3,085 research outputs found

    Controlling harmful cyanobacterial blooms in a climatically more extreme world: management options and research needs

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    Cyanobacteria have a long evolutionary history that has been instrumental in allowing them to adapt to long-term geochemical and climatic changes, as well as current human and climatic alterations of aquatic ecosystems; e.g. nutrient over-enrichment, hydrologic modifications and warming. Harmful (toxic, hypoxia-generating, food web altering) cyanobacterial bloom (CyanoHAB) genera are particularly adept at taking advantage of these changes and perturbations. In addition, they have developed numerous mutualistic and symbiotic associations with other microbes and higher flora and fauna, and they modulate positive biogeochemical feedbacks, instrumental in their survival and dominance in diverse ecosystems. CyanoHABs are controlled by the combined and often synergistic effects of nutrient (nitrogen and phosphorus) inputs, light, temperature, water residence/flushing times, and biotic interactions. Accordingly, mitigation strategies are oriented towards manipulating these dynamic factors. Physical, chemical (nutrient) and biological manipulations can be effective in reducing CyanoHABs. However, these manipulations should also be accompanied by nutrient (both nitrogen and phosphorus in most cases) input reductions to ensure long-term success and sustainability. A major research and management goal for long-term control of CyanoHABs is to develop strategies that are adaptive to climatic variability and change, because nutrient-CyanoHAB thresholds are likely to be altered in a climatically more extreme world

    Elevated organic carbon pulses persist in estuarine environment after major storm events

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    Estuaries regulate transport of dissolved organic carbon (DOC) from land to ocean. Export of terrestrial DOC from coastal watersheds is exacerbated by increasing major rainfall and storm events and human activities, leading to pulses of DOC that are shunted through rivers downstream to estuaries. Despite an upward trend of extreme events, the fate of the pulsed terrestrial DOC in estuaries remains unclear. We analyzed the effects of seven major tropical cyclones (TC) from 1999 to 2017 on the quantity and fate of DOC in the Neuse River Estuary (NC, USA). Significant TC-induced increases in DOC were observed throughout the estuary; the increase lasting from around 50 d at head-of-tide to over 6 months in lower estuary. Our results suggest that pulsed terrestrial DOC associated with TCs temporarily overwhelms the estuarine filter's abiotic and biotic degradation capacity under such high flow events, enhancing the shunt of terrestrial carbon to the coastal ocean.Non peer reviewe

    Exploiting eco-physiological niche to facilitate the separation of the freshwater cyanobacteria Microcystis sp. and Synechococcus sp.

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    In a novel approach to separate the co-occurring freshwater cyanobacteria Microcystis and Synechoccous, published ecological characteristics are used to manipulate temperature and nutrient concentrations to successfully establish a unialgal Microcystis strain. The simple protocol has implications for future cyanobacterial culturing approaches and the establishment of new cyanobacteria strains

    Impacts of Seasonality and Nutrients on Microbial Mat Community Structure and Function

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    To understand the mechanisms responsible for seasonal fluctuations in growth and N2 fixation in intertidal microbial mat communities, we quantified seasonal changes in mat community composition, related these changes to diel and seasonal N2 fixation rates, and evaluated community responses (growth, N2fixation, composition) to long-term (22 d) nutrient addition bioassays. A temperate intertidal cyanobacterial mat community, located in coastal North Carolina, USA, was sampled at monthly intervals for 1 yr (1993-94) to determine changes in community composition. The abundances of major phototrophic groups were quantified based on the relative concentrations of taxaspecific photopigments (chlorophylls and carotenoids). The most abundant phototrophs were cyanobacteria, diatoms, and photosynthetic bacteria. Mat blomass and community composition underwent marked changes on both monthly and seasonal scales and corresponded with seasonal shifts in the diel patterns of N2 fixation. Diatom biomass increased during periods of low N2 fixation. Nutrient (nitrate and phosphate) addition bioassays indicated that both cyanobacterial and diatom growth were N limited. Cyanobacteria were able to circumvent N limitation by N2 fixation. The addition of high concentrations of N (100”M NaNO3) in combination with P (100 ”M NaH2P04) resulted in an increase (163%) in the relative abundance of diatoms The addition of P alone more than doubled N2 fixation rates and cyanobacterial abundance increased (+34%) relative to diatoms. However, N and NP additions significantly lowered (by more than 75%) N2 fixation rates. Here we show that manipulative experiments, together with quantitative assessments of community composition based on chemotaxonomic pigments, can provide useful insights into the mechanisms that relate mat community structure and function to environmental constraints, including nutrient limitation and seasonal climatic changes

    Picophytoplankton dynamics in a large temperate estuary and impacts of extreme storm events

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    Picophytoplankton (PicoP) are increasingly recognized as significant contributors to primary productivity and phytoplankton biomass in coastal and estuarine systems. Remarkably though, PicoP composition is unknown or not well-resolved in several large estuaries including the semi-lagoonal Neuse River Estuary (NRE), a tributary of the second largest estuary-system in the lower USA, the Pamlico-Albemarle Sound. The NRE is impacted by extreme weather events, including recent increases in precipitation and flooding associated with tropical cyclones. Here we examined the impacts of moderate to extreme (Hurricane Florence, September 2018) precipitation events on NRE PicoP abundances and composition using flow cytometry, over a 1.5 year period. Phycocyanin-rich Synechococcus-like cells were the most dominant PicoP, reaching ~ 106 cells mL−1, which highlights their importance as key primary producers in this relatively long residence-time estuary. Ephemeral “blooms” of picoeukaryotic phytoplankton (PEUK) during spring and after spikes in river flow were also detected, making PEUK periodically major contributors to PicoP biomass (up to ~ 80%). About half of the variation in PicoP abundance was explained by measured environmental variables. Temperature explained the most variation (24.5%). Change in total dissolved nitrogen concentration, an indication of increased river discharge, explained the second-most variation in PicoP abundance (15.9%). The short-term impacts of extreme river discharge from Hurricane Florence were particularly evident as PicoP biomass was reduced by ~ 100-fold for more than 2 weeks. We conclude that precipitation is a highly influential factor on estuarine PicoP biomass and composition, and show how ‘wetter’ future climate conditions will have ecosystem impacts down to the smallest of phytoplankton

    Moving towards adaptive management of cyanotoxin-impaired water bodies

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    The cyanobacteria are a phylum of bacteria that have played a key role in shaping the Earth's biosphere due to their pioneering ability to perform oxygenic photosynthesis. Throughout their history, cyanobacteria have experienced major biogeochemical changes accompanying Earth's geochemical evolution over the past 2.5+ billion years, including periods of extreme climatic change, hydrologic, nutrient and radiation stress. Today, they remain remarkably successful, exploiting human nutrient over-enrichment as nuisance "blooms." Cyanobacteria produce an array of unique metabolites, the functions and biotic ramifications of which are the subject of diverse ecophysiological studies. These metabolites are relevant from organismal and ecosystem function perspectives because some can be toxic and fatal to diverse biota, including zooplankton and fish consumers of algal biomass, and high-level consumers of aquatic food sources and drinking water, including humans. Given the long history of environmental extremes and selection pressures that cyanobacteria have experienced, it is likely that that these toxins serve ecophysiological functions aimed at optimizing growth and fitness during periods of environmental stress. Here, we explore the molecular and ecophysiological mechanisms underlying cyanotoxin production, with emphasis on key environmental conditions potentially controlling toxin production. Based on this information, we offer potential management strategies for reducing cyanotoxin potentials in natural waters; for cyanotoxins with no clear drivers yet elucidated, we highlight the data gaps and research questions that are still lacking. We focus on the four major classes of toxins (anatoxins, cylindrospermopsins, microcystins and saxitoxins) that have thus far been identified as relevant from environmental health perspectives, but caution there may be other harmful metabolites waiting to be elucidated

    Mitigating harmful cyanobacterial blooms in a human- and climatically-impacted world

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    Bloom-forming harmful cyanobacteria (CyanoHABs) are harmful from environmental, ecological and human health perspectives by outcompeting beneficial phytoplankton, creating low oxygen conditions (hypoxia, anoxia), and by producing cyanotoxins. Cyanobacterial genera exhibit optimal growth rates and bloom potentials at relatively high water temperatures; hence, global warming plays a key role in their expansion and persistence. CyanoHABs are regulated by synergistic effects of nutrient (nitrogen:N and phosphorus:P) supplies, light, temperature, vertical stratification, water residence times, and biotic interactions. In most instances, nutrient control strategies should focus on reducing both N and P inputs. Strategies based on physical, chemical (nutrient) and biological manipulations can be effective in reducing CyanoHABs; however, these strategies are largely confined to relatively small systems, and some are prone to ecological and environmental drawbacks, including enhancing release of cyanotoxins, disruption of planktonic and benthic communities and fisheries habitat. All strategies should consider and be adaptive to climatic variability and change in order to be effective for long-term control of CyanoHABs. Rising temperatures and greater hydrologic variability will increase growth rates and alter critical nutrient thresholds for CyanoHAB development; thus, nutrient reductions for bloom control may need to be more aggressively pursued in response to climatic changes globally

    Tackling Harmful Cyanobacterial Blooms with Chinese Colleagues: We're All in the Same Boat

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    Harmful cyanobacterial blooms (CyanoHABs) are a rapidly proliferating global problem, threatening the use and sustainability of our freshwater resources. In recent decades, the United States, China, and other developed and developing countries threatened by CyanoHAB expansion have established collaborative efforts aimed at mitigating and managing this environmental and human health problem. However, an escalating negative political climate and restrictive policies on scientific exchange threaten these efforts. In this Perspective, I point to progress that has been made to counter the CyanoHAB problem on U.S.–Chinese fronts through our collaborations, which have been mutually beneficial from research and academic perspectives. Much like global efforts now needed to control pandemics, we are all “in the same boat” when to comes to countering the threat CyanoHABs pose for drinkable, swimmable, and fishable freshwater supplies and human health

    Elevated organic carbon pulses persist in estuarine environment after major storm events

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    Estuaries regulate transport of dissolved organic carbon (DOC) from land to ocean. Export of terrestrial DOC from coastal watersheds is exacerbated by increasing major rainfall and storm events and human activities, leading to pulses of DOC that are shunted through rivers downstream to estuaries. Despite an upward trend of extreme events, the fate of the pulsed terrestrial DOC in estuaries remains unclear. We analyzed the effects of seven major tropical cyclones (TC) from 1999 to 2017 on the quantity and fate of DOC in the Neuse River Estuary (NC, USA). Significant TC-induced increases in DOC were observed throughout the estuary; the increase lasting from around 50 d at head-of-tide to over 6 months in lower estuary. Our results suggest that pulsed terrestrial DOC associated with TCs temporarily overwhelms the estuarine filter's abiotic and biotic degradation capacity under such high flow events, enhancing the shunt of terrestrial carbon to the coastal ocean

    Alteration of microbial metabolic activities in association with detritus.

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    Detritus serves as a microhabitat, or microzone, hosting redox gradients, altered microbial metabolism and associated biochemical nutrient transformation processes qualitatively and quantitatively distinct from the ambient planktonic environment. Distributions of microbial communities and their extracellular deposition products on detrital as well as non-detrital submersed surfaces are patchy in nature, both in terms of physical distribution and associated metabolism. This patchiness promotes the development of steep redox gradients, which in turn lead to diverse microhabitats in which microorganisms, protozoans and invertebrates, all having narrow environmental tolerances, can reside. The compact nature of gradients helps promote diffusive exchange of metabolites, gases and nutrients, thereby maintaining community diversity and structural stability of microzones. Microzones also harbor specific nutrient transformation processes (nitrogen cycle N2 fixation, ammonification, nitrification and denitrification) which may otherwise be unfavorable or inhibited in ambient waters
