71 research outputs found

    Preliminarna studija o vertikalnim migracijama dinoflagelata u dinamičnom obalnom moru (Tršćanski zaljev, sjeverni Jadran)

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    The purpose of this preliminary study was to define the vertical migration pattern in the dinoflagellate community in the shallow coastal sea. Migrations were followed in an area of mussel farming, through two 24-hour samplings, first during mixed and second during stratified water column conditions. Despite variable physical environment we were able to follow vertical migrations of some autotrophic dinoflagellate species in the period of stratified water column. The results also suggest that Heterocapsa sp. may preserve its vertical migration pattern also under mixed conditions. Migrations were observed also for Dinophysis sacculus that can cause DSP problems in the area.Svrha ove preliminarne studije je definirati obrasce vertikalnih migracija zajednice dinoflagelata u plitkom obalnom moru. Migracije su praćene na području uzgoja dagnji, kroz dva 24-satna uzorkovanja, prvo za vrijeme pomiješanih i drugo za vrijeme stratificiranih uvjeta vodenog stupca. Unatoč promjenjivom fizičkom okolišu bili smo u mogućnosti slijediti vertikalne migracije nekih autotrofnih vrsta dinoflagelata u razdoblju stratificiranog vodenog stupca. Rezultati također sugeriraju da Heterocapsa sp. može očuvati obrazac svoje vertikalne migracije čak i u pomiješanim uvjetima. Migracije su promatrane i za vrstu Dinophysis sacculus koja može uzrokovati dijaretičko trovanje školjkama (DSP) na tom području

    Additional record of the non-indigenous copepod Pseudodiaptomus marinus (Sato, 1913) in the Adriatic Sea

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    The Indo-Pacific egg-carrying copepod Pseudodiaptomus marinus Sato, 1913 was recorded for the first time in the Port of Koper, Slovenia (Gulf of Trieste) in February 2015. This is the fourth finding of this species in the Mediterranean Sea, and the third for the Adriatic Sea. A rather high abundance of 73 ind. m-3 was recorded, which is considerably higher than previous findings in the Adriatic. Maritime transport is presumed to be the main cause of its introduction, primarily through ballast water release. Repeat sampling in May confirmed the presence of this copepod, indicating the possibility that the species has established a stable population in the Port of Koper

    Dodatni nalaz alohtone vrste veslonošca Pseudodiaptomus marinus (Sato, 1913) u Jadranskom moru

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    The Indo-Pacific egg-carrying copepod Pseudodiaptomus marinus Sato, 1913 was recorded for the first time in the Port of Koper, Slovenia (Gulf of Trieste) in February 2015. This is the fourth finding of this species in the Mediterranean Sea, and the third for the Adriatic Sea. A rather high abundance of 73 ind. m-3 was recorded, which is considerably higher than previous findings in the Adriatic. Maritime transport is presumed to be the main cause of its introduction, primarily through ballast water release. Repeat sampling in May confirmed the presence of this copepod, indicating the possibility that the species has established a stable population in the Port of Koper.Indo-pacifička vrsta veslonošca Pseudodiaptomus marinus je po prvi put zabilježena u veljači 2015. godine u luci Kopar, Slovenija. Ovo je četvrti nalaz ove vrste u Sredozemnom moru, od kojih su tri u Jadranskom moru. Utvrđene su visoke vrijednosti od 73 ind. m-3, znatno više od prije zabilježenih za Jadran. Smatramo da je morski transport glavni uzrok unosa ovog veslonošca, prvenstveno putem balastnih voda. Ponovljenim uzorkovanjem u svibnju na istoj postaju potvrđeno je njegova stalna prisutnost što ukazuje na mogućnost uspostavljanja stabilne populacije u luci Kopa

    Evaluation of the rbcL marker for metabarcoding of marine diatoms and inference of population structure of selected genera

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    Diatoms are one of the most important phytoplankton groups in the world’s oceans. There are responsible for up to 40% of the photosynthetic activity in the Ocean, and they play an important role in the silicon and carbon cycles by decoupling carbon from atmospheric interactions through sinking and export. These processes are strongly influenced by the taxonomic composition of diatom assemblages. Traditionally, these have been assessed using microscopy, which in some cases is not reliable or reproducible. Next-generation sequencing enabled us to study diversity in a high-throughput manner and uncover new distribution patterns and diversity. However, phylogenetic markers used for this purpose, such as various 18S rDNA regions, are often insufficient because they cannot distinguish between some taxa. In this work, we demonstrate the performance of the chloroplast-encoded rbcL marker for metabarcoding marine diatoms compared to microscopy and 18S-V9 metabarcoding using a series of monthly samples from the Gulf of Trieste (GoT), northern Adriatic Sea. We demonstrate that rbcL is able to detect more taxa compared to 18S-V9 metabarcoding or microscopy, while the overall structure of the diatom assemblage was comparable to the other two methods with some variations, that were taxon dependent. In total, 6 new genera and 22 new diatom species for the study region were identified. We were able to spot misidentification of genera obtained with microscopy such as Pseudo-nitzschia galaxiae, which was mistaken for Cylindrotheca closterium, as well as genera that were completely overlooked, such as Minidiscus and several genera from the Cymatosiraceae family. Furthermore, on the example of two well-studied genera in the region, namely Chaetoceros and particularly Pseudo-nitzschia, we show how the rbcL method can be used to infer even deeper phylogenetic and ecologically significant differences at the species population level. Despite a very thorough community analysis obtained by rbcL the incompleteness of reference databases was still evident, and we shed light on possible improvements. Our work has further implications for studies dealing with taxa distribution and population structure, as well as carbon and silica flux models and networks

    Large-scale testing of phytoplankton diversity indices for environmental assessment in Mediterranean sub-regions (Adriatic, Ionian and Aegean Seas)

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    Abstract According to the methodological standards established by Marine Strategy Framework Directive, the assessment for the pelagic habitat under the Biodiversity Descriptor should be carried out at the regional or sub-regional level. In the case of Mediterranean Sea, the sub-regional assessment seems optimal to take into account biogeographic differences in species composition and functional characteristics. Previous research has shown that phytoplankton diversity indicators are efficient for reliable environmental assessments, although more effort has been recommended to test these indicators on a wide spatial scale to cover wider gradients of natural and anthropogenic pressures. In this work, a set of eight diversity indices was tested against the pressure levels within a common data set of the structure and abundance of phytoplankton communities from the Adriatic, Ionian and Aegean Seas. Expert knowledge was used to define four categories of impacts that take into account partial pressures, such as point and non-point pollution, industry, ports and fisheries. At the level of the common data set, most of the diversity, evenness and dominance indices could only distinguish between the highest level of impact and the rest of impact categories. These indices maintained the distinction between two levels of subsequently dichotomised impacts (no to low impact vs. high impact) across latitudinal and longitudinal gradients. On average, the indices were less sensitive to impacts in the northernmost and westernmost areas than in the southernmost and easternmost areas, although they still showed a significant response. The results also suggest that phytoplankton communities become more uniform and less dominated by a single taxon as sampling depth increases at sites with low impact, while evenness and dominance at impacted sites remain similar at all depths. In order to establish meaningful definitions of good environmental status and targets for pelagic habitats in the Mediterranean Sea, it is necessary to establish spatially specific thresholds by additional examination of indices of good performance

    Marine Strategy Framework Directive - Descriptor 2, Non-Indigenous Species, Delivering solid recommendations for setting threshold values for non-indigenous species pressure on European seas

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    Marine Non-Indigenous Species (NIS) are animals and plants introduced accidently or deliberately into the European seas, originating from other seas of the globe. About 800 marine non-indigenous species (NIS) currently occur in the European Union national marine waters, several of which have negative impacts on marine ecosystem services and biodiversity. Under the Marine Strategy Framework Directive (MSFD) Descriptor 2 (D2), EU Member States (MSs) need to consider NIS in their marine management strategies. The Descriptor D2 includes one primary criterion (D2C1: new NIS introductions), and two secondary criteria (D2C2 and D2C3). The D2 implementation is characterized by a number of issues and uncertainties which can be applicable to the Descriptor level (e.g. geographical unit of assessment, assessment period, phytoplanktonic, parasitic, oligohaline NIS, etc.), to the primary criterion D2C1 level (e.g. threshold values, cryptogenic, questionable species, etc), and to the secondary criteria D2C2 and D2C3. The current report tackles these issues and provides practical recommendations aiming at a smoother and more efficient implementation of D2 and its criteria at EU level. They constitute a solid operational output which can result in more comparable D2 assessments among MSs and MSFD regions/subregions. When it comes to the policy-side, the current report calls for a number of different categories of NIS to be reported in D2 assessments, pointing the need for the species to be labelled/categorised appropriately in the MSFD reporting by the MSs. These suggestions are proposed to be communicated to the MSFD Working Group of Good Environmental Status (GES) and subsequently to the Marine Strategy Coordination Group (MSCG) of MSFD. Moreover, they can serve as an input for revising the Art. 8 Guidelines