103 research outputs found

    Phenomenology of Hope and Despair: A Qur’anic perspective

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    Hope is an intrinsic value towards success, victory, enthusiasm, and a positive attitude in life. It is the main driving force that leads one to strive for excellence. Despair, on the other hand, turns off the rays of hope and optimism, and keeps one constantly lagging behind. It perishes the victims from the inner roots. Al-Qur’an, the Holy Book for all Muslims, sheds lights on the issue and urges one to be optimistic and hopeful. It warns of severe punishments for persistent criminals and sinners; while, on the other hand, sheds rays of hope for Divine mercy and forgiveness to the repentant. The Qur’an condemns the phenomenon of despair outright. It is only attributed to the deviant and non-believers. The Qur’an relates hope with belief in Allah and religion, and despair with disbelief and atheism. (Qur’an 12: 87, 15: 56) It is the non-believers alone that quickly turn to despair and hopelessness. He collapses during distresses and adversaries. It is the irony of humans that when affluent, turn out to be proud, and during adversaries get collapsed and loose all hopes, leading sometimes to suicide. (Qur’an 11: 9). The present research would therefore aim to provide a clear picture of hope and despair from Qur’anic perspective. How does the Qur’an instil hope in the minds of common people? What are the qualities of the people who are optimistic and have a positive attitude in life? What about those pessimistic and hopeless? The research focuses on the Qur’anic ayat as the primary reference, and also on the traditions of the Prophets as the secondary source. The research is expected to instil some rays of hope in the minds of readers, and through their implementation would help them turn out as optimistic and positive human being. Key words: Hope, believers, despair, atheists, Qur’an, Sunnah

    Key Money (Badl Al-Khulu): An Islamic Perspective

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    The key money (badl al-khulu) refers to the amount that one pays to the other whoforgoes his/her right to enjoy the usufruct of the real estate like house, shop and others.This paper intends to study the legal status of exchanging key money from the perspective of Islamic law. The study is qualitative in nature and an analytical method is employed to accomplish the study based on both classical and modern references of the topic. The study finds that the exchange of key money could be between the tenant and the landlord or between the current tenant and the subsequent tenant, or among all these three parties. If the exchange of key money is made during the lease period then it is permissible. However, if it is made after expiry of lease period then it is invalid because after termination of the right of tenant the landlord is more entitled to his/her possessions and he/she may do whatever wishes. Nevertheless, if the landlord consents to the exchange of key money, and the tenant makes a new lease agreement with him, then the exchange of key money is valid despite the expiry of the lease period

    Empowering women in Bangladesh: a study on the problems of working women in garments industries

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    Empowering Muslim women is a worldwide trend in almost all Muslim countries. Bangladesh is leading the way for all in this regard. It is constantly led by Two prominent women for almost 30 years. Women in Bangladesh remain firm and strong in almost all sectors of life. This paper describes some major problems of working women in Bangladesh, especially in garment industry which is regarded to be the second highest foreign currency earner among other sources of Bangladesh economy. In Bangladesh, there are more than six thousand garment industries where around six million people work and majority of them are women. The problems faced by these working women are extreme in nature. It may pose a serious threat to the development of Bangladesh economy. The research asserts that if these problems persist and not tackled effectively, the number of working women will gradually diminish; consequently, the economic growth of Bangladesh will stand far from its desired goal. Among the major problems faced by the working women include the following: salary discrimination due to genders, late salary payment, sexual harassment, mocking, no leave during pregnancy and sickness, inadequate medical facilities, housing problems, insufficient transportation of companies, spread of various diseases and unhygienic workplace due to industrial discharges. The research has figured out the problems through an intensive study of the previous and current research papers, books, magazines, periodicals of government and different NGOs’, surveys and newspapers. The research also reached its conclusions through personal interviews with the working women and selected administrative officers

    An appraisal of Majallat al-Ahkam al-Adliyyah: a legal code of Islamic civil transactions by the Ottoman

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    The Majallat al-Ahkam al-Adliyyah, known as the Mejelle, is a legal code of Islamic civil transactions drafted under the auspices of the Ottoman. This study intends to introduce the Mejelle and to evaluate the codification attempt made by the Mejelle. Employing analytical and critical methods the study finds out that in codification of Islamic civil transactions the attempt of the Mejelle is comparatively more successful and it explicitly distinguishes between the method of being reference for learning and reference for judiciary. The study demonstrates that generally the Mejelle consents to the preponderant views of Hanafi School, excluding few cases in which it conforms to minority Hanafi views considering public wellbeing and needs of the time. Nevertheless, the compilation process of the Mejelle complies with the principles of giving preponderance of the Hanafi School of Islamic law

    المقارنة بين همّ يوسف وهمّ امرأة العزيز: دراسة تفسيرية تحليلية

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    سيّدنا يوسف عليه الصلاة والسلام أغرته امرأة العزيز في مصر بالإغراءات الجنسية، وكان في خلوة معها، فحاولت أن تغريه بكل ما تملك من زينة وجمال، ولكن يوسف عليه الصلاة والسلام استعاذ بالله ليحفظه من هذه الإغراءات الفاتنة، وتيقن بأن الذي يقع في الفاحشة لن يفلح أبدا. فهل هذا يعني أن يوسف عليه الصلاة والسلام كان ملكا بريئا من الشهوات والجنسيات، التي يملكها كل أبناء آدم، أو حافظ على نفسه بالإيمان والتقوى، وإن كان في قلبه كل الرغبات والشهوات مثل الآخرين، فصرّح الله سبحانه بذلك (وَلَقَدْ هَمَّتْ بِهِ وَهَمَّ بِهَا لَوْلَا أَنْ رَأَى بُرْهَانَ رَبِّهِ كَذَلِكَ لِنَصْرِفَ عَنْهُ السُّوءَ وَالْفَحْشَاءَ إِنَّهُ مِنْ عِبَادِنَا الْمُخْلَصِينَ). فالهمّ موجود والشهوة باقية، ولكنه عصم بإيمانه وتقواه، بحفظ من عند الله عزّ وجل، إذ أيّده ببُرهان ساطع، يذكّره بأنه من عباد الله المقرّبين، فهذا العمل الخبيث ليس من شأنه، ولا ينبغي له أن يرتكب. فهذان الهمّان من فردين مختلفين، من ذكر صالح تقيّ وأنثى لا تؤمن بالله، ولا تعبد إلا هواها، ما المراد به من يوسف ومن امرأة العزيز؟ وهل همّ يوسف يساوي همّ امرأة العزيز؟ وما التأويلات التفسيرية التي قام بها المفسّرون؟ وما التأويل الذي يُشار إليه في الكتاب المقدّس؟، فهذه دراسة تفسيرية وصفية تحليلية نقدية مقارنة، إذ يصف تأويل الهمّ من المصادر المذكورة، ثم يحلّلها وينقدها ويقارن بين همّ المؤمن التقي وهمّ الكافرة التي اتخذت إلهها هواها وشهواتها الجنسية. والدراسة تستنتج بأن أغلب المفسرين الكرام قد وقعوا في خطأ باهر في تأويل هذه الآية الكريمة، وأوقعوا يوسف عليه الصلاة والسلام في نفس المكانة كالفُجّار، إذ ادّعوا بأن يوسف عليه الصلاة والسلام خلع ثيابه ليقع في الشهوة الجنسية معها، وجلس موقع الزوج من زوجته، إذ رأى برهان ربه، واعتصم. وهناك آخرون من نزّهوا يوسف من كل النقص ومن كل الهوى، وجعله في نفس المكانة مثل الملائكة، ولم يروا فيه خصائص إنسانية من الرغبات والشهوات، فأتوا بتأويلات لا مجال لها في الآية. فالدراسة تحاول أن تكتشف الحقيقة عن هذا الأمر الحسّاسي الخطير، بعون من الله العلي القدير

    Religious tolerance and peaceful coexistence in the Sirah of the Prophet (PBUH)

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    The Prophet Muhammad (pbuh), a universal prophet, a symbol of mercy and compassion for entire Universe, shed clear examples for us for religious tolerance and peaceful co-existence. The Prophet Muhammad (pbuh) was the ideal example of nobility and character before and after the prophethood. The entire people of Quraysh recognized him as a noble, virtuous, truthful and al-Ameen before announcing his mission of prophethood. After declaring Tawhid, he became their enemy. Allah swt declared his noble character in the Qur’an al-Karim, and commanded all Muslims to follow the character of the Prophet (pbuh). The Qur’an al-karim asked the Muslims to respect the treaties with others as long as they remain respectful to the treaties. Those who are not in enmity with the Muslims, or do not show it up, or do not tie up with the fierce enemies of Muslims, deserve peace and noble behavior from the Muslims. The Qur’an commanded all Muslims to be the examples of nobility and virtue for entire mankind. The Qur’an reminded the Muslims that they were created from the same origin, one father and one mother, Adam and Eve, and spread to the entire world to be known to each other, and befriend with each other. It is the right of each and every creation to know the chosen religion of Allah swt properly, and decide to follow it or not. Islam does not command to force anyone to follow the religion. It is their right to accept or reject. If they accept, they become religious brethren of all Muslims; if they reject, they have the right to live peacefully in Islamic lands provided that they do not get engaged in treason or links with the fierce enemies of Islam. The Prophet Muhammad (pbuh) after migration to Madinah, settled the never ending feud and dispute between Aws and Khazraj, the two famous tribes of Madinah, who were in fierce conflict throughout the ages. The Jewish tribes of Madinah ignited the fire to the worse condition by siding with different tribes. Upon the arrival of the Prophet, they declared total stop of conflict, became brethren in Islam, and sheltered their immigrant Muslim brothers and sisters. The Prophet Muhammad (pbuh) established a noble relation with all residents of Yathrib comprising Ahlul Kitab, Mushrikin and surrounding Bedouins. The Prophet had good relations with the Jews, had business transactions and accepting loans from or giving loans to them. The Prophet (pbuh) declared Madinan charter, where he established the religious freedom to all residents of Yathrib, especially the Jewish tribes living therein. If the Jews did not violate the charter, and did not plot against the Prophet, the Muslims and new Islamic state, the world could see different scenes about the approach of the Prophet towards the Jews

    Implementing Hudud on women in Shari'ah: a comparison with civil laws in the punishment of adultery

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    This study seeks to analyze the stance of shari`ah in implementing Hudud punishment on women in the case of adultery and fornication and to compare it with the existing civil laws in the modern age. The issue of Hudud has been much debated, attacked and ridiculed in the global electronic and print media. There has been a serious misconception about Islamic criminal punishment in general and the punishment of adultery in particular. It was publicized that Islam hunts the adulterers and kills them through stoning. A search of Qur’Énic ayat and ahadith of the Prophet (PBUH) proves the fact that the committers of adultery were not searched or hunted by the Islamic state; instead, the offenders themselves came voluntarily to confess to the Prophet (PBUH) for obtaining purity and cleanliness, lest they be punished by the divine eternal torment in the Hereafter. Prophet (PBUH) though tried repeatedly to avert and gave ample chances for them to return and repent to Allah, but due to their insistence and determination, finally took up the case and implemented the punishment of stoning in a few cases. However, the Qur’Én is totally silent about stoning. The Qur’Én (24: 2-3) commands 100 lashes to be carried out on the adulterers, apparently for unmarried ones. The present research is carried out to investigate the traditional texts from the Qur’Én and Sunnah on the cases of adulteries and its punishments to discover the real truth behind it. As a qualitative research by nature, it depends on the available texts from the primary sources of shari`ah – the Qur’Én and Sunnah - Islamic Fiqh and jurisprudence, relevant websites, recent journals, magazines and newspapers etc.. It analyzes the stance of different jurists from traditional and modern perspectives and gets the latest available data through different journals and newspapers. The research reached conclusions that Islamic criminal punishment is a just, fair and balanced one, which is still suitable to be implemented throughout the globe provided that the states follow Islamic rules in overall policy of governance. Islamic Hudud alone cannot be established in isolation from other religious rulings and adaab (manners). Islam does not discriminate man and woman in carrying out its legal punishments. Societies can subsequently prosper once it implements Islamic teachings in all aspects of life, and then the issue of committing even minor crimes, let alone the major ones, will rarely emerge. Keywords: Sharī`ah, adultery, women, discrimination, Civil La

    Atheism in Bangladesh and its impact on youngsters

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    Atheism, or disbelieve in the existence of God, the creator, is rising worldwide. A serious dislike towards Islam, or Islamophobia is rising not only in non-Islamic countries, but also in Muslim countries. Bangladeshi atheists do not declare their hatred towards other religions; it is only against Islam. Hence, they would rather be termed as ‘Islamophobists’ than being ‘atheists’. They start criticizing all fundamental creeds of Islam, such as the Day of Judgement, Isra’ and Mi`raj, Jannah and Jahannam, Angels, Hur al-‘Ieen, male dominance in family etc. Their main target is to disconnect Muslim youths and teenagers from Islam and its tenets. Though as a Muslim majority country, they were not welcome in criticizing Islam openly; they could reach wider audience and youngsters through bloggings and digital media. They received many international awards, simply because of their open hatred against Islam and Muslims. Hence a thorough study is needed to understand their ideas and how it impacted young teenagers. The study would follow their writings in Books, articles, blogs and digital media to see what their main concerns are, and how are they corrupting the young minds