35 research outputs found

    Evaluación de la motivación en equipos de proyectos

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    People carry out the projects and the performance of the human team is a key success factor. This communication reflects the results of measuring satisfaction in different project teams, applying the theory of expectations. The study focuses on a questionnaire based on the theory developed by the psychologist Vroom. Different aspects of motivation are analysed, grouped into three main blocks: intrinsic motivation, extrinsic motivation and transcendent motivation. In each of them, the valence and expectation that members have is evaluated. The results obtained are considered for each group analyzed.Los proyectos los realizan personas y el desempeño del equipo humano es un factor clave de éxito. Esta comunicación refleja los resultados de medir la satisfacción en distintos equipos de proyectos, aplicando la teoría de las expectativas. El estudio se centra en un cuestionario basado en la teoría desarrollada por el psicólogo Vroom. Se analiza distintos aspectos de la motivación, agrupados en tres grandes bloques: motivación intrínseca, motivación extrínseca y motivación trascendente. En cada uno de ellos se evalúa la valencia y la expectativa que los miembros tienen. Los resultados obtenidos se consideran para cada grupo analizado

    Implementation of performance indicators for project control

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    Muchos estudios consideran que la medición del rendimiento de un proyecto es un factor crítico del éxito del mismo. Utilizando un "cuadro base" de indicadores se desarrolla una metodología para implementarlo en cualquier tipo de proyecto. Se ha aplicado la sistemática a distintos tipos de proyectos validando los indicadores de rendimiento de la gestión de proyectos, su caracterización e identificando indicadores propios del proyecto.Many studies consider that measuring a project's performance is a critical factor in its success. Using a "base table" of indicators a methodology was developed to implement in any kind of project. The systematics was applied to different types of projects validating the performance indicators for project management, their characterization and after identifying the specific project's indicators

    Do project managers use indicators for measure performance in their projects?

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    Gran número de autores reconocen que el uso de indicadores de rendimiento de los proyectos es un factor clave de éxito en los mismos, que además permite obtener retroalimentación y adelantar comportamientos futuros. En esta línea, hemos realizado un estudio exploratorio en una muestra no probabilística de expertos y profesionales de gestión de proyectos para conocer el grado de uso de esta herramienta. Se han obtenido 798 respuestas procedentes de distintos países y sectores, que señala un uso mayoritario de dicha herramienta, pero con ciertos matices como la regularidad en su uso, qué tipo de indicadores son los más usados o como los relacionados con el análisis del valor ganado no tienen un uso tan frecuente como podría esperar.Many authors acknowledge that use of project performance indicators is a key factor for its success, and allows to get a feedback and brings forward future behaviors. In this sense, we performed an exploratory survey in a non-probabilistic sample of project management experts and professionals to know the degree of use of this tool. 798 responses were obtained from different countries and sectors, which indicates a majority use of metrics, but with certain nuances such as the regularity in its use, what type of indicators are the most used or those related to earned value analysis that do not have as frequent use as we might expect

    Exploring the influence of seasonal uncertainty in project risk management

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    27th IPMA World CongressFor years, many research studies have focused on programming projects, assuming a deterministic environment and complete task information. However, during the project performance, schedule may be subject to uncertainty which can lead to significant modifications. This fact has led to an increasing scientific literature in the field. In this article we consider the presence of an uncertainty of seasonal type (e.g. meteorological) that affects some of the activities that comprise the project. We discuss how the project risk can be affected by such uncertainty, depending on the start date of the project. By means of Monte Carlo simulation, we compute the statistical distribution functions of project duration at the end of the project. Then, we represent the variability of the project through the so-called Project Risk Baseline. In addition, we examine various sensitivity metrics - Criticality, Cruciality, Schedule Sensitivity Index -. We use them to prioritize each one of the activities of the project depending on its start date. In the last part of the study we demonstrate the relative importance of project tasks must consider a combined version of these three sensitivity measures.the project SPPORT: “Computational Models for Strategic Project Portfolio Management”, supported by the Regional Government of Castile and Leon (Spain) with grant VA056A12-

    Beyond earned value management: a graphical framework for integrated cost, schedule and risk monitoring

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    26th IPMA World Congress. 2012, Crete, Greece,In this paper, we propose an innovative and simple graphical framework for project control and monitoring, to integrate the dimensions of project cost and schedule with risk management, therefore extending the Earned Value methodology (EVM). EVM allows Project managers to know whether the project has overruns (over-costs and/or delays), but project managers do not know when deviations from planned values are so important that corrective actions should be taken or, in case of good performance, sources of improvement can be detected. From the concept of project planned variability, we build a graphical methodology to know when a project remains “out of control” or “within expected variability” during the project lifecycle. To this aim, we define and represent new control indexes and new cumulative buffers. Five areas in the chart represent five different possible project states. To implement this framework, project managers only need the data provided by EVM traditional analysis and Monte-Carlo simulation. We also explore the sensitivity of the methodology to control variables.Project “Computational Models for Strategic Project Portfolio Management”, supported by the Regional Government of Castile and Leon (Spain) with grant VA056A12-2

    Entorno económico-financiero para la Real Federación Española de Atletismo tras el COVID19

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    The purpose of this paper is to show a forecast of the economic-financial environment for the Royal Spanish Athletics Federation (RFEA) after COVID19 based on the Austrian Economics approach. To do so, we achieve several economic-financial scenarios using a forecast of RFEA revenues with the AAA version of the Exponential Triple Smoothing (ETS) algorithm and interpret the results based on the Austrian Economics approach with information on the Spanish economic situation and the budget of the National Sports Council (CSD) as the main source of funding. The results show that, although national federations, such as the RFEA, have sufficient net worth to absorb the negative results and responsible behavior is not rewarded in these public or semi-public bodies, the CSD should try to adapt its expenditures to the new level of expected income to avoid major financial problems in the future. The result of the work can serve as a starting point for a reflection on the future of the RFEA and any other Sports Federation.El propósito de este trabajo es mostrar una previsión del entorno económico-financiero para la Real Federación Española de Atletismo (RFEA) después del COVID19 basados en el enfoque de la Economía Austriaca. Para ello, llegamos a distintos escenarios utilizando una previsión de los ingresos de la RFEA con la versión AAA del algoritmo Exponential Triple Smoothing (ETS) e interpretamos los resultados basándonos en el enfoque de la Economía Austriaca con información sobre la situación económica española y el presupuesto del Consejo Superior de Deportes (CSD) como principal fuente de financiación. Los resultados muestran que, aunque las federaciones nacionales, como la RFEA, tengan un patrimonio neto suficiente para absorber los resultados negativos y el comportamiento responsable no se premia en esos organismos públicos o semipúblicos, el CSD debería intentar adaptar sus gastos al nuevo nivel de ingresos previstos para evitar problemas financieros mayores en el futuro. El resultado del trabajo puede servir como punto de partida para una reflexión sobre el futuro de la RFEA y de cualquier otra Federación Deportiva

    How public funding affects complexity in R&D projects. An analysis of team project perceptions

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    Producción CientíficaIn this paper, we apply a case study approach to advance current understanding of what effects public co-funding of R&D projects have on project team members’ perceived complexity. We chose an R&D project carried out by an industrial SME in northern Spain. The chosen research strategy was a qualitative approach, and sixteen employees participated in the project. We held in-depth semi-structured interviews at the beginning and end of the co-funded part of the project. NVivo data analysis software was used for qualitative data analysis. Results showed a substantial increase in perceived complexity. We observed that this was due to unresolved tension between the requirements of the project’s co-financing entity and normal SME working procedures. New working procedures needed to be developed in order to comply with the co-financing entity’s requirements. However, overall perceived complexity significantly decreased once the co-financed part of the project was completed.Junta de Castilla y León y Fondo Europeo de Desarrollo Regional (FEDER) (grant VA180P20

    On the project risk baseline: Integrating aleatory uncertainty into project scheduling

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    Producción CientíficaObtaining a viable schedule baseline that meets all project constraints is one of the main issues for project managers. The literature on this topic focuses mainly on methods to obtain schedules that meet resource restrictions and, more recently, financial limitations. The methods provide different viable schedules for the same project, and the solutions with the shortest duration are considered the best-known schedule for that project. However, no tools currently select which schedule best performs in project risk terms. To bridge this gap, this paper aims to propose a method for selecting the project schedule with the highest probability of meeting the deadline of several alternative schedules with the same duration. To do so, we propose integrating aleatory uncertainty into project scheduling by quantifying the risk of several execution alternatives for the same project. The proposed method, tested with a well-known repository for schedule benchmarking, can be applied to any project type to help managers to select the project schedules from several alternatives with the same duration, but the lowest risk

    Analysis of the main stakeholders in the project of the discovery of America

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    El Descubrimiento de América permite hacer un análisis completo de la Gestión de los Stakeholders en un proyecto. La investigación se divide en tres pasos. Primero, la identificación de los principales interesados, sus roles, intereses y expectativas. Segundo, clasificación de su impacto. Y tercero, evaluación de la influencia en el proyecto de éstos. En una prospección inicial, los principales interesados serían Cristóbal Colón e Isabel I de Castilla, como director del proyecto y patrocinadora, respectivamente. Sin embargo, el estudio de las evidencias históricas muestran que los roles no son tan claros y cómo otros personajes, como Fray Antonio de Marchena y Fernando II de Aragón ,tienen papeles igual o más cruciales para que Colón complete su primer viaje a América. La investigación incluye la participación de miembros del clero y nobleza de la Corona de Castilla, inversores de la Corona de Aragón o miembros de las tripulaciones de los navíos con intereses a favor o en contra del proyecto.The Discovery of America allows a comprehensive analysis of stakeholder management in a project. The research was divided into three steps. First, identification of key stakeholders, their roles, interests and expectations. Second, classification of their impact on the project. And third, assessing the influence of these stakeholders. In an initial study, key stakeholders would have been Christopher Columbus and Isabella I of Castile, as project manager and sponsor, respectively. However, the analysis of historical evidence shows that the roles are not as clear and how other characters, such as Fray Antonio de Marchena and Fernando II of Aragon, are equally or more crucial roles to complete their first Columbus voyage to America. The research includes the participation of clergy and nobility of the Crown of Castile, investors of the Crown of Aragon or crew members of the ships with interests in favor or against the project

    New Business Models for Sustainable Spare Parts Logistics: A Case Study

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    Producción CientíficaAdditive manufacturing of spare parts significantly impacts industrial, social, and environmental aspects. However, a literature review shows that: (i) academic papers on the adoption of additive manufacturing have focused mainly on large companies; (ii) the methods required by SMEs to adopt new technologies differ from those employed by large companies; and (iii) recent studies suggest that a suitable way to help small- and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) to adopt new additive manufacturing technologies from the academic world is by presenting case studies in which SMEs are involved. Given the increasing number of global SMEs (i.e., SMEs that manufacture locally and sell globally), we claim that these companies need to be assisted in adopting spare-parts additive manufacturing for the sake of resource and environmental sustainability. To bridge this gap, the purpose of this article is to present a case study approach that shows how a digital supply chain for spare parts has the potential to bring about changes in business models with significant benefits for both global SMEs (more effective logistic management), customers (response time), and the environment (reduced energy, emissions, raw materials, and waste).Junta de Castilla y León - Fondo Europeo de Desarrollo Regional (grant VA049P17