2,786 research outputs found

    A multi-sensor system for robotics proximity operations

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    Robots without sensors can perform only simple repetitive tasks and cannot cope with unplanned events. A multi-sensor system is needed for a robot to locate a target, move into its neighborhood and perform operations in contact with the object. Systems that can be used for such tasks are described

    Interpretation of transverse tune spectra in a heavy-ion synchrotron at high intensities

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    Two different tune measurement systems have been installed in the GSI heavy-ion synchrotron SIS-18. Tune spectra are obtained with high accuracy using these fast and sensitive systems. Besides the machine tune, the spectra contain information about the intensity dependent coherent tune shift and the incoherent space charge tune shift. The space charge tune shift is derived from a fit of the observed shifted positions of the synchrotron satellites to an analytic expression for the head-tail eigenmodes with space charge. Furthermore, the chromaticity is extracted from the measured head-tail mode structure. The results of the measurements provide experimental evidence of the importance of space charge effects and head-tail modes for the interpretation of transverse beam signals at high intensity

    Nonlinear Interactions Between Gravitational Radiation and Modified Alfven Modes in Astrophysical Dusty Plasmas

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    We present an investigation of nonlinear interactions between Gravitational Radiation and modified Alfv\'{e}n modes in astrophysical dusty plasmas. Assuming that stationary charged dust grains form neutralizing background in an electron-ion-dust plasma, we obtain the three wave coupling coefficients, and calculate the growth rates for parametrically coupled gravitational radiation and modified Alfv\'{e}n-Rao modes. The threshold value of the gravitational wave amplitude associated with convective stabilization is particularly small if the gravitational frequency is close to twice the modified Alfv\'en wave-frequency. The implication of our results to astrophysical dusty plasmas is discussed.Comment: A few typos corrected. Published in Phys. Rev.

    Characterization of wood-adhesive bonds in wet conditions by means of nanoindentation and tensile shear strength

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    The performance of adhesive-hardwood bonds can often be sensitive to humidity and temperature variation. Therefore, it is frequently challenging to achieve standard requirements for structural applications. To gain a better understanding of the wood-adhesive bond, the properties of the individual constituents as well as the local interface of European beech (Fagus sylvatica L.) wood cell walls in contact with structural adhesives were analyzed by means of nanoindentation. These results are compared to classical lap-shear strength. As adhesives two different one-component polyurethane adhesives (1C PUR) and a phenol resorcinol formaldehyde adhesive (PRF) were used. In one case, the beech wood was additionally pre-treated with an adhesion-promoting agent (primer) prior to bonding with 1C PUR. Beech wood joints were analyzed subsequent to several treatments, namely standard climate, after wet storage and in re-dried conditions. In addition, the influence of the primer on the hydroxyl accessibility of beech wood was investigated with dynamic vapor sorption (DVS). The lap-shear strength revealed good performance in dry and re-dried conditions for all adhesives on beech. Both polyurethane adhesives obtained deficits when tested in wet conditions. The use of a primer significantly improved the PUR performance in wet condition. DVS experiment demonstrated a decrease in hydroxyl group accessibility when using a high primer concentration. As novelty, nanoindentation was used for the first time to characterize the local wood–adhesive-interface properties in wet conditions. Nanoindentation showed that all tested 1C PUR perform quite similar in room climate, while PRF achieves considerable higher values for reduced E-modulus and hardness. Wet storage led to a considerable reduction in mechanical properties for all adhesives, while the highest relative change was observed for PRF. After re-drying, the adhesives re-gained a large part of their original mechanical properties in room climate. No distinct effect of the primer on the local micromechanical properties could be detected with nanoindentation in terms of specific work of indentation

    Zonal flow generation in collisionless trapped electron mode turbulence

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    In the present work the generation of zonal flows in collisionless trapped electron mode (TEM) turbulence is studied analytically. A reduced model for TEM turbulence is utilized based on an advanced fluid model for reactive drift waves. An analytical expression for the zonal flow growth rate is derived and compared with the linear TEM growth, and its scaling with plasma parameters is examined for typical tokamak parameter values.Comment: 20 pages, 4 figure

    Nanoscale broadband transmission lines for spin qubit control

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    The intense interest in spin-based quantum information processing has caused an increasing overlap between two traditionally distinct disciplines, such as magnetic resonance and nanotechnology. In this work we discuss rigourous design guidelines to integrate microwave circuits with charge-sensitive nanostructures, and describe how to simulate such structures accurately and efficiently. We present a new design for an on-chip, broadband, nanoscale microwave line that optimizes the magnetic field driving a spin qubit, while minimizing the disturbance on a nearby charge sensor. This new structure was successfully employed in a single-spin qubit experiment, and shows that the simulations accurately predict the magnetic field values even at frequencies as high as 30 GHz.Comment: 18 pages, 8 figures, 1 table, pdflate

    Mode signature and stability for a Hamiltonian model of electron temperature gradient turbulence

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    Stability properties and mode signature for equilibria of a model of electron temperature gradient (ETG) driven turbulence are investigated by Hamiltonian techniques. After deriving the infinite families of Casimir invariants, associated with the noncanonical Poisson bracket of the model, a sufficient condition for stability is obtained by means of the Energy-Casimir method. Mode signature is then investigated for linear motions about homogeneous equilibria. Depending on the sign of the equilibrium "translated" pressure gradient, stable equilibria can either be energy stable, i.e.\ possess definite linearized perturbation energy (Hamiltonian), or spectrally stable with the existence of negative energy modes (NEMs). The ETG instability is then shown to arise through a Kre\u{\i}n-type bifurcation, due to the merging of a positive and a negative energy mode, corresponding to two modified drift waves admitted by the system. The Hamiltonian of the linearized system is then explicitly transformed into normal form, which unambiguously defines mode signature. In particular, the fast mode turns out to always be a positive energy mode (PEM), whereas the energy of the slow mode can have either positive or negative sign

    Photon-graviton pair conversion

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    We consider the conversion of gravitons and photons as a four-wave mixing process. A nonlinear coupled systems of equations involving two gravitons and two photons is obtained, and the energy exchange between the different degrees of freedom is found. The scattering amplitudes are obtained, from which a crossection for incoherent processes can be found. An analytical example is given, and applications to the early Universe are discussed.Comment: 5 pages, slightly modified as compared to v1, to appear in Class. Quantum Grav. as a Letter to the Edito
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