80 research outputs found
Intercomparisons tests for surface waters and biological material
Appendix 14/15 of the publication "State of the environment in the Norwegian, Finnish and Russian border area 2007" (The Finnish Environment 6/2007)
Neuromuscular training and the risk of leg injuries in female floorball players: cluster randomised controlled study
Objective To investigate whether a neuromuscular training programme is effective in preventing non-contact leg injuries in female floorball players
Teknillisen korkeakoulun painetut ja elektroniset julkaisut : ohjeita julkaisujen laatijoille
Ohjeet on tarkoitettu Teknillisen korkeakoulun omia julkaisuja laativille. Niissä on huomioitu sekä painetut julkaisut että tällä hetkellä yleisimmät elektronisen julkaisemisen muodot (PDF, HTML). Tärkeimmät elektronisia julkaisuja koskevat asiat on koottu myös erilliseksi liitteeksi. Ohjeet koskevat erityisesti sarjajulkaisuja ja tieteellisiä julkaisuja, mutta niitä voidaan soveltaa myös muuntyyppisiin julkaisuihin. Oppaan tavoitteena on yhdessä graafisen ohjeiston kanssa yhtenäistää korkeakoulun julkaisukäytäntöjä ja parantaa omien julkaisujen tunnistettavuutta ja löytyvyyttä paitsi laitoksilta ja kirjastoista myös erilaisista tietojärjestelmistä ja Internetistä.
Julkaisussa annetaan ohjeita standarditunnusten (ISBN, ISSN) ja muiden tunnusten hankkimisesta, sarjan nimeämisestä, raporttitunnuksista, tiivistelmäsivun, tekijänoikeusmerkinnän, lähdeluettelon ja -viittausten laatimisesta sekä sivunumeroinnista. Verkkojulkaisemisen Dublin Core -kuvailutiedoista on lyhyt yhteenveto. Julkaisuohjeet sisältävät lisäksi yleisiä tietoja korkeakoulun omasta julkaisutoiminnasta, painattamisesta, arkistoinnista ja julkaisujen luetteloimisesta tietokantoihin. Julkaisijoita opastetaan kirjastolle kokoelmia ja arkistointia varten lähetettävien kappaleiden ja ainoastaan verkossa julkaistujen teosten kopioiden toimittamisessa.
Kirjallisten ohjeiden lisäksi julkaisujen nimiölehdestä, kansista ja nimiönäytöstä on laadittu kuvitteelliset mallit, joita voidaan käyttää apuna tunniste- ja saatavuustietojen sijoittelussa. Painetun ja PDF-muotoisen julkaisun tiivistelmäsivun laatimista helpottamaan on tehty PDF-muotoiset täytettävät suomen-, ruotsin- ja englanninkieliset lomakkeet. Ne ovat painetun julkaisun liitteinä ja verkossa käyttöä varten. Ohjeisiin kuuluu käytettyjen termien ja lyhenteiden sanasto.
Ohjeet perustuvat julkaisutoiminnasta annettuihin standardeihin, jotka on lueteltu oppaassa, ja Teknillisen korkeakoulun käytäntöihin.
Opas on Teknillisen korkeakoulun kirjaston julkaisuohjeiden uudistettu versio
Change of Direction Biomechanics in a 180-Degree Pivot Turn and the Risk for Noncontact Knee Injuries in Youth Basketball and Floorball Players
Background: Studies investigating biomechanical risk factors for knee injuries in sport-specific tasks are needed. Purpose: To investigate the association between change of direction (COD) biomechanics in a 180-degree pivot turn and knee injury risk among youth team sport players. Study Design: Cohort study; Level of evidence, 2. Methods: A total of 258 female and male basketball and floorball players (age range, 12-21 years) participated in the baseline COD test and follow-up. Complete data were obtained from 489 player-legs. Injuries, practice, and game exposure were registered for 12 months. The COD test consisted of a quick ball pass before and after a high-speed 180-degree pivot turn on the force plates. The following variables were analyzed: peak vertical ground-reaction force (N/kg); peak trunk lateral flexion angle (degree); peak knee flexion angle (degree); peak knee valgus angle (degree); peak knee flexion moment (N.m/kg); peak knee abduction moment (N.m/kg); and peak knee internal and external rotation moments (N.m/kg). Legs were analyzed separately and the mean of 3 trials was used in the analysis. Main outcome measure was a new acute noncontact knee injury. Results: A total of 18 new noncontact knee injuries were registered (0.3 injuries/1000 hours of exposure). Female players sustained 14 knee injuries and male players 4. A higher rate of knee injuries was observed in female players compared with male players (incidence rate ratio, 6.2; 95% CI, 2.1-21.7). Of all knee injuries, 8 were anterior cruciate ligament (ACL) injuries, all in female players. Female players displayed significantly larger peak knee valgus angles compared with male players (mean for female and male players, respectively: 13.9 degrees +/- 9.4 degrees and 2.0 degrees +/- 8.5 degrees). No significant associations between biomechanical variables and knee injury risk were found. Conclusion: Female players were at increased risk of knee and ACL injury compared with male players. Female players performed the 180-degree pivot turn with significantly larger knee valgus compared with male players. However, none of the investigated variables was associated with knee injury risk in youth basketball and floorball players.Peer reviewe
Energy, Environment and Livelihoods in the Lao PDR : Results from a 2011 Household Survey
This report presents the main results of a household survey collected in 2011. The data was originally collected for FFRC project Interlinkages between energy and livelihoods - Data, training and Scenarios for sustainable energy planning in Laos (INES), funded by the Energy and Environment Partnership (EEP) with the Mekong Region, financed by the Ministry for Foreign Affairs of Finland and the Nordic Development Fund. The demographic profile of the households was surveyed first. The actual questions were related to the following topics: (1) household assets, (2) livelihood activities, (3) income and liabilities, (4) food security and (5) survival strategies, (6) energy use; and (7) environment. This publication is also organized according to these research themes. While the section exploring residential energy use was fairly extensive and utilized throughout the project, the other themes received less attention. The main reason for compiling this e-book was to disseminate all the key results from the survey, especially those with little publicity so far. Similar, recent household level data from Laos is not currently available from any other sources, as far as we know. Thus, this e-Book report provides unique results on the Laotian society and economy based on the household survey findings
Neuromuscular training warm-up in the prevention of overuse lower extremity injuries in children's football : A cluster-randomized controlled trial
The objective of this study was to examine the effect of a neuromuscular training (NMT) warm-up on the prevalence of overuse lower extremity (LE) injuries in children's football. Twenty Finnish U11-U14 youth football clubs (n = 1409 players; females 280, males 1129; age range 9-14) were randomized into intervention and control groups containing 10 clubs each (intervention: 44 teams, n = 676 players; control: 48 teams, n = 733 players). The intervention group performed a structured NMT warm-up operated by team coaches for 20 weeks. The main outcome measure was the prevalence of football-related overuse LE injuries and injuries were tracked via weekly text messages. The average weekly prevalence of overuse LE injuries was 11.6% (95% CI: 11.0%-12.2%) in the intervention group and 11.3% (10.7%-11.9%) in the control group. The most common anatomical locations were the knee (weekly prevalence 6.0% in the intervention group and 5.7% in the control group) and heel (2.4% and 2.6%). There was no difference in the prevalence of overuse LE injuries between the groups: odds ratio (OR) 1.01 (95% CI: 0.99-1.03). In conclusion, NMT warm-up was equal to standard practice warm-up in preventing overuse LE injuries in children's football during a follow-up of 20 weeks.Peer reviewe
Future Energy Demand in Laos : Scenario Alternatives for Development
Energy production in Laos is still dominated by traditional fuels. Fuelwood in the main source of energy and most of the energy is consumed at households for cooking. Increase in the number of cars and motorbikes is rapidly increasing the use of imported petroleum products. Electrification is one of the central targets of the Lao government. The electrification rate has increased fast in Laos and in the year 2010 over 70 % households had electricity supply. The target is to have 90 % access to electricity by the year 2020. The World Bank regards the electrification of Lao PDR to be a success story (World Bank 2012). This paper deals with the present and future energy consumption in Laos. First the historical trends of energy use in different sectors are analysed. The future scenarios are constructed using LaoLinda model. Four different future alternative development paths are analysed using the model results. The energy use data source for the analysis is from the Ministry of Energy and Mines (MEM) of Lao PDR. Economic and other data is from the Department of Statistics of Lao PDR
Multiple clinical characteristics separate MED12-mutation-positive and -negative uterine leiomyomas
Up to 86% of uterine leiomyomas harbour somatic mutations in mediator complex subunit 12 (MED12). These mutations have been associated with conventional histology, smaller tumour size, and larger number of tumours within the uterus. Prior studies, with limited sample sizes, have failed to detect associations between other clinical features and MED12 mutations. Here, we prospectively collected 763 uterine leiomyomas and the corresponding normal myometrial tissue from 244 hysterectomy patients, recorded tumour characteristics, collected clinical data from medical records, and screened the tissue samples for MED12 mutations to assess potential associations between clinical variables and mutation status. Out of 763 leiomyomas, 599 (79%) harboured a MED12 mutation. In the analysis of tumour characteristics, positive MED12-mutation status was significantly associated with smaller tumour size, conventional histology, and subserous location, relative to intramural. In the analysis of clinical variables, the number of MED12-mutation-positive tumours showed an inverse association with parity, and the number of mutation-negative tumours showed a positive association with a history of pelvic inflammatory disease. This study confirmed the previously reported differences and discovered novel differentiating features for MED12-mutation-positive and -negative leiomyomas. These findings emphasise the relevance of specific driver mutations in genesis and presentation of uterine leiomyomas.Peer reviewe
Genetic predisposition to uterine leiomyoma is determined by loci for genitourinary development and genome stability
Uterine leiomyomas (ULs) are benign tumors that are a major burden to women's health. A genome-wide association study on 15,453 UL cases and 392,628 controls was performed, followed by replication of the genomic risk in six cohorts. Effects of the risk alleles were evaluated in view of molecular and clinical characteristics. 22 loci displayed a genome-wide significant association. The likely predisposition genes could be grouped to two biological processes. Genes involved in genome stability were represented by TERT, TERC, OBFC1 - highlighting the role of telomere maintenance - TP53 and ATM. Genes involved in genitourinary development, WNT4, WT1, SALL1, MED12, ESR1, GREB1, FOXO1, DMRT1 and uterine stem cell marker antigen CD44, formed another strong subgroup. The combined risk contributed by the 22 loci was associated with MED12 mutation-positive tumors. The findings link genes for uterine development and genetic stability to leiomyomagenesis, and in part explain the more frequent occurrence of UL in women of African origin.Peer reviewe
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