33 research outputs found

    Persepsi Masyarakat Mengenai Prioritas Pembangunan Infrastruktur Desa Berbasis Mitigasi Bencana (Studi Kasus Nagari/Desa Inderapura Selatan)

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    Bencana merupakan masalah global saat ini. Khususnya di Indonesia, Perspektif penanggulangan bencana telah memasuki paradigma baru, dari sebelumnya hanya terfokus pada kegiatan tanggap darurat saja, kini juga memakai pendekatan mitigasi dan kesiapsiagaan. Mitigasi dan kesiapsiagaan dilakukan pada saat tidak terjadi bencana. Mitigasi atau penanggulangan bencana perlu dipadukan dengan upaya-upaya pengurangan risiko bencana kedalam pembangunan demi keberlanjutan serta pengarusutamaan pengurangan risiko bencana ke dalam perencanaan program dan kegiatan desa. Dengan kata lain analisis risiko bencana harus menjadi salah satu dasar dalam perencanan pembangunan yang berkelanjutan. Pembangunan sarana dan prasarana untuk penanggulangan bencana juga merupakan salah satu prioritas pembangunan desa. Dalam penelitian ini dilakukan teknik pengambilan data berupa kuesioner untuk mengetahui bagaimana persepsi masyarakat mengenai perencanaan pembangunan infrastruktur yang berdasarkan bencana. Seluruh responden setuju untuk memasukkan aspek kebencanaan sebagai salah satu pertimbangan dalam merangking program kegiatan pembangunan infrastruktur desa. Namun, perencanaan pembangunan infrastruktur desa yang telah dilaksanakan belum mempertimbangkan aspek penanggulangan bencana

    Earthquake Safe Houses Training for Tsunami Preparedness in West Sumatra

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    Western parts of Sumatra Island has the potential to hit by big earthquakes that can generate a tsunami. The possible sources of those big earthquakes are located at the subduction zone about 50 km westward of Mentawai Island and seabed fault between Mentawai and Sumatra Island. Since the distance of the sources is not so far, the earthquake may impact severely on the mainland of Sumatra Island. The shaking may damage the buildings, including houses on the Sumatra and Mentawai Islands, shortly before the tsunami comes. Thus, before evacuation from a tsunami, people must first survive from the earthquake. The worst-case may happen if the earthquake-triggered tsunami hit in the night where people are gathering at home. Victims affected by collapsed houses during the earthquake will be unable to evacuate for a tsunami. Therefore, surviving from the earthquake is an absolute requirement before saving themselves from the tsunami. It can be done by building the house or retrofitting the existing houses to be earthquake safer constructions. Many manual books and guidance that contain methods for constructing or strengthening houses for earthquake safer construction have been widely circulated in the community. But in its implementation, the training is needed. Since many houses must be strengthened, all stakeholders, including government, experts, ordinary people, and housebuilders should involve in the process. Above all, the housebuilders are the most important element in building earthquake safer houses. The housebuilder training, including all the stakeholders, has been conducted in Pariaman City, West Sumatra. This paper describes the experiences in conducting and training models of earthquake safer houses. This model can be replicated in other places, particularly along the western side of Sumatra Island

    Community Perceptions towards the causes of flood in Air Pacah Area, Padang City, Indonesia

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    There is a rapid development in Air Pacah area since 1999. This area used to be a remote are and a retarding basin of Oadang City. In 2011, it was designated as the new head quarter complex for Padang City goverment. One of the negative impact of its development was the increase of flood frequency. In order to mitigare the flood, goverment conducted a flood control project at Maransi River which passes this area. However, this project has not completed yet due to land acquisition problem Accordingly, this paper aims to identify community perception on flood causes and into what extent the flood control project has benifited the community. Thirty semi-structure interviews were conducted between May and October 2015 and analysed using descriptive statistic and content analysis method. It was found that community feel that there has been an increase in flood frequency, flood depth, and flood duration. There are four dominant factors that have significant impact on flood, rain duration, lowinfiltration area, massive construction of real estates and offices, and bad drainage system. Community who live exacly next to the construction site has benefited from the flood control project, on the other hand community at the upstream has not feel the positive impact yet because the construction halted due to land aquisation problem. As a result, it is strongly recomended that goverment to immediately acquire the land needed for the flood control Project. Keywords: community perception, flood, flood causes, flood control, land acquisatio

    Landslide Hazard of Maninjau Area

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    Structure Abstract : Puspose - The Puspose of this paper is to determine the potential landslide of maninjau area. Design/methodology/approach - A literature review and field investigation were undertakento determine the potential landslide of maninjau area. The field study includes the physicao and mechanical properties of the soil maninjau area. Flidings - The Maninjau Lake area is very prone to landslides. Landslides in Maninjau may happen especially for slopes mote than 40%. The action plan must be done as well as the installation of the early warning equipment in the landslide-prone areas and re-plantaion on critical ground. Originality/value - The paper is very specific as it attemps to discover how prone Maninjau area is to lanslides. Keywords: landslide, slope stability analysis, mitigation, disaster, Maninjau Lake, Indonesi

    Construction Industry Ignorance to Disaster Risk Reduction

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    Although experts have identified ignorance as one of the problems in implementing disaster risk reduction, studies on this subject are still relatively small. This paper aims to explore the concept of ignorance about disaster management and construction project management. Ignorance arises as a result of differences in characteristics between disaster management and infrastructure project management about disasters. Disaster management focuses on the issue of uncertainty while construction project management is accustomed to ensuring everything through detailed calculations to optimize limited resources. In contrast, construction project management handles problems through short or medium term solutions while disaster management usually talks about long-term and continuous programs. These differences lead to different perspectives and create mental-blocked for construction industry players to implement disaster risk reduction. Ignorance is also influenced by personal factors, namely motivation and intention. Motivation can be either internal or external. The internal motivation is related to personal pleasure, interest, comfort, and satisfaction while the external one is related to somebody’s efforts to achieve specific goals, getting awards, avoiding punishment or other negative consequences. This paper shows that currently the relationship between the construction industry management and disaster management focuses more on technical and policy aspects. That is the reason why this paper suggests that construction industry player also needs to learn about human behaviors in order to understand the conflicts that might arise between the two due to the personal factors of the actors. These three subjects are similarly essential and complementary to each other. Ignorance to disaster risk reduction is a product of human behavior. Therefore, ignoring the human-interest subject will make the construction industry player having difficulties in implementing disaster risk reduction concept

    Community Perceptions towards the causes of flood in Air Pacah Area, Padang City, Indonesia

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    There is a rapid development in Air Pacah area since 1999. This area used to be a remote are and a retarding basin of Oadang City. In 2011, it was designated as the new head quarter complex for Padang City goverment. One of the negative impact of its development was the increase of flood frequency. In order to mitigare the flood, goverment conducted a flood control project at Maransi River which passes this area. However, this project has not completed yet due to land acquisition problem Accordingly, this paper aims to identify community perception on flood causes and into what extent the flood control project has benifited the community. Thirty semi-structure interviews were conducted between May and October 2015 and analysed using descriptive statistic and content analysis method. It was found that community feel that there has been an increase in flood frequency, flood depth, and flood duration. There are four dominant factors that have significant impact on flood, rain duration, lowinfiltration area, massive construction of real estates and offices, and bad drainage system. Community who live exacly next to the construction site has benefited from the flood control project, on the other hand community at the upstream has not feel the positive impact yet because the construction halted due to land aquisation problem. As a result, it is strongly recomended that goverment to immediately acquire the land needed for the flood control Project. Keywords: community perception, flood, flood causes, flood control, land acquisatio

    Study of the skills of construction labours in building construction projects in Padang City

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    Labor is one of the most important elements of a construction projects. This is attributed to their role as technical workforce that involved in the construction projects from the start to the end of the projects. Therefore, the projects require a workforce with good competence. Competence of direct labor can be verified with certification. However, from National Statistics Beaureu (BPS) data indicates that less than 10% of direct labor has certification. This study aims to measure the level of competence of direct workforce skills and know the factors that cause the workforce does not have a skill certificate. This research uses an observation method and interviews with labor in the construction project. Validation of data is done by the triangulation technique. The results showed that the competence of labour in Padang City included in the good category. Factors impeding direct labor to certification are certification is not important in a construction project, and there is no requirement for a workforce to be certified

    Communities' Satisfaction toward Housing Rehabilitation and Reconstruction Program after 30 September 2009 Earthquake in West Sumatra Province

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    The government of Indonesia had provided the Rehabilitation and Reconstruction (RR) assistance to 194,636 houses for communities after 30 September 2009 earthquake in West Sumatra province. The community-based development model was adopted in this housing program aid. This study aims to explore into what extent people's satisfaction with the RR program and to identify the difference of satisfaction level between urban area and rural area. The research was carried out by conducting a questionnaire survey to 200 communities. The beneficiaries were invited to determine their satisfaction level based on 5 Likert scale from 1 as ‘not satisfied at all’ to 5 as ‘absolutely satisfied’. The satisfaction level was assessed by two factors, process of reconstruction and result of reconstruction. It was found that the level of communities’ satisfaction is at average level. The satisfaction level of urban communities is 2.75; while the rural communities is slightly higher at 2.88. The satisfaction level of urban and rural communities with the reconstruction process are at 2.63 and 2.75 respectively; while the satisfaction level with the results of the program is at 2.84 and at 2.95 respectively. Communities’ satisfaction with the result of reconstruction is higher than that with the process of reconstruction. Keywords: post-disaster reconstruction, housing reconstruction, community-based, satisfaction level

    The Performance of the Accessibility to BRT Stop: A Case Study on Transpadang Metro Bus

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    In this study were conducted the assessment of the accessibility performance to mass transit facilities before and after BRT (Trans Padang Metro Bus) operated. This study focuses on the accessibility of the bus transit stops in an urban area, a case study in Padang City, West of Sumatra, Indonesia. A total of 600 questionnaires were analyzed, multivariate analysesis were used. Regarding the performance, parameters which were observed namely; ‘the access distance’, ‘the protection from the weather’, ‘the time delays’, ‘the convenient to access the bus stops facility’, ‘the protection from traffic accidents’, ‘the road pavement condition’, ‘the facilities for the disability’ and ‘the safety from crimes’. As the result, the performance of ‘protection from the weather’, ‘the protection from other traffic’, ‘the facilities for the disability’, ‘the safety from crimes’ increased. While, the performance of ‘the access distance’, ‘the time delays’, ‘the convenient to access the bus stops facility’, ‘the road pavement condition’ decreased