18 research outputs found

    Teragnosis in vivo: Innovación nanomédica fomentada por la convergencia de tecnologías emergentes

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    El creciente desarrollo y la mejora en cuanto a innovación de dispositivos basados en la convergencia de tecnologías emergentes ha dado lugar a un uso cada vez mayor de los nanosensores en la comunidad biomédica. Sin embargo, los nanosensores implantables aún tienen que afrontar ciertos retos como la biocompatibilidad y la seguridad de datos. En este artículo se abordan el progreso y los principales desafíos para esta clase de dispositivos nanomédicos y se analizan además las principales aplicaciones médicas con especial énfasis en la teragnosis, término que integra el concepto de diagnosis y terapia en un mismo dispositivo. De este modo, se traza el proceso desde la investigación aplicada hasta la comercialización del producto, que es cuando el retorno social puede ser estimado. Finalmente, se contempla la gestión de la tecnología dentro de un ecosistema de innovación, cuya cadena de valor incluye una integración multidisciplinaria y el flujo del conocimiento

    Design of a Customized multipurpose nano-enabled implantable system for in-vivo theranostics

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    The first part of this paper reviews the current development and key issues on implantable multi-sensor devices for in vivo theranostics. Afterwards, the authors propose an innovative biomedical multisensory system for in vivo biomarker monitoring that could be suitable for customized theranostics applications. At this point, findings suggest that cross-cutting Key Enabling Technologies (KETs) could improve the overall performance of the system given that the convergence of technologies in nanotechnology, biotechnology, micro&nanoelectronics and advanced materials permit the development of new medical devices of small dimensions, using biocompatible materials, and embedding reliable and targeted biosensors, high speed data communication, and even energy autonomy. Therefore, this article deals with new research and market challenges of implantable sensor devices, from the point of view of the pervasive system, and time-to-market. The remote clinical monitoring approach introduced in this paper could be based on an array of biosensors to extract information from the patient. A key contribution of the authors is that the general architecture introduced in this paper would require minor modifications for the final customized bio-implantable medical device

    Innovation on Nanoscience: Processes and Ecosystems of Innovation with a multi-KET approach to foster Technology Transfer and Commercialization of Nanotechnologies in the Field of Healthcare

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    [eng] Transferring nanotechnology into marketable products and services is still considered a major challenge. In Europe, this issue has been identified as a weakness, not only for nanotechnology, but also for the other five Key Enabling Technologies (KETs), strategic for the economic growth of the region. In this regard, the current European Funding Programme Horizon 2020 is making great efforts with their action lines in order to prioritize the industrial implementation of KETs, and in this manner, address major economic and societal needs. This initiative is also fostering the cross-fertilization of KETs, since it has been determined that the sum of individual technologies increases the potential for innovation, optimizes technological development, and allows the creation of new markets. This thesis has been developed on the basis of this scenario. The aim is to analyse innovation and technology transfer challenges for the successful commercialization of nanotechnologies by emphasizing the process of cross-fertilization of KETs. The research is focused on healthcare due to the great impact that nano-scale is having on this field. For this reason, the present work has considered two approaches: from a technological perspective and from a management perspective. The analysis is comprised of a state-of-the-art and theoretical framework review, followed by a multiple case-study approach where several nano-enabled sensor-based devices are analysed at diverse levels of technological maturity. In addition, an empirical study of European nano-related innovation projects was undertaken in order to determine which projects’ characteristics are influencing the creation of technological diversity; a critical element for the long-term success of an emergent technology. Finally, project leaders were interviewed in order to gain insights about the managerial strategies that are boosting the process of cross-fertilization of KETs. Findings have shown that a multi-disciplinary, collaborative and integrated community of innovators is necessary for the effective transference and commercialization of multi-KET nanotechnologies. Additionally, the degree of multi-disciplinary projects was identified as significantly contributing to the creation of technological diversity. Furthermore, higher levels of cross-fertilization were found in market and customer-oriented projects, with actors strongly motivated to search for ideas from broad informal networks, and where technological knowledge is moderately heterogeneous. Lastly, it has been found that the cross-fertilization of KETs is boosted by actors with a high involvement of nanotechnologies in their industries. With these outcomes, this thesis has sought to contribute to the analysis of the successful transference and commercialization of multi-KET nanotechnologies in the field of healthcare by understanding the processes and ecosystems of innovation. The outcomes of this thesis have sought to contribute to the analysis of the successful transference and commercialization of multi-KET in the field of nanotechnologies applied to healthcare by understanding the processes and ecosystems of innovation. Accordingly, it is aimed to contribute to the reduction of the gap between research and the marketplace and to expand the knowledge of current interest regarding innovation ecosystems of emergent technologies, regional systems of innovation and strategic innovation management. [[cat] La transferència de productes i serveis basats en la nanotecnologia representa un gran repte. A Europa, aquest fet ha estat identificat com a punt dèbil, no només per a les nanotecnologies si no també per a les altres cinc tecnologies facilitadores transversales (KETs per les seves sigles en anglès), considerades estratègiques pel creixement econòmic de la regió. En aquest sentit, l’actual programa marc Europeu Horitzó 2020 està redirigint les seves línies d’acció per a prioritzar la implementació de les KETs i, d’aquesta manera, poder fer front a les necessitats econòmiques i socials més imperatives d’Europa. Aquesta iniciativa també pretén fomentar la fertilització creuada de les KETs, ja que s’ha establert que la suma de tecnologies individuals incrementa el potencial d’innovació, optimitza el desenvolupament de tecnologies i permet la creació de nous mercats. Sobre aquesta base es desenvolupa aquest treball d’investigació, el qual té la finalitat d’analitzar els reptes relacionats amb la innovació i la transferència tecnològica per a assolir amb èxit la comercialització de les nanotecnologies, posant de relleu el procés de fertilització creuada de les KETs en el camp de la salut. Amb aquesta finalitat, s’han considerat dues aproximacions: d’una banda una perspectiva tecnològica i, de l’altra, una perspectiva de gestió de la innovació. Els resultats obtinguts fan aportacions per l’anàlisi i identificació dels reptes que cal afrontar per a una favorable transferència i comercialització de les nanotecnologies multi-KET en el camp de la salut mitjançant la comprensió dels processos i ecosistemes d’innovació i, d’aquesta manera, contribuir a la reducció de la separació entre el laboratori i el mercat. Finalment també es pretén ampliar el coneixement sobre temàtiques d’interès actual respecte els ecosistemes d’innovació de les tecnologies emergents, els sistemes regionals d’innovació i la gestió estratègica de la innovació tecnològica

    Combined Dielectrophoresis and Impedance Systems for Bacteria Analysis in Microfluidic On-Chip Platforms

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    Bacteria concentration and detection is time-consuming in regular microbiology procedures aimed to facilitate the detection and analysis of these cells at very low concentrations. Traditional methods are effective but often require several days to complete. This scenario results in low bioanalytical and diagnostic methodologies with associated increased costs and complexity. In recent years, the exploitation of the intrinsic electrical properties of cells has emerged as an appealing alternative approach for concentrating and detecting bacteria. The combination of dielectrophoresis (DEP) and impedance analysis (IA) in microfluidic on-chip platforms could be key to develop rapid, accurate, portable, simple-to-use and cost-effective microfluidic devices with a promising impact in medicine, public health, agricultural, food control and environmental areas. The present document reviews recent DEP and IA combined approaches and the latest relevant improvements focusing on bacteria concentration and detection, including selectivity, sensitivity, detection time, and conductivity variation enhancements. Furthermore, this review analyses future trends and challenges which need to be addressed in order to successfully commercialize these platforms resulting in an adequate social return of public-funded investments

    Multi-disciplinarity breeds diversity: the influence of innovation project characteristics on diversity creation in nanotechnology

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    Nanotechnology is an emerging and promising field of research. Creating sufficient technological diversity among its alternatives is important for the long-term success of nanotechnologies, as well as for other emerging technologies. Diversity prevents early lock-in, facilitates recombinant innovation, increases resilience, and allows market growth. Creation of new technological alternatives usually takes place in innovation projects in which public and private partners often collaborate. Currently, there is little empirical evidence about which characteristics of innovation projects influence diversity. In this paper we study the influence of characteristics of EU-funded nanotechnology projects on the creation of technological diversity. In addition to actor diversity and the network of the project, we also include novel variables that have a plausible influence on diversity creation: the degree of multi-disciplinarity of the project and the size of the joint knowledge base of project partners. We apply topic modelling (Latent Dirichlet allocation) as a novel method to categorize technological alternatives. Using an ordinal logistic regression model, our results show that the largest contribution to diversity comes from the multi-disciplinary nature of a project. The joint knowledge base of project partners and the geographical distance between them were positively associated with technological diversity creation. In contrast, the number and diversity of actors and the degree of clustering showed a negative association with technological diversity creation. These results extend current micro-level explanations of how the diversity of an emerging technology is created. The contribution of this study could also be helpful for policy makers to influence the level of diversity in a technological field, and hence to contribute to survival of emerging technologies.The financial support of SENESCYT - Ecuador National Secretary of Higher Education, Science, Technology and Innovation (Grant Convocatoria Abierta 2013 - No. AR2Q) is gratefully acknowledged

    Multi-disciplinarity breeds diversity : the influence of innovation project characteristics on diversity creation in nanotechnology

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    Nanotechnology is an emerging and promising field of research. Creating sufficient technological diversity among its alternatives is important for the long-term success of nanotechnologies, as well as for other emerging technologies. Diversity prevents early lock-in, facilitates recombinant innovation, increases resilience, and allows market growth. Creation of new technological alternatives usually takes place in innovation projects in which public and private partners often collaborate. Currently, there is little empirical evidence about which characteristics of innovation projects influence diversity. In this paper we study the influence of characteristics of EU-funded nanotechnology projects on the creation of technological diversity. In addition to actor diversity and the network of the project, we also include novel variables that have a plausible influence on diversity creation: the degree of multi-disciplinarity of the project and the size of the joint knowledge base of project partners. We apply topic modelling (Latent Dirichlet allocation) as a novel method to categorize technological alternatives. Using an ordinal logistic regression model, our results show that the largest contribution to diversity comes from the multi-disciplinary nature of a project. The joint knowledge base of project partners and the geographical distance between them were positively associated with technological diversity creation. In contrast, the number and diversity of actors and the degree of clustering showed a negative association with technological diversity creation. These results extend current micro-level explanations of how the diversity of an emerging technology is created. The contribution of this study could also be helpful for policy makers to influence the level of diversity in a technological field, and hence to contribute to survival of emerging technologies