65 research outputs found

    Eye-tracking glasses for improving teacher education: the e-Teach project

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    Abstract This paper is about "Improvement of teaching techniques by eye tracking in technology enhanced classrooms" (e-Teach), an innovative project funded by the Erasmus Plus Programme (KA2 - Strategic Partnership in the field of School Education). The project aims to study teachers' eye movements in real teaching situation using eye-tracking glasses and compares the teachers' use of digital technologies between novices and experts teaching the same school subject. The purpose of this study was to provide indicators of skill gaps between novices and experts which can be addressed appropriately with highly targeted teacher education. The first part of the paper reviews recent developments in conceptual frameworks for digital competence and in digital competence descriptors. The second part describes the project status, the methods and its phases. In conclusion, the paper gives a brief overview of initial findings of ongoing research, focusing largely on the Italian experience, and development tasks for the next project phases. The initial findings suggest that teachers valued the benefits of using digital technologies in classrooms and recognized the necessity of professional development. They also provided specific insights for the purpose of developing an online course for teacher education in four languages: English, Turkish, Italian and Lithuanian

    Spazi collettivi nello streetwear: dall’agorà alla piazza virtuale al marketing

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    Il paper intende indagare il fenomeno dello streetwear associato allo spazio collettivo di «aggregazione metropolitana» in chiave di cultura suburbana, a cui si collegano dinamiche economiche e distributive dei brand di moda rappresentativi del fenomeno stesso. Attualmente il fenomeno ha assunto una sua specificità spaziale con l’affiancarsi luogo fisico-luogo virtuale per la diffusione e l’affermazione del gruppo; ciò in virtù dell’opera congiunta degli influencer (passati dai rapper della strada alle icone social) e dei social media. Questo movimento nasce nelle aree metropolitane della East Coast americana durante gli anni Ottanta, dislocato in luoghi come la spiaggia (California), le strade o i campi di pallacanestro nella East Cost statunitense o nelle strade londinesi, dove il modo di vestirsi è diventato anche un modo per distinguersi derivando verso il lusso; si è poi ritrasformato e riconnotato come movimento che si esprime in altri spazi comuni e aperti

    La principessa Sichelgaita, guida di eccezione nel percorso interattivo di esplorazione della cittĂ  di Salerno

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    Si propone l’ideazione di un percorso didattico che, attraverso l’utilizzo di 5 strumenti digitali (TimelineJS, Google Tour Creator, Google Earth, Routin e Google My Maps), permetta agli studenti di acquisire nozioni di base riguardanti la cartografia digitale, l’uso delle tecnologie digitali, la conoscenza della storia urbana della città e infine rapportarsi in maniera interattiva con i luoghi e le vicende succedutesi nel territorio di Salerno a partire dall’XI secolo

    Dalla geografia delle culture alla globalizzazione culturale. Segni nella vita quotidiana

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    Sito internet: http://www.coffee-soft.it/node/10

    The emotional landscape

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    Abstract: In the era of the globalization, characterized by a strong compression of time and space, the sensorial experiences and their influences on the human psychology are the landing-places which help us to perceive the space we live. Going through a space, a landscape means bringing with us our past , our experiences of the surrounding world and the emotions which form our cultural richness, just like a map of our values. The emotions themselves are culturally defined, they are “the structures which regulate both public and private human relations” which led us to share the emotions of the society we belong to.The main concept of the survey is the relationship “landscape-emotion”. The emotions linked to the landscape are objective when they are strictly correlated to some spectacular and astonishing natural events and subjective if they can evoke feelings, memory and experiences.The emotions in the geographic meaning concern " phenomena , objects , places and land individuality " as promoters of emotionality and emotion ( Ruocco , 2010). The emotional aspect is framed as additional features making precious the landscape.The landscape as the scene of our existence is essential to reconstruct our lives . Our experience of the world takes place through a continuous exchange between the exterior landscape ( of geographical sciences ) and the inner landscape (of which the exterior is a reverb ) : a complex interplay between perception and sign as well as a continuous interaction between the first one and the second one. The attraction for the landscape, reduced to its biological essence , is an aesthetic moment able to recall our ability to perceive, to feel, to experience the feelings, and it also represents our being in communication with the world , a vital communication whose source stays in everyday life: both in the silence of nature and in the roar of a city street . However a question is necessary: Is the man more fascinated by the natural landscapes where the man doesn’t exist or landscapes which, on the contrary, represent man’s ability to modify nature according to his need?The survey has used the new technology , a virtual learning environment ( Moodle ) in which 234 students , attending the Laboratory of Geography , have had the opportunity to investigate the “lived and acted space” by identifying and declining the elements of the landscape which are the symbol of specific emotions and, therefore, a first answer to the theme and to the building of a probable group emotionalidentity
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