3,338 research outputs found

    The effect of water deprivation on the pharmacokinetics of antipyrine and sulphadimidine following intravenous administration in Nubian goats

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    The effect of water deprivation on the pharmacokinetic parameters of antipyrine and sulphadimidine in the Nubian goat was studied. Water deprivation, to a level of dehydration at which the animals lost an average of 7.5% body weight, resulted in a significant reduction in antipyrine clearance (p < 0.05), and a consequently increased AUC value (p < 0.05). No effect was observed on the distribution parameters of the drug. In dehydrated animals which had lost an average of 10% or 12.5% of their body weight owing to water deprivation, significant changes were found in the distribution and elimination pharmacokinetic parameters of antipyrine and sulphadimidine. The volume of distribution was significantly decreased, resulting n elevated plasma levels for the two drags compared to normally watered animals. Significant decreases in clearance and subsequent prolongation of the elimination half-lives were observed during these periods of water deprivation. These changes in the disposition kinetics of the two drugs may be attributed to the loss of total body water and extracellular fluids and changes in the liver and kidney functions taking place during dehydration

    AI Techniques for Combating Electronic Crimes and Enhancing Cybersecurity: Kuwaits Security Services as a Model

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    The research aimed to examine the security agencies use of artificial intelligence (AI) techniques in combating cybercrime and its reflection on enhancing cyber security. The study used the survey method in its descriptive and analytical levels. The interview tool was used to collect information from the research sample, the size of which was 12 items. The research found a set of results where the respondents declared the presence of an anti- cybercrime team comprised of specialists in police sciences, engineering, information systems, and network engineering. They added that using AI enables specialists in security agencies to benefit from its enormous potential in analyzing data, tracking cybercrime perpetrators through social networking sites, managing, and using information, following up on complaints, publications, and other messages, preparing security reports, and submitting them to the competent authorities, completing many general daily tasks and monitoring all the information that may affect the public opinion. The study recommended setting up industries related to AI technology to produce smart knowledge and unifying Arab capabilities in the information technology and communication field to protect Arab national security by combating foreign technical intrusions and virtual hegemony, representing the most advanced form of futuristic weapons

    Semillas de altramuces bajan la concentración de lípidos plasmáticos y normaliza los parámetros antioxidantes en ratas

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    This study was designed to test bitter and sweet lupin seeds for lipid-lowering and for their antioxidative activities in hypercholesterolemic rats. The levels of plasma lipid, malondialdehyde (MDA) and whole blood reduced glutathione (GSH), as well as the activities of transaminases (ALT and AST), lactate dehydrogenase (LDH) in plasma, superoxide dismutase (SOD), glutathione peroxidase (GPx) in erythrocytes and plasma glutathione reductase (GR), glutathione-S-transferase (GST) and catalase (CAT) were examined. A hypercholesterolemia-induced diet manifested in the elevation of total lipids (TL), total cholesterol (TC), triglycerides (TG), LDL-C and MDA levels, ALT, AST, LDH activities and the depletion of GSH and enzymic antioxidants. The supplementation of a hypercholesterolemia-induced diet with bitter and sweet lupin seeds significantly lowered the plasma levels of TL, TC, TG and LDL-C. ALT, AST and LDH activities slightly decreased in treated groups compared with the hypercholesterolemic group (HC). Furthermore, the content of GSH significantly increased while MDA significantly decreased in treated groups compared with the HC group. In addition, the bitter lupin seed group improved enzymic antioxidants compared with the HC group. In general, the results indicated that the bitter lupin seed supplements are better than those containing sweet lupin seeds. These results suggested that the hypocholesterolemic effect of bitter and sweet lupin seed supplements might be due to their abilities to lower the plasma cholesterol level as well as to slow down the lipid peroxidation process and to enhance the antioxidant enzyme activity.Este estudio fue diseñado para evaluar semillas de altramuces dulces y amargas como agentes que bajan los lípidos y estudiar su efecto en la actividad antioxidante en ratas hipercolesterolémicas. El nivel de lípidos en plasma, malondialdehido (MDA) y glutatión reducido (GSH), así como la actividad transaminasa (ALT y AST), lactato deshidrogenasa (LHD) en plama, superóxido dismutasa (SOD) y glutatión peroxidasa (GPx) en eritrocitos, glutatión reductasa (GR) en plasma, glutatión-S- trnasferasa (GST) y catalasa (CAT) fueron examinadas. La dieta inductora de hipercolesterolemia se manisfesto mediante la elevación de los lípidos totales (TL), del colesterol total (TC), de los triglicéridos, de la LDL-C y de los niveles de MDA, de las actividades ALT, AST, LDH y del descenso de GSH y enzimas antioxidantes. La suplementación de dietas inductoras de hipercolesterolemia con semillas de altramuces dulces y amargas bajo significativamente los niveles en plasma de TL, TC, TG y LDL-C. Las actividades ALT, AST y LDH decrecieron ligeramente en grupos tratados comparados con el grupo hipercolesterolémico (HC). Por otra parte, el contenido de GSH aumento significativamente mientras que el MDA decreció significativamente en los grupos tratados comparados con el grupo HC. Además, las semillas de altramuces amargas mejoraron las enzimas antioxidantes comparadas con el grupo HC. En general, los resultados indican que, el suplemento con semillas amargas es mejor que con semillas de altramuces dulces. Estos resultados sugieren que el efecto hipercolesterolémico del suplemento con semillas de altramuces dulces y amargas podrían ser debiadas a su capacidad para bajar los nivleles en plasma de colesterol, así como una ralentización del proceso de peroxidación lipídica y un aumento de la actividad enzimática antioxidante

    Geometric Quantization on the Super-Disc

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    In this article we discuss the geometric quantization on a certain type of infinite dimensional super-disc. Such systems are quite natural when we analyze coupled bosons and fermions. The large-N limit of a system like that corresponds to a certain super-homogeneous space. First, we define an example of a super-homogeneous manifold: a super-disc. We show that it has a natural symplectic form, it can be used to introduce classical dynamics once a Hamiltonian is chosen. Existence of moment maps provide a Poisson realization of the underlying symmetry super-group. These are the natural operators to quantize via methods of geometric quantization, and we show that this can be done.Comment: 17 pages, Latex file. Subject: Mathematical physics, geometric quantizatio

    Numerical simulation of concentration over-voltage in a polymer electrolyte fuel cell under low-hydrogen conditions

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    This article elucidates the effect of low hydrogen concentration fuel gas on polymer electrolyte fuel cell (PEFC) performance, with particular emphasis on the transport of chemical species in the anode separator channel and the electrochemical reactions. A numerical simulation model for PEFCs was developed; the model combined a computational fluid dynamics model for mass transfer in the anode separator and the gas diffusion layer(GDL)as well as a PEFC electrochemical reaction model takinginto account the activation, concentration, and resistance over-voltages. The emphasis in this study is placed on obtaining a basic understanding of how three-dimensional flow and low-hydrogen fuel transport phenomena in the anode separator channelimpactthe electrochemical processes occurring in PEFCs. Comparison of the numerical simulation results with experimental data indicates that the performance degradation in PEFCs is negligible for hydrogen concentrations over 30%, whereas it becomes significant for concentrations below 10%. Furthermore, the numerical simulationresults showthat controlling the fuel supply flow rate stimulates hydrogen transport inthe GDL and the catalyst layer, which consequently enhances PEFC performance under low-hydrogen conditions

    Effects of soil amendment treatments on growth, yield and fruit quality of selected banana (Musa AAA) cultivars

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    &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; Banana cultivation in Sudan is restricted to the narrow strip of silt deposits along the banks of the Blue Nile and the River Nile. Hence, there is a need to expand banana cultivation in the high terrace, heavy clay soils. Banana performance in heavy clay soils is very poor, unless soil amendments are applied. Therefore, the objective of this research was to study the effects of soil amendment treatments on growth, yield and fruit quality of selected banana cultivars. The experiment was conducted in the Research Farm of the National Institute for the Promotion of Horticultural Exports, University of Gezira, during 2009-2011. Treatments consisted of three selected banana cultivars : Two introduced cultivars, namely, Grand Nain 1824 (GN) and William’s Hybrid 172 (WH) and the local cultivar Dwarf Cavendish (DC). Soil amendment treatments were : 1, 50% heavy clay (HC) + 50% loam (L); 2, 50% HC + 50% chicken manure (CM); 3, 50% HC + 25% L + 25% CM; 4, 33% HC + 33% L + 34% CM; 5, 100% HC (control). Treatments were arranged in a randomized complete block design with three replicates. Results showed that the introduced cultivars GN and WH had more vigorous vegetative growth, higher yield components, total yield and better fruit quality than the local cultivar DC. Soil amendment treatments of 50% HC + 25% L + 25% CM and 33% HC + 33% L + 34% CM resulted in the most vigorous vegetative growth, the highest yield components and total yield and the best fruit quality, followed by 50% HC + 50% L and 50% HC +50%CM, whereas the least vegetative growth, the lowest yield components, total yield and the worst fruit quality were produced by bananas grown in 100% HC (control). In order to expand banana production for the local market and export, it is recommended to amend heavy clay soils with loams and chicken manure at 33% each and grow the introduced cultivars GN and WH. &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; تنحصر زراعة الموز في السودان على الشريط الضيق للتربة الغرينية على ضفاف النيل الأزرق ونهر النيل. هنالك حاجة ماسة للتوسع في زراعة الموز في السودان ولذلك لا بد من محاولة زراعته في الاراضي الطينية الثقيلة و التي لا تصلح لزراعة الموز إلا إذا تمت بعض المعالجات. لذلك فإن الهدف من هذا البحث هو دراسة تأثير بعض مستصلحات التربة على النمو ومكونات الإنتاج والإنتاج الكلي لثلاثة أصناف منتخبة من الموز في هذا النوع من الأراضي. أجريت التجربة في مزرعة بحوث المعهد القومي لتنمية الصادرات البستانية بجامعة الجزيرة خلال الفترة 2009-2011. اشتملت المعاملات على ثلاثة أصناف منتخبة من الموز: صنفان مستجلبان من خارج السودان وهما جراندنين 1824 (GN) وهجين وليامز172 (WH) بالإضافة إلى الصنف المحلي الكافندش القزم (DC). إشتملت مستصلحات التربة على: (1) 50% تربة طينية ثقيلة + 50% تربة غرينية ، (2) 50% تربة طينية + 50% ماروق دواجن ، (3) 50% تربة طينية + 25% تربة غرينية + 25% ماروق دواجن، (4) 33% تربة طينية + 33% تربة غرينية + 34% ماروق دواجن ، (5) 100% تربة طينية (شاهد). أستخدم تصميم القطع العشوائية الكاملة &nbsp;بثلاثة مكررات . أظهرت النتائج أن الأصناف المستجلبة من الخارج GN وWH كانت أفضل في النمو الخضري وأعلى إنتاجية وأفضل جودة للثمار من الصنف المحلي DC. معاملات مستصلحات التربة 50% تربة طينية + 25% تربة غرينية + 25% ماروق دواجن و 33% تربة طينية و33% تربة غرينية و34% ماروق دواجن أعطت أفضل نمو خضري وأعلى إنتاجية وأفضل نوعية للثمار ، تليها المعاملات 50% تربة طينية + 50% تربة غرينية و50% تربة طينية + 50% ماروق دواجن. أما زراعة الموز في الأراضي الطينية الثقيلة بدون مستصلحات أدت&nbsp; إلى أقل نمو خضري وأقل إنتاجية وأدنى نوعية للثمار. لذلك لكي يتم التوسع في زراعة الموز فى الاراضى الطينية الثقيلة للسوق المحلي والتصدير ، فإنه يوصى بإضافة&nbsp; التربة الغرينية و ماروق الدواجن بنسبة 33% لكل منهما وزراعة الأصناف المستجلبة GN و WH. &nbsp

    The Luminous Starburst Ring in NGC 7771: Sequential Star Formation?

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    Only two of the twenty highly luminous starburst galaxies analyzed by Smith et al. exhibit circumnuclear rings of star formation. These galaxies provide a link between 10^11 L_sun systems and classical, less-luminous ringed systems. We report the discovery of a near-infrared counterpart to the nuclear ring of radio emission in NGC 7771. A displacement between the ~10 radio bright clumps and the ~10 near-infrared bright clumps indicates the presence of multiple generations of star formation. The estimated thermal emission from each radio source is equivalent to that of ~35000 O6 stars. Each near-infrared bright knot contains ~5000 red supergiants, on average. The stellar mass of each knot is estimated to be ~10^7 M_sun. The implied time-averaged star formation rate is \~40 M_sun per yr. Several similarities are found between the properties of this system and other ringed and non-ringed starbursts. Morphological differences between NGC 7771 and the starburst + Seyfert 1 galaxy NGC 7469 suggest that NGC 7771 may not be old enough to fuel an AGN, or may not be capable of fueling an AGN. Alternatively, the differences may be unrelated to the presence or absence of an AGN and may simply reflect the possibility that star formation in rings is episodic.Comment: accepted for publication in The Astrophysical Journal (10 January 1999); 48 pages including 13 figures; AAS LaTe

    Inflammatory pathways in the mechanism of parturition

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    Increasing evidence suggests that parturition is an inflammatory process. In this brief overview, inflammatory events occurring in association with parturition, and the mechanism by which they may contribute to labour and delivery will be discussed. Mention will be made of how this information may be of use in regulating the timing and the onset of parturition

    Molecular characterization of cytochrome P450 1B1 and effect of benzo(a) pyrene on its expression in Nile tilapia (Oreochromis niloticus)

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    Cytochrome P4501 (CYP1) family enzymes are most active in hydroxylating a variety of environmental contaminants including Polyaromatic Hydrocarbons (PAH), planar polychlorinated biphenyls and arylamines. CYP1B which belongs to the cytochrome  P450 superfamily of genes, is involved in the oxidation of endogenous and exogenous compounds, and could potentially be a useful biomarker in fish for exposure to arylhydrocarbon receptors (AhR) ligands. In this study, a new complementary   DNA (cDNA) of the CYP1B subfamily encoding 1B1 was isolated from Nile tilapia (Oreochromis niloticus) liver after intracoelomic injection with benzo (a) pyrene (BaP). The full-length cDNA was 2107 base pair (bp) long and contained a 5' noncoding region of 29 bp, an open reading frame of 1527 bp coding for 508 amino acids and a stop codon, and a 3' noncoding region of 551 bp, respectively. The deduced amino acid sequence of Nile tilapia CYP1B1 shows similarities of 79.7, 70.3, 65.7, 65.4, 65.0, and 63.7% with Plaice CYP1B1, Japanese eel CYP1B1, zebra fish CYP1B1, common carp CYP1B1, common carp CYP1B2 and  Channel catfish CYP1B1, respectively. The phylogenetic tree based on the amino acid sequences clearly shows tilapia CYP1B1  and Plaice CYP1B1 to be more closely related to each other than to the other CYP1B subfamilies. Furthermore, real-time PCR  was used for measuring BaP induction of CYP1B1 mRNA in different organs of tilapia (O. niloticus), using β-actin gene as internal control, and the results revealed that there was a large increase in CYP1B1 mRNA in liver (22.8), intestine (2.0) and muscles (1.3).Keywords: Oreochromis niloticus, benzo (a) pyrene, CYP1B1 cDNA, sequence analysis, real-time PCR