Religious tolerance and peaceful coexistence in the Sirah of the Prophet (PBUH)


The Prophet Muhammad (pbuh), a universal prophet, a symbol of mercy and compassion for entire Universe, shed clear examples for us for religious tolerance and peaceful co-existence. The Prophet Muhammad (pbuh) was the ideal example of nobility and character before and after the prophethood. The entire people of Quraysh recognized him as a noble, virtuous, truthful and al-Ameen before announcing his mission of prophethood. After declaring Tawhid, he became their enemy. Allah swt declared his noble character in the Qur’an al-Karim, and commanded all Muslims to follow the character of the Prophet (pbuh). The Qur’an al-karim asked the Muslims to respect the treaties with others as long as they remain respectful to the treaties. Those who are not in enmity with the Muslims, or do not show it up, or do not tie up with the fierce enemies of Muslims, deserve peace and noble behavior from the Muslims. The Qur’an commanded all Muslims to be the examples of nobility and virtue for entire mankind. The Qur’an reminded the Muslims that they were created from the same origin, one father and one mother, Adam and Eve, and spread to the entire world to be known to each other, and befriend with each other. It is the right of each and every creation to know the chosen religion of Allah swt properly, and decide to follow it or not. Islam does not command to force anyone to follow the religion. It is their right to accept or reject. If they accept, they become religious brethren of all Muslims; if they reject, they have the right to live peacefully in Islamic lands provided that they do not get engaged in treason or links with the fierce enemies of Islam. The Prophet Muhammad (pbuh) after migration to Madinah, settled the never ending feud and dispute between Aws and Khazraj, the two famous tribes of Madinah, who were in fierce conflict throughout the ages. The Jewish tribes of Madinah ignited the fire to the worse condition by siding with different tribes. Upon the arrival of the Prophet, they declared total stop of conflict, became brethren in Islam, and sheltered their immigrant Muslim brothers and sisters. The Prophet Muhammad (pbuh) established a noble relation with all residents of Yathrib comprising Ahlul Kitab, Mushrikin and surrounding Bedouins. The Prophet had good relations with the Jews, had business transactions and accepting loans from or giving loans to them. The Prophet (pbuh) declared Madinan charter, where he established the religious freedom to all residents of Yathrib, especially the Jewish tribes living therein. If the Jews did not violate the charter, and did not plot against the Prophet, the Muslims and new Islamic state, the world could see different scenes about the approach of the Prophet towards the Jews

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