10 research outputs found

    European Survey on Scholarly Practices and Digital Needs in the Arts and Humanities

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    This report summarizes the statistical analysis of the findings of a web-based survey conducted by the Digital Methods and Practices Observatory (DiMPO), a working group under VCC2 of the DARIAH research infrastructure (Digital Research Infrastructure for the Arts and Humanities). In order to provide an evidence-based, up-to-date, and meaningful account of the emerging information practices, needs and attitudes of arts and humanities researchers in the evolving European digital scholarly environment, the web survey involved a transnational team of researchers from more than a dozen countries, and addressed digitally-enabled research practices, attitudes and needs in all areas of Europe and across different arts and humanities disciplines and contexts

    Early Career Researchers and Research Infrastructures: Barriers and Pathways to Engagement

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    Abstract and poster of paper 0628 presented at the Digital Humanities Conference 2019 (DH2019), Utrecht , the Netherlands 9-12 July, 2019

    WP2 User Requirements & Benchmarking of Key Competencies Deliverable 8: Visualisation of Benchmarking Key Criteria

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    A significant part of the work conducted for designing and implementing the platform of #dariahTeach concerns the creation of Benchmarks and Key Criteria by which individual modules/courses will be designed and evaluated. Since a goal of the project is creating a model for developing and delivering open source, flexible online educational materials from which other communities of practice can benefit, it is necessary to define the framework so that future DH instructors can create their own modules for the #dariahTeach platform. To this end, work has previously been undertaken in WP2 for identifying User Requirements and Benchmarking Key Criteria, and in WP5, reporting on Quality Assurance and Evaluation. This report builds on User Requirements presented in Deliverable 7 and on Key Quality Criteria defined in Deliverable 17. This report thus constitutes a conjunction between the main aspects of those two deliverables with a new focus, i.e. creating a visualisation of the benchmarking of key criteria

    WP2 User Requirements & Benchmarking of Key Competencies Deliverable 7: Report on user Requirements: Reference Curricula to be Developed and Benchmarking Key Criteria

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    The design and implementation of a platform-based training course requires an understanding of basic concepts from psychology, education, and human-computer interaction which are all essential to the development of successful learning environments

    Computational Literary Studies Infrastructure (CLSINFRA): a H2020 Research Infrastructure Project that aids to connect researchers, data, and methods

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    The aim of this poster is to provide an overview of the principal objectives of the newly started H2020 Computational Literary Studies (CLS) project- https://www.clsinfra.io. CLS is a infrastructure project works to develop and bring together resources of high-quality data, tools and knowledge to aid new approaches to studying literature in the digital age. Conducting computational literary studies has a number of challenges and opportunities from multilingual and bringing together distributing information. At present, the landscape of literary data is diverse and fragmented. Even though many resources are currently available in digital libraries, archives, repositories, websites or catalogues, a lack of standardisation hinders how they are constructed, accessed and the extent to which they are reusable (Ciotti 2014). CLS project aims to federate these resources, with the tools needed to interrogate them, and with a widened base of users, in the spirit of the FAIR and CARE principles (Wilkinson et al. 2016). The resulting improvements will benefit researchers by bridging gaps between greater- and lesser- resourced communities in computational literary studies and beyond, ultimately offering opportunities to create new research and insight into our shared and varied European cultural heritage. Rather than building entirely new resources for literary studies, the project is committed to exploiting and connecting the already-existing efforts and initiatives, in order to acknowledge and utilize the immense human labour that has already been undertaken. Therefore, the project builds on recently- compiled high-quality literary corpora, such as DraCor and ELTeC (Fischer et al. 2019, Burnard et al. 2021, Schöch et al. in press), integrates existing tools for text analysis, e.g. TXM, stylo, multilingual NLP pipelines (Heiden 2010, Eder et al. 2016), and takes advantage of deep integration with two other infrastructural projects, namely the CLARIN and DARIAH ERICs. Consequently, the project aims at building a coherent ecosystem to foster the technical and intellectual findability and accessibility of relevant data. The ecosystem consists of (1) resources, i.e. text collections for drama, poetry and prose in several languages, (2) tools, (3) methodological and theoretical considerations, (4) a network of CLS scholars based at different European institutions, (5) a system of short-term research stays for both early career researchers and seasoned scholars, (6) a repository for training materials, as well as (7) an efficient dissemination strategy. This is achieved through a collaboration between participating institutions: Institute of Polish Language at the Polish Academy of Sciences, Poland; University of Potsdam, Germany; Austrian Academy of Sciences, Austria; National University of Distance Education, Spain; École Normale Supérieure de Lyon, France; Humboldt University of Berlin, German; Charles University, Czech Republic; Digital Research Infrastructure for the Arts and Humanities, France; Ghent Centre for Digital Humanities, Ghent University, Belgium; Belgrade Centre for Digital Humanities, Serbia; Huygens Institute for the History of the Netherlands (Royal Netherlands Academy of Arts and Sciences), Netherlands; Trier Center for Digital Humanities, Trier University, Germany; Moore Institute, National University of Ireland Galway, Ireland

    Europäische Erhebung zum Umgang mit digitalen Methoden in den Geisteswissenschaften Ergebnisse der Erhebung DE

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    Die europäische Umfrage zu wissenschaftlichen Praktiken und digitalen Bedürfnissen in den Geisteswissenschaftenist das Produkt eines kollaborativen Unterfangens europäischer Forschender, die mit der DiMPOArbeitsgruppezusammenarbeiten. Sie wurde als überregionale Längsschnittstudie konzipiert, die in einem europäischen Rahmen nach einigen Jahren jeweils wiederholt werden soll. Ziel der Studie ist es, einen evidenzbasierten Ausblick über wissenschaftliche Praktiken sowie die Bedürfnisse und Einstellungen europäischer DH-Forschender zu digitalen Ressourcen, Methoden und Werkzeuge zu geben. Die Ergebnisse der ersten Studie (März 2015 abgeschlossen) werden ineinem von mehreren Autoren und Autorinnen verfassten Bericht zusammengetragen, der vergleichende und konsolidierte Analysen sowie sechs Länderprofile enthält. Eine neue Erhebung ist für 2017/18 geplant.Weitere Informationen: bit.ly/scholarlypracticesDeutsche Übersetzung: Beat Immenhauser (Schweizerische Akademie der Geistes- und Sozialwissenschaften

    Enquête européenne sur les pratiques académiques et les besoins numériques en sciences humaines. Résultats principaux de l'enquête FR DiMPO 2016

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    Ce rapport résume l'analyse statistique des résultats d'une enquête en ligne, conduite par l'Observatoire des Pratiques et Méthodes Numériques (DiMPO), un groupe de travail du VCC2 de l'infrastructure de recherche DARIAH (Digital Research Infrastructure for the Arts and Humanities).Afin de fournir un tableau basé sur des faits, mis à jour et signifiant, des pratiques, besoins et réflexes des chercheurs en sciences humaines au sein d'un monde académique numérique et européen en pleine évolution, l'enquête en ligne a impliqué une équipe trans-nationale de chercheurs de plus d'une douzaine de pays, et s'est intéressées aux pratiques, réflexes et demandes de la recherche numérique dans toutes les régions de l'Europe, et à travers différents contextes et disciplines en sciences humaines

    Encuesta europea sobre prácticas académicas y necesidades digitales en las artes y las humanidades Puntos destacados de la encuesta SPA

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    Este informe resume el análisis estadístico de los resultados de una encuesta online que ha sido llevada a cabo por el Digital Methods and Practices Observatory (DiMPO), un grupo de trabajo del VCC2 de la infraestructura de investigación DARIAH (Digital Research Infrastructure for the Arts and Humanities).Para proporcionar resultados basados en evidencias reales y actualizadas sobre las prácticas que se están desarrollando actualmente, así como las necesidades y actitudes de los investigadores europeos que implican el uso del entorno digital, esta encuesta se ha llevado a cabo gracias a un grupo internacional de investigadores de más de una docena de países, y se ha realizado centrándose en analizar las prácticas, actitudes y necesidades del mundo digital en la investigación en Europa a través de diferentes disciplinas de artes y humanidades y sus contextos de aplicación