1,916 research outputs found

    A Methodology to Compute Regional Housing Index Price using Matching Estimator Methods

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    This paper proposes a methodology for a spatial cost index of housing that considers spatial heterogeneity in properties across regions. The index is built by combining three different techniques to reduce the spatial heterogeneity in housing: Quasi-experimental methods, hedonic prices and Fisher spatial price index. Using microdata from the Chilean survey CASEN 2006, it is shown that the quasi-experimental method called Mahalanobis metric within propensity score calipers (MMWPS) leads to a significant reduction in the potential bias. The technique matches dwellings of a particular region with other properties of similar characteristics in the benchmark region (Metropolitan region). Once the houses are matched, a hedonic price model is computed, and a regional housing price matrix is created using Fisher spatial price indices. The paper concludes the existence of price differentials for homogeneous houses across regions in Chile.Housing Cost, Index Hedonic Prices Index, Matching Estimator, Spatial Fisher Index

    A Spatial Cost of Living Index for Colombia using a Microeconomic Approach and Censored Data

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    This paper describes a methodology to calculate a spatial cost of living index using Colombian data for 2006 that takes into consideration the microeconomic behavior of households. Using the Almost Ideal Demand System and recovering the expenditure functions for the 23 main Colombian cities, the index proposed is compared to the traditional methodologies used to calculate the regional basket of goods in the country and to an alternative methodology proposed by Romero (2005). This comparison suggests that when the substitution effects are not considered, and the same basket of goods is evaluated in every city, the index is biased, and this bias increases when the diference between cities increases. For reducing the bias, we use a microeconomic approach that keeps the households' level of utility constant and allows substitution among diferent baskets of goods. According to our calculations, Bogota is still the most expensive city in the country followed by Armenia, Cali, Bucaramanga and Ibague.Spatial Price Index, Almost Ideal Demand System

    Construction of a Spatial Housing Price Index by Estimating an Almost Ideal Demand System

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    The aim of this article is to build a spatial housing price index for the Chilean communes (the commune political body similar to a municipality or county). The first step is to recover hedonic prices of three housing attributes by estimating a mixed index model (Bowden, 1992) using a generalized method of moments procedure. Secondly, a censored almost ideal demand system (Deaton and Muellbauer, 1980) is estimated to build expenditures for every commune and to compare them among different spatial units, while maintaining a constant utility level. Using micro data from the 2009 CASEN survey, we show that there are important differences in housing prices among Chilean communes and the axiomatic approach tends to understate spatial index compared to economic approach.spatial housing price index, mixed index, demand system with censored data, economic approach

    A Methodology to Compute Regional Housing Index Price using Matching Estimator Methods

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    This paper proposes a methodology for a spatial cost index of housing that considers spatial heterogeneity in properties across regions. The index is built by combining three different techniques to reduce the spatial heterogeneity in housing: Quasi-experimental methods, hedonic prices and Fisher spatial price index. Using microdata from the Chilean survey CASEN 2006, it is shown that the quasi-experimental method called Mahalanobis metric within propensity score calipers (MMWPS) leads to a significant reduction in the potential bias. The technique matches dwellings of a particular region with other properties of similar characteristics in the benchmark region (Metropolitan region). Once the houses are matched, a hedonic price model is computed, and a regional housing price matrix is created using Fisher spatial price indices. The paper concludes the existence of price differentials for homogeneous houses across regions in Chile

    A Spatial Cost of Living Index for Colombia using a Microeconomic Approach and Censored Data

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    This paper describes a methodology to calculate a spatial cost of living index using Colombian data for 2006 that takes into consideration the microeconomic behavior of households. Using the Almost Ideal Demand System and recovering the expenditure functions for the 23 main Colombian cities, the index proposed is compared to the traditional methodologies used to calculate the regional basket of goods in the country and to an alternative methodology proposed by Romero (2005). This comparison suggests that when the substitution effects are not considered, and the same basket of goods is evaluated in every city, the index is biased, and this bias increases when the diference between cities increases. For reducing the bias, we use a microeconomic approach that keeps the households' level of utility constant and allows substitution among diferent baskets of goods. According to our calculations, Bogota is still the most expensive city in the country followed by Armenia, Cali, Bucaramanga and Ibague

    Construction of a Spatial Housing Price Index by Estimating an Almost Ideal Demand System

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    The aim of this article is to build a spatial housing price index for the Chilean communes (the commune political body similar to a municipality or county). The first step is to recover hedonic prices of three housing attributes by estimating a mixed index model (Bowden, 1992) using a generalized method of moments procedure. Secondly, a censored almost ideal demand system (Deaton and Muellbauer, 1980) is estimated to build expenditures for every commune and to compare them among different spatial units, while maintaining a constant utility level. Using micro data from the 2009 CASEN survey, we show that there are important differences in housing prices among Chilean communes and the axiomatic approach tends to understate spatial index compared to economic approach

    Diseño e implementación de métricas de similitud entre frases

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    156 p.Los servicios de traducción automática son sin duda una herramienta útil en la actualidad, puesto que ayudan en la comunicación facilitando la comprensión de ideas expresadas entre dos idiomas. Sin embargo, aún necesitan de mucho refinamiento porque en general cometen bastantes errores. En el caso particular entre Inglés - Español dado que ambos idiomas se basan en reglas gramaticales tan diferentes, las traducciones de un idioma al otro y viceversa se tornan complejas. Los errores no sólo son gramaticales sino que además las traducciones en ocasiones suelen ser literales perdiendo por completo el sentido de la idea que el texto original desea expresar.Esta memoria pretende colaborar con las mejoras a las traducciones automáticas específicamente entre los idiomas Inglés y Español, basándose en la idea de que se puede implementar una buena medida de calculo de similitud entre frases. El objetivo de una medida de este tipo es identificar y calificar frases candidatas a ser la mejor traducción para una frase que se traducen desde el Inglés al Español. Con esto, se pueden ofrecer más opciones de traducción para una idea y por ende, al ampliar la gama de opciones es posible capturar dentro de los resultados el real sentido que a una frase se le quiere impregnar.Para cumplir con lo anterior, en este trabajo se realiza una investigación sobre métodos existentes para medir similitud entre palabras, de los cuales se eligieron tres para su implementación. Luego del estudio de dichas medidas se realizan propuestas originales para medir similitud exclusivamente entre frases y que se complementen con las métricas para palabras. De esto surgen tres medidas bases: Distancia de Edición adaptada, Medida secuencial y Métrica básica, de las cuales sólo las dos primeras se refinan con implementaciones que incorporen funciones para medir similitud entre palabras.Finalmente, se testean las propuestas comprobando que en su conjunto son capaces de recuperar y posicionar bastante bien frases potenciales a ser mejores traducciones que una frase recibida en Español y que supone ha sido traducida desde el Ingles. Palabras claves: Traducción automática, similitud entre frases, noción básica de similitud, Distancia de Edición, Damerau-Levenshtein, WordNet./ABSTRACT:The machine translation services are certainly a useful tool at present, since they help in facilitating communication of ideas expressed understanding between two languages. However, much still needs refinement because generally commit numerous errors. In the particular case among English - Spanish since both languages ??are based on grammar rules so different translations from one language to another and vice versa become complex. Mistakes are not only grammatical but also sometimes translations are usually literal losing all sense of the idea that the original text wishes. This report aims to contribute to improvements specifically to automatic translations between English and Spanish, based on the idea that you can implement a good measure for calculating similarity between sentences. The aim of a measure of this type is to identify and qualify candidates for phrases best translation for a phrase translated from English to Spanish. With this, they can offer more translation options for an idea and thus to extend the range of options you can capture the results in the real sense as a phrase you want to impregnate. To accomplish this, in this paper an investigation of existing methods is performed to measure similarity between words, of which three were chosen for implementation. After studying original proposals such measures are performed to measure similarity between sentences only and that complement the metrics for words. Edit Distance adapted, sequential measurement and basic metrics, of which only the first two are refined implementations that incorporate functions to measure similarity between words this basis three measures arise. Finally, check that the proposals as a whole are able to recover well enough potential and position statements to be better received than a phrase translations in Spanish and has been translated means from English are tested. Keywords: Machine Translation, similarity between sentences, basic notion of similarity, Edit Distance, Damerau-Levenshtein, WordNet. actualidad, puesto que ayudan en la comunicación facilitando la comprensión de ideas expresadas entre dos idiomas. Sin embargo, a necesitan de mucho refinamiento porque en general cometen bastantes errores. En el caso particular entre Inglés -español Español dado que ambos idiomas se basan en reglas gramaticales tan diferentes, las traducciones de un idioma al otro y viceversa se tornan complejas. Los errores no sólo son gramaticales sino que además las traducciones en ocasiones suelen ser literales perdiendo por completo el sentido de la idea que el texto original desea expresar.Esta memoria pretende colaborar con las mejoras a las traducciones automáticas específicamente entre los idiomas Inglés y Español, basándose en la idea de que se puede implementar una buena medida de cálculo de similitud entre frases. El objetivo de una medida de este tipo es identificar y calificar frases candidatas a ser la mejor traducción para una frase que se traducen desde el Inglés al Español. Con esto, se pueden ofrecer más opciones de traducción para una idea y por ende, al ampliar la gama de opciones es posible capturar dentro de los resultados el real sentido que a una frase se le quiere impregnar.Para cumplir con lo anterior, en este trabajo se realiza una investigación sobre métodos existentes para medir similitud entre palabras, de los cuales se eligieron tres para su implementación. Luego del estudio de dichas medidas se realizan propuestas originales para medir similitud exclusivamente entre frases y que se complementen con las métricas para palabras. De esto surgen tres medidas bases: Distancia de Edición adaptada, Medida secuencial y Métrica básica, de las cuales sólo las dos primeras se refinan con implementaciones que incorporen funciones para medir similitud entre palabras. Finalmente, se testean las propuestas comprobando que en su conjunto son capaces de recuperar y posicionar bastante bien frases potenciales a ser mejores traducciones que una frase recibida en Español y que supone ha sido traducida desde el Inglés. Palabras claves: Traducción automatica, similitud entre frases, noción básica de similitud, Distancia de Edición, Damerau-Levenshtein, WordNet./ABSTRACT: The machine translation services are certainly a useful tool at present, since they help in facilitating communication of ideas expressed understanding between two languages. However, much still needs refinement because generally commit numerous errors. In the particular case among English - Spanish since both languages ??are based on grammar rules so different translations from one language to another and vice versa become complex. Mistakes are not only grammatical but also sometimes translations are usually literal losing all sense of the idea that the original text wishes. This report aims to contribute to improvements specifically to automatic translations between English and Spanish, based on the idea that you can implement a good measure for calculating similarity between sentences. The aim of a measure of this type is to identify and qualify candidates for phrases best translation for a phrase translated from English to Spanish. With this, they can offer more translation options for an idea and thus to extend the range of options you can capture the results in the real sense as a phrase you want to impregnate. To accomplish this, in this paper an investigation of existing methods is performed to measure similarity between words, of which three were chosen for implementation. After studying original proposals such measures are performed to measure similarity between sentences only and that complement the metrics for words. Edit Distance adapted, sequential measurement and basic metrics, of which only the first two are refined implementations that incorporate functions to measure similarity between words this basis three measures arise. Finally, check that the proposals as a whole are able to recover well enough potential and position statements to be better received than a phrase translations in Spanish and has been translated means from English are tested. Keywords: Machine Translation, similarity between sentences, basic notion of similarity, Edit Distance, Damerau-Levenshtein, WordNet

    La educación chilena, ¿no se vende? Movilización estudiantil y la configuración del problema público universitario

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    El propósito del artículo es describir y comprender el proceso de configuración del problema público de la educación superior chilena, a partir de la movilización estudiantil en defensa de la educación pública, hasta la conformación de una respuesta política institucional limitada la idea de gratuidad (2011-2017). A través de una investigación cualitativa que conjuga diferentes procedimientos de producción de información, y aplicando la perspectiva de la sociología de los problemas públicos, proponemos como hallazgo más significativo la conformación de dos momentos en el proceso, que definen dos arenas y problemáticas diferenciadas. El momento de la manifestación pública (2011-2013) asociada a la demanda por el derecho a la educación pública gratuita, y el momento de la arena técnico-institucional de la gratuidad (2014-2017). Concluimos reconociendo algunos alcances sociopolíticos del proceso, en especial para la movilización estudiantil y su causa pública, a partir de la comparación entre ambos momentos.The purpose of the article is to describe and understand the process of shaping the public problem of Chilean higher education, from student mobilization in defense of public education, to the formation of an institutional policy response limited to the idea of free education (2011-2017). Through a qualitative research that combines different procedures of information production, and applying the perspective of the sociology of public problems, we propose as the most significant finding the conformation of two moments in the process, which define two differentiated arenas and problems. The moment of public manifestation (2011-2013) associated with the demand for the right to free public education, and the moment of the technical-institutional arena of free education (2014-2017). We conclude by recognizing some socio-political scopes of the process, especially for student mobilization and its public cause, based on the comparison between both moments.O propósito do artigo é descrever e compreender o processo de configuração do problema público da educação superior chilena, a partir da mobilização estudantil em defesa da educação pública, até a conformação de uma resposta política institucional limitada à ideia de gratuidade (2011-2017). Através de uma pesquisa qualitativa que conjuga diferentes procedimentos de produção de informação, e aplicando a perspectiva da sociologia dos problemas públicos, propomos como achado mais significativo a conformação de dois momentos no processo, que definem duas arenas e problemáticas diferenciadas. O momento da manifestação pública (2011-2013) associada à demanda pelo direito à educação pública gratuita, e o momento da arena técnico-institucional da gratuidade (2014-2017). Concluímos reconhecendo algum escopo sociopolítico do processo, principalmente para a mobilização estudantil e sua causa pública, a partir da comparação entre os dois momentos

    The Clostridioides difficile Cysteine-Rich Exosporium Morphogenetic Protein, CdeC, Exhibits Self-Assembly Properties That Lead to Organized Inclusion Bodies in Escherichia coli

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    Indexación: Scopus.Clostridioides difficile is an obligately anaerobic, spore-forming, Grampositive pathogenic bacterium that is considered the leading cause of nosocomial diarrhea worldwide. Recent studies have attempted to understand the biology of the outermost layer of C. difficile spores, the exosporium, which is believed to contribute to early interactions with the host. The fundamental role of the cysteine-rich proteins CdeC and CdeM has been described. However, the molecular details behind the mechanism of exosporium assembly are missing. The underlying mechanisms that govern exosporium assembly in C. difficile remain poorly studied, in part due to difficulties in obtaining pure soluble recombinant proteins of the C. difficile exosporium. In this work, we observed that CdeC was able to form organized inclusion bodies (IBs) in Escherichia coli filled with lamella-like structures separated by an interspace of 5 to 15 nm; however, CdeC expression in an E. coli strain with a more oxidative environment led to the loss of the lamella-like organization of CdeC IBs. Additionally, dithiothreitol (DTT) treatment of CdeC inclusion bodies released monomeric soluble forms of CdeC. Deletions in different portions of CdeC did not affect CdeC's ability to aggregate and form oligomers stable under denaturation conditions but affected CdeC's self-assembly properties. Overall, these observations have important implications in further studies elucidating the role of CdeC in the exosporium assembly of C. difficile spores. IMPORTANCE The endospore of Clostridioides difficile is the vehicle for transmission and persistence of the pathogen, and, specifically, the exosporium is the first contact between the host and the spore. The underlying mechanisms that govern exosporium assembly in C. difficile remain understudied, in part due to difficulties in obtaining pure soluble recombinant proteins of the C. difficile exosporium. Understanding the exosporium assembly's molecular bases may be essential to developing new therapies against C. difficile infection.https://journals.asm.org/doi/epub/10.1128/mSphere.01065-2

    Estudiantes En Situación De Discapacidad, Apoyos Y Ajustes Razonables Bajo La Mirada Inclusiva De La Universidad Andres Bello

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    En un contexto nacional donde se estima que el 20% de la población adulta, mayor de 18 años son personas en situación de discapacidad (PsD) y que dentro de este grupo sólo el 9,1 % acredita educación superior completa, es que la Universidad Andrés Bello (UNAB) asume la responsabilidad de ejecutar acciones concretas que buscan disminuir las barreras de acceso, mejorando la permanencia, progreso y egreso de sus estudiantes en situación de discapacidad. Esta labor comienza formalmente en el año 2015 a través de la adjudicación de un proyecto del Ministerio de Educación para crear e implementar desde la Vicerrectoría Académica la Unidad de Educación Inclusiva (U.E.I) que tiene por objetivo “otorgar condiciones de equidad en el acceso, permanencia, progreso y egreso de estudiantes en situación de discapacidad”. Presentamos entonces los resultados preliminares, de la puesta en marcha de la Unidad, que evidencia la prevalencia de EsD en la matrícula general de la UNAB, necesidades de ajustes identificados, modelo de acogida y apoyo desarrollado a nivel institucional, avances y resultados académicos de los estudiantes que participan del plan de apoyo. La información obtenida a un año de iniciado el proyecto, permitirá planificar las acciones que potenciará que EsD ingresen a la UNAB y cuenten en ella con los apoyos y ajustes razonables requeridos para completar su educación superior al mismo tiempo que la Institución avanza hacia la construcción de un espacio educativo inclusivo