7 research outputs found
Abnormal cervical vertebrae of the British horse
Ondokuz Mayıs Üniversitesi kliniklerine gelen bir İngiliz atinin nekropsisi sırasında altıncı ve yedinci cervical vertebrae'da anomali fark edildi. Diseksiyon yöntemleri kullanılarak elde edilen boyun omurları incelendi. Altıncı cervical vertebrae’nm crista centralist sahip olduğu ve görünüm itibariyle 3-4-5. cervical vertebraiya benzediği dikkat çekti. Yedinci cervical vertebrae’nm ise corpus’unun normalden daha uzun olduğu,proccessus spinosuiunun belirgin olmadığı,processus transversuiunun ise üç çıkıntıdan şekillendiği ve lateral’den kızak görünümüne sahip olduğu gözlendi. Ayrıca foramen transversarium her iki tarafta da mevcuttu. Sonuç olarak, altıcı cervical vertebrae’nm 3-4-5. cervical vertebrae özelliğinde olduğu, yedinci’nin ise hem altıncı hem de yedinci cervical vertebrae’nm özelliklerini beraberinde taşıdığı tespit edildi.The abnormality was noticed in the 6th and 7th cervical vertebra of the English horse which had been brought to the Ondokuz Mayıs University Clinics. Cervical part of the vertebral column was dissected out and investigated. It was detected that the 6 th cervical vertebra had a ventral crest and therefore it had resemblance to 3-4-5. cervical vertebra. Besides, body of the 7th cervical vertebra was longer than normal and the spinous process wasn’t prominent. The transversal processes were consisted of three different projections and had a sled like shape in lateral view. Also the transversal foramina could easily detected at both sides. In conclusion, 6th cervical vertebra had a characteristic shape of 3-4-5. vertebrae and 7th had a typical morphological properties of both 6th and itself
Abnormal Cervical Vertebrae of the British Horse
Ondokuz Mayıs Üniversitesi kliniklerine gelen bir İngiliz atinin nekropsisi sırasında altıncı ve yedinci cervical vertebrae'da anomali fark edildi. Diseksiyon yöntemleri kullanılarak elde edilen boyun omurları incelendi. Altıncı cervical vertebrae’nm crista centralist sahip olduğu ve görünüm itibariyle 3-4-5. cervical vertebraiya benzediği dikkat çekti. Yedinci cervical vertebrae’nm ise corpus’unun normalden daha uzun olduğu,proccessus spinosuiunun belirgin olmadığı,processus transversuiunun ise üç çıkıntıdan şekillendiği ve lateral’den kızak görünümüne sahip olduğu gözlendi. Ayrıca foramen transversarium her iki tarafta da mevcuttu. Sonuç olarak, altıcı cervical vertebrae’nm 3-4-5. cervical vertebrae özelliğinde olduğu, yedinci’nin ise hem altıncı hem de yedinci cervical vertebrae’nm özelliklerini beraberinde taşıdığı tespit edildi.The abnormality was noticed in the 6th and 7th cervical vertebra of the English horse which had been brought to the Ondokuz Mayıs University Clinics. Cervical part of the vertebral column was dissected out and investigated. It was detected that the 6 th cervical vertebra had a ventral crest and therefore it had resemblance to 3-4-5. cervical vertebra. Besides, body of the 7th cervical vertebra was longer than normal and the spinous process wasn’t prominent. The transversal processes were consisted of three different projections and had a sled like shape in lateral view. Also the transversal foramina could easily detected at both sides. In conclusion, 6th cervical vertebra had a characteristic shape of 3-4-5. vertebrae and 7th had a typical morphological properties of both 6th and itself
Comparison of the diagnostic efficacy of the two rapid bedside immunoassays and combined clinical conventional diagnosis in prelabour rupture of membranes
Ankarali, Handan Camdeviren/0000-0002-3613-0523WOS: 000296301900010PubMed: 21640465Objective: Diagnosis of prelabour rupture of membranes (PROM) may be challenging. Conventional diagnostic methods such as speculum examination, ferning pattern, and pH detection are not satisfactorily accurate. Two relatively new, commercially available rapid bedside immunoassay strip tests, for placental alpha microglobulin-1 (PAMG-1) and insulin-like growth factor binding protein-1 (ILGFBP-1), are alleged to be more accurate. We compared the diagnostic efficacy of PAMG-1 and ILGFBP-1 immunoassay tests and combined conventional clinical diagnostic methods in PROM. Study design: 167 pregnant women with signs and/or symptoms of PROM were prospectively evaluated with a combination of conventional clinical tests including speculum examination, nitrazine, ferning pattern, and pooling, in addition to PAMG-1 and ILGFBP-1 immunoassays. Differences in sensitivity, specificity, positive predictive value (PPV), negative predictive value (NPV) and accuracy of the diagnostic methods were compared. Results: Although the PAMG-1 assay was more accurate, the PAMG-1 immunoassay, ILGFBP-1 immunoassay, and combined conventional clinical diagnosis were, in fact, all highly accurate with no significant difference in sensitivity, specificity, PPV, NPV, or accuracy. Conclusion: Both rapid bedside strip tests may be used in clinical practice with similar efficacy in diagnosing PROM, particularly as a backup when diagnosis is still in doubt following a combination of conventional diagnostic methods. (C) 2011 Elsevier Ireland Ltd. All rights reserved
Hypospadiasis and Urogenital Abnormality in a Simmental Breed of Calf
Bu sunumda simental ırkı bir buzağıda karşılaşılan hypospadiasis ve urogenital anomali olgusu değerlendirilmektedir. Klinik muayene sırasında, testis’in scrotum’da septum scroti aracılığı ile birbirinden ayn birer kese içerisinde şekil¬lendiği, aynı zamanda perineal bölgeden başlayarak preputium’un ucuna kadar olan bölgede urethra’nın ventral kısmının şekillenmediği görüldü (Hypospadiasis). Orificium urethra extema’nm perineal bölgede dışan açıldığı, aynı zamanda preputium ve penis’in şekillenmediği tespit edildi. Alınan direkt ve indirekt radyografilerde böbrek ve üreter’lerde de anomali olduğu düşünülerek deneysel laparatomi yapıldı. Bu işlem sırasında böbreklerin birleşik olduğu ve hayvanın üretenlerinin de anormal yapıda olduğu gözlendi. Bu durumun hayva¬nın yaşamını olumsuz yönde etkileyeceği düşünülerek, hayvan sahibinin de isteği üzerine hayvana ötenazi uygulandı.In this case report hypospadiasis and urogenital anomaly in a Simmental breed calf have been evaluated. However the ventral part of the urethra, from perineal region to the tip of the preputium, has not been formed, testicles were prominently separated by septum scroti in the scrotum and they were formed inside a sac in clinical examination. The external urethral orifice was opened directly to the outside in perineal region. Besides, it was detected that penis and preputium were not formed. Considering that there was an anomaly in kidney and the urethers, experimental laparatomy was applied following the direct and indirect radiographies. It was seen that the left and right kidneys were bonded to each other and only one urether was inspected in laparatomy. Considering about the negative effects of this case, the animal was euthanized at the request of its owner