13 research outputs found

    Las administraciones públicas y el desarrollo de las políticas sociales en la Unión Europea: La crisis y los cuatro Modelos de Estado de Bienestar en Europa

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    La crisis vivida en Europa ha dado lugar a un amplio debate sobre la continuidad del Estado de Bienestar y de la Unión Europea, despertando un gran interés en la sociedad, el cual ha crecido de una forma exponencial en los últimos años, como consecuencia del incremento de la movilidad laboral y la reducción de las políticas sociales en determinados países. Sin embargo, esta necesidad no se ha visto satisfecha, debido a la disgregación de la información y a la falta de objetividad por parte de determinados medios de comunicación. El presente documento de trabajo permite identificar las principales características de cada uno de los modelos de Estado de Bienestar establecidos en Europa, llevando a cabo un análisis cualitativo. Con ello se pretende conseguir un doble reto: clarificar los rasgos más característicos de los diferentes Estados de Bienestar e identificar los principales retos a los que se debe enfrentar cada modelo tanto a corto como a largo plazo, concluyendo dicho estudio con una pequeña reflexión sobre las dificultades a las que se debe de enfrentar Europa, a medio y corto plazo, para poder desarrollar una política económica y social eficiente

    Valoración de la eficacia percibida de la dinamica grupal “¿qué-tal?” Para el autocuidado y aprendizaje mutuo en un equipo asistencial

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    The team of psychologists in Hematology Service of La Paz University Hospital, has incorporated a weekly dynamic, as a tool of self-care and mutual learning. The purpose is to share the assessment of the week in the personal and professional areas, in a formal and systematic proceeding. We call it “What’s-up?” Objective: To present the perceived effectiveness of the dynamic by those who participated in it during the last 6 years. Method: Retrospective study with a single measure in the form of semi-structured online questionnaire, developed ad-hoc. The final sample consists of 41 participants. Results: High efficiency is perceived by these professionals of this dynamic , with an average of 8 over 10 (DS=0.62). The most robust correlations turned out to be the emotional management, mutual support, group belonging and aid in the personal sphere, all of them (p<0,01). Conclusions: The greatest perceived benefits were related to the emotional level and the group relationship, followed by learning professional skills. The implementation of self-care preventive programs for professionals in contact with intense experience of suffering is considered to be beneficial.El equipo de psicólogos del Servicio de Hematología del Hospital Universitario La Paz, viene realizando una dinámica semanal, como herramienta de autocuidado y aprendizaje mutuo. La finalidad es compartir la valoración de la semana en el ámbito personal y profesional, de manera formal y sistemática. A esta dinámica grupal de enfoque interdisciplinar la denominamos “¿Qué-tal?”. Objetivo: presentar la eficacia percibida de la dinámica por parte de los participantes de los últimos 6 años. Método: estudio retrospectivo con una única medida en forma de cuestionario on-line semiestructurado, elaborado ad hoc. La muestra final consta de 41 participantes. Resultados: Se evidencia la alta eficacia percibida de esta herramienta con una media de 8 sobre 10 (DT=0,62). Las correlaciones más robustas resultaron ser la gestión emocional, apoyo mutuo, pertenencia grupal y la ayuda en el ámbito personal, (p< 0,01). Conclusiones: Los mayores beneficios percibidos se refieren al ámbito emocional y a la relación grupal, seguidos del aprendizaje de habilidades profesionales. Se considera beneficiosa la implantación de programas preventivos de autocuidado para profesionales en contacto con intensa experiencia de sufrimient

    Caracterización de nanopartículas de plata en muestras medioambientales por cromatografía hidrodinámica

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    El aumento de la comercialización de productos con nanopartículas de plata supone la necesidad de realizar estudios sobre dichas nanopartículas (NPs), para poder evaluar su impacto en el medio ambiente. En este trabajo se ha utilizado la técnica EAM-UV-vis para la caracterización de AgNPs de distintos tamaños (10, 20, 40 y 60 nm) y de AgNPs en muestras comerciales. La técnica EAA-llama se utiliza para la determinación del contenido total de plata en muestras comerciales; y mediante cromatografía hidrodinámica con detección UV-vis se realiza la separación de las AgNPs de distinto diámetro optimizando distintas fases móviles teniendo en cuenta parámetros cromatográficos, parámetros analíticos y recuperaciones

    Locomotive Crash Energy Management Vehicle-to-Vehicle Tests 1 & 2: Analyses and Test Results

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    6913G618F500083Crash energy management (CEM) components which can be integrated into the end structure of a locomotive were developed: a push-back coupler and a deformable anti-climber. These components are designed to inhibit override and improve crashworthiness for equipped locomotives in a wide range of collisions. A full-scale dynamic impact test program has been designed to evaluate the CEM system. Two sets of coupling tests validated finite element models. Two CEM locomotive vehicle-to-vehicle collision tests and a train-to-train collision test are planned. This report describes the analyses and test results of both the first and second vehicle-to-vehicle impact tests

    Conservació de l’endemisme vegetal de la serra d’Irta (Castelló) Limonium irtaense

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    L’ensopeguera d’Irta (Limonium irtaense Ferrer et al.), és un endemisme vegetal exclusiu de la serra d’Irta (el Baix Maestrat, NE de Castelló, Espanya), descobert per a la ciència al 2011 i descrit al 2015. En aquell moment es van comptabilitzar només 19 exemplars, que fan tota la població mundial de l’ensopeguera. Atesa la minsa població i molt escassa distribució espacial de la planta, és de notable interès analitzar l’evolució de les seues poblacions. També és important conèixer l’efecte del temporal Glòria (gener 2020), donat el fort risc d’extinció d’aquesta espècie. Entre 2013 i 2020 s’han censat entre un mínim de 10 exemplars (en 2020) i un màxim de 21 (en 2016). La Glòria ha afectat greument el nombre total de peus, reduint una de les dues poblacions a només 1 exemplar. Per tal de reduir el risc d’extinció, des de 2012 s’han plantat 279 exemplars en 3 àrees pròximes, i s’han constatat els primers reclutaments de nous exemplars. L’avaluació d’aquest treball confirma la classificació de l’espècie a la categoria CR (Críticament amenaçada) de la classificació de la UICN (Unió Internacional per a la Conservació de la Natura), i reforça la necessitat de mantenir la propagació ex situ i les translocacions de conservació.Irta’s sea lavender (Limonium irtaense Ferrer et al.) is an endemic plant species exclusive to Serra d’Irta (el Baix Maestrat, NE Castelló, Spain). It was first discovered in 2011 and subsequently described in 2015. At that time, only 19 specimens were counted, making up the entire world population of this sea lavender. Given the small population and very little spatial distribution of this plant, it is of great interest to analyze the evolution of its populations. It is also important to know the effect of the storm Gloria (January 2020), given the high risk of extinction of this species. Between 2013 and 2020, a minimum of 10 exemplars (in 2020) and a maximum of 21 (in 2016) were counted. Gloria has severely affected the total number of specimens, reducing one of the two populations to just 1 specimen. In order to reduce the risk of extinction, since 2012, 279 specimens have been planted in 3 nearby areas, and the first recruitments of new specimens have been already recorded. The evaluation of this work confirms the classification of the species in the CR (Critically Endangered) category of the IUCN (International Union for Conservation of Nature) classification, and reinforces the need to maintain ex situ propagation. and conservation translocations tasks

    The mechanics of strain-induced crystallization in poly(ethylene terephthalate)

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    Thesis (S.M.)--Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Dept. of Mechanical Engineering, 1998.Includes bibliographical references (p. 279-282).Poly( ethylene terephthalate) (PET) is a thermoplastic polymer found in numerous com­mercial applications. PET exhibits the capability of undergoing strain-induced crystalliza­tion during processing, the result of which is increased stiffness and hardness as well as better dimensional stability. An experimental study of the strain rate, strain state, and tem­perature dependencies of the stress-strain behavior of PET under large strain deformation was conducted over a wide range of strain rates (-0.005/s - 02.0/s) and temperatures (25 ° C - 105 ° C) and in both uniaxial and plane strain compression. The increase in crys­tallinity content with varying strain rate and temperature and for the two different states of strain that developed as a result of these deformation conditions was investigated using Differential Scanning Calorimetry (DSC). The nature and evolution of the crystallo­graphic texture was studied using Wide Angle X-ray Diffraction (WAXD) measurements. The results of the mechanical tests, DSC and WAXD measurements indicated that strain­induced crystallization does not occur in uniaxial compression at temperatures below the glass transition, however, a shift in the cold crystallization exotherm was observed. Alter­natively, in plane strain compression at these temperatures for the fastest strain rates, DSC measurements indicated an increase in crystallinity. At temperatures near the glass transi­tion in uniaxial compression, DSC measurements indicated an increase in crystallinity, whereas WAXD measurements indicated only molecular orientation. In plane strain com­pression, however, both DSC and WAXD measurements indicated an increase in crystal­linity. At temperatures above the glass transition temperature, both DSC and WAXD indicated an increase in crystallinity in both uniaxial and plane strain compression. It was found that the percent crystallinity increased with increasing strain rate and decreasing temperature and that the crystallographic texture that develops is dependent on the state of strain. A constitutive model that predicts the strain rate, strain state and temperature dependence of PET was developed that captures these dependencies very well.by Patricia G. Llana.S.M

    The Energy Impact of Faults in U.S. Commercial Buildings

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    ABSTRACT In support of the Federal Railroad Administration's (FRA) Railroad Equipment Safety Program, a full-scale dynamic test of a collision post of a state-of-the-art (SOA) end frame was conducted on April 16, 2008. The purpose of the test was to evaluate the dynamic method for demonstrating energy absorption and graceful deformation of a collision post. The post aims to protect the operators and passengers in the event of a collision where only the superstructure, not the underframe, is loaded. Methods for improving the performance of collision and corner posts were prompted by accidents such as the fatal collision in Portage, Indiana in 1998, where a coil of steel sheet metal penetrated the cab car through the collision post. The improvements made for the SOA end frame structure include more substantial corner and collision posts, robust post connections to the buffer beam and anti-telescoping (AT) beam, and corner and collision posts integrated with a shelf and bulkhead sheet. Full length side sills improved support for the end frame. This test focused on one collision post because of its critical position in protecting the operator and passengers in an impact with an object at a grade-crossing. For the test, a 14,000-lb cart impacted a standing cab car at a speed of 18.7 mph. The cart had a rigid coil shape mounted on the leading end that concentrated the impact load on the collision post. The requirements for protecting the operator's space state that there will be no more than 10 inches of longitudinal crush and none of the attachments of any of the structural members separate. During the test, the collision post deformed approximately 7.4 inches and absorbed approximately 138,000 ft-lb of energy. The attachment between the post and the AT beam remained intact. The connection between the post and the buffer beam did not completely separate, however the forward flange and both side webs fractured. The post itself did not completely fail. There was material failure in the back and the sides of the post at the impact location. Overall, the end frame was successful in absorbing energy and preserving space for the operators and the passengers. INTRODUCTION As a result of consideration of both a notice of proposed rulemaking (NPRM) for improved cab car multiple unit (MU) locomotive equipment and the accepted industry standard, a series of tests were planned to demonstrate examples of conducting such tests to shows equivalence between testing protocols. Three test scenarios are taken from the FRA's proposed rule [1]. This paper covers the dynamic test of a collision post. There are two quasi-static tests also being planned. The quasi-statics tests are on the collision post and the corner post. Both the proposed rule and the industry standard improve crashworthiness performance due to increased static load requirements, as well as minimum energy absorption and maximum allowable intrusion into the cab. By encouraging improved energy absorption capabilities for the end frames, the rule aims to improve survivability for operators and passengers at higher collision speeds

    The unevenness of the north Iberian crustal root, a snapshot of an elusive stage in margin reactivation

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    5 pages, 3 figures, supplemental material https://doi.org/10.1130/G49341.1Crustal roots are identified in collision chains worldwide. Frequently mirroring the summits of mountain systems, they elegantly encapsulate the concept of isostasy. The rugged topography of northern Iberia results from convergence with the European plate during the Alpine orogeny that formed the Pyrenean-Cantabrian mountain range. From east to west, the range comprises three distinct parts: the Pyrenees, the Basque Cantabrian region, and the Cantabrian Mountains. The identification of the Pyrenean root in the 1980s and the observation of a similar geometry beneath the Cantabrian range in the 1990s gave place to the current view of crustal thickening as a continuous feature, resulting from the northward subduction of Iberian crust. Recent developments in rift architecture have delivered a complex rifting template for the area prior to convergence, and contrasting views based on two-dimensional restorations have led to a debate over its evolution. A crucial geophysical constraint is Moho topography. Using two different data sets and techniques, we present the most accurate Moho surface to date, evidencing abrupt changes throughout the orogen. The complexity of hyperextended margins underlies the current Moho topography, and this is ultimately transferred to the nonuniform orogenic pattern found in northern IberiaWe thank projects GRUPIN14–044 and GRUPIN18–000184 for support. P. Cadenas holds a postdoctoral fellowship within the GEOMARGEN-5 project funded by Repsol (Madrid, Spain). J. Acevedo is a “Severo Ochoa” Ph.D. fellow funded by the Asturias governmentWith the institutional support of the ‘Severo Ochoa Centre of Excellence’ accreditation (CEX2019-000928-S)Peer reviewe