84 research outputs found

    Modelos temporales en el Quijote de Cervantes: entre dos paradigmas nsarratológicos

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    Este trabajo se propone estudia r, a partir de los planteamientos teóricos de Paul Ricoeur en cuanto a tiempo y nmnción, los di stintos modelos temporales que coexisten en el Quijote. Esta plural idad temporal permitirá, además, mostrar cómo la obra cervantina se sitúa a modo de puente entre dos modos de novelar, el paradigma clásico y el moderno

    Literaturas nacionales, literaturas supranacionales: el lugar de los Estudios Ibéricos

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    National Literatures, Supranational Literatures: the Position of Iberian Studies. In this article I defend the need for the existence of the scientific field of Iberian Studies which deals with Spanish and Portuguese literary history from a supranational and not from a merely comparative (in the most traditional sense of the word) perspective. At the same time, I propose that the foundations for these Iberian Studies are not in any way a recent invention; instead, they respond to the same need to overcome strictly national literary histories, a need that was already present as early as the 19th century

    Iberian Studies: A state of the art and future perspectives

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    This volume, and this chapter in particular, are based on two complementary convictions: 1) that there is a need to create or rather to consolidate Iberian Studies as a speci c eld of knowledge which encompasses a wide set of literary, artistic and cultural phenomena that cannot be properly understood and explained from a national perspective; and 2) that this eld, despite the fact that it has not yet been named or epistemologically positioned, has seen a signi cant development in the last few years through the emergence of a growing number of scholarly publications.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Entre dos tierras y en tierra de nadie: el reflejo del multilingüismo peninsular en la historiografía literaria ibérica

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    This article aims at analyzing the question of the inadequacy of the national boundaries traditionally applied in the configuration of literary history, when projected on a multilingual territory like the Iberian Peninsula. The starting point for this reflections will be the study of those Iberian writers who escape the usual linguistic classifications, because they write in languages other than the ‘national language’, or because they write simultaneously in more than one language, and their representation in Spanish and Portuguese literary histories from the 19th century onwards.Este artículo pretende plantear la cuestión de la inadecuación de los esquemas nacionales tradicionalmente aplicados a la configuración de la historia literaria, cuando se proyectan sobre un territorio multilingüe como es la Península Ibérica. Partiremos para ello del estudio de escritores que escapan a las estrictas clasificaciones lingüísticas corrientes, por escribir en diversas lenguas de la Península Ibérica distintas a las consideradas “nacionales”, o por escribir en varias lenguas simultáneamente, y analizaremos su tratamiento en las historias de la literatura española y portuguesa durante el siglo XIX

    Looking at Iberia in/from Europe

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    6is volume focuses on some key theoretical, methodological and historical questions related with Iberian literatures and cultures, privileging a strong European component and a comparative approach. 6e essays gathered here are the main outcome from the Exploratory Workshop ‘Looking at Iberia from a Comparative European Perspective: Literature, Narration and Identity’ funded by the European Science Foundation and held at the Faculty of Arts from the University of Lisbon, on 13 and 14 October 2011. 6is workshop was organized in the frame of Project DIIA – Diálogos Ibéricos e Ibero-Americanos [Iberian and Ibero-American Dialogues], from the Centre for Comparative Studies, University of Lisbon, and it brought together twenty-one scholars from eleven European countries with common interests in Iberian languages, literatures and cultures, along with a shared comparative perspective towards them. 6e papers presented then and the lively discussion that ensued led to the common wish to transform all of our questions and ref lexions into a volume that might of fer a theoretical and methodological threshold for future investigations on Iberian literary and cultural phenomena.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Introductory Note

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    The dossier presented in this issue of Interlitteraria analyzes the complex relation between literary and artistic practices, and the situations of censorship and political repression suffered, opposed or responded to, in Lusophone and Hispanophone contexts during the 20th and 21st centuries. Even if many of the case studies deal with Iberian and Ibero-American dictatorships, with this special issue we want to reflect on the concepts of “repression” and “censorship” beyond the scope of authoritarian regimes, for these are processes that manifest themselves in different forms and also in apparently or superficially democratic scenarios. In fact, Iberian and Latin American contexts offer good examples of the persistence of patterns of rejection, repression and censorship in recent times, as well as of the range and potentialities of artistic and creative responses to these patterns. In both cases, we find models and manifestations of “direct violence”, but also more complex and concealed articulations leading to more subtle, and sometimes more dangerous ways, of censorship. From that viewpoint, this special issue discusses topics such as the individual construction of memories of political violence; the reflection of the artists’ own role in a context of repression, or the possibilities of artistic creation as self-affirmation against censorship.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    La literatura vasca en el contexto de los Estudios Ibéricos

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    El establecimiento progresivo de un sistema literario vasco en las últimas décadas del siglo XX y primeras del XXI ha contribuido a visibilizar y prestigiar la literatura vasca, que sin embargo sigue ocupando un lugar periférico en el sistema interliterario ibérico. En este trabajo pretendo analizar hasta qué punto la literatura vasca puede considerarse, históricamente, como una literatura relacionada y comparable con las de su entorno (ibérico y europeo), y si existe, en la actualidad, una circulación de la literatura vasca a través de la traducción que permita incluirla en el sistema interliterario ibérico.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio


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    No existen dudas sobre la existencia histórica de Viriato, guerrero lusitano que se enfrentó a las tropas romanas entre 153 (o 150) y 139 a. C. Las fuentes clásicas (Posidonio, Tito Livio, Apiano, Diodoro Sículo o Dión Casio, entre otros; vid. Martínez 2011; García Quintela 1999; Barbosa Machado 2011) dan cuenta de su capacidad como estratega, gracias a la cual provocó importantes derrotas a las legiones romanas de Galba y Serviliano, y atestiguan también algunos de los elementos temáticos que se repetirán tanto en la historiografía posterior como en las representaciones artísticas de Viriato: su origen pastoril y de baja condición; su posible etapa como ladrón o salteador; su matrimonio con la hija de un aristócrata lusitano y su muerte a traición a manos de uno o varios hombres sobornados por Roma. Otros aspectos de su biografía, en cambio, nos son desconocidos; el más significativo, sin duda, es el lugar de su nacimiento, que se ha situado en lugares tan dispersos como Huelva, Zamora o la Sierra de Estrela, en Portugal (vid. García Moreno 1988).info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Entre dos tierras y en tierra de nadie: El reflejo del multilingüismo peninsular en la historiografía literaria ibérica

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    Este artículo pretende plantear la cuestión de la inadecuación de los esquemas nacionales tradicio-nalmente aplicados a la configuración de la historia literaria, cuando se proyectan sobre un territorio multilingüe como es la Península Ibérica. Partiremos para ello del estudio de escritores que escapan a las estrictas clasificaciones lingüísticas corrientes, por escribir en diversas lenguas de la Península Ibérica distintas a las consideradas “nacionales”, o por escribir en varias lenguas simultáneamente, y analizaremos su tratamiento en las historias de la literatura española y portuguesa durante el siglo XIXThis article aims at analyzing the question of the inadequacy of the national boundaries traditionally applied in the configuration of literary history, when projected on a multilingual territory like the Iberian Peninsula. The starting point for this reflections will be the study of those Iberian writers who escape the usual linguistic classifications, because they write in languages other than the ‘national language’, or because they write simultaneously in more than one language, and their representation in Spanish and Portuguese literary histories from the 19th century onwards.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio