411 research outputs found

    New or interesting regional bryophyte records for Italian bryoflora

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    Based on recent bryophyte collections five records are added to the bryophyte flora of some Italian regions. The hepatic Riccia beyrichiana is new to Campania, Archidium alternifolium, Campylopus introflexus and Hedwigia stellata are new mosses to Lazio and Hylocomium splendens to Basilicata. In addition, the presence of Campylopus atrovirens and Pleuridium acuminatum in Lazio is confirmed after more than half a centur

    Treating depression: Psychiatric consultation in cardiology

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    Depression is the most common psychiatric disorder in coronary artery disease, and it can worsen cardiac outcomes. Also, cardiac disease predisposes patients to the development of depression. Assessment of depression is an important part of ongoing patient contacts. It can be easily done through the regular use of a self-report screening tool and the clinical interview. Treatment can consist of antidepressant use, psychotherapy and mindfulness-based group therapy. The antidepressants known as the selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors can generally be used safely in cardiac patients. They are a mainstay in the treatment of moderate to severe depression. Individual cognitive-behavioral therapy can treat milder forms of depression and can augment antidepressant use in more severe cases. Mindfulness-based group therapy can provide patients with additional means of handling distress while offering social contact and support, both of which are important in the treatment of depression. The use of consulting psychiatric services offers the cardiologist a collaborative team approach when treating patients with depressive illnesses

    Application of a new photocatalytic nanomaterial obtained by Pulse Laser Ablation for Polychrome Paintings Conservation: a feasibility study

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    This works aims to present a preliminary study about the application on painting of TiO2 nanoparticles for self-cleaning and protective purposes. We firstly assessed the photocatalytic activity of the TiO2 nanoparticles, obtained by Pulsed Laser Ablation, by the discoloration of dye. After, the colloidal dispersion is applied to painting samples prepared in laboratory, according to old recipes and using the most-used historical binders and pigments, in order to verify the cleaning efficiency by discoloration of the chromatic markers. The spectrophotometric analysis is performed studying the Spectral Reflectance Factor trend and the color coordinates

    Nitrogen-Doped Zinc Oxide for Photo-Driven Molecular Hydrogen Production

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    Due to its thermal stability, conductivity, high exciton binding energy and high electron mobility, zinc oxide is one of the most studied semiconductors in the field of photocatalysis. However, the wide bandgap requires the use of UV photons to harness its potential. A convenient way to appease such a limitation is the doping of the lattice with foreign atoms which, in turn, introduce localized states (defects) within the bandgap. Such localized states make the material optically active in the visible range and reduce the energy required to initiate photo-driven charge separation events. In this work, we employed a green synthetic procedure to achieve a high level of doping and have demonstrated how the thermal treatment during synthesis is crucial to select specific the microscopic (molecular) nature of the defect and, ultimately, the type of chemistry (reduction versus oxidation) that the material is able to perform. We found that low-temperature treatments produce material with higher efficiency in the water photosplitting reaction. This constitutes a further step in the establishment of N-doped ZnO as a photocatalyst for artificial photosynthesis


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    Judul penelitian ini adalah Penerapan Model Explicit Instruction Pada Pembelajaran Seni Tari Untuk Meningkatkan Minat Belajar Siswa (Studi Eksperimen Pada Siswa Kelas VIII-F SMP Negeri 3 Lembang). Permasalahan yang diangkat ialah bagaimana menumbuhkan minat belajar siswa melalui pembelajaran tari dengan tiga pertanyaan penelitian diantaranya, (1) Bagaimana minat belajar siswa terhadap pembelajaran seni tari sebelum diterapkannya model Explicit Instruction di kelas VIII-F SMP Negeri 3 Lembang?, (2) Bagaimana proses pembelajaran untuk meningkatkan minat belajar siswa terhadap pembelajaran seni tari melalui model Explicit Instruction di kelas VIII-F SMP Negeri 3 Lembang?, (3) Bagaimana hasil pembelajaran Seni Tari untuk meningkatkan minat belajar siswa setelah diterapkannya model Explicit Instruction dikelas VIII-F SMP Negeri 3 Lembang?. Metode penelitian yang digunakan adalah metode eksperimen pendekatan kuantitatif dan teknik pengumpulan data diantaranya studi pustaka, observasi, wawancara, tes, dan dokumentasi. Hasil analisis data dan temuan mengenai minat belajar siswa sebelum menggunakan model explicit instruction sangat rendah karena model pembelajaran yang digunakan belum tepat, peningkatan minat terlihat pada saat proses pembelajaran, kemudian uji t tabel yang menyatakan bahwa t_tes 4 > t_tab1,729. Hal ini membuktikan bahwa model explicit instruction sangat signifikan untuk meningkatkan minat belajar siswa dan dapat di jadikan sebagai salah satu rekomendasi untuk pembelajaran tari terutama dalam meningkatkan minat belajar siswa

    Prehistoric human presence on Mount Etna (Sicily), in relation to the geological evolution

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    This study analyses the relationship between the pre- and protohistoric sites on the slopes of Etna and the volcanic products, as well as the diverse settlement strategies in the different periods of prehistory. New C14 dating from significant excavations, in addition to those known from other Etnean sites, were performed with the aim of validating the chronology of the sequence of the different phases. A substantial concordance of the archaeological data with the volcanological ones has been found. It has been observed that a consistent human presence on Etna appears from the Middle Neolithic (5500 BC), after the sequence of eruptive events that marked the end of the Ellittico volcano (13550 - 13050 BC) and the formation of the Valle del Bove, and the subsequent debris and alluvial events on the eastern flanks of the volcano (7250 - 3350 BC). Human presence intensifies between the Late-Final Copper Age and the Early Bronze Age (2800 - 1450 BC), due to improvement in subsistence techniques and to the large presence of soils on lava flows suitable for sheep farming. The most recent phases of the Bronze Age are poorly represented, probably because of the concentration of the population in larger agglomerations (Montevergine and S. Paolillo at Catania, the Historical Hill at Paternò). The explosive eruptions taking place in this period seem to have had less impact on the settlement choices and have not affected the development of the sites over time

    Nanoporous Ge electrode as a template for nano-sized (<5 nm) Au aggregates

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    none8In this paper we present the extremely peculiar electrical properties of nanoporous Ge. A full and accurate electrical characterization showed an unexpected and extremely high concentration of positive carriers. Electrochemical analyses showed that nanoporous Ge has improved charge transfer properties with respect to bulk Ge. The electrode behavior, together with the large surface-to-volume ratio, make nanoporous Ge an efficient nanostructured template for the realization of other porous materials by electrodeposition. The pores were efficiently decorated by Au nanoparticles of diameter as low as 1–5 nm, prepared by electrochemical deposition. These new results demonstrate the potential and efficient use of nanoporous Ge as a nanostructured template for nano-sized Au aggregates, opening the way for the realization of innovative sensor devices.openG.Impellizzeri; L.Romano; B.Fraboni; E. Scavetta; F.Ruffino; C.Bongiorno; V. Privitera; M.G.GrimaldiG.Impellizzeri; L.Romano; B.Fraboni; E. Scavetta; F.Ruffino; C.Bongiorno; V. Privitera; M.G.Grimald

    Correction: Enhancing carrier generation in TiO2 by a synergistic effect between plasmon resonance in Ag nanoparticles and optical interference

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    Silver nanoparticles have been embedded at a few nanometer distance from the free surface of titania/silica multilayers using low energy ion beam synthesis. Transmission electron microscopy shows the presence of 3 nm-sized crystalline particles. Reflectance spectroscopy on these composite substrates shows an increase of the light capture efficiency in the visible range. This behaviour is interpreted as a synergistic effect between plasmon polariton resonance and Fabry–Perot interferences. Plasmon-resonant Raman spectroscopy is deeply used to analyze, on one hand confinement of vibrations and electronic excitations in Ag NPs, and on the other hand coupling of polar TiO2 phonons with injected photo-generated carriers. It is shown how these new Ag/TiO2 nanocomposite films appear as very promising to enhance the efficiency and enlarge the spectral sensitivity of plasmo-electronics devices
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