226 research outputs found

    Multi-Modal Spatial Querying

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    This project investigates the use of two concurrent communication channels, graphics and speech, to achieve a successful interaction between a person and a geographic information system (GIS). The objective is to construct a multi-modal spatial query language in which users interact with a geographic database by drawing sketches of the desired configuration, while simultaneously talking about the spatial objects and the spatial relations drawn. This study will increase our understanding of multi-modal spatial interactions, and will lead to improved strategies for intelligent integration and processing of such multi-modal spatial queries in a GIS. The key to this interaction is the exploitation of complementary or redundant information present in both graphical and verbal descriptions of the same spatial scenes. A multiple-resolution model of spatial relations is used to capture the essential aspects of a sketch and its corresponding verbal description. The model stresses topological properties, such as containment and neighborhood, and considers metrical properties, such as distance and directions, as refinements where necessary. This model enables the retrieval of similar, not only exact, matches between a spatial query and a geographic database. Such new methods of multi-modal spatial querying and spatial similarity retrieval will empower experts as well as novice users to perform easier spatial searches, ultimately providing new user communities access to spatial databases

    Maximal Oxidative Capacity during Exercise Is Associated with Skeletal Muscle Fuel Selection and Dynamic Changes in Mitochondrial Protein Acetylation

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    SummaryMaximal exercise-associated oxidative capacity is strongly correlated with health and longevity in humans. Rats selectively bred for high running capacity (HCR) have improved metabolic health and are longer-lived than their low-capacity counterparts (LCR). Using metabolomic and proteomic profiling, we show that HCR efficiently oxidize fatty acids (FAs) and branched-chain amino acids (BCAAs), sparing glycogen and reducing accumulation of short- and medium-chain acylcarnitines. HCR mitochondria have reduced acetylation of mitochondrial proteins within oxidative pathways at rest, and there is rapid protein deacetylation with exercise, which is greater in HCR than LCR. Fluxomic analysis of valine degradation with exercise demonstrates a functional role of differential protein acetylation in HCR and LCR. Our data suggest that efficient FA and BCAA utilization contribute to high intrinsic exercise capacity and the health and longevity benefits associated with enhanced fitness

    Water-soluble saponins accumulate in drought-stressed switchgrass and may inhibit yeast growth during bioethanol production

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    Background: Developing economically viable pathways to produce renewable energy has become an important research theme in recent years. Lignocellulosic biomass is a promising feedstock that can be converted into second-generation biofuels and bioproducts. Global warming has adversely affected climate change causing many environmental changes that have impacted earth surface temperature and rainfall patterns. Recent research has shown that environmental growth conditions altered the composition of drought-stressed switchgrass and directly influenced the extent of biomass conversion to fuels by completely inhibiting yeast growth during fermentation. Our goal in this project was to find a way to overcome the microbial inhibition and characterize specific compounds that led to this inhibition. Additionally, we also determined if these microbial inhibitors were plant-generated compounds, by-products of the pretreatment process, or a combination of both. Results: Switchgrass harvested in drought (2012) and non-drought (2010) years were pretreated using Ammonia Fiber Expansion (AFEX). Untreated and AFEX processed samples were then extracted using solvents (i.e., water, ethanol, and ethyl acetate) to selectively remove potential inhibitory compounds and determine whether pretreatment affects the inhibition. High solids loading enzymatic hydrolysis was performed on all samples, followed by fermentation using engineered Saccharomyces cerevisiae. Fermentation rate, cell growth, sugar consumption, and ethanol production were used to evaluate fermentation performance. We found that water extraction of drought-year switchgrass before AFEX pretreatment reduced the inhibition of yeast fermentation. The extracts were analyzed using liquid chromatography–mass spectrometry (LC–MS) to detect compounds enriched in the extracted fractions. Saponins, a class of plant-generated triterpene or steroidal glycosides, were found to be significantly more abundant in the water extracts from drought-year (inhibitory) switchgrass. The inhibitory nature of the saponins in switchgrass hydrolysate was validated by spiking commercially available saponin standard (protodioscin) in non-inhibitory switchgrass hydrolysate harvested in normal year. Conclusions: Adding a water extraction step prior to AFEX-pretreatment of drought-stressed switchgrass effectively overcame inhibition of yeast growth during bioethanol production. Saponins appear to be generated by the plant as a response to drought as they were significantly more abundant in the drought-stressed switchgrass water extracts and may contribute toward yeast inhibition in drought-stressed switchgrass hydrolysates

    Interaction of methyl viologen-induced chloroplast and mitochondrial signalling in Arabidopsis

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    Reactive oxygen species (ROS) are key signalling intermediates in plant metabolism, defence, and stress adaptation. In plants, both the chloroplast and mitochondria are centres of metabolic control and ROS production, which coordinate stress responses in other cell compartments. The herbicide and experimental tool, methyl viologen (MV) induces ROS generation in the chloroplast under illumination, but is also toxic in non-photosynthetic organisms. We used MV to probe plant ROS signalling in compartments other than the chloroplast. Taking a genetic approach in the model plant Arabidopsis (Arabidopsis thaliana), we used natural variation, QTL mapping, and mutant studies with MV in the light, but also under dark conditions, when the chloroplast electron transport is inactive. These studies revealed a light-independent MV-induced ROS-signalling pathway, suggesting mitochondrial involvement. Mitochondrial Mn SUPEROXIDE DISMUTASE was required for ROS-tolerance and the effect of MV was enhanced by exogenous sugar, providing further evidence for the role of mitochondria. Mutant and hormone feeding assays revealed roles for stress hormones in organellar ROS-responses. The radical-induced cell death1 mutant, which is tolerant to MV-induced ROS and exhibits altered mitochondrial signalling, was used to probe interactions between organelles. Our studies suggest that mitochondria are involved in the response to ROS induced by MV in plants.</p

    PROTEIN PHOSPHATASE 2A-B 'gamma Controls Botrytis cinerea Resistance and Developmental Leaf Senescence

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    Plants optimize their growth and survival through highly integrated regulatory networks that coordinate defensive measures and developmental transitions in response to environmental cues. Protein phosphatase 2A (PP2A) is a key signaling component that controls stress reactions and growth at different stages of plant development, and the PP2A regulatory subunit PP2A-B'gamma is required for negative regulation of pathogenesis responses and for maintenance of cell homeostasis in short-day conditions. Here, we report molecular mechanisms by which PP2A-B'gamma regulates Botrytis cinerea resistance and leaf senescence in Arabidopsis (Arabidopsis thaliana). We extend the molecular functionality of PP2A-B'gamma to a protein kinase-phosphatase interaction with the defense-associated calcium-dependent protein kinase CPK1 and present indications this interaction may function to control CPK1 activity. In presenescent leaf tissues, PP2A-B'gamma is also required to negatively control the expression of salicylic acid-related defense genes, which have recently proven vital in plant resistance to necrotrophic fungal pathogens. In addition, we find the premature leaf yellowing of pp2a-b'gamma depends on salicylic acid biosynthesis via SALICYLIC ACID INDUCTION DEFICIENT2 and bears the hallmarks of developmental leaf senescence. We propose PP2A-B'gamma age-dependently controls salicylic acid-related signaling in plant immunity and developmental leaf senescence.Peer reviewe

    Electrical-thermal analytical modeling of monopolar RF thermal ablation of biological tissues: determining the circumstances under which tissue temperature reaches a steady state

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    This is a pre-copy-editing, author-produced PDF of an article accepted for publication in MATHEMATICAL BIOSCIENCES doi:10.3934/mbe.2015003 AND ENGINEERING following peer review. The definitive publisher-authenticated version Mathematical Biosciences and Engineering (MBE) Pages: 281 - 301, Volume 13, Issue 2, April 2016 is available online at http://www.aimsciences.org/journals/displayArticlesnew.jsp?paperID=11998[EN] It has been suggested that during RF thermal ablation of biological tissue the thermal lesion could reach an equilibrium size after 1-2 minutes. Our objective was to determine under which circumstances of electrode geometry (needle-like vs. ball-tip), electrode type (dry vs. cooled) and blood perfusion the temperature will reach a steady state at any point in the tissue. We solved the bioheat equation analytically both in cylindrical and spherical coordinates and the resultant limit temperatures were compared. Our results demonstrate mathematically that tissue temperature reaches a steady value in all cases except for cylindrical coordinates without the blood perfusion term, both for dry and cooled electrodes, where temperature increases infinitely. This result is only true when the boundary condition far from the active electrode is considered to be at infinitum. In contrast, when a finite and sufficiently large domain is considered, temperature reaches always a steady state.This work received financial support from the Spanish "Plan Estatal de Investigacion, Desarrollo e Innovacion Orientada a los Retos de la Sociedad" under Grant TEC2014-52383-C3-R (TEC2014-52383-C3-1-R).López Molina, JA.; Rivera Ortun, MJ.; Berjano, E. (2016). Electrical-thermal analytical modeling of monopolar RF thermal ablation of biological tissues: determining the circumstances under which tissue temperature reaches a steady state. Mathematical Biosciences and Engineering. 13(2):281-301. https://doi.org/10.3934/mbe.2015003S28130113

    The ‘Green Revolution’ dwarfing genes play a role in disease resistance in Triticum aestivum and Hordeum vulgare

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    The Green Revolution dwarfing genes, Rht-B1b and Rht-D1b, encode mutant forms of DELLA proteins and are present in most modern wheat varieties. DELLA proteins have been implicated in the response to biotic stress in the model plant, Arabidopsis thaliana. Using defined wheat Rht near-isogenic lines and barley Sln1 gain of function (GoF) and loss of function (LoF) lines, the role of DELLA in response to biotic stress was investigated in pathosystems representing contrasting trophic styles (biotrophic, hemibiotrophic, and necrotrophic). GoF mutant alleles in wheat and barley confer a resistance trade-off with increased susceptibility to biotrophic pathogens and increased resistance to necrotrophic pathogens whilst the converse was conferred by a LoF mutant allele. The polyploid nature of the wheat genome buffered the effect of single Rht GoF mutations relative to barley (diploid), particularly in respect of increased susceptibility to biotrophic pathogens. A role for DELLA in controlling cell death responses is proposed. Similar to Arabidopsis, a resistance trade-off to pathogens with contrasting pathogenic lifestyles has been identified in monocotyledonous cereal species. Appreciation of the pleiotropic role of DELLA in biotic stress responses in cereals has implications for plant breeding

    Genetic mapping of microbial and host traits reveals production of immunomodulatory lipids by Akkermansia muciniphila in the murine gut.

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    The molecular bases of how host genetic variation impacts the gut microbiome remain largely unknown. Here we used a genetically diverse mouse population and applied systems genetics strategies to identify interactions between host and microbe phenotypes including microbial functions, using faecal metagenomics, small intestinal transcripts and caecal lipids that influence microbe-host dynamics. Quantitative trait locus (QTL) mapping identified murine genomic regions associated with variations in bacterial taxa; bacterial functions including motility, sporulation and lipopolysaccharide production and levels of bacterial- and host-derived lipids. We found overlapping QTL for the abundance of Akkermansia muciniphila and caecal levels of ornithine lipids. Follow-up in vitro and in vivo studies revealed that A. muciniphila is a major source of these lipids in the gut, provided evidence that ornithine lipids have immunomodulatory effects and identified intestinal transcripts co-regulated with these traits including Atf3, which encodes for a transcription factor that plays vital roles in modulating metabolism and immunity. Collectively, these results suggest that ornithine lipids are potentially important for A. muciniphila-host interactions and support the role of host genetics as a determinant of responses to gut microbes