29 research outputs found


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    Jaguars (Panthera onca) and pumas (Puma concolor) are sympatric species in Mexico and have ecological similarities. The understanding of interespecific interactions between these species are important for effective conservation strategies. We studied activity patterns of jaguars, pumas and their potential prey species through camera-trapping photographs obtained by during four seasonsin the Abra-Tanchipa Biosphere Reserve , San Luis Potosí, Mexico. We described activity patterns of 12 terrestrial vertebrate species, the degree of overlap of jaguar and puma activity; and the prey – predator relationship. Both felids showed cathemeral activity and overlapping between their activities. Jaguar activity showed a significant correlation with eight prey species activity. Puma activity was no related with any prey species activity. Activity peaks of both felids suggest that temporal segregation is a strategy which minimizes interspecific encounters allowing the coexistence of several individuals in this small reserve.El jaguar (Panthera onca) y el puma (Puma concolor) en México son especies simpátricas y presentan similitud ecológica. El entendimiento de las interacciones interespecíficas entre estas especies es importante para la elaboración de estrategias efectivas de conservación. Se estudiaron los patrones de actividad del jaguar, el puma y sus presas potenciales, a través del análisis de las fotografías obtenidas en cuatro temporadas de foto-trampeo en la Reserva de la Biosfera Sierra del Abra-Tanchipa (RBSAT), San Luis Potosí, México. Se describieron los patrones de actividad de 12 especies de fauna, el grado de sobreposición en la actividad del jaguar y el puma; y su relación con la actividad de sus presas. Ambos felinos presentaron actividad catemeral con traslape en sus patrones de actividad. La actividad del jaguar está relacionada significativamente con la actividad de ocho especies de presas; la actividad del puma no se relacionó con la actividad de ninguna presa. Los picos de actividad de ambos felinos sugieren que la separación temporal es una estrategia para minimizar los de encuentros interespecíficos que permite la coexistencia de varios individuos en reservas pequeñas

    Nuevos registros de tigrillo (leopardus wiedii) en San Luis Potosí, México

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    We documented 36 new records of tigrillo in the region Huasteca of San Luis Potosí, México. This new evidence of tigrillo presence augments its range within the state 38 km west. Records were found mainly in areas with dense vegetation cover including tropical forest and tropical deciduous forest. Results of this investigation suggest tigrillo mainly inhabits areas with dense vegetation cover in this region of Mexico

    Adaptability of the threatened jaguarundi (Herpailurus yagouaroundi Schereber, 1777) to human-altered environments in San Luis Potosí, Mexico

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    La persistencia y recuperación de especies raras en regiones en desarrollo con áreas protegidas limitadas depende de su adaptabilidad a los hábitats alterados por el hombre. El jaguarundi (Herpailurus yagouaroundi) está clasificado como amenazado en México, y el conocimiento de su distribución y su correlación con el ambiente es necesario para los esfuerzos de recuperación informados. Sin embargo, poco se sabe sobre el hábitat o la distribución de jaguarundi en el interior de México, incluido el estado de San Luis Potosí (SLP). Realizamos 96 entrevistas semiestructuradas en comunidades, ejidos y ranchos a lo largo de SLP para obtener registros de la presencia de jaguarundi e identificar correlaciones ambientales y atributos de sitios asociados con su ocurrencia. Evaluamos las entrevistas utilizando criterios analíticos de credibilidad y recopilamos información sobre hábitats de 50 eventos confiables de tres de las cuatro regiones geográficas de SLP. En comparación con el paisaje de SLP, las ocurrencias de jaguarundi se ubicaron más cerca del agua, más cerca de las carreteras, a bajas elevaciones, marginalmente más cerca de las comunidades, y en áreas con mayor borde total, densidad de bordes y número de parches de paisaje. El jaguarundi mostró preferencia por los mosaicos de bosques tropicales, agrícolas, de pastizales y urbanos (es decir, cualquier comunidad). Coberturas de escondite relativamente denso o de emboscada generalmente estaban presentes en los sitios de ocurrencia. Colectivamente, el modelo de máxima entropía y el modelo de regresión logística predijeron una probabilidad similar y alta de presencia de jaguarundi en regiones caracterizadas por mosaicos de bosques tropicales, agricultura, pastizales o tipos de cobertura urbana <500 m en elevación y <2 km desde carreteras. Estos paisajes de mosaicos tendían a estar relativamente cerca de comunidades de densidades moderadas de población y agua, y generalmente soportan densidades de presas pequeñas más altas que las áreas menos fragmentadas. Los jaguarundi se adaptaron al menos a las perturbaciones ligeras y moderadas relacionadas con los seres humanos, y pueden verse beneficiados por el aumento de los mosaicos de borde y hábitat.Persistence and recovery of rare species in developing regions with limited protected areas depends upon their adaptability to human-altered habitats. The jaguarundi (Herpailurus yagouaroundi) is classed as threatened in Mexico, and knowledge of its distribution and environmental correlates is necessary for informed recovery efforts. However, little is known of jaguarundi habitat or distribution in interior Mexico, including the state of San Luis Potosí (SLP). We conducted 96 semi-structured interviews around communities, ejidos, and ranches throughout SLP to obtain records of jaguarundi presence and identify environmental correlates and site attributes associated with its occurrence. We evaluated interviews using analytical criteria of credibility, and collected habitat information from 50 reliable occurrences from three of the four geographic regions of SLP. Compared to the SLP landscape, jaguarundi occurrences were located closer to water, closer to roads, at lower elevation, marginally closer to communities, and in areas with greater total edge, edge density, and number of landscape patches. Jaguarundi showed preference for mosaics of tropical forest, agricultural, grassland, and urban (i.e., any community) cover types. Relatively dense hiding or ambush cover was usually present at occurrence sites. Collectively, maximum entropy modeling and logistic regression modeling predicted similar and high likelihood of jaguarundi presence in regions characterized by mosaics of tropical forest, agriculture, grassland, or urban cover types <500 m in elevation and <2 km from roads. These mosaic landscapes tended to be relatively close to communities of moderate population densities and water, and typically support higher small prey densities than less fragmented areas. Jaguarundi were adaptable to at least light–moderate human-related disturbance, and may be benefitted by it because of increased edge and habitat mosaics

    Impacto económico del turismo cinegético en unidades de manejo (UMA) en el Área Natural Protegida Sierra Fría, Aguascalientes, México

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    Objetivo: Determinar el impacto econmóico mediante el análisis costo-beneficio del turismo cinegético en Unidades de Manejo para el Aprovechamiento Sustentable de la Vida Silvestre (UMA) de tipo extractivo dentro del Área Natural Protegida Sierra Fría, en el estado de Aguascalientes. Diseño/metodologia/aproximación: Se diseñó un instrumento (cuestionario) con indicadores y variables que permitieron crear una base de datos y realizar el análisis costo-beneficio (CB). Este instrumento fue dirigido a los representantes legales de nueve UMAs extensivas (seis privadas y tres ejidales). Resultados: Como resultado, se obtuvo que la relación costo-beneficio de las UMAs privadas fue con un índice de 3.78 cerca de dos veces superior a las ejidales (2.08). Además, se obtuvo el mayor índice de 5.72 lo que muestra con los índices relativos que hay un potencial considerable de incremento a futuro en la relación costo-beneficio para las UMAs con esta actividad. Limitaciones/implicaciones: No obstante los resultados solo son aplicables a las UMAs bajo estudio, el esquema utilizado para su evaluación económica puede ser aplicado a nivel nacional, regional o local para conocer el impacto del turismo cinegético. Hallazgos/conclusiones: Se concluye que las UMAs con actividad cinegetica que fueron sujetas de estudio dentro del ANP Sierra Fria, son economicamente rentables y que por consecuencia de su manejo contribuyen a la conservación del medio ambiente y dan beneficio  a las comunidades rurales aledañas

    Microhistological References of Plants Available for Ungulates in Sonora, Mexico

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    The microhistological technique is the most popular methodology used to determine the wild and domestic ungulates diet; its success depends on the development of a reliable reference catalog. Objective: To describe and analyze the epidermal structures of the plants available for wild and domestic ungulates in Sonora, Mexico, using the microhistological technique. Methodology: A comprehensive collection of the plants available for wild and domestic ungulates was carried out at UMA Rancho Noche Buena, in order to subsequently identify their genus and species. Plant structures were analyzed with the modified microhistological technique, scraping the beam and underside cuticle of leaf plants. In addition, at least one photograph was taken to characterize them. Results and Discussion: The epidermal structures of 95.95% of the analyzed plants were observed with the microhistological technique and its modification. The distinctive structures of 74 plant species were identified, in order to describe the main characteristics of each species. A catalog of microhistological references was developed from the data collected; it included information about the morphology and arrangement of structures such as: epidermal cells, stomata and trichrome. A difference was found between the beam and underside of the leaves in 23% of the species. Conclusion: A reliable microhistological reference catalog should consider possible differences between the beam and underside of the leaves of plants

    Traslape espacial de la comunidad de peces dulceacuícolas diurnos en el sistema de humedal Media Luna, Rioverde, S.L.P., México

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    The Media Luna wetland is the most representative and most affected by tourism and management actions in the Llanura de Rioverde, S.L.P. It contains 13 fish species, two of them are nocturnal and eleven diurnal. This study considers only the diurnal species. From these, the most relevant are five local endemic, one native widely distributed and five introduced species. In order to determine the degree of spatial overlap, 54 sub-aquatic transects per sampling session were conducted from 1998 and 1999. The fish population distribution per age class (adult, juvenile and larvae) and the similitude between species pairs were analyzed and estimated for the habitat variables: sector, depth, and vegetation. Adult and juvenile fish tended to overlap for all the variables, whereas the larvae segregated for sector but overlap for depth and vegetation. There was a high overlap between native and introduced species for at least one their life stages. The endemic species that showed the highest spatial overlap with the introduced species was Ataeniobius toweri, whereas Oreochromis sp. was the introduced one with the highest overlap with the native species. All of the endemic species are endangered; was thus, the possible affectation caused by the spatial overlap between endemic and introduced species has a special interest.El humedal de la Media Luna es el más representativo y el más presionado por uso turístico y acciones de manejo en la Llanura de Rioverde, S.L.P. Contiene 13 especies de peces, dos nocturnas y 11 diurnas. Estas últimas fueron consideradas en este estudio, entre las que destacan cinco especies endémicas de la zona, una especie nativa de amplia distribución y cinco introducidas. Con la finalidad de determinar el grado de traslape espacial entre las especies, se tomaron los datos de cinco momentos de muestreo efectuados entre 1998 y 1999, con n = 54 transectos subacuáticos en cada muestreo. Se analizó tanto la distribución poblacional de los peces por clase de edad (adultos, juveniles y crías), como la similitud entre pares de especies para las variables del hábitat: sector, profundidad y vegetación. Los peces adultos y juveniles tendieron a traslaparse; las crías se segregaron en sector y se traslaparon en profundidad y vegetación. Hubo traslape considerable entre especies nativas e introducidas en al menos un estadio de vida; la especie endémica con mayor grado de superposición espacial con los introducidos fue Ataeniobius toweri, mientras que la especie introducida que mayor traslape con las nativas fue Oreochromis sp. Todas las especies endemícos se encontraron en riesgo de extinción, por lo que se considera de especial interés la posible afectación por el traslape espacial con las especies introducidas

    Mineral Profile in Soil and Forages of Rangelands of the Huasteca Potosina, Mexico

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    Mineral imbalances in soils and forages may cause suboptimal production of forage biomass and livestock. Objective: To determine the concentrations of minerals in soil and forage during the dry and wet seasons in the Huasteca Potosina. Materials and Methods: Samples from the soil and the main forage species consumed by livestock were collected in 17 production units (PU). The P content in soil and forage was determined by colorimetry, while the Ca, Mg, Cu, Fe, Zn, Mn, and Co content was established by atomic absorption spectrophotometry, and flame photometry was used to calculate Na and K content. The data were subjected to an analysis of variance; the effect of PU, season, and interactions was considered as fixed effect. Means were compared using Tukey’s test. Results and Discussion: P and Cu content was below the minimum critical level required for adequate plant growth. Furthermore, the P, Mg, K, Na, Cu, Co, and Zn concentration in forage failed to meet the minimum requirements for livestock. Conclusions: The mineral imbalances in the grazing areas and the forages do not meet the minimum mineral requirements of dual-purpose cattle in the Huasteca Potosina

    Reproductive and seminal characteristics of Pelibuey rams infected with Mycobacterium avium subsp. paratuberculosis in the subclinical stage

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    Objective: To evaluate the reproductive and seminal characteristics of Pelibuey rams infected with Mycobacterium avium subsp. paratuberculosis in the subclinical phase. Design/methodology/approach: In order to determine whether paratuberculosis (PTB) affects the reproductive variables and seminal quality in Pelibuey rams naturally infected with Mycobacterium avium subsp. paratuberculosis (MAP) in the subclinical phase, weekly evaluations were conducted, over a period of two months, of the variables live weight, scrotal circumference, ejaculation latency and seminal characteristics: volume, pH, masal motility and progressive individual motility, concentration, live spermatozoids and dead spermatozoids, in five rams infected by MAP and a further five uninfected rams, of average weight and age 53.58 kg (± 3.26) and 2.91 years (± 0.59), respectively. Results: PTB was not found to affect the reproductive and seminal variables evaluated. Limitations of the study/implications: It would have been convenient to carry out the evaluation of the seminal characteristics for a longer time, however, the sampling was stopped in order to ensure the animal welfare of the rams as far as possible, since they began to show signs of PTB. Findings/Conclusions: The Pelibuey rams diagnosed with PTB in subclinical phase did not present any effect on the reproductive and seminal characteristics. Meanwhile, reproductive management can be carried out with PTB-infected Pelibuey lambs in a subclinical phase.Objective: To evaluate the reproductive and seminal characteristics of Pelibuey rams infected with Mycobacterium avium subsp. paratuberculosis in the subclinical phase. Design/methodology/approach: In order to determine whether paratuberculosis (PTB) affects the reproductive variables and seminal quality in Pelibuey rams naturally infected with Mycobacterium avium subsp. paratuberculosis (MAP) in the subclinical phase, weekly evaluations were conducted, over a period of two months, of the variables live weight, scrotal circumference, ejaculation latency and seminal characteristics: volume, pH, masal motility and progressive individual motility, concentration, live spermatozoids and dead spermatozoids, in five rams infected by MAP and a further five uninfected rams, of average weight and age 53.58 kg (± 3.26) and 2.91 years (± 0.59), respectively. Results: PTB was not found to affect the reproductive and seminal variables evaluated. Limitations of the study/implications: It would have been convenient to carry out the evaluation of the seminal characteristics for a longer time, however, the sampling was stopped in order to ensure the animal welfare of the rams as far as possible, since they began to show signs of PTB. Findings/Conclusions: The Pelibuey rams diagnosed with PTB in subclinical phase did not present any effect on the reproductive and seminal characteristics. Meanwhile, reproductive management can be carried out with PTB-infected Pelibuey lambs in a subclinical phase

    Un discurrir en el hábitat más íntimo del ser [humano]

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    ¿Qué es una Casa? ¿Qué significa LA CASA? Resulta muy diferente definir LA CASA en términos de concepto que definirla en términos de significado. En la Psicología, se utilizan dos términos relacionados con cada objeto: significado y significante. El significado hace referencia al concepto en sí y, en ese sentido, una casa sería un lugar para habitar, es decir, “un techo encima de la cabeza”, en palabras del profesor mencionado por el editor de este libro. El significante, por su lado, hace referencia al sentido, a la representación mental, al símbolo, a la imagen, a la percepción que, de ese concepto, pueda construir cada persona y, en ese sentido, puede evocar otros conceptos como hogar, refugio, protección, unión, afecto, recuerdos, oportunidades, valores, sabores, olores, eventos, familia, pareja, realización, pasado, futuro, etc