1,119 research outputs found

    Image guidance in neurosurgical procedures, the "Visages" point of view.

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    This paper gives an overview of the evolution of clinical neuroinformatics in the domain of neurosurgery. It shows how image guided neurosurgery (IGNS) is evolving according to the integration of new imaging modalities before, during and after the surgical procedure and how this acts as the premise of the Operative Room of the future. These different issues, as addressed by the VisAGeS INRIA/INSERM U746 research team (http://www.irisa.fr/visages), are presented and discussed in order to exhibit the benefits of an integrated work between physicians (radiologists, neurologists and neurosurgeons) and computer scientists to give adequate answers toward a more effective use of images in IGNS

    The Archaeology of First World War U-boat Losses in the English Channel and its Impact on the Historical Record

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    This paper examines how the archaeological record of 35 known U-boat wrecks sunk in WW1 in the English Channel compares with the assessment of U-boat destructions made by the Admiralty’s Antisubmarine Division (ASD) in 1919. Comparison of the two shows that only 48% of the 37 assessments was correct. This divergence between the extant archaeology and the 1919 assessment was partly caused by over optimism at ASD regarding reported attacks. However, it is also observed that ASD’s own processes were on occasion overridden by a need to overstate Allied successes, and should be seen in the broader context of a wider range of inefficiencies that confronted the Naval Staff during WW1. The same mistakes seem entirely absent from the WW2 records in the same geographical area. The research reveals that the radio silence observed by the Flanders Flotilla proved a challenge to combating its U-boats at sea, making the tracking of the U-boats and the rerouting of Allied ships practically impossible. This was a factor in the early adoption of “controlled sailings” in the Channel. It may have also been the driving factor behind the Navy’s pressure to attack the Flanders bases by land in 1917, a key component often overlooked by historians

    A finite-volume scheme for modeling compressible magnetohydrodynamic flows at low Mach numbers in stellar interiors

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    Fully compressible magnetohydrodynamic (MHD) simulations are a fundamental tool for investigating the role of dynamo amplification in the generation of magnetic fields in deep convective layers of stars. The flows that arise in such environments are characterized by low (sonic) Mach numbers (M_son < 0.01 ). In these regimes, conventional MHD codes typically show excessive dissipation and tend to be inefficient as the Courant-Friedrichs-Lewy (CFL) constraint on the time step becomes too strict. In this work we present a new method for efficiently simulating MHD flows at low Mach numbers in a space-dependent gravitational potential while still retaining all effects of compressibility. The proposed scheme is implemented in the finite-volume Seven-League Hydro (SLH) code, and it makes use of a low-Mach version of the five-wave Harten-Lax-van Leer discontinuities (HLLD) solver to reduce numerical dissipation, an implicit-explicit time discretization technique based on Strang splitting to overcome the overly strict CFL constraint, and a well-balancing method that dramatically reduces the magnitude of spatial discretization errors in strongly stratified setups. The solenoidal constraint on the magnetic field is enforced by using a constrained transport method on a staggered grid. We carry out five verification tests, including the simulation of a small-scale dynamo in a star-like environment at M_son ~ 0.001 . We demonstrate that the proposed scheme can be used to accurately simulate compressible MHD flows in regimes of low Mach numbers and strongly stratified setups even with moderately coarse grids

    Cognitive improvement in patients with carotid stenosis is independent of treatment type

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    Treatment of carotid artery stenosis decreases the long-term risk of stroke and may enhance cerebral blood flow. It is therefore expected to have the potential to prevent cognitive decline or even improve cognition over the long-term. However, intervention itself can cause peri-interventional cerebral infarcts, possibly resulting in a decline of cognitive performance, at least for a short time. We investigated the long-term effects of three treatment methods on cognition and the emotional state one year after intervention. In this prospective observational cohort study, 58 patients with extracranial carotid artery stenosis (≄ 70%) underwent magnetic resonance imaging and assessment of cognition, mood and motor speed before carotid endarterectomy (n = 20), carotid stenting (n = 10) or best medical treatment (n = 28) (i.e., time-point 1 [TP1]), and at one-year follow-up (TP2). Gain scores, reflecting cognitive change after treatment, were built according to performance as (TP2 -TP1)/TP1. Independent of the treatment type, significant improvement in frontal lobe functions, visual memory and motor speed was found. Performance level, motor speed and mood at TP1 were negatively correlated with gain scores, with greater improvement in patients with low performance before treatment. Active therapy, whether conservative or interventional, produces significant improvement of frontal lobe functions and memory in patients with carotid artery disease, independent of treatment type. This effect was particularly pronounced in patients with low cognitive performance prior to treatment

    The time-dependent rearrangement of the epithelial basement membrane in human skin wounds

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    In 62 human skin wounds (surgical wounds, stab wounds and lacerations after surgical treatment) we analyzed the immunohistochemical localization of collagen IV in the epithelial basement membrane. In 27 of these wounds the distribution of collagen VII, which represents a specific component of the basement membrane of stratified epithelia, was also analyzed. We were able to demonstrate a virtually identical co-distribution of both collagen IV and VII in the wound area with no significant time-dependent differences in the appearance of both collagen types. Fragments of the epithelial basement membrane could be detected in the wound area from as early as 4 days after wounding and after 8 days a complete restitution of the epithelial basement membrane was observed. In all cases with a wound age of more than 21 days the basement membrane was completely reformed over the former lesional area. The period between 8 and 21 days after wounding was characterized by a wide variability ranging from complete restitution to deposition of basement membrane fragments or total lack of the epidermal basement membrane

    Comparison of the solophenyl-red polarization method and the immunohistochemical analysis for collagen type III

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    In the present study, we have compared the staining pattern of the Solophenyl-Red 3 BL-method for the visualization of collagen type III with the immunohistochemical staining in serial sections from 7 skin wounds (wound age 3 days up to 4 weeks) to elucidate the specifity of the histochemical staining method. Large amounts of collagen type III were clearly detectable in the investigated wounds using the immunohistochemical technique. In the sections stained with Solophenyl-Red, however, only 3 out of 7 skin lesions showed a significant positive red staining at the wound margin or in the granulation tissue, while the adjacent normal connective tissue revealed a typical intensive staining. Using polarization microscopy no characteristic bright green fibrils, as reported for collagen type 111, could be seen in the wound areas without positive Solophenyl-Red staining. Since the localization of collagen type III detected by immunohistochemistry and the presumed distribution of this collagen type by the Solophenyl-Red method was not identical, the histochemical polarization method has to be regarded as non-specific for visualization of this collagen type

    Developmental arrest of T cells in RpL22-deficient mice is dependent upon multiple p53 effectors

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    available in PMC 2012 July 15alpha beta and gamma delta lineage T cells are thought to arise from a common CD4–CD8– progenitor in the thymus. However, the molecular pathways controlling fate selection and maturation of these two lineages remain poorly understood. We demonstrated recently that a ubiquitously expressed ribosomal protein, Rpl22, is selectively required for the development of alpha beta lineage T cells. Germline ablation of Rpl22 impairs development of alpha beta lineage, but not gamma delta lineage, T cells through activation of a p53-dependent checkpoint. In this study, we investigate the downstream effectors used by p53 to impair T cell development. We found that many p53 targets were induced in Rpl22−/− thymocytes, including miR-34a, PUMA, p21waf, Bax, and Noxa. Notably, the proapoptotic factor Bim, while not a direct p53 target, was also strongly induced in Rpl22−/− T cells. Gain-of-function analysis indicated that overexpression of miR-34a caused a developmental arrest reminiscent of that induced by p53 in Rpl22-deficient T cells; however, only a few p53 targets alleviated developmental arrest when individually ablated by gene targeting or knockdown. Co-elimination of PUMA and Bim resulted in a nearly complete restoration of development of Rpl22−/− thymocytes, indicating that p53-mediated arrest is enforced principally through effects on cell survival. Surprisingly, co-elimination of the primary p53 regulators of cell cycle arrest (p21waf) and apoptosis (PUMA) actually abrogated the partial rescue caused by loss of PUMA alone, suggesting that the G1 checkpoint protein p21[superscript waf] facilitates thymocyte development in some contexts.National Institutes of Health (U.S.) ( (NIH) Grant R01AI073920)National Institutes of Health (U.S.) (NIH Core Grant P01CA06927)National Institutes of Health (U.S.) ( (NIH) Grant R21CA141194)National Institutes of Health (U.S.) ( NIH Center Grant P30-DK-50306)Pennsylvania (appropriation)Fox Chase Cancer Center (NIH Postdoctoral Training Grant T32 CA00903534)Fox Chase Cancer Center (NIH Postdoctoral Training Grant F32 AI089077-01A1

    Local field potential activity dynamics in response to deep brain stimulation of the subthalamic nucleus in Parkinson's disease.

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    Local field potentials (LFPs) may afford insight into the mechanisms of action of deep brain stimulation (DBS) and potential feedback signals for adaptive DBS. In Parkinson's disease (PD) DBS of the subthalamic nucleus (STN) suppresses spontaneous activity in the beta band and drives evoked resonant neural activity (ERNA). Here, we investigate how STN LFP activities change over time following the onset and offset of DBS. To this end we recorded LFPs from the STN in 14 PD patients during long (mean: 181.2 s) and short (14.2 s) blocks of continuous stimulation at 130 Hz. LFP activities were evaluated in the temporal and spectral domains. During long stimulation blocks, the frequency and amplitude of the ERNA decreased before reaching a steady state after ~70 s. Maximal ERNA amplitudes diminished over repeated stimulation blocks. Upon DBS cessation, the ERNA was revealed as an under-damped oscillation, and was more marked and lasted longer after short duration stimulation blocks. In contrast, activity in the beta band suppressed within 0.5 s of continuous DBS onset and drifted less over time. Spontaneous activity was also suppressed in the low gamma band, suggesting that the effects of high frequency stimulation on spontaneous oscillations may not be selective for pathological beta activity. High frequency oscillations were present in only six STN recordings before stimulation onset and their frequency was depressed by stimulation. The different dynamics of the ERNA and beta activity with stimulation imply different DBS mechanisms and may impact how these activities may be used in adaptive feedback
