1,214 research outputs found

    39th IAHR World Congress Report

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    Numerical tool for tsunami risk assessment in the southern coast of Dominican Republic

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    The southern coast of Dominican Republic is a very populated region, with several important cities including Santo Domingo, its capital. Important activities are rooted in the southern coast including tourism, industry, commercial ports, and, energy facilities, among others. According to historical reports, it has been impacted by big earthquakes accompanied by tsunamis as in Azua in 1751 and recently Pedernales in 2010, but their sources are not clearly identified. The aim of the present work is to develop a numerical tool to simulate the impact in the southern coast of the Dominican Republic of tsunamis generated in the Caribbean Sea. This tool, based on the Tsunami-HySEA model from EDANYA group (University of Malaga, Spain), could be used in the framework of a Tsunami Early Warning Systems due the very short computing times when only propagation is computed or it could be used to assess inundation impact, computing inundation with a initial 5 meter resolution. Numerical results corresponding to three theoretical sources are used to test the numerical tool.This research has been partially supported by the Spanish Government Research project SIMURISK (MTM2015-70490-C2-1-R), the Junta de Andalucía research project TESELA (P11-RNM7069), and Universidad de Málaga, Campus de Excelencia Internacional Andalucía Tech. The GPU and multi-GPU computations were performed at the Unit of Numerical Methods (UNM) of the Research Support Central Services (SCAI) of the University of Malaga

    Sobre el sentido del universo y la existencia

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    En el presente trabajo se justifica la extensión de los «principios de mínimo» de aplicación general en la física, tanto en la mecánica clásica como en la electrodinámica cuántica, a las ciencias sociales, en particular a la economía que se basa en criterios de óptimo (Óptimo Paretiano) y al ámbito social y político a través de la idea de Institución. Instituciones sometidas a criterios de eficiencia por medio de procesos de selección dar-winista

    Análisis del pandeo de pilares en régimen no lineal mediante splines generalizados

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    El objetivo fundamental de la presente memoria ha sido la realización de un estudio sobre el comportamiento de los pilares esbeltos sometidos a pandeo en régimen no lineal mediante la técnica de splines generalizados. Dicha técnica puede considerarse como una variante de la metodología de cálculo por elementos finitos. Para ello tras una revisión de los antecedentes históricos y los métodos actuales de cálculo de elementos viga-columna sometidos a cargas axiles en situaciones de no linealidad se exponen los resultados más destacados de trabajos realizados con anterioridad sobre splines generalizados y elementos finitos que son básicos para esta investigación: propiedad de solución nodal exacta y concepto de acción repartida equivalente. Se aplican después dichos resultados al estudio del pilar sometido a pandeo en régimen lineal, ilustrándose con un ejemplo la utilidad de los mismos. Después mediante modelos discretos se introducen los fenómenos de inestabilidad, bifurcación y las trayectorias en problemas con no linealidad geométrica y del material. A continuación se recogen las aportaciones fundamentales de la tesis: el concepto de pilar lineal equivalente y el teorema de equivalencia que permiten un tratamiento linealizado del problema no lineal. La aportación se centra esencialmente en el caso de no linealidad del material. Se desarrollan posteriormente en la memoria los dos métodos de análisis propuestos que son: a) Método algebraico. Utilizado en el caso de problemas isostáticos en los que es posible predecir la ley de momentos o equivalentemente la distribución de curvaturas. Para este tipo de problemas la utilización de relaciones momento curvatura dada por una poligonal permite establecer una serie de ecuaciones de equilibrio y compatibilidad con las que resolver el problema determinando la deformada de equilibrio. b) Método general. El concepto de pilar lineal equivalente y el teorema de equivalencia permiten resolver problemas no lineales debido a la no linealidad del material mediante la resolución de problemas lineales utilizando la técnica de los elementos finitos con splines generalizados. Mediante el concepto de pilar lineal equivalente se le asigna a cada elemento una rigidez constante. Esta distribución de rigideces se lleva a cabo mediante un proceso de homotopía que parte de una relación lineal momento-curvatura en cada elemento y que tiene como estado final la relación no lineal momento-curvatura de cada elemento. Mediante un proceso iterativo las curvaturas obtenidas en un paso de la homotopía permiten obtener las rigideces de los elementos en el siguiente paso. El resultado final cuando se ha terminado el proceso consiste en una distribución de rigideces entre elementos en los que finalmente se alcanza un estado de compatibilidad y equilibrio. Seguidamente se expone un conjunto de aplicaciones de los dos métodos citados a problemas de pandeo de pilares en régimen no lineal con distintos estados de carga y diferentes tipos de restricciones, destacando finalmente las principales conclusiones de esta memoria e indicando los posibles trabajos de investigación futuros que pueden desarrollarse a partir de las ideas aportadas en este estudio. The main goal of this work is to study the bucking behavior of slender columns with a non-linear response using the generalized splines technique. This technique can be considered a variant of the finite element methodology. Therefore, after reviewing the background to and current methods of calculating beam-column elements with axial loads in non-linear situations, the most prominent results of earlier work on generalized splines and finite elements, essential for this research, are explained: the property of exact nodal solutions and the concept of equivalent distributed load. These results are then applied to examine the buckling behavior of columns in a linear response, and an example is given to illustrate how useful these results are. Afterwards, discrete models are used to introduce the phenomena of instability, bifurcation and trajectories in geometrically and materially non-linear problems. Following on from this, the fundamental contributions of this research are then described: the concept of equivalent linear column and the equivalence theorem. These two contributions allow non-linear problems to be dealt with a linearly way. The two proposed methods of analysis are then developed: c) Algebraic method. Used for isostatic problems where the law of bending moments or, equivalently, curvatures distribution can be predicted. For this problem type, a series of equiUbrium and compatibility equations can be established using the moment-curvature relationships given by a polygonal to solve the problem by determining the deformed of equilibrium solution. d) General method. The concept of equivalent linear column and the theorem of equivalence allow materially non-linear problems to be solved by linear problem solving using the finite elements technique with generalized splines. Using the equivalent linear column concept, each element is assigned a constant flexural rigidity. These rigidities are distributed though a process of homotopy that starts with a linear moment-curvature relationship in each element and ends with the non-linear moment-curvature relationship of each element. The curvatures yielded in one homotopy step output the rigidities of the elements in the next step in an iterative process. The final result at the end of the process is a distribution of rigidities across elements in which a state of compatibility and equilibrium is finally achieved. Then a series of apphcations of the two above-mentioned methods to buckling column problems with a non-linear response with different load states and constraint types are explained, stressing the main findings of this research and specifying possible fuiture research work that could follow on from the ideas that have materialized in the present study

    Evaluating the impact of dredging strategies at tidal inlets: Performance assessment

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    Despite relevant advances achieved in recent years, sediment transport and sedimentation problems at tidal inlets are still worldwide issues to be addressed. Furthermore, dredging strategies are carried out following traditional layouts, such as channel deepening, lasting short periods of time despite the high economic expenditures and the potential environmental impacts. This work proposes a new dredging strategy for tidal inlets and analyzes its morphodynamic evolution by means of numerical modeling. This numerical model, used to perform hydro-morphodynamic simulations, is applied to a highly altered tidal inlet (Punta Umbría inlet, Southern Spain) with a navigational capacity being continuously compromised. After calibrated and tested, the model is applied to different dredging strategies, including channel deepening, littoral drift barrier and shoal removal. Among these strategies, the shoal removal, which is a new soft-engineering strategy, is found to be the most efficient to improve the navigational channel operativity, defined as the percentage of navigable hours per year for different vessel drafts; this operativity improves up to 60% compared to the other strategies. This solution, which reduce the frequency of maintenance interventions and hence the environmental impacts, may be suitable for other inlets with compromised navigational capacities due to the presence of ebb shoals. The relation between the main maritime drivers and the morphodynamic changes is analyzed, concluding that the morphodynamic evolution of the navigational channels is closely related not only to the wave energetic content, but largely to the wave directionality. Finally, the shoal removal also increases the flow velocities at the inlet modifying the stability of the mouth and hampering its long-term closure. The potential environmental impacts derived from the shoal removal are also discussedUnión Europea. Fondos Feder 2007-2013, Project DRAGAPORT G-GI3002/IDI

    Beyond Human Interventions on Complex Bays: Effects on Water and Wave Dynamics (Study Case Cádiz Bay, Spain)

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    Bays are coastal environments with significant socio-economic importance, which has led to the development of human interventions in their interior that can have an important impact on the water and wave dynamics, which in turn modify their morphodynamics and water renewal capacity. In order to deepen our understanding of these impacts, numerical modeling was used in a bay in southern Spain to analyze the effect of inner harbor expansion and channel deepening, including the baroclinic and wave propagation effects, as well as variations in salinity and temperature. The results show that the deepening of the channel decreases the amplitude and speed of the tidal wave as it propagates through the bay, reducing the effects of friction and increasing the flushing time. The system evolves from convergent to a damping system that can potentially reduce the effects produced by projected sea level rise. In addition, the seasonal variability of salinity and temperature is reduced, increasing the bed shear stresses and resulting in increased turbidity that can affect the biogeochemistry of the bay. Finally, wave heights decrease along the main waterway, although the yearly-average wave energy flux is only slightly modified on the interior beaches of the bay. However, significant variations are observed during storms, which could affect the morphodynamics of these beaches.Spanish Ministry of Economy and Competitiveness CTM2017-89531-R CTM2017-82274-R"Programa Iberoamericano de Ciencia y Tecnologia para el Desarrollo", CYTED PROTOCOL 917PTE053

    Uso de algoritmos genéticos para resolver el modelo determinista y estocástico para el diseño de una red de recogida de residuos

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    Unos de los problemas que aparecen en la gestión de las cadenas de suministro inversas es el de las decisiones relativas a la localización de plantas de tratamiento, centros de recogida y de transferencia. En esta comunicación se presentan un modelo determinista MIP y el modelo estocástico derivado para ayudar a la decisión relativa a la localización de una planta de tratamiento y los centros de transferencias necesarios para reducir los costes totales de funcionamiento de un sistema de recogida de residuos. Estos modelos se intentan resolver de forma exacta con CPLEX 10.0 y dada la dificultad se plantea un enfoque distinto utilizando algoritmos genéticos y programación lineal continua

    A conceptual model for integrating strategic supply management into the supply chain

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    In this paper, a strategic supply management reference model for supplier integration in the supply chain is presented. The model developed is based on the comparative case study of two relevant industries – automotive and aircraft – and may be suitable for other industries. The survey and the subsequent analysis of these industries have confirmed the strategic importance of supplies and the need for an integrated approach of supply management, both in terms of internal processes and of external suppliers. Additionally, the study has proved that there is not a unique model for supply management, valid for all industries