61 research outputs found

    L’ús de les mètriques alternatives com a mesura de l’impacte de la investigació: Altmetric i PlumX

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    Mètriques alternatives; Impacte bibliomètric; Xarxes socials; Academic Search Engine Optimization (ASEO)Alternative metrics; Bibliometric impact; Social networks; Academic Search Engine Optimization (ASEO)Métricas alternativas; Impacto bibliométrico; Redes sociales; Academic Search Engine Optimization (ASEO)Introducció: Avui en dia existeixen diferents eines complementàries que poden mesurar l’impacte de la producció científica d’un investigador i per tant de la seva institució. Les més conegudes són Altmetric i PlumX que ens ofereixen informació sobre on s’ha compartit la informació de la investigació (xarxes socials, web o afegit al gestor bibliogràfic) i qui ho ha fet (tweets, posts de Facebook i notícies a webs). Materials i mètode: S’analitza quina informació es mostra a Altmetric i a PlumX, quines són les dades que necessiten per poder analitzar una compartició i com afecta a la investigació ser publicada a revistes que no són incloses a Pubmed o no tenen un DOI (Digital Object Indentifier). Resultats: Altmetric i Plumx són dues eines que ens ajuden a veure quin és l’impacte immediat d’una investigació. Encara que mesuren dades similars, com qui ha compartit a Twitter i Facebook, detecten de forma diferent la informació dels articles dels quals s’ha fet una notícia a un web, un diari online o un bloc. A més, Altmetric dóna un número; això fa que sigui més “mesurable” que el que ens dóna PlumX, que es basa en la mida dels pètals de la flor amb la qual es representa. Conclusions: Encara que les mètriques tradicionals tenen un pes molt important a l’hora d’analitzar l’impacte d’una publicació, podem completar aquesta informació amb les mètriques alternatives. Saber qui ha compartit la investigació, si s’ha fet una notícia sobre el tema o si s’ha guardat la referència a un gestor bibliogràfic ens donarà una imatge més ampla d’aquest impacte a curt i mig termini

    The Virtual Health Sciences Library of the Balearic Islands: A regional project for libraries cooperation.

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    Virtual Health Sciences Library of the Balearic Islands (Bibliosalut) is a regional project carried out in collaboration with the Regional Ministry of Health and Consumer Protection and the Health Service of the Balearic Islands (Ib-salut), through the Balearic Islands Biomedical Documentation Service. The Virtual Library Mission is to facilitate the most important scientific information to the public health professionals of the Balearic Islands, by using the new information and communication technologies, in order to contribute to the improvement of medical care quality, teaching, research and health managemen

    Evaluation of free metasearch engines specialized in health sciences

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    Although new information retrieval systems (search engines, metasearch engines, databases, etc.) continually appear, the daily work of information professionals leaves little time to evaluate them. As a result, on numerous occasions a system is used, and even recommended, without knowledge of its functions and the adequacy of its search algorithm. An analysis was conducted to better understand the specifics of the search engines specialized in health sciences freely accessible via the internet, to assess for quality and determine which ones offer the best results

    Thematic web portals for different user profiles in a virtual health science library: Bibliosalut's experience

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    Normally users of a virtual health library have different professional profiles (physicians, nurses, pharmacists...) and/or they are from different specialties (Primary Health Care, Internal Medicine, Oncology...). This poster shows the experience of the Virtual Health Sciences Library of the Balearic Islands (Bibliosalut) of creating thematic web portals, which aims is to improve the experience of our users to browse and query to information resources and services of the virtual library and to increase its use. Different information resources that Bibliosalut offers were selected for each thematic web portals, according to the interest and frequency of use that they may have for users of professional profiles. From the backend of the Bibliosalut Content Management System (Joomla), the necessary modules were created to present the selected information in various thematic web portals: featured resources, e-journals and e-books of each specialty that are available in the virtual library, journals of each specialty with impact factor ISI, clinical practice guidelines, useful links, etc., as well as featured information of library services, such as training courses from the Users Training Service of Bibliosalut aimed at specific groups. Nowadays, we are working to offer more thematic web portals of others specialties to Bibliosalut users and in the future we are going to evaluate their satisfaction about the usefulness of creating these thematic web portals. The result is a bilingual website (Catalan and Spanish), which consists of a main home page (www.bibliosalut.com) with a sort of thematic home pages, and customized URLs depending on the specialty or the professional profile of the users of the virtual library (e.g. Bibliosalut for Primary Health Care professionals: www.bibliosalut.com/ap). In addition, it includes several sections with information resources (data bases, e-journals, e-books, and the like) available for each specialty in Bibliosalut. We believe that the presentation of information in a virtual health library, highlighting the most useful resources and the most used by professionals who have a specific profile or a specific specialty, will help the usability of the web, it will improve the experience of our users to browse and it will increase/promote the use of information resources and services of Bibliosalut

    The Virtual Health Sciences Library of the Balearic Islands: A regional project for libraries cooperation.

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    Virtual Health Sciences Library of the Balearic Islands (Bibliosalut) is a regional project carried out in collaboration with the Regional Ministry of Health and Consumer Protection and the Health Service of the Balearic Islands (Ib-salut), through the Balearic Islands Biomedical Documentation Service. The Virtual Library Mission is to facilitate the most important scientific information to the public health professionals of the Balearic Islands, by using the new information and communication technologies, in order to contribute to the improvement of medical care quality, teaching, research and health managemen

    The use of Sci‐Hub in systematic reviews of the scholarly literature. Letter to the editor

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    Systematic reviews and Sci-Hub use. Letter to the editor. The final version has been published in the journal Clin Implant Dent Relat Res. doi:10.1111/cid.1281

    Redes sociales como vehículo de transmisión de conocimiento: Telegram y la formación en metodología científica

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    Introduction : In October 2018 Telegram channel "Investiga, que algo queda" was created. This poster evaluates the use of this messaging application to disseminate research-related information. Material and Methods : An online questionnaire was conducted using Google's forms tool and subscribers were invited to complete it during the week of 4-11 January 2019. Results : From 449 channel subscribers, 78 responded to the survey and 77 questionnaires (17.14%) (associated confidence interval ±10.18 with 95% confidence level) were finally incorporated into the study. No significant differences in gender distribution were observed. Grouped by age interval 59.8% of the participants were older than 36 years (P0.05 in all cases). Conclusions : Social networks are a fundamental platform to facilitate communication, interaction and connections between professionals. In this context, the Telegram channel "Investiga, que algo queda" awakens a similar interest between health and non-healthcare professionals, with Twitter being the main way of disseminating it. We believe that nowadays social networks can act as a fundamental tool for training in research

    Redes sociales como vehículo de transmisión de conocimiento: Telegram y la formación en metodología científica

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    Introduction : In October 2018 Telegram channel "Investiga, que algo queda" was created. This poster evaluates the use of this messaging application to disseminate research-related information. Material and Methods : An online questionnaire was conducted using Google's forms tool and subscribers were invited to complete it during the week of 4-11 January 2019. Results : From 449 channel subscribers, 78 responded to the survey and 77 questionnaires (17.14%) (associated confidence interval ±10.18 with 95% confidence level) were finally incorporated into the study. No significant differences in gender distribution were observed. Grouped by age interval 59.8% of the participants were older than 36 years (P0.05 in all cases). Conclusions : Social networks are a fundamental platform to facilitate communication, interaction and connections between professionals. In this context, the Telegram channel "Investiga, que algo queda" awakens a similar interest between health and non-healthcare professionals, with Twitter being the main way of disseminating it. We believe that nowadays social networks can act as a fundamental tool for training in research

    Creación del servicio de obtención de documentos centralizado de la Biblioteca Virtual de Ciencias de la Salud de las Islas Baleares.

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    Introduction: In this document we describe the creation, functioning and evaluation of the Centralized Supply Document Service of the Health Sciences Library of the Balearic Islands. Objectives: After the setting up of the Virtual Health Sciences Library of the Balearic Islands the idea of a Centralized Supply Document Service was proposed with the objective of facilitating those articles not available to users. In this way we democratized document access, because at that time not all system users had this service. Methods: We established a plan whereby the centres would gradually become involved in the tasks of the new service. Also the different political agreement for document supply between the system libraries and the procedures were carried out with the help of a technician. The tool selected to manage this services was GTBib-SOD. In April 2008 a trial service was launched, and from July 2008 the service has been working to its peak potential. Results: More than 7,500 petitions have been managed (5,200 obtaining and 2,300 supplies)during the first working year of the Centralized Supply Document Service. Conclusions: The centralization of the Supply Document Service has democratized access to documents for all the health professionals of our regional community. During the first year there has been a great response to this service, which has led to an increment in the visibility of the Virtual Library

    Creación del servicio de obtención de documentos centralizado de la Biblioteca Virtual de Ciencias de la Salud de las Islas Baleares.

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    Introduction: In this document we describe the creation, functioning and evaluation of the Centralized Supply Document Service of the Health Sciences Library of the Balearic Islands. Objectives: After the setting up of the Virtual Health Sciences Library of the Balearic Islands the idea of a Centralized Supply Document Service was proposed with the objective of facilitating those articles not available to users. In this way we democratized document access, because at that time not all system users had this service. Methods: We established a plan whereby the centres would gradually become involved in the tasks of the new service. Also the different political agreement for document supply between the system libraries and the procedures were carried out with the help of a technician. The tool selected to manage this services was GTBib-SOD. In April 2008 a trial service was launched, and from July 2008 the service has been working to its peak potential. Results: More than 7,500 petitions have been managed (5,200 obtaining and 2,300 supplies)during the first working year of the Centralized Supply Document Service. Conclusions: The centralization of the Supply Document Service has democratized access to documents for all the health professionals of our regional community. During the first year there has been a great response to this service, which has led to an increment in the visibility of the Virtual Library