46 research outputs found

    La lógica del desarrollo económico: biblioteca universitaria y clusters industriales

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    In the context of the knowledge society, it is necessary that university libraries understand that their challenges are correlated with the strategic sectors of national and regional economic development: University, State and Industry. The article seeks to generate an analysis of the relationship between R&D development and economic development, and of the strategic importance of enhancing industrial clusters through the university library as part of the third mission of universities

    The death of libraries? Towards the e-evolution

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    Starting from the premise that future information flows will be transmitted exclusively via electronic formats and that the future of books in their current structure is uncertain, the article analyzes the situation of uncertainty for libraries’ survival in the new systems of global information, where the immediacy of access to sources and collaboration are becoming standard. The authors invite a rethinking of paradigm tools that prevail in libraries. The study also aims to discuss the old paradigms as opposed to the changes that are taking place and focuses on defining a model of innovative thinking which can sustain the e-evolution” of libraries. Analyzing the perspectives from a qualitative research method founded on the triangulation of three or more different perspectives, the methodology-driven approach defines the paradigm changes that will be more influential in the near future and hence poses new ways to think about the interrelationship between different actors that will positively affect a sustainable e-evolution” of libraries if they are considered and seen from a global human-centered point of view

    Logic of economic development: university library and industrial clusters

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    In the context of the knowledge society, it is necessary that university libraries understand that their challenges are correlated with the strategic sectors of national and regional economic development: University, State and Industry. The article seeks to generate an analysis of the relationship between R&D development and economic development, and of the strategic importance of enhancing industrial clusters through the university library as part of the third mission of universities

    Cognición, juego y aprendizaje: una propuesta para el área de la primera infancia

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    El artículo que a continuación se presenta pretende conectar tres dominios de alta significación para el aula escolar, vale decir, cognición, juego y aprendizaje, preferentemente desarrollados durante la primera infancia. Lo anterior, en el bien entendido que la noción de aprendizaje, desde la perspectiva de las neurociencias, ha puesto su foco en la comprensión de cómo el cerebro funciona, resaltando el papel de la memoria y fundamentalmente de la relación indisociable cuerpo-mente. En la actualidad, y especialmente pensando en la educación del siglo XXI, resulta del todo pertinente la comprensión de la base biológica de la cognición humana, reconociendo que las manifestaciones comportamentales del sujeto son fruto de la interacción del individuo con el medio en que vive. Por otro lado, lo más relevante de las neurociencias hoy en día, es la formulación de directrices y orientaciones pedagógicas que busquen optimizar los procesos de enseñanza-aprendizaje en la escuela, a objeto de favorecer ejercicios cognitivos de mayor complejidad. Finalmente, incorporar una perspectiva preferentemente lúdica en el aula de la primera infancia, es un desafío para los actuales y futuros educadores, toda vez que la escuela es siempre la continuación de la vida, y en la vida como bien lo sabemos, los niños aprenden jugando. En consecuencia, la intencionalidad educativa del juego se convierte en una premisa pedagógica-didáctica

    Integrated Reporting as an Academic Research Concept in the Area of Business

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    Recent financial scandals and the global financial crisis have generated numerous criticisms of the value and use of annual financial and sustainability reports prepared by companies. This has generated the elaboration and use of a new model of corporate-information reporting that considers strategic, social, economic, and environmental aspects. This study synthesizes the knowledge of the use of integrated reporting as a source of information, and bibliometrically analyzes of 268 articles published in the Web of Science database in 2011–2019. Results show that 77.6% of the academic articles were from developed countries, and the five most influential countries are Italy, South Africa, Australia, the United Kingdom, and the United States. Results show that the development of this type of research is scarce in emerging economies. The most influential authors are García, Rodríguez, and De Villiers. A high level of interconnections is observed in used keywords, of which the most used are ‘sustainability’ and ‘management’. Lastly, this article contributes to the international discussion on integrated reporting by carrying out a structured review of the literature, highlighting previous research

    Why Integrated reporting? Insights from early adoption in an emerging economy

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    The purpose of this research is to contribute new and relevant information about the early adoption of integrated reporting in an emerging economy, in this case the Chilean economy, with emphasis on the reasons for its use, the perceived benefits, and the difficulties experienced during the process of adoption. Methodologically, this work uses a qualitative approach, utilising semistructured interviews as a data collection instrument that are applied to the managers in charge of preparing this reporting for a sample of companies that trade on the Chilean stock exchange. These interviews were interpreted using an analysis of their content. The results obtained are in accordance with the literature and the empirical evidence, with the characteristics belonging to an emerging economy and highlighting the importance of communicating with the stakeholders. The relationship with the stakeholders and the inclusion in international contexts were the most valued. It is also highlighted that all of the companies analysed declare sustainability as a strategic focus, which is an infrequent situation in developing economies. One limitation of this work is the low valuation and use that market agents still assign to integrated reporting in Chile, which affects the degree of preparation and utilisation, and could be explained by other types of incentives and motivations

    Modelo de gestion de reabastecimiento eficiente en el marco ECR para una cadena de supermercado

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    140 p.Esta memoria de titulación, aborda como tema central la metodología ECR (Respuesta Eficiente al Consumidor), mediante la cual se intenta desarrollar mejores prácticas de negocios y operacionales, en busca de la eficiencia y el perfeccionamiento de los distintos procesos en la cadena de abastecimiento. El trabajo es desarrollado en una importante cadena de supermercado de la zona, la cual posee 50 locales distribuidos en distintas regiones del país. En ella se han identificado múltiples falencias en los proceso y que están trayendo consigo consecuencias desastrosas, involucrando a sus consumidores y proveedores. Se comienza con un análisis detallado de la industria de los supermercados, utilizando el modelo de las cinco fuerzas de Porter, se describen las principales barreras de entrada y salida, la rivalidad entre competidores, la amenaza de sustitutos, la amenaza de nuevos participantes, el poder de los compradores y el poder de los consumidores, para finalmente dar con el atractivo de la industria. Se hace una descripción y medición de la eficiencia del proceso actual de reabastecimiento, comenzando con la identificación de las rutas de abastecimiento (internamente conocidas como tipos de compras), seguido de un estudio de las principales consecuencias producidas por las ineficiencias dentro de este proceso, y que corresponden a los quiebres de stock y faltantes de mercadería en góndola (FMG). En este aspecto se estimaron y luego diseñaron las pautas para identificarlos y estimar los ingresos dejados de percibir al incurrir en alguno de estos eventos. Además en esta etapa se seleccionó mediante una serie de criterios, una muestra de productos por cada tipo de compra, con los cuales se desarrolla el resto del estudio. El trabajo culmina con el diseño de un modelo de reaprovisionamiento eficiente, el cual se crea a partir de dos componentes principales, por un lado los procesos internos y externos (prácticas de negocio colaborativas) necesarios que sugiere la metodología ECR, y por otro lado las herramientas tecnológicas facilitadoras de gestión dentro de cada proceso. La herramienta creada corresponde a un modelo de gestión de stock, el cual sugiere a través de variables medibles, el volumen de productos que se debe pedir en cada período. En esta etapa se utilizaron 3 metodologías para el pronóstico de demanda, destacando entre ellas la superioridad del método econométrico “Box-Jenkins”, mediante al cual se obtienen resultados superiores al resto de los otros modelos. Finalmente se diseñaron las pautas de generalización del estudio para el todo el mix de productos comercializados por el supermercado, además de un programa computacional que administra el modelo de gestión de stock

    Ionomer content optimization in nickel-iron-based anodes with and without ceria for anion exchange membrane water electrolysis

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    Hydrogen production from anion exchange membrane water electrolysis (AEMWE) is an efficient cost-effective solution to renewable energy storage. Contrary to proton exchange membrane (PEM) electrolysis, AEMWE requires further optimization of its cell design, particularly for the kinetically unfavourable oxygen evolution anode half-cell reaction (OER). In this work we optimize the commercial Fumatech fumion ionomer content in AEMWE anodes using nickel (Ni) nanoparticles (NP) synthesized by chemical reduction. The optimal ionomer content is then applied to Ni-iron (Fe)-based NPs with and without ceria (CeO2), all prepared using the same method. Scanning Electron Microscopy (SEM) of the resulting electrode surfaces, Particle-size Distribution (PSD) of the catalyst inks, and in-situ testing of the monometallic Ni NPs show that the best and most active catalytic layer is obtained using 15 wt% ionomer. AEMWE performance and short-term durability are evaluated in different concentrations of potassium hydroxide (KOH), where the Ni90Fe10 is the best performing Ni-based electrode showing 1.72 V at 0.8 A cm−2 in 1 M KOH after IR-correction, and a degradation rate of 3.3 mV h−1. The addition of ceria to the Ni-based catalysts shows more consistent mass transfer over time likely due to more efficient water transport and bubble release.acceptedVersio

    Renaming the pedagogical knowledge: a look from the teaching practice

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    El presente artículo tiene como propósito comprender e interpretar la relación entre la práctica pedagógica desplegada y el saber pedagógico de profesores nóveles3 durante el periodo de Formación Inicial Docente (FID), saberes que luego son construidos y desplegados en el quehacer profesional de aula. Para recabar la información se realizaron seis grupos focales y once entrevistas en profundidad a profesores egresados de las carreras de la Facultad de Educación de la Universidad Autónoma de Chile, sede Talca. A partir del análisis de contenido en el marco de la Teoría Fundamentada, se obtuvo como resultado algunas categorías relevantes como las siguientes: significado de los procesos reflexivos durante la formación universitaria, rol docente que favorece el desarrollo de competencias lúdicas, y una alta valoración de las prácticas tempranas durante el proceso formativo. Se concluye que la reflexión permite repensar el despliegue profesional, y consecuentemente la construcción del saber pedagógico. Por su parte, las prácticas tempranas se constituyen en una instancia que permite re-mirar los procesos educativos, a objeto de diseñar estrategias de mejora.The purpose of this article is to understand and interpret the relationship between the pedagogical practice deployed and the pedagogical knowledge of novice teachers4 during the period of Basic Teacher Training (BTT), knowledge that is then constructed and deployed in the classroom. To gather information, six focus groups were conducted as well as 11 in-depth interviews with teachers who graduated from the School of Education of the Universidad Autónoma de Chile, Talca. The outcome of data analysis based on Grounded Theory was the emergence of some relevant categories such as: meaning of reflective processes during the undergraduate education; teaching role that benefits the development of recreational skills, and a high appreciation of early practices during the formative process. Conclusion was that the reflection allows to rethink the professional deployment, and consequently the construction of the pedagogical knowledge. In addition, the early teaching practices become a stage that allows novice teachers to re-evaluate the educational processes, in order to design strategies for improvement

    Mucins trigger dispersal of Pseudomonas aeruginosa biofilms

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    Mucus is a biological gel that lines all wet epithelia in the body, including the mouth, lungs, and digestive tract, and has evolved to protect the body from pathogenic infection. However, microbial pathogenesis is often studied in mucus-free environments that lack the geometric constraints and microbial interactions in physiological three-dimensional mucus gels. We developed fluid-flow and static test systems based on purified mucin polymers, the major gel-forming constituents of the mucus barrier, to understand how the mucus barrier influences bacterial virulence, particularly the integrity of Pseudomonas aeruginosa biofilms, which can become resistant to immune clearance and antimicrobial agents. We found that mucins separate the cells in P. aeruginosa biofilms and disperse them into suspension. Other viscous polymer solutions did not match the biofilm disruption caused by mucins, suggesting that mucin-specific properties mediate the phenomenon. Cellular dispersion depended on functional flagella, indicating a role for swimming motility. Taken together, our observations support a model in which host mucins are key players in the regulation of microbial virulence. These mucins should be considered in studies of mucosal pathogenesis and during the development of novel strategies to treat biofilms