123 research outputs found

    Sistema de controle de pesca de Mato Grosso do Sul SCPESCA/MS 2 - 1995.

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    Neste documento encontram-se as informacoes coletadas e organizadas pelo Sistema de Controle da Pesca de Mato Grosso do Sul - SCPESCA/MS, para o ano de 1995. Essas informacoes foram obtidas para todo o pescado (profissional e esportivo) oficialmente vistoriado e desembarcado no Estado. Foi registrado um total de 1.399 toneladas de pescado, onde 31,4% correspondem a pesca profissional e a 68,6% a pesca esportiva. As especies mais capturadas foram: pacu (427t), pintado (280t), piavucu (129t), cachara (108t), jau (55t), barbado (50t) e piranha (48t). A contribuicao dos rios mais piscosos foi: Paraguai 53,1%, Miranda 19,8%, Aquidauana 7,1%, Taquari 5,2% e Cuiaba (localmente conhecido como Sao Lourenco) 3,2%. Um total de 43.921 pescadores esprotivos visitaram o Estado, com maior concentracao nos meses de julho a outubro, provenientes, principalmente, de Sao Paulo (71,1%), Parana (11,0%) e Minas Gerais (7,1%). Em mediana, os pescadores profissionais realizaram viagens de pesca com duracao de 1 a 7 dias, capturando entre 36 e 84kg de pescado por viagem; os pescadores esportivos realizaram viagens de pesca com duracao de 4 a 5 dias, capturando entre 20 a 27kg de pescado por viagem.bitstream/item/37438/1/BP14.pd

    Sistema de controle da pesca de Mato Grosso do Sul - SCPESCA/MS: 1 maio/1994 a abril/1995.

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    Nesse documento encontram-se as informacoes coletadas e organizadas pelo SISTEMA DE CONTROLE DA PESCA DE MATO GROSSO DO SUL - SCPESCA/MS, para o periodo de maio/1994 a abril/1995. Essas informacoes foram obtidas para todo o pescado (profissional e esportivo) oficialmente vistoriado e desembarcado no Estado. Foi registrado um total de 1.433,5 toneladas de pescado, onde 28,1% corresponde a pesca profissional e a 71,9% a pesca esportiva. As especies mais capturadas foram: pacu (655,9t), pintado (253,5t), cachara (104,5t), piranha (duas especies, 77,0t), piavucu (69,3t), barbado (68,8t), dourado (63,4t), jau (42,0t) e curimbata (20,6t). A contribuicao dos rios mais piscosos foi: Paraguai 42,7%, Miranda 26,2%, Aquidauana 7,5%, Taquari 6,3% e Cuiaba (localmente conhecido como Sao Lourenco) 3,4%. Um total de 46.161 pescadores esportivos visitaram o Estado, com maior concentracao nos meses de julho a outubro, provenientes principalmente de Sao Paulo (72,3%), Parana (11,3%) e Minas Gerais (6,6%). Em mediana, os pescadores profissionais realizaram viagens de pesca com duracao de 4 a 7 dias, capturando entre 45,00 e 81,33kg de pescado por viagem; os pescadores esportivos realizaram viagens de pesca com duracao de 4 a 6 dias, capturando entre 20,00 e 26,75kg de pescado por viagem.bitstream/item/80943/1/DOC16.pd

    Biologia do Curimbatá (Prochilodus lineatus), Pintado (Pseudoplatystoma corruscans) e Cachara (Pseudoplatystoma fasciatum) na bacia hidrográfica do Rio Miranda, Pantanal do Mato Grosso do Sul, Brasil.

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    E analisada a biologia do curimbata (P. lineatus), do pintado (P. corruscans) e da cachara (P. fasciatum) na bacia hidrografia do rio Miranda. Estas especies realizam migracoes ascendentes para reproducao a partir de setembro-outubro. A desova, do tipo total, ocorre nos cursos superiores dos rios Miranda e Aquidauna, principalmente de dezembro a fevereiro. Apos a desova, retornam aos cursos inferiores, onde se espalham pelas areas alagadas, alimentando-se fartamente. Este padrao de migracao esta ligado ao ciclo fluviometrico desses rios. P. lineatus e uma especie detritivora, enquanto P. corruscans e P. fasciatum sao ictiofagas generalistas. Jovens e adultos apresentam distribuicao diferenciada. O crescimento dessas especies e analisado.bitstream/item/37461/1/BP02.pd

    Queima-do-fio em ipecacuanha (Psychotria ipecacuanha).

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    A ipeca (Psychotria ipecacuanha) é um subarbusto pertencente à família Rubiacea que pode atingir 30 cm de altura. Nativa das regiões sombrias e úmidas das florestas tropicais da América, possui alto valor comercial pelo uso farmacológico ligado ao seu grande poder emético e amebicida, sendo muito usada no tratamento antidiarréico, amebicida, expectorante e antiinflamatório. É uma espécie de exportação, de grande demanda, tendo o Brasil como principal exportador. Este trabalho teve como objetivo registrar a ocorrência de uma doença provocando queima nas folhas de plantas de ipeca pertencentes ao Banco Ativo de Germoplasma (BAG) de Plantas Medicinais e Aromáticas da Embrapa Amazônia Oriental, observada no final do período chuvoso, em junho de 2015. O levantamento foi feito em três canteiros de ipeca, com 22 acessos cada, observando-se 17,58% de plantas atacadas. Plantas com sintomas da doença e sinais do patógeno foram levadas ao Laboratório de Fitopatologia da Embrapa Amazônia Oriental, para análise. As plantas atacadas apresentavam rizomorfas de coloração marrom escuro ao longo dos ramos e folhas, iniciando pelas mais velhas, provocando o secamento total da planta. A doença foi identificada como queima-do-fio, provocada pelo fungo Ceratobasidium sp

    A systematic review of intrapersonal coach development programs: Examining the development and evaluation of programs to elicit coach reflection

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    The current approaches used to develop coaches within many sport organisations extend beyond merely the professional knowledge related to sport-specific aspects. Effective coaching notably entails intrapersonal skills related to learning through experience and developing one’s own approach, and these skills are often targeted in coach development. Recognising that researchers have delivered Coach Development Programs (CDPs) that use strategies like reflective practice to foster coaches’ strategies and attitudes toward reflection, reviewing research in this domain could inform the development of our field. We conducted the current review to examine nonformal intrapersonal CDPs within the academic literature with goals of summarising existing CDPs, while also identifying factors related to their implementation. Method: The PRISMA guidelines informed our search strategy, including a database search along with supplemental strategies to identify studies. In addition to describing the CDPs generally, each study was also coded for: (a) potential to be implemented and maintained in sport contexts, (b) behaviour change techniques (BCTs), and (c) risk of bias. Results: After screening the full-texts of studies, we identified 10 unique intrapersonal CDPs. Most CDPs entailed pilot investigations of small samples, involving both qualitative and quantitative methods focused on coaches’ experiences when using reflective strategies. The majority of CDPs were conducted in-person and in one-on-one contexts. The most frequently used BCT was self-monitoring of behaviour, and low-to-moderate information was reported regarding internal and external validity. Conclusions: Whereas reflective practice may enable coach development, researchers must seek opportunities to design higher-quality intervention studies that are designed to enhance both internal and external validity

    Sulfated small molecules targeting EBV in Burkitt lymphoma: from in silico screening to the evidence of in vitro effect on viral episomal DNA

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    Epstein–Barr virus (EBV) infects more than 90% of the world population. Following primary infection, Epstein– Barr virus persists in an asymptomatic latent state. Occasionally, it may switch to lytic infection. Latent EBV infection has been associated with several diseases, such as Burkitt lymphoma (BL). To date, there are no available drugs to target latent EBV, and the existing broad-spec trum antiviral drugs are mainly active against lytic viral infection. Thus, using computational molecular docking, a virtual screen of a library of small molecules, including xanthones and flavonoids (described with potential for antiviral activity against EBV), was carried out targeting EBV proteins. The more interesting molecules were selected for further computational analysis, and sub sequently, the compounds were tested in the Raji (BL) cell line, to evaluate their activity against latent EBV. This work identified three novel sulfated small molecules capable of decreasing EBV levels in a BL. Therefore, the in silico screening presents a good approach for the development of new anti-EBV agents.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Medications used by pregnant women in primary health service

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    The study evaluates the use of medications by pregnant women attended at health centers in the city of Campina Grande-PB, Brazil. The sample consisted of 250 patients. The number of prescribed medications ranged from 1 to 5, folic acid and ferrous sulfate being the medications most prescribed. It was observed the omission of some basic elements in medical prescriptions, such as time, duration and route of administration. Among the respondents, 75.2 % had no knowledge of the medication name and 92.6 % about dosage. Regarding the purpose and duration of use 52.5 % and 79.8 % of patients, respectively, did not have any correct information. The lack of information that stood out because of the inadequate knowledge was about the unpleasant reactions, with 86.8 %. The results demonstrate the existence of risks relating to drugs used by pregnant women, making it necessary to institute education measures in rational use of drugs for this group of patients.Colegio de Farmacéuticos de la Provincia de Buenos Aire

    Indole-Containing Pyrazino[2,1-b]quinazoline-3,6-diones Active against Plasmodium and Trypanosomatids

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    The Supporting Information is available free of charge at https://pubs.acs.org/doi/10.1021/acsmedchemlett.1c00589.Malaria, leishmaniasis, and sleeping sickness are potentially fatal diseases that represent a real health risk for more than 3,5 billion people. New antiparasitic compounds are urgent leading to a constant search for novel scaffolds. Herein, pyrazino[2,1-b]quinazoline-3,6-diones containing indole alkaloids were explored for their antiparasitic potential against Plasmodium falciparum, Trypanosoma brucei, and Leishmania infantum. The synthetic libraries furnished promising hit compounds that are species specific (7, 12) or with broad antiparasitic activity (8). Structure-activity relationships were more evident for Plasmodium with anti-isomers (1S,4R) possessing excellent antimalarial activity, while the presence of a substituent on the anthranilic acid moiety had a negative effect on the activity. Hit compounds against malaria did not inhibit β-hematin, and in silico studies predicted these molecules as possible inhibitors for prolyl-tRNA synthetase both from Plasmodium and Leishmania. These results disclosed a potential new chemotype for further optimization toward novel and affordable antiparasitic drugs.publishersversionpublishe