445 research outputs found

    Tras la crisis de la Cultura Kodak: un análisis de la funcionalidad de la fotografía personal en la web 2.0

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    Connectivity and social interaction that emerged with on line platforms for sharing photographs have altered completely the functionality of images, while appears a series of phenomena such as the excess of images, the amateurization of the photographic practices and the technological mediation of memory.La conectividad y la interacción social surgidas con las plataformas on line para compartir fotografías han alterado por completo la funcionalidad de las imágenes con la deriva hacia una serie de fenómenos como el exceso de imágenes, la amateurización de la prácticas fotográficas y la mediación tecnológica de la memoria

    Experiencias del tiempo: rastros y rostros

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    En un conocido escrito de 1967 sobre el minimal art, el crítico norteamericano Michael Fried lamentaba la inadecuada intromisión del tiempo mundano en la estructura formal de las artes visuales y su degenerado efecto teatral. Atinaba hacia otro objetivo. Si algo importa en las producciones que han incorporado el tiempo como condición de posibilidad artística no es el hecho de poner en juego otra formalización, sino más bien otra actuación del arte. No se trata de cómo hacer arte sino de qué hacer a través del arte. Si hay un sentido para lo temporal en el arte, este estaría en su disposición performativa: en su capacidad de convertirse en acciones y transformar la realidad

    A new look at the conditions for the synthesis of speed-independent circuits

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    This paper presents a set of sufficient conditions for the gate-level synthesis of speed-independent circuits when constrained to a given class of gate library. Existing synthesis methodologies are restricted to architectures that use simple AND-gates, and do not exploit the advantages offered by the existence of complex gates. The use of complex gates increases the speed and reduces the area of the circuits. These improvements are achieved because of (1) the elimination of the distributivity, signal persistency and unique minimal state requirements imposed by other techniques; (2) the reduction in the number of internal signals necessary to guarantee the synthesis; and finally (3) the utilization of optimization techniques to reduce the fan-in of the involved gates and the number of required memory elements.Peer ReviewedPostprint (published version

    Hierarchical gate-level verification of speed-independent circuits

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    This paper presents a method for the verification of speed-independent circuits. The main contribution is the reduction of the circuit to a set of complex gates that makes the verification time complexity depend only on the number of state signals (C elements, RS flip-flops) of the circuit. Despite the reduction to complex gates, verification is kept exact. The specification of the environment only requires to describe the transitions of the input/output signals of the circuit and is allowed to express choice and non-determinism. Experimental results obtained from circuits with more than 500 gates show that the computational cost can be drastically reduced when using hierarchical verification.Peer ReviewedPostprint (published version

    After the Kodak Culture crisis: an analysis of the functionality of the personal photography in the web 2.0.

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    La conectividad y la interacción social surgidas con las plataformas on line para compartir fotografías han alterado por completo la funcionalidad de las imágenes con la deriva hacia una serie de fenómenos como el exceso de imágenes, la amateurización de la prácticas fotográficas y la mediación tecnológica de la memoria.Connectivity and social interaction that emerged with on line platforms for sharing photographs have altered completely the functionality of images, while appears a series of phenomena such as the excess of images, the amateurization of the photographic practices and the technological mediation of memory

    Design of a nurse calling system with real time indoor location capabilities

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    The main driver of this project has been to design a prove of concept of a device that allows live voice communication between patients and medical staff and the capability to locate in real time patients in an enclosed environment. The author of this project had an initial constraint it was supplied by the project director supplied for this project a DWM1001-DEV Module Development Board which provides accurate positioning thanks to its wireless Real Time Location System. After a study of the problem, a selection of components, both hardware and software were selected. The sound system is composed of a I2S Microphone SPH0645 for real time audio capturing, an I2S Amplifier Breakout board MAX98357A and a generic 8ohms speaker. The patient interface component is a button used to trigger communication. For the development of the software the Espressif IoT Development Framework was used, it provides APIs for the user to program the ESP32. The ESP-IDF was installed on VSCode IDE. For debugging the system, we used a J-Link PRO with the Eclipse IDE. The ESP32 communicates with a python-based server using a Wi-Fi network, the communication is based on the UDP protocol. The result is a prototype that showcase that a final product based on this system is feasible, it presents great autonomy and excellent real time communication features. Further lines of work are described, and the presented system is flexible enough to integrate them

    Time and narrativity in photography: from paradox to expanded field

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    El análisis de las relaciones entre tiempo y narratividad en la fotografía toma como punto de partida la paradoja entre instantánea y posado, tal como ha sido planteada por Thierry de Duve. De modo correlativo las nociones de estasis y narratividad se relacionan con los términos de la paradoja a partir del tiempo fenomenológico de la experiencia perceptiva y de las cualidades estéticas inherentes a la imagen fotográfica. Sin embargo, el paradigma formalista en el que se enmarca dicho análisis restringe las posibilidades narrativas de la fotografía. Los debates posmodernos en torno a la fotografía que tuvieron lugar en las dos últimas décadas del siglo XX enfocaron una nueva perspectiva para la comprensión narrativa del la imagen sobre la base de la intermedialidad. En este contexto, el concepto de campo expandido de la fotografía se propone como clave conceptual que incorpora, a los anteriores procesos de hibridación medial, las relaciones de la fotografía con el cine así como el impacto de lo digital sobre lo fotográfico para dar cabida a una comprensión cinemática de la fotografía.The analysis of the relationship between time and narrativity in photography takes as point of departure the photographic paradox between snapshot and time exposure, as it has been raised by Thierry de Duve. Notions of stasis and narrativity are related to the terms of the paradox from the phenomenological time of perceptual experience and the aesthetic qualities inherent in the photographic image. However, the formalist paradigm that is part of this analysis restricts the narrative possibilities of photography. Postmodern debates around photography that took place in the last two dacadas of the 20th century focused a new perspective for understanding narrative of the image based on the intermediality. In this context, the concept of expanded field of photography is proposed as a conceptual key that incorporates previous medial hybridization processes, relations of photography with film as well as the impact of digital on the photographic to accommodate a cinematic photography understanding

    Hacia fuera, hacia dentro: aproximación a la imagen de Alicante y su provincia a través de la fotografía, 1975-2015

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    Para entender qué tipo de imagen se ha creado de Alicante y su provincia en los últimos cuarenta años y cómo esta imagen se ha ido fraguando a largo de este tiempo, partiremos de tres perspectivas básicas que se corresponden con diferentes usos, públicos y privados, de la fotografía como medio de representación y construcción de la realidad. En este sentido, plantearemos en primer lugar la imagen promocional de Alicante proyectada hacia el exterior, dirigida al fomento del turismo; a continuación, haremos referencia a la imagen documental y, en particular, a la reflejada en los medios de comunicación alicantinos; por último, y de forma breve, abordaremos las fotografías realizadas por aquellos -pocos- visitantes que venidos de fuera han acabado por quedarse entre nosotros. Tres visiones distintas pero complementarias que permitirán aproximarnos a la complejidad de la imagen de una provincia tan diversa como la alicantina

    A new technique based on mini-UAS for estimating water and bottom radiance contributions in optically shallow waters

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    The mapping of nearshore bathymetry based on spaceborne radiometers is commonly used for QC ocean colour products in littoral waters. However, the accuracy of these estimates is relatively poor with respect to those derived from Lidar systems due in part to the large uncertainties of bottom depth retrievals caused by changes on bottom reflectivity. Here, we present a method based on mini unmanned aerial vehicles (UAS) images for discriminating bottom-reflected and water radiance components by taking advantage of shadows created by different structures sitting on the bottom boundary. Aerial surveys were done with a drone Draganfly X4P during October 1 2013 in optically shallow waters of the Saint Lawrence Estuary, and during low tide. Colour images with a spatial resolution of 3 mm were obtained with an Olympus EPM-1 camera at 10 m height. Preliminary results showed an increase of the relative difference between bright and dark pixels (dP) toward the red wavelengths of the camera's receiver. This is suggesting that dP values can be potentially used as a quantitative proxy of bottom reflectivity after removing artefacts related to Fresnel reflection and bottom adjacency effects.Peer ReviewedPostprint (published version

    Efficient encoding schemes for symbolic analysis of Petri nets

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    Petri nets are a graph-based formalism appropriate to model concurrent systems such as asynchronous circuits or network protocols. Symbolic techniques based on Binary Decision Diagrams (BDDs) have emerged as one of the strategies to overcome the state explosion problem in the analysis of systems modeled by Petri nets. The existing techniques for state encoding use a variable-per-place strategy that leads to encoding schemes with very low density. This drawback has been partially mitigated by using Zero-Suppressed BDDs, that provide a typical reduction of BDD sizes by a factor of two. This work presents novel encoding schemes for Petri nets. By using algebraic techniques to analyze the topology of the net, sets of placesPeer ReviewedPostprint (published version