45 research outputs found

    The role of playing in the socio-cognitive development of children from 3 to 5 years of age: an observational study

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    INTRODUCCIÓN: Jugar es esencial para el desarrollo de funciones psicológicas superiores; de hecho, los juegos pueden servir para mostrar, desarrollar y mejorar la exploración del medio ambiente, la representación y manipulación de objetos, así como fomentar las primeras interacciones sociales. El propósito de este estudio es mostrar que jugar constituye un paso esencial en el desarrollo socio-cognitivo del niño describiendo el tiempo de juego como indicador de la superación gradual, paso a paso, del pensamiento centrado en sí mismo, con el fin de adquirir nuevas estrategias de adaptación social. MÉTODO: La actividad de investigación incluyó a 64 niños, de escuelas infantiles en la ciudad de Turín (edad media: 4.3). Herramientas: El trabajo de investigación se basó en la observación directa y de las grabaciones de vídeo de juego espontáneo entre niños en la escuela. Se aplicaron dos sistemas de codificación (Escala de Observación de Juego, integrada por un patrón de codificación ideado por los autores). Estos dos métodos hicieron posible analizar las variaciones en cuanto a las actividades de la ideación, la exploración, la socialización y la imitación. RESULTADO DISCUSIÓN Y CONCLUSIONES: Los resultados preliminares parecen confirmar que jugar proporciona un marco dentro del cual es posible articular y expresar los progresos de un niño, en términos de desarrollo social y de habilidades cognitivas. El nivel de madurez individual afecta, por un lado, a las características de la interacción social y a los patrones de pensamiento por el otro. El ajuste mutuo del desarrollo de estos dos procesos se muestra también en el cambio gradual de la forma en que se negocian los conflictos: la superación del pensamiento egocéntrico, por lo tanto, también se expresa en un gradual cambio de perspectiva en relación con el niño.INTRODUCTION: Playing is essential for the development of higher psychological functions; indeed games may serve to show, develop and improve the exploration of the environment, the manipulation and representation of objects, as well as fostering the first social interactions. The purpose of this study is to show that playing constitutes an essential step in the socio-cognitive development of children by describing playtime as the indicator of the gradual, step-by-step overcoming of self-centred thinking, with a view to acquiring new social adjustment strategies. METHOD: Participants The research activity included 64 children, from nursery schools in the city of Turin (average age: 4.3). Tools: The research work was based on the direct and video-recorded observation of spontaneous playing among children at school. Two coding systems were applied (Play Observation Scale, integrated by a coding pattern devised by the authors). These two methods made it possible to analyse the variations as regards ideation, exploration, socialising and imitation activities. RESULT DISCUSSION AND CONCLUSIONS: The preliminary results seem to confirm that playing provides a framework within which it is possible to articulate and express the progress made by a child, in terms of both social development and cognitive skills. The individual maturity level affects, on the one side, the social-interaction features and the thought patterns on the other. The mutual adjustment of the development of these two processes is also shown in the stepwise changing of the way in which conflicts are negotiated: the overcoming of self-centred thinking, therefore, is also expressed by a gradual change in perspective as regards the individual child.peerReviewe

    Attention deficit and hyperactivity in the classroom: assessing children’s perception through their drawings

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    Para los niños en general, y en particular para los alumnos que tienen dificultades para gestionar su nivel de atención y comportamiento, el aula puede llegar a ser un medio "inadecuado" (Cos et al., 2006). Este estudio incluyó a 124 estudiantes del primer, segundo y tercer año en algunas escuelas primarias en Piamonte. Los participantes fueron divididos en dos grupos: un grupo experimental (EG), que consta de sesenta niños que, de acuerdo con los profesores prevalentes, mostraron déficits de atención y comportamiento hiperactivo, y un grupo control (GC). Con el fin de evaluar el comportamiento y la calidad de las relaciones que caracterizan la vida en el aula de los dos grupos involucrados, se utilizaron diversos instrumentos (STRS, SDQ, Jugar con Clase, Test Atribución). Este documento se basa específicamente en los resultados de la administración de la prueba gráfica "Clase de dibujo" (Quaglia y Saglione, 1990). Este método, aunque en línea con otras herramientas utilizadas para confirmar los datos de la bibliografía pertinente, además de destacar la calidad de la relación profesor-alumno, considera las dificultades del niño que sufre de este "desorden" en referencia a distintas áreas del comportamiento, en particular, a la de la socialización y la afectividad.For children in general, and in particular for pupils who find it difficult to manage their attention level and behaviour, the classroom may prove to be an “unsuited” environment (Kos et al., 2006). This study involved 124 students from the first, second and third year in some primary schools in Piedmont. The participants were divided into two groups: one experimental group (EG), consisting of sixty children who, according to prevalent teachers, showed attention deficits and hyperactive behaviour, and one control group (CG). In order to assess the behaviour and quality of relationships characterising the life in the classroom of the two groups involved, various instruments were used (STRS, SDQ, Class Play, Attribution Test). This paper is based specifically on results from the administration of the graphic test “Class Drawing” (Quaglia & Saglione, 1990). This method, although in line with other tools used for confirming data from the relevant literature, apart from highlighting the quality of the teacherpupil relationship, considers the difficulties of the child suffering from such a “disorder” with reference and affectivity.Per il bambino che presenta difficoltà a prestare attenzione e a controllare il proprio comportamento, l’aula si rivela spesso un ambiente “disadatto” (Kos et al., 2006). Il presente studio coinvolge 124 studenti frequentanti il primo, il secondo e il terzo grado di alcune scuole primarie piemontesi. I soggetti sono suddivisi in due gruppi: un gruppo sperimentale (GS), composto da 60 bambini che, secondo gli insegnanti prevalenti, presentano difficoltà di attenzione e comportamenti iperattivi, e un gruppo di controllo (GC). Al fine di rilevare il comportamento e la qualità delle relazioni caratterizzanti la vita in classe dei due gruppi partecipanti, sono stati utilizzati differenti test (STRS, SDQ, Class Play, Prova di attribuzione). In questo articolo si riportano, nello specifico, i risultati emersi attraverso la somministrazione del test grafico “Il disegno della classe” (Quaglia, Saglione, 1990). Tale strumento, in linea con gli altri test nel confermare i dati della relativa letteratura, oltre a evidenziare la qualità del rapporto insegnante-allievo, considera le difficoltà del bambino con tale “disturbo” con riferimento a specifiche aree del comportamento: in particolare l’area della socializzazione e dell’affettività.peerReviewe

    Emotional development in late childhood: interaction between socio-relational and self-regulation factors in pupils of primary school

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    Los datos disponibles demuestran la correlación entre la capacidad de controlar y evaluar los resultados del comportamiento y la posibilidad (Saarni, 1999, 2004; Thompson, 1988) de co-regulación en situaciones de interacción social. El objetivo de este estudio es analizar cómo la autorregulación puede mediar factores variables de carácter socio-relacionales en niños de edad escolar, con referencia a la forma en que se evaluará la amistad íntima y los lazos de amistad. El estudio involucró a 94 participantes (49 masculinos y 45 femeninos); grupo de edad rango: 8.03 - 11.00 años; promedio: 8,9; sd: 0.7. El objetivo era estudiar la correlación entre variables de autorregulación, con referencia a la escuela, comportamiento, y socio-relación de variables, con respecto a la calidad atribuida a los lazos de amistad y de amistad íntima. El análisis de la situación socio-relacional se realizó utilizando los componentes multi-dimensionales autoevaluación FQS (Bukowski &Amp; al., 1994) e IFS (Sharabany, 1994); la autorregulación de componentes comportamentales fueron evaluados usando la lista de verificación de la observación "aspectos sociales y la autorregulación de actitudes" de la batería de prueba Q1 (VATA de Beni R., et al., 2005). Los resultados obtenidos muestran correlaciones significativas (p < .05; p < .01) entre los componentes específicos subyacentes a la autorregulación en el comportamiento escolar y las dimensiones específicas de la amistad íntima.Available data show the correlation between the ability to control and assess the outcomes of one’s behaviour and the possibility (Saarni, 1999, 2004; Thompson, 1988) of co-regulating it in social interaction situations. The aim of this study is to analyse how self-regulation factors can mediate variables of a socio-relational nature in school-age children, with reference to the way in which they assess friendship and intimate friendship bonds. The study involved 94 participants (49 male, 45 female); age group range: 8.03 – 11.00 years; average: 8.9; sd: 0.7. The aim was to examine the correlation between self-regulation variables, with reference to school behaviour, and socio-relation-al variables, with respect to the quality attributed to friendship bonds and to intimate friendship. The analysis of socio-relational components was conducted using the multi-dimensional self-assessment FQS (Bukowski & al., 1994) and IFS (Sharabany, 1994); the self-regulation behavioural components were assessed using the observation check-list “Social aspects and self-regulation attitudes” from the test battery Q1 VATA (De Beni R., et al., 2005). The results obtained show significant correlations (p < .05; p < .01) between specific components underlying self-regulation in school behaviour and specific dimensions of the intimate friendship bond.E’ un dato acquisito la correlazione esistente tra la capacità di controllare e valutare gli esiti del proprio comportamento e la possibilità di co-regolarlo in situazioni di interazione sociale (Saarni, 1999, 2004; Thompson, 1988). Finalità del presente studio è analizzare come i fattori di tipo autoregolativo medino variabili di ordine socio-relazionale in bambini di età scolare, con riferimento alla valutazione dei personali legami di amicizia e di amicizia intima. La ricerca coinvolge 94 partecipanti (49 maschi, 45 femmine); range età anagrafica: 8,03 - 11,00; media: 8,9; ds: 0,7. Lo scopo è verificare le correlazioni esistenti tra variabili di ordine autoregolativo, riferite al comportamento scolastico, e variabili di ordine socio-relazionale, relative alla qualità attribuita al legame amicale e al légame di amicizia intima L’analisi delle componenti socio-relazionali è stata condotta con l’applicazione delle scale di autovalutazione multidimensionale FQS (Bukowski & al., 1994) e IFS (Sharabany, 1994); per la valutazione delle componenti autoregolative è stata applicata la griglia di osservazione “Aspetti sociali ed atteggiamenti autoregolativi” tratta dalla batteria di test Q1 VATA (De Beni R., et al., 2005). I risultati ottenuti evidenziano correlazioni significative (p < .05; p < .01) tra specifiche componenti autoregolative e particolari dimensioni del legame di amicizia intima.peerReviewe

    From Their Point of View: Identifying Socio-Behavioral Profiles of Primary School Pupils Based on Peer Group Perception

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    Our study adopted a person-based approach with the aim to identify socio-behavioral profiles of primary school students based on peer group perception. The study involved 109 classes and their teachers, from the first three grades of elementary school. The final student sample consisted of 424 children, aged 6–9 years (M = 94.9 months; SD = 9.7), of whom 58.3% were male. We used peer-group nomination to investigate the aspects that are linked to peer group acceptance and perception of classroom behaviors, with reference to academic and relational criteria. We identified and defined six clusters. We validated these clusters by taking into consideration the children’s academic performances and the teacher’s perceptions of their relationship with the single students. The identified clusters were related to both of these aspects, and they show predictive value when referring to children’s behaviors as evaluated by their teachers. Implications for theory and educational policies are discussed

    A study on the relationship between teachers and students with special needs

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    The impact of the teacher-student relationship on the child’s development proves to be particularly important in the first years of scholarization. Such impact is even higher in students with atypical development. Despite the clear relevance of the teacher-student relationship, researches have rarely encompassed subjects with special education requirements. The objective of this project, therefore, is to focus on the characteristics perceived by the teacher in the relationship with students with different educational needs. In particular, we describe the results achieved with different groups of children with special education needs, i.e. autism spectrum disorders (14) and Down’s syndrome (18), learning disorders (38) and attention-deficit and hyperactivity disorders (72). To measure the teacher’s perception of the quality of the relation with the pupil we have used the Italian version of the Student-Teacher Relationship Scale (STRS; Pianta, 2001) as developed by Fraire and colleagues (2013). The social bonds with children with difficulties differ for at least one relational aspect from those with children from the Control Group, the sole exception being children with Down’s syndrome. The Closeness dimension is hampered only in the case of the bonds with children affected by an autism spectrum disorder. On the contrary, relationships with children affected by frequent distraction and hyperactivism-related disorders are characterized by a higher level of Conflict and Dependency. Both dimensions increase in presence of high levels of pupil distraction, whereas only Conflict is at stake in presence of hyperactivity. As to children with learning disorders, only a difference in the Dependency dimension has been registered. These children, in fact, are seen by the teacher as being less autonomous than their classmates and thus requiring more frequent support and assistance

    A study on the relationship between teachers and students with special needs

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    The impact of the teacher-student relationship on the child’s development proves to be particularly important in the first years of scholarization. Such impact is even higher in students with atypical development. Despite the clear relevance of the teacher-student relationship, researches have rarely encompassed subjects with special education requirements. The objective of this project, therefore, is to focus on the characteristics perceived by the teacher in the relationship with students with different educational needs. In particular, we describe the results achieved with different groups of children with special education needs, i.e. autism spectrum disorders (14) and Down’s syndrome (18), learning disorders (38) and attention-deficit and hyperactivity disorders (72). To measure the teacher’s perception of the quality of the relation with the pupil we have used the Italian version of the Student-Teacher Relationship Scale (STRS; Pianta, 2001) as developed by Fraire and colleagues (2013). The social bonds with children with difficulties differ for at least one relational aspect from those with children from the Control Group, the sole exception being children with Down’s syndrome. The Closeness dimension is hampered only in the case of the bonds with children affected by an autism spectrum disorder. On the contrary, relationships with children affected by frequent distraction and hyperactivism-related disorders are characterized by a higher level of Conflict and Dependency. Both dimensions increase in presence of high levels of pupil distraction, whereas only Conflict is at stake in presence of hyperactivity. As to children with learning disorders, only a difference in the Dependency dimension has been registered. These children, in fact, are seen by the teacher as being less autonomous than their classmates and thus requiring more frequent support and assistance

    The child’s affective relationships in the family and in class: Graphic representations compared

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    In sequence, family and school are the first fundamental settings in which the child’s affective, emotional, social and cognitive growth takes place. Two images of the child are formed, separately, in these two groups, the “filial” image and the “scholastic” image, which inevitably merge together, seeking a conformation, in the personality of the child (cf. Liverta Sempio, Marchetti, 1995). This investigation aims to evaluate and compare the affective relationships experienced by the child in the family and in the class, as observable from the child’s drawings. The study involved 105 primary school students (60 males, 45 females) in Piemonte, of whom 65 were in the first cycle (first and second grades) and 40 in the second cycle (fourth and fifth grades), analyzing a total of 210 drawings. Drawings of the family and the class were produced and analyzed as suggested by Tambelli, Zavattini, Mossi (1995) and by Quaglia and Saglione (1990) respectively. It was found that there are graphic differences according to the subjects’ gender and age group. Comparison between the findings that emerged from the Family Drawing and those from the Class Drawing pointed to common aspects and specific features of the depicted settings

    Evaluación de la relación alumno-docente en los primeros años de escolarización: el punto de vista del niño a través del método gráfico

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    Una amplia literatura subraya la importancia de la relación entre profesor y alumno como factor que influye en los aspectos actitudinales, cognitivos y conductuales de la adaptación escolar, especialmente durante los primeros años escolares. El presente estudio pretende evaluar la percepción del docente sobre la calidad de la relación con el alumno (utilizando la Escala de Relación Alumno-Profesor, Pianta, 1994) y, en particular, considerar la percepción que el alumno tiene de la relación con el docente, a través del ensayo gráfico el Dibujo de la Clase (Quaglia, Saglione, 1990). Con apoyo de las descripciones de los niños, se analizaron dos elementos del dibujo: La representación del docente y el aula. Los trabajos de los alumnos de primaria también fueron evaluados a través de las cuatro dimensiones de la calidad relacional, según el sistema ideado por Bombi y Pinto (2001) para las representaciones del niño con el docente. Los resultados, recogidos sobre una muestra de 333 relaciones entre profesores y alumnos (con edades comprendidas entre los 5 y los 8 años), destacaron asociaciones significativas entre las representaciones de los niños, las valoraciones de calidad relacional informadas por los profesores y los resultados escolares obtenidos del niño. Los análisis realizados ofrecen, por tanto, una primera demostración de la adaptabilidad del Classroom Design como herramienta para evaluar la calidad de las primeras relaciones que se establecen entre el niño y el profesor.A growing literature points to the importance of children’s relationship with their teachers as a factor influencing attitudinal, cognitive and behavioral aspects of school adjustment, particularly during the early years of school. The present study sought to assess teacher’s perspectives on the relationship quality (derived from the Student-Teacher Relationship Scale, Pianta, 1994) and more particularly, takes account of the child’s perspective on this relationship, using a representational method, the Classroom Drawing (Quaglia, Saglione, 1990). Drawings, supported by the child’s descriptions, were rated on two elements: Teacher’s and schoolroom’s representation. In the Primary School children’s drawings were rated on four dimensions of relationship quality, according to the system reported by Bombi and Pinto (2001) for child-teacher drawings. Results, based on a sample of 333 child-teacher relationships (children age 5-8), showed significant associations between children’s drawings with teacher-rated relationship quality and academic outcomes. This investigation about the Classroom Drawing provides initial evidence of its suitability as an assessment tool for early child-teacher relationship quality.Un’ampia letteratura sottolinea l’importanza della relazione tra insegnante e allievo come fattore influente gli aspetti attitudinali, cognitivi e comportamentali dell’adattamento scolastico, soprattutto durante i primi anni scolastici. Il presente studio vorrebbe valutare la percezione dell’insegnante circa la qualità della relazionale con l’allievo (mediante la Student-Teacher Relationship Scale, Pianta, 1994) e, in particolare, considerare la percezione che l’alunno ha del rapporto con il docente, attraverso il test grafico il Disegno della Classe (Quaglia, Saglione, 1990). Con il supporto delle descrizioni dei bambini, sono stati analizzati due elementi del disegno: la rappresentazione dell’insegnante e dell’aula. Gli elaborati degli alunni della scuola Primaria sono stati valutati anche attraverso le quattro dimensioni della qualità relazionale, secondo il sistema ideato da Bombi e Pinto (2001) per le raffigurazioni del bambino con l’insegnante. I risultati, raccolti su un campione di 333 relazioni tra insegnanti e alunni (con un’età tra i 5 e gli 8 anni), hanno evidenziato associazioni significative tra le rappresentazioni dei bambini, le valutazioni della qualità relazionale riportate dai docenti e i risultati scolastici ottenuti dal bambino. Le analisi condotte offrono quindi una prima dimostrazione dell’adattabilità del Disegno della Classe quale strumento di valutazione della qualità delle prime relazioni instaurate tra bambino ed insegnante.peerReviewe