111 research outputs found

    Pathogenic strains of Shewanella putrefaciens contain plasmids that are absent in the probiotic strain Pdp11

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    Shewanella putrefaciens Pdp11 is a strain described as a probiotic for use in aquaculture. However, S. putrefaciens includes strains reported to be pathogenic or saprophytic to fish. Although the probiotic trait has been related to the presence of a group of genes in its genome, the existence of plasmids that could determine the probiotic or pathogenic character of this bacterium is unknown. In the present work, we searched for plasmids in several strains of S. putrefaciens that differ in their pathogenic and probiotic character. Under the different conditions tested, plasmids were only found in two of the five pathogenic strains, but not in the probiotic strain nor in the two saprophytic strains tested. Using a workflow integrating Sanger and Illumina reads, the complete consensus sequences of the plasmids were obtained. Plasmids differed in one ORF and encoded a putative replication initiator protein of the repB family, as well as proteins related to plasmid stability and a toxin-antitoxin system. Phylogenetic analysis showed some similarity to functional repB proteins of other Shewanella species. The implication of these plasmids in the probiotic or pathogenic nature of S. putrefaciens is discussed

    Comunicar en tiempos de pandemia: Uso de las redes sociales y papel de las unidades de comunicación en cinco hospitales andaluces

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    Introduction: The COVID-19 pandemic has forced healthcare organizations to readjust their communication strategies to respond to the huge demand for information from professionals, citizens and media. Objectives: To analyze the use that Andalusian hospitals have made of social networks as the main communication channels, as well as the role of the communication units of these hospitals in the management of the pandemic. Methodology: The subject matter and interaction rate of more than 1,500 publications on Facebook and Twitter of five Andalusian hospitals were analyzed, and seven semi-structured interviews were conducted with communication unit referents. Results: All the hospitals analyzed had communication departments staffed by professionals specialized in health communication who have played an active role in the decision-making committees during the pandemic. Facebook and Twitter have been the main dissemination channels. The thematic lines that concentrated most of the publications were: «Acknowledgement and expressions of support», «Protocols and measures for adaptation to the pandemic» and «Prevention and promotion». Conclusion: The results show the usefulness of social networks as channels of direct communication between hospitals and society in healthcare crises, the importance of communication as a healthcare management tool, as well as lessons learned to be applied in future healthcare crises.Introducción: La pandemia por COVID-19 ha obligado a las organizaciones sanitarias a reajustar sus estrategias de comunicación para dar respuesta a la ingente demanda de información de profesionales, ciudadanía y medios de comunicación. Objetivos: Analizar el uso que los hospitales andaluces han realizado de las redes sociales como principales canales de comunicación, así como el papel de las unidades de comunicación de estos hospitales en la gestión de la pandemia. Metodología: Se ha analizado la temática y tasa de interacción de las más de 1.500 publicaciones en Facebook y Twitter de cinco hospitales andaluces, y se han realizado siete entrevistas semiestructuradas a referentes de las unidades de comunicación. Resultados: Todos los hospitales analizados contaban con departamentos de comunicación integrados por profesionales especializados en comunicación y salud que han tenido un papel activo en los comités de decisión durante la pandemia. Facebook y Twitter han sido los principales canales de difusión. Las líneas temáticas que concentraron la mayor parte de publicaciones fueron: “Reconocimiento y muestras de apoyo”, “Protocolos y medidas de adaptación ante la pandemia” y “Prevención y promoción”. Conclusión: Los resultados muestran la utilidad de las redes sociales como canales de comunicación directa de los hospitales con la sociedad en crisis sanitarias, la importancia de la comunicación como una herramienta de gestión sanitaria, así como lecciones aprendidas para aplicar en próximas crisis sanitarias

    Influencia medioambiental en la salud de los educandos con trastornos de la conducta

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    Introduction: COVID-19 represented a global health crisis and revealed the fragility of the interdependent relationship with nature; hence the need to train teachers from an environmentalist conception so that they have a positive impact on the health of students with behavioral disorders.Objective: to evaluate the effectiveness of a guidance manual for teachers related to environmental aspects, which can influence the health of students with behavioral disorders.Methods: a pedagogical study was carried out at the "Águedo Morales Reina" special school between September 2021 and June 2022, using document analysis, scientific observation, interviews and descriptive statistics, in a sample of five students with mental disorders. behavior with health problems, five specialists (speech therapist, educational psychologist, art instructors) and two teachers from special schools.Results: it is specified in a guidance manual for teachers that offers suggestions on environmental aspects to achieve a healthy education for students with behavioral disorders. It constitutes a resource to help overcome the diagnosis in the shortest possible time, by taking into account the positive and negative implications of the environment on the health of students with behavioral disorders.Conclusions: the guidance manual confirmed its theoretical, methodological and practical value, by confirming higher levels in the use of environmental aspects for the development of quality health in the selected students in the province of Pinar del Río.Introducción: la COVID-19 representó una crisis mundial de salud y reveló la fragilidad de la relación de interdependencia con la naturaleza; de ahí la necesidad de formar desde una concepción medioambientalista al docente para que impacte positivamente en la salud de los educandos con trastornos de la conducta.Objetivo: evaluar la efectividad de un manual de orientación para docentes relacionado con aspectos medioambientales, que pueden influir en la salud de los educandos con trastornos de la conducta. Métodos: se realizó un estudio de corte pedagógico en la escuela especial "Águedo Morales Reina" entre septiembre de 2021 y junio de 2022, utilizando el análisis de documentos, la observación científica, entrevista y la estadística descriptiva, en una muestra de cinco educandos con trastornos de la conducta con problemas de salud, cinco especialistas (logopeda, psicopedagoga, instructores de arte) y dos maestros de las escuelas especiales.Resultados: se concreta en un manual de orientación para docentes que ofrece sugerencias de aspectos medioambientales para el logro de una educación saludable a los educandos con trastornos de la conducta. Constituye un recurso para contribuir a superar el diagnóstico en el menor tiempo posible, al tener en cuenta las implicaciones positivas y negativas del ambiente en la salud de los educandos con trastornos de la conducta.Conclusiones: el manual de orientación constató su valor teórico, metodológico y práctico, al confirmar niveles superiores en la utilización de aspectos medioambientales para el desarrollo de una salud con calidad en los educandos seleccionados en la provincia de Pinar del Río

    Shewanella putrefaciens Fish pathogenic strains contain plasmids that are absent in the probiotic strain s. Putrefaciens pdp11

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    Probiotics are live microorganisms that confer a health benefit to the host when administered in adequate amounts. Shewanella putrefaciens Pdp11 has been described as a probiotic for farmed fish species such as Solea senegalensis and Sparus aurata. In contrast, other strains of S. putrefaciens have been described as pathogenic for other cultured fish damage of the mouth, extensive skin discoloration, exophthalmia, ascites and bad odour. The S. putrefaciens group was recovered from freshwater samples taken at the L′Albufera system, along autumn– winter 2015. Its counts significantly increased in freshwater parallel to hypoxia and temperature rising. Shewanellae strains were identified as S. putrefaciens and S. xiamenensis by 16S rRNA gene sequencing. These isolates recovered from sick eels or freshwater were virulent for European eel by IP challenge (LD50 106 CFU g−1 body weight. The plasmids plays an important role in the genes transfer and insertion then there can been implicated in antibiotics resistance, degradative pathway and pathogenicity characteristics. The genetic variation conducted by plasmid could induce an impact in probiotic proprieties. In this research, we searched the present or absent of plasmids in pathogenic and probiotic strains of S. putrefaciens. As well as, this plasmids implication in development of virulence factors. The probiotic strain S. putrefaciens Pdp11 did not present plasmid, which was only found in two of the five pathogenic strains. The results allowed us to discard the probiotic Pdp11 could present a pathogenic characteristic as the TA type II system as a virulence factor and its self-regulating characteristics, which may be behind its probiotic nature, making the Pdp11 strain unique in comparison to other S. putrefaciens strains

    A Calpain-Like Protein Is Involved in the Execution Phase of Programmed Cell Death of Entamoeba histolytica

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    Oxygen or nitrogen oxidative species and chemical stress induce the programmed cell death (PCD) of Entamoeba histolytica trophozoites. PCD caused by the aminoglycoside G418 is reduced by incubation with the cysteine protease inhibitor E-64; however, no typical caspases or metacaspases have been detected in this parasite. Calpain, a cysteine protease activated by calcium, has been suggested to be part of a specific PCD pathway in this parasite because the specific calpain inhibitor Z-Leu-Leu-Leu-al diminishes the PCD of trophozoites. Here, we predicted the hypothetical 3D structure of a calpain-like protein of E. histolytica and produced specific antibodies against it. We detected the protein in the cytoplasm and near the nucleus. Its expression gradually increased during incubation with G418, with the highest level after 9 h of treatment. In addition, a specific calpain-like siRNA sequence reduced the cell death rate by 65%. All these results support the hypothesis that the calpain-like protein is one of the proteases involved in the execution phase of PCD in E. histolytica. The hypothetical interactome of the calpain-like protein suggests that it may activate or regulate other proteins that probably participate in PCD, including those with EF-hand domains or other calcium-binding sites

    Agentes y lazos sociales: la experiencia de volverse comunidad

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    En la colonia Lomas de Polanco, al sur de la ciudad de Guadalajara, México, entre 1970 y 1990 se generó un movimiento ciudadano, enraizado en las Comunidades Eclesiales de Base y la educación popular, que emprendió una lucha exitosa para conseguir los servicios de infraestructura urbana ante las promesas incumplidas de autoridades y fraccionadores. La confluencia de actores, individuales y colectivos, de distintos contextos, contribuyeron a la reconstitución del tejido social y la creación de los lazos que dieron sentido de comunidad a los colonos y al desarrollo de su capacidad de agencia para la trasformación positiva de su entorno y de su vida. Esta experiencia se recupera en esta obra, a partir de una serie de entrevistas con los actores del movimiento, mediante un análisis retrospectivo y desde varias perspectivas teóricas. Su estudio permite comprender mejor las dinámicas sociales acontecidas y posibilita su reproducción para enfrentar de manera organizada y con éxito problemas en contextos urbanos y sociales particulares.Consejo Nacional de Ciencia y TecnologíaGobierno del Estado de Jalisc

    Assessment of in vitro postbiotic capabilities of the probiotic Shewanella putrefaciens pdp11 growing under different cultivation conditions containing microalgae dietary supplements widely used in aquaculture.

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    Probiotics have been established as potential tools to improve host health and environmental quality in aquaculture. For example,Shewanella putrefaciens Pdp11 (SpPdp11), a strain described as a probiotic for use in aquaculture (reviewedby Cámara et al. 2020). Despite the proven health benefits of probiotics, recent evidence suggests that bacterial viability is not necessary to attain effects. Thus, postbiotics have emerged as potential opportunities in the field of functional foods. The International Scientific Association for Probiotics and Prebiotics (ISAPP) convened a panel that defined postbiotics as a “preparation of inanimate microorganisms and/or their components that confer a health benefit to the host”. The present work evaluates the potential postbiotic, as extracellular products (ECPs), of SpPdp11 grown undern different cultivation conditions. These included different culture media composed of a blend of microalgae, to observe a possible synergistic effect. The ECPs obtained were evaluated for their cytotoxicity against different fish cell lines, enzymatic and antibacterial activity, and their effect on biofilm formation by several fish pathogensproyecto PID2020-113637RB-C22 de investigación financiado por MCIN/AEI/10.13039/ 50110001103

    Biofilm inhibition of pathogenic strains by extracellular products (ECPS) of Shewanella.sp Probiotic

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    Shewanella putrefaciens Pdp11 and V.proteolyticus DCF 12.2 are strains isolated by our research group. Recent works have been focused in the identification of substances as alternative of anti-biofilm methods and their implication in surface attachment inhibition. In this research, S. putrefaciens Pdp11 and V.proteolyticus DCF 12.2 have been cultured under different growth conditions (temperature, culture media and during 24 and 48 hours of incubation) and their extracellular products (ECPs) have been extracted and tested as potential postbiotics that affect the biofilm formation of several fish pathogenic strains. This assay results evidence that Pdp11_Pmix_2324 ECPs have showed the most impact in the biofilm formation of pathogenic strains. Therefore, ECPs secreted by Pdp11 and V.proteolyticus DCF 12.2 are implicated in the inhibition to adhesion of pathogens on surfaces.Proyecto de investigación PID2020-113637RB-C22. Universidad de Málaga. Campus de Excelencia Internacional Andalucía Tech