88 research outputs found

    Nanostructured nickel film deposition on carbon fibers for improving reinforcement-matrix interface in metal matrix composites

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    The issues in dispersing any form of carbon in metal matrix is the major problem in the field of metal matrix composites with carbon reinforcement (MMCcr). The low wettability of carbon in molten metals and the difference in density are some of the difficulties to obtain a good dispersion of carbon fibers in the matrix and, as a consequence, an improvement of some critical properties for metals in a wide range of application (mechanical properties, electrical properties, optical properties). For this reason, the aim of this work is to obtain a metallic coated carbon fiber to enhance the interaction between the reinforcement and the matrix. Moreover, also the density of carbon fibers could be adjusted depending on the thickness of the coating. Electroless Nickel-Phosphorus Plating (ENP) is one of the candidate to be a coating technique to improve the interaction between the carbon fibers and the metal matrix. Despite of its versatility in terms of complex geometry of the substrate and homogeneity and adhesion of the coating, the presence of the phosphorus in the alloy could create some problems with the metal matrix such as the formation of metal-phosphorus products that can drastically decrease the mechanical properties of the composite. For this reason, in this work, is presented a new way of Electroless Pure Nickel Plating (EPP) without any introduction of phosphorus in the nickel coating. The dependence of the coating thickness and the density of the coated fibers were studied under different plating parameters (temperature of the plating solution, deposition rate and plating solution composition). All the samples were characterized with SEM and XRD and the thickness, density and homogeneity were compared for all the samples obtained

    Al2O3/ZrO2/Y3Al5O12 composites. A high-temperature mechanical characterization

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    An Al2O3/5 vol%·ZrO2/5 vol%·Y3Al5O12 (YAG) tri-phase composite was manufactured by surface modification of an alumina powder with inorganic precursors of the second phases. The bulk materials were produced by die-pressing and pressureless sintering at 1500 °C, obtaining fully dense, homogenous samples, with ultra-fine ZrO2 and YAG grains dispersed in a sub-micronic alumina matrix. The high temperature mechanical properties were investigated by four-point bending tests up to 1500 °C, and the grain size stability was assessed by observing the microstructural evolution of the samples heat treated up to 1700 °C. Dynamic indentation measures were performed on as-sintered and heat-treated Al2O3/ZrO2/YAG samples in order to evaluate the micro-hardness and elastic modulus as a function of re-heating temperature. The high temperature bending tests highlighted a transition from brittle to plastic behavior comprised between 1350 and 1400 °C and a considerable flexural strength reduction at temperatures higher than 1400 °C; moreover, the microstructural investigations carried out on the re-heated samples showed a very limited grain growth up to 1650 °C

    Lightweight metallic matrix composites. Development of new composites material reinforced with carbon structures

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    Carbon nano/micro-structures used as fillers in metallic lightweight alloys matrix composites are receiving considerable attention in scientific research and industrial applications. Aluminum and magnesium are the most studied light metals used as matrices in metal composites materials principally for their low density (respectively 2.7 g/cm3 and 1.7 g/cm3) and low melting temperature (around 660 °C for both metals). A good interaction between matrix and fillers is the first step to obtain an increase in bulk properties; furthermore, the manufacturing procedure of the composite is fundamental in terms of quality of fillers dispersion. In this work the influence of surface modifications for three classes of carbon fillers for aluminum and magnesium alloy (AZ63) as matrices is studied. In particular, the selected fillers are short carbon micro fibres (SCMFs), carbon woven fabrics (CWF) and unidirectional yarn carbon fibres (UYFs). The surface modification was carried out by a direct coating of pure nickel on fibres. The electroless pure nickel plating was chosen as coating technique and the use of hydrazine as reducing agent has prevented the co-deposition of other elements (such as P or B). SEM and EDS analyses were performed to study the effect of surface modifications. The mechanical properties of manufactured composites were evaluated by four point flexural tests according to ASTM C1161 (room temperature). Results confirm improved interactions between matrix and fillers, and the specific interaction was studied for any chosen reinforcement

    Static and dynamic weighing of rolling stocks by mean of a customized FBG-Sensorized-Patch

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    The structural health monitoring (SHM) of an infrastructure is of fundamental importance for the structure and people safety. Fiber Bragg Grating (FBG) sensors allow to design for each application, a tailored array of quasi-distributed sensors integrated to the infrastructure. To ensure the structural integrity of the railways is crucial to verify that the infrastructures comply with safety requirements to carry out their task. Railways rolling stock must comply with speed limits, the maximum number of wagons, maximum weight limit distributed on each axis of the wagons and the allowed number of trains on specific routes. The identification of the vertical load acting on each wheel is fundamental for the safety of a rolling-stock moving on a railway line. This paper presents the results of a test campaign on sensitive smart patches for static and dynamic weighing of trains. The system aims to generate a gripping system based on the magnetic force of a plastoferrite patch, taking advantage of the peculiarity that the rails are made of ferritic steel. This solution has the benefit of simplifying and speeding up the installation process and enabling a fast and easy removal or change in the configuration of the sensors array on the rail

    Diffusion aluminide coatings for hot corrosion and oxidation protection of nickel-based superalloys. Effect of fluoride-based activator salts

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    The influence of two different fluoride-based activator salts (NH4F and AlF3) was studied for diffusion aluminide coatings obtained via pack cementation on a Ni-based superalloy (René 108DS). The resistance to oxidation and hot corrosion was assessed as a function of the concentration of activator salts used during the synthesis process by means of pack cementation. Two different concentrations were selected for activator salts (respecting the equimolarity of fluoride in the synthesis) and the obtained diffusion coatings were compared in terms of morphology, thickness and composition, as well as in terms of microstructural evolution after high temperature exposure. Isothermal oxidation tests were conducted at 1050 C in air for 100 h in a tubular furnace. The oxidation kinetics were evaluated by measuring the weight variation with exposure time. The microstructural evolution induced by the high temperature exposure was investigated by SEM microscopy, EDS analysis and X-ray diffraction. Results showed that the coatings obtained with AlF3 activator salt are thicker than those obtained using NH4F as a consequence of different growth mechanism during pack-cementation. Despite this evidence, it was found that the NH4F coatings show a better oxidation resistance, both in terms of total mass gain and of quality of the microstructure of the thermally grown oxide. On the other hand, coatings produced with high concentration of AlF3 exhibited a better resistance in hot corrosion conditions, showing negligible mass variations after 200 h of high temperature exposure to aggressive NaCl and Na2SO4 salts

    Tribological behaviour of alumina-titania nanostructured coatings produced by air plasma spray technique

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    Nanostructured Al2O3-TiO2 wear resistant coatings were produced by air plasma spray from plasma-densified agglomerated nano-powders. Conventional Al2O3-TiO2 coatings were also deposited for direct comparison of tribological performance. Operating parameters were optimized by a DOE (Design of Experiment) procedure, to produce coherent and well adherent ceramic coatings and to minimize dwell times in the torch in order to reduce the risk of excessive grain growth or complete remelting. Optimal tribological behaviour was selected as the main goal function. Microstructural characterization of APS nanostructured coatings confirmed the presence of fully molten areas combined with unmolten particles still retaining their spherical morphology, and with elongated particles whose microstructure showed initial stages of grain growth and recrystallization processes. Coatings produced with the final set of deposition parameters were tested for micro-hardness, elastic modulus and unlubricated wear resistance against alumina. Results clearly indicate that nanostructured coatings produced from plasma densified nanostructured precursors exhibit considerably improved performances, evaluated in terms of worn out volume and mass loss

    Dense and cellular zirconia produced by gel casting with agar: preparation and high temperature characterization

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    A modified gel-casting process was developed to produce both dense and highly porous (40% volume) yttria tetragonal zirconia polycrystal (Y-TZP) using agar, a natural polysaccharide, as gelling agent. A fugitive phase, made of commercial polyethylene spheres, was added to the ceramic suspension before gelling to produce cellular ceramic structures. The characterization of the microstructural features of both dense and cellular ceramics was carried out by FEG SEM analysis of cross-sections produced by focused ion beam. The mechanical properties of the components were characterized at room temperature by nanoindentation tests in continuous stiffness measurement mode, by investigating the direct effect of the presence of residual microporosity. The presence of a diffuse residual microporosity from incomplete gel deaeration resulted in a decay of the bending strength and of the elastic modulus. The mechanical behavior of both dense and cellular zirconia (in terms of elastic modulus, flexural strength, and deformation at rupture) was investigated by performing four-point bending tests at the temperature of 1500°C

    Ab initio optical properties of Si(100)

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    We compute the linear optical properties of different reconstructions of the clean and hydrogenated Si(100) surface within DFT-LDA, using norm-conserving pseudopotentials. The equilibrium atomic geometries of the surfaces, determined from self-consistent total energy calculations within the Car-Parrinello scheme, strongly influence Reflectance Anisotropy Spectra (RAS), showing differences between the p(2x2) and c(4x2)reconstructions. The Differential Reflectivity spectrum for the c(4x2) reconstruction shows a positive peak at energies < 1 eV, in agreement with experimental results.Comment: fig. 2 correcte


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    I rivestimenti utilizzati per la realizzazione delle palette di turbine a gas sono dei sistemi multilayer composti da uno strato più esterno in materiale ceramico (top coat) e da uno strato intermedio in lega metallica (bond coat) finalizzati, rispettivamente, alla protezione del componente dalle elevate temperature di esercizio e dall’ossidazione. Il ceramico inoltre protegge la paletta da fenomeni di erosione superficiale. Il presente elaborato è finalizzato allo studio del comportamento all’ossidazione di questi sistemi. In particolare si vuole proporre l’aggiunta di un nuovo strato interposto tra bond coat ed top coat analizzando, tramite uno studio sperimentale, come varia la cinetica d’ossidazione del componente. Nella parte finale del lavoro è presentato inoltre lo sviluppo di un modello agli elementi finiti in grado di simulare, in funzione dei diversi comportamenti all’ossidazione, lo stato tensionale che si genera nella paletta. Il lavoro è stato organizzato secondo la struttura di seguito descritta: Fase 1: 1. Definizione dello stato dell’arte nel campo dei rivestimenti protettivi per palette di turbina (TBC - Thermal Barrier Coatings); 2. Selezione e deposizione di cinque rivestimenti antiossidanti MCrAlY commerciali; 3. Studio delle cinetiche di ossidazione ad alta temperatura e dell’evoluzione microstrutturale dei rivestimenti MCrAlY depositati; 4. Selezione del rivestimento con le migliori prestazioni in termini di resistenza all’ossidzione. Fase 2: 5. Modifica superficiale del rivestimento selezionato tramite deposizione di un film di allumina PVD volto a migliorarne il comportamento in ossidazione; 6. Studio delle cinetiche di ossidazione ad alta temperatura e dell’evoluzione microstrutturale del rivestimento MCrAlY modificato. Fase 3: 7. Studio delle proprietà meccaniche in temperatura del rivestimento selezionato; 8. Sviluppo di un modello agli elementi finiti di paletta di turbina rivestita con TBC: analisi delle sollecitazioni indotte dall’ossidazione del sistema MCrAlY

    Influenza dei parametri di processo sulle proprietĂ  di rivestimenti PVD base nitruri

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    Il continuo sviluppo delle tecniche di deposizione PVD ed il costante ampliarsi dei campi di applicazione dei rivestimenti sottili rendono la deposizione di film da fase vapore una tecnologia industrialmente strategica per la quale è possibile intravedere grandi possibilità di sviluppo, riguardo sia ai materiali ed alle applicazioni che all’ottimizzazione dei processi di deposizione. I rivestimenti PVD studiati nel presente lavoro (TiN e CrN ottenuti con tecnologia ad arco catodico CA-PVD) presentano elevata durezza, basso coefficiente d’attrito e buona resistenza alla corrosione; tali proprietà li rendono eccellenti rivestimenti antiusura, ormai largamente utilizzati nell’industria meccanica, aerospaziale, ottica e biomedica [1-6]. In virtù della diffusione e della industrializzazione sempre maggiore dei riporti PVD assume grande importanza il problema del contenimento dei costi di produzione legato all’ottimizzazione dei parametri di deposizione, ovvero la possibilità di modificare “ad hoc” le variabili di processo in funzione delle proprietà che il rivestimento deve possedere. Scopo del presente lavoro è l’analisi di come le proprietà meccaniche e morfologiche dei due rivestimenti “monolayer” di TiN e CrN varino al variare dei parametri di deposizione, in particolare modificando la temperatura massima del substrato e la tensione di bia
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