1,395 research outputs found

    Síndrome HELLP sobreposta a síndrome hemolítica-urêmica

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    A pregnancy complicated by typical hemolytic uremic syndrome (HUS) and hemolysis, elevated liver enzymes, low platelets (HELLP) syndrome is reported. At 20 weeks of gestation, a case of HUS was diagnosed, with Shiga toxin-producing Escherichia coli identified. Plasmapheresis allowed continuation of the pregnancy for 5 weeks. Superimposed preeclampsia and HELLP syndrome were diagnosed after the establishment of nephrotic range proteinuria, hypertension and recurrence of hemolysis. This is a singular case, as it demonstrates that HELLP syndrome can superimpose upon HUS, a fact that can impact future research on reproductive immunology. It also reminds clinicians that the overlapping of clinical and laboratory findings in HELLP syndrome makes the diagnosis of other thrombotic microangiopathies during pregnancy a clinical challenge.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Medial patellofemoral ligament injury patterns and associated pathology in lateral patella dislocation: an MRI study

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    BACKGROUND: Lateral Patella dislocations are common injuries seen in the active and young adult populations. Our study focus was to evaluate medial patellofemoral ligament (MPFL) injury patterns and associated knee pathology using Magnetic Resonance Imaging studies. METHODS: MRI studies taken at one imaging site between January, 2007 to January, 2008 with the final diagnosis of patella dislocation were screened for this study. Of the 324 cases that were found, 195 patients with lateral patellar dislocation traumatic enough to cause bone bruises on the lateral femoral trochlea and the medial facet of the patella were selected for this study. The MRI images were reviewed by three independent observers for location and type of MPFL injury, osteochondral defects, loose bodies, MCL and meniscus tears. The data was analyzed as a single cohort and by gender. RESULTS: This study consisted of 127 males and 68 females; mean age of 23 yrs. Tear of the MPFL at the patellar attachment occurred in 93/195 knees (47%), at the femoral attachment in 50/195 knees (26%), and at both the femoral and patella attachment sites in 26/195 knees (13%). Attenuation of the MPFL without rupture occurred in 26/195 knees (13%). Associated findings included loose bodies in 23/195 (13%), meniscus tears 41/195 (21%), patella avulsion/fracture in 14/195 (7%), medial collateral ligament sprains/tears in 37/195 (19%) and osteochondral lesions in 96/195 knees (49%). Statistical analysis showed females had significantly more associated meniscus tears than the males (27% vs. 17%, p = 0.04). Although not statistically significant, osteochondral lesions were seen more in male patients with acute patella dislocation (52% vs. 42%, p = 0.08). CONCLUSION: Patients who present with lateral patella dislocation with the classic bone bruise pattern seen on MRI will likely rupture the MPFL at the patellar side. Females are more likely to have an associated meniscal tear than males; however, more males have underlying osteochondral lesions. Given the high percentage of associated pathology, we recommend a MRI of the knee in all patients who present with acute patella dislocation

    Prospective blind comparative clinical study of two point fixation of zygomatic complex fracture using wire and mini plates

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>The zygomatic maxillary complex (ZMC) fractures are one of the most frequent injuries of the facial skeleton due to its position and facial contour. Assaults, road traffic accidents and falls are the principal etiologic factors that may cause fractures of zygomatic bone. The different fixation methods are applied to treat the zygomatic bone fractures, with many more classifications which have been described in the literature for the ease of management. The type of the fracture, its severity and associated facial fractures usually interferes the treatment modality.</p> <p>Purpose of study</p> <p>The aim of this paper is to show the results of 18yrs prospective blind comparative study using wire and plate osteosynthesis which needed open reduction and internal fixation involving Type II to Type IV Spissel and Schroll ZMC fractures.</p> <p>Materials and methods</p> <p>Total 80 cases included in the study out of 1780 ZMC cases which were treated using wire and plate osteosynthesis over a period of 18 yrs, involving only Type II to Type IV Spissel and Schroll ZMC fractures. Other types excluded from study to prevent observer bias. All the fixations carried out through Standard Dingman's incision using stainless steel 26 gauze wire and titanium 1.5 mm mini plate system under general anesthesia by single maxillofacial surgeon and evaluated by another maxillofacial surgeon who is blinded for surgical procedure after 2 and 4 wks of follow-up for facial symmetry, wound healing, functional assessment (mouth opening, diplopia), and sensory disturbance. All the data tabulated in Excel software (Microsoft) for statistical analysis. P-value calculated to know the Significance of treatment modality in all aspects.</p> <p>Results</p> <p>Result shows no significant p-values indicating both the operating techniques are equally efficient in the surgical management of ZMC fracture.</p> <p>Conclusion</p> <p>Osteosynthesis by mini plates is simple, logical and effective treatment compared to wire osteosynthesis in regard to stability of fracture fragments. Wire osteosynthesis will be helpful in emergency surgeries or where the mini plates are not available. Even though the wire osteosynthesis is economical compared to mini plate fixation; but the time and skill is required for fixation of wires.</p

    Fuzzy modelling of acid mine drainage environments using geochemical, ecological and mineralogical indicators

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    Fuzzy logic was applied to model acid mine drainage (AMD) and to obtain a classification index of the environmental impact in a contaminated riverine system. The data set used to develop this fuzzy model (a fuzzy classifier) concerns an abandoned mine in Northern Portugal— Valdarcas mining site. Here, distinctive drainage environments (spatial patterns) can be observed based on the AMD formed in the sulphide-rich waste-dumps. Such environments were established, as the effluent flows through the mining area, using several kinds of indicators. These are physical–chemical, ecological and mineralogical parameters, being expressed in a quantitative or qualitative basis. The fuzzy classifier proposed in this paper is a min– max fuzzy inference system, representing the spatial behaviour of those indicators, using the AMD environments as patterns. As they represent different levels (classes) of contamination, the fuzzy classifier can be used as a tool, allowing a more reasonable approach, compared with classical models, to characterize the environmental impact caused by AMD. In a general way it can be applied to other sites where sulphide-rich waste-dumps are promoting the pollution of superficial water through the generation of AMD

    Mechanisms and age estimates of continental-scale endorheic to exorheic drainage transition: Douro River, Western Iberia

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    In western Iberia, mechanisms that can explain the transition from endorheic to exorheic continental-scale drainage reorganization are foreland basin overspill, headwards erosion and capture by an Atlantic river, or a combination of both. To explore these, we have investigated the Portuguese sector of the Douro River, the locus of drainage reorganization. The Douro River is routed downstream through the weak sedimentary infill of the Douro Cenozoic Basin, after which the river cuts down through harder granitic and metamorphic rocks crossed by active fault zones, before reaching the Atlantic coast. We investigated the drainage reorganization using an integrated approach that combined remote sensing, field survey and geochronology, applied to Pliocene–Quaternary fluvial sediments and landforms. The older drainage record is documented by a series of high and intermediate landform levels comprising: (1) a high level (1000–500 m a.s.l.) faulted regional fluvial erosion surface, the North Iberian Meseta planation surface and the Mountains and Plateaus of Northern Portugal, recording the endorheic drainage of the Douro Cenozoic Basin; (2) a first inset level at 650–600 m a.s.l., comprising a broad fluvial surface developed onto a large ENE–WSW depression, interpreted as recording the initiation of the continental scale reorganization; and (3) an inset fluvial surface at 550–400 m a.s.l., corresponding to the establishment of the exorheic ancestral Douro valley. The younger drainage record comprises an entrenched fluvial strath terrace sequence of up to 9 levels (T9 = oldest), positioned at 246–242 m above the modern river base; T1 = youngest, positioned at +17–13 m. Levels T1 and T3 display localized fault offsets. The three lowest terrace levels (T3–T1) were dated using optically stimulated luminescence techniques with results ranging from >230–360 ka (T3), through 57 ka (T2) to 39–12 ka (T1). Fluvial incision rates of the younger terraces were quantified and temporally extrapolated to model the ages of the intermediate to high elevation levels of the early drainage record. Integration of incision data informs on the probable timing of the drainage reorganization and the initial adjustment, ~3.7–1.8 Ma. This was followed by acceleration of incision, producing the entrenched river terrace sequence developed via spatial and temporal variations in rock strength, uplift and cyclic cool-climate variability as the river adjusted to the Atlantic base level

    Pheochromocytoma presenting with arterial and intracardiac thrombus in a 47-year-old woman: a case report

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Introduction</p> <p>Pheochromocytoma is a rare cause of hypertension but it could have severe consequences if not recognized and treated appropriately. The association of pheochromocytoma and thrombosis is even rarer but significantly increases management complexity, morbidity and mortality. To the best of our knowledge, this is the first report of a patient with pheochromocytoma presenting with left axillary arterial and intracardiac thrombus.</p> <p>Case presentation</p> <p>A 47-year-old Caucasian woman with a past medical history of hypertension presented for medical attention with left arm numbness. Doppler ultrasound showed an obstructing thrombus in her left axillary artery. She had symptom resolution after stent placement in her left axillary artery. A subsequent echocardiogram demonstrated a large intracardiac mass and abdominal computed tomography revealed a 7 cm mass between her spleen and left kidney. Labile blood pressure was noted during admission and she had very high levels of plasma and 24-hour urine catecholamines and metanephrines tests. A (123)I- metaiodobenzylguanidine scan showed intense uptake in the left abdominal mass. After adequate alpha blockage with phenoxybenzamine, laparoscopic tumor resection was performed without complications. She had normal metanephrines and complete symptom resolution afterwards. The intracardiac mass also disappeared with anticoagulation. All other endocrine laboratory abnormalities returned to normal after surgery.</p> <p>Conclusion</p> <p>Arterial and ventricular thrombosis occurring in patients with pheochromocytoma is rare. A multi-disciplinary approach is necessary in caring for this type of patient. Catecholamines likely contributed to the development of thrombosis in our patient. Early recognition of pheochromocytoma is the key to improving outcome.</p

    Therapeutic implications of an enriched cancer stem-like cell population in a human osteosarcoma cell line

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>Osteosarcoma is a bone-forming tumor of mesenchymal origin that presents a clinical pattern that is consistent with the cancer stem cell model. Cells with stem-like properties (CSCs) have been identified in several tumors and hypothesized as the responsible for the relative resistance to therapy and tumor relapses. In this study, we aimed to identify and characterize CSCs populations in a human osteosarcoma cell line and to explore their role in the responsiveness to conventional therapies.</p> <p>Methods</p> <p>CSCs were isolated from the human MNNG/HOS cell line using the sphere formation assay and characterized in terms of self-renewal, mesenchymal stem cell properties, expression of pluripotency markers and ABC transporters, metabolic activity and tumorigenicity. Cell's sensitivity to conventional chemotherapeutic agents and to irradiation was analyzed and related with cell cycle-induced alterations and apoptosis.</p> <p>Results</p> <p>The isolated CSCs were found to possess self-renewal and multipotential differentiation capabilities, express markers of pluripotent embryonic stem cells Oct4 and Nanog and the ABC transporters P-glycoprotein and BCRP, exhibit low metabolic activity and induce tumors in athymic mice. Compared with parental MNNG/HOS cells, CSCs were relatively more resistant to both chemotherapy and irradiation. None of the treatments have induced significant cell-cycle alterations and apoptosis in CSCs.</p> <p>Conclusions</p> <p>MNNG/HOS osteosarcoma cells contain a stem-like cell population relatively resistant to conventional chemotherapeutic agents and irradiation. This resistant phenotype appears to be related with some stem features, namely the high expression of the drug efflux transporters P-glycoprotein and BCRP and their quiescent nature, which may provide a biological basis for resistance to therapy and recurrence commonly observed in osteosarcoma.</p

    Validation of a Novel, Sensitive, and Specific Urine-Based Test for Recurrence Surveillance of Patients With Non-Muscle-Invasive Bladder Cancer in a Comprehensive Multicenter Study

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    Bladder cancer (BC), the most frequent malignancy of the urinary system, is ranked the sixth most prevalent cancer worldwide. Of all newly diagnosed patients with BC, 70–75% will present disease confined to the mucosa or submucosa, the non-muscle-invasive BC (NMIBC) subtype. Of those, approximately 70% will recur after transurethral resection (TUR). Due to high rate of recurrence, patients are submitted to an intensive follow-up program maintained throughout many years, or even throughout life, resulting in an expensive follow-up, with cystoscopy being the most cost-effective procedure for NMIBC screening. Currently, the gold standard procedure for detection and follow-up of NMIBC is based on the association of cystoscopy and urine cytology. As cystoscopy is a very invasive approach, over the years, many different noninvasive assays (both based in serum and urine samples) have been developed in order to search genetic and protein alterations related to the development, progression, and recurrence of BC. TERT promoter mutations and FGFR3 hotspot mutations are the most frequent somatic alterations in BC and constitute the most reliable biomarkers for BC. Based on these, we developed an ultra-sensitive, urine-based assay called Uromonitor®, capable of detecting trace amounts of TERT promoter (c.1-124C > T and c.1-146C > T) and FGFR3 (p.R248C and p.S249C) hotspot mutations, in tumor cells exfoliated to urine samples. Cells present in urine were concentrated by the filtration of urine through filters where tumor cells are trapped and stored until analysis, presenting long-term stability. Detection of the alterations was achieved through a custom-made, robust, and highly sensitive multiplex competitive allele-specific discrimination PCR allowing clear interpretation of results. In this study, we validate a test for NMIBC recurrence detection, using for technical validation a total of 331 urine samples and 41 formalin-fixed paraffin-embedded tissues of the primary tumor and recurrence lesions from a large cluster of urology centers. In the clinical validation, we used 185 samples to assess sensitivity/specificity in the detection of NMIBC recurrence vs. cystoscopy/cytology and in a smaller cohort its potential as a primary diagnostic tool for NMIBC. Our results show this test to be highly sensitive (73.5%) and specific (93.2%) in detecting recurrence of BC in patients under surveillance of NMIBC.This study was supported by FCT (“Portuguese Foundation for Science and Technology”) through a PhD grant to RB (SFRH/ BD/111321/2015). Further funding was obtained from the project “Advancing cancer research: from basic knowledge to application” NORTE-01-0145-FEDER-000029: “Projetos Estruturados de I & D & I,” funded by Norte 2020—Programa Operacional Regional do Norte. This article is a result of the project PTDC/MED-ONC/31438/2017 (The Other Faces of Telomerase: Looking beyond Tumor Immortalization), supported by Norte Portugal Regional Operational Programme (NORTE 2020), under the PORTUGAL 2020 Partnership Agreement, through the European Regional Development Fund (ERDF), COMPETE 2020—Operacional Programme for Competitiveness and Internationalisation (POCI) and by Portuguese funds through FCT. Further funding by the European Regional Development Fund (ERDF) through the Operational Programme for Competitiveness and Internationalisation— COMPETE 2020, and Portuguese national funds via FCT, under project POCI-01-0145-FEDER-016390:CANCEL STEM

    Isotocin controls ion regulation through regulating ionocyte progenitor differentiation and proliferation

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    The present study using zebrafish as a model explores the role of isotocin, a homolog of oxytocin, in controlling ion regulatory mechanisms. Double-deionized water treatment for 24 h significantly stimulated isotocin mRNA expression in zebrafish embryos. Whole-body Cl−, Ca2+, and Na+ contents, mRNA expressions of ion transporters and ionocyte-differentiation related transcription factors, and the number of skin ionocytes decreased in isotocin morphants. In contrast, overexpression of isotocin caused an increase in ionocyte numbers. Isotocin morpholino caused significant suppression of foxi3a mRNA expression, while isotocin cRNA stimulated foxi3a mRNA expressions at the tail-bud stage of zebrafish embryos. The density of P63 (an epidermal stem cell marker)-positive cells was downregulated by isotocin morpholinos and was upregulated by isotocin cRNA. Taken together, isotocin stimulates the proliferation of epidermal stem cells and differentiation of ionocyte progenitors by regulating the P63 and Foxi3a transcription factors, consequently enhancing the functional activities of ionocytes