya stories of old industrial areas of the Urals. Displaying znachneie maetrirovaniya as an instrument of industrial archeology, museology, its role in the reconstruction of the former appearance of the Ural citie