70 research outputs found

    Foreword from UISPP

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    UISPP has a long history, starting with the old International Association of Anthropology and Archaeology, back in 1865, until the foundation of UISPP itself in Bern, in 1931, and its growing relevance after WWII, from the 1950’s. We also became members of the International Council of Philosophy and Human Sciences, associate of UNESCO, in 1955

    Cultural Integrated Landscape Management: A Humanities Perspective

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    The current volume reunites some texts of the author reflecting on these interactions between the Humanities and the global concerns of human societies governance. The seven chapters move from a debate on the role of the humanities in contemporary society (chapter 1 ), focusing on archaeology as an epistemological reference for a new methodological and governance framework (chapter 2), through its relations with economy (chapter 3), with inter-cultural processes assessed from an anthropological perspective (chapter 4), and with science (chapter 5), leading towards a new approach to management as a Humanities domain (chapter 6) and a related discussion on its legal implications (chapter 7). The volume concludes with a brief invitation to engage in networking involving different but convergent territorial concrete cultural integrated landscape management context, as a necessary step to produce a more robust framework of reference, rooted in praxis.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Criteria of importance

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    Re-thinking the Mesolithic-Neolithic transition in the Iberian peninsula: a view from the West

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    Paper focuses on Mesolithic-Neolithic transition in the Iberian Peninsula by critical review of avaliable concepts and models. The obvious diversity of archeological record is taken as a strating point. Transition in this perspective is not seen as uniform and sudden economic or demographic change but as a slow political process, where different regional groups would have been forced to share the innovations while keeping their differences.Članek obravnava prehod iz mezolitika v neolitik na Iberskem polotoku s kritičnim pretresom obstoječih modelov in konceptov. Izhodišče je očitna raznolikost arheoloških zapisov. V tej perspektivi prehod ni hitra ekonomska in demografska sprememba, ampak počasen in asinhron politični proces, kjer različne regionalne skupine sprejemajo inovacije, a ob tem ohranjajo razlike

    Foreword from UISPP

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    UISPP has a long history, starting with the old International Association of Anthropology and Archaeology, back in 1865, until the foundation of UISPP itself in Bern, in 1931, and its growing relevance after WWII, from the 1950’s. We also became members of the International Council of Philosophy and Human Sciences, associate of UNESCO, in 1955

    Higher education in prehistory and archaeology

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    The growing divide between sciences and humanities has led, in the last decades, to their global weakening, leading to a pragmatic empire of technological solutions deprived from meaning and global reasoning. In parallel, the source o many current disruptive processes is the incapacity of understanding the implications of the global merger of economies and societies, but also the trend towards segregating new identities and cultural networks. We consider that education and training are key elements in the process of building shared landscapes, i.e., shared convergent perceptions of the territories, and that education in prehistory and archaeology should be structured within this framework. Reflecting on general concerns and perspectives of Humanities education at large, and on specific constraints in Europe and Portugal, we argue that the specific relevance of archaeology within a programme for humanities concerns its expertise in assessing adaptation mechanisms, economy-environment balances, techniques and technology, as well as its interdisciplinary approach, going beyond humanities and involving social and natural sciences. The text concludes by presenting the structure and strategy of the Master programme in Prehistoric Archaeology and Rock Art, as part of a wider programme of archaeology and cultural heritage education at the Polytechnic Institute of Tomar

    Paisagens culturais industriais: uma abordagem sobre a gestão integrada e sustentável do patrimônio industrial.

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    O artigo reflete sobre a combinação de dois conceitos: patrimônio industrial e paisagem cultural. Dessa maneira, propõe-se a análise de ações de gestão integrada e sustentável do patrimônio industrial, no sentido de unificar as políticas públicas de preservação do patrimônio cultural inerente ao processo de industrialização com as de planejamento urbano e de desenvolvimento sustentável e socioeconômico, por meio da integração das disciplinas e das partes interessadas e da participação da comunidade na tomada de decisão. Além de uma revisão bibliográfica dos conceitos em questão, o artigo analisa dois planos de gestão integrada e sustentável do patrimônio industrial: o Programa de Desenvolvimento Local Sustentável da vila de Paranapiacaba, no Brasil, e o programa do Internationale Bauausstellung Emscher Park, na região do Vale do Ruhr, na Alemanha

    Water resources and human behaviour: an integrated landscape management perspective.

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    A two sides balance can be drawn from the last 20 years of active intents to change local, regional and global policies concerning water and global environment issues. On one hand, as a consequence of the “sustainable development” model, there is an increasing awareness of the issues in stake, and environment became a core part of any public policy. International conferences and the investment in scientific research in these areas are an expression of this. Yet, concerns are growing in face of the increasing stress imposed on freshwater resources, climate change and the difficulties to achieve international consensus on specific strategies. This was the focus of discussion in the international conference on climate change organised in Nagoya in December 2010, by ICSS, ICSU and ICPHS. A revision of the conceptual approach to sustainable development, moving beyond a strictly socio-economic understanding of human behaviour and incorporating, as basic strategies, the dimensions of culture, didactics of dilemma and governance, is currently being applied in some scenarios, hopefully with a better result. The paper discusses water resources in the context of climate change from this integrated perspective.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio


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    Como na Antígona de Sófocles, a representação dos dias atuais desenrola-se como numa tragédia, com um prólogo (contextos de convergência), um párodo (o coro da sociedade intervém para introduzir ruturas com o passado recente e remoto), diversos episódios (agendas e caminhos distintos e contraditórios), estásimos (adaptação difusa à incerteza) e a expectativa de um epílogo, ainda apenas prenunciado mas não iniciado, de afirmação do primado do Direito sobre as leis.Objetivo: discutir como os processos socioculturais que se observam no quadro da atual pandemia enunciam uma mudança de paradigma civilizacional, com implicações ainda dificilmente imagináveis em todos os domínios.Metodologia: argumentação dialógica interdisciplinar, cruzando variáveis sociais, económicas e culturais, com base em bibliografia e estudos coordenados pelo autor.Resultados: a pesquisa permitem identificar eixos de tensão e transformação nas sociedades atuais, que atravessam geografias, sistemas sociopolíticos e tradições culturais, embora ainda num quadro de grande incerteza. É possível identificar tendências, como a defesa da vida ou uma menor valorização de alguns valores, e a afirmação da saúde como foco de atenção na definição de estratégias, mas não existe ainda uma consolidação específica de qualquer dessas tendências. Contribuições: nas respostas adaptativas à pandemia verificou-se uma afirmação da vontade e opção individuais, que parece evidenciar um novo paradigma civilizacional, radicado na defesa da dignidade da pessoa humana. Assiste-se ao retomar do primado das agrapha nomoï, num debate de Justiça e Direito, para além das leis.Palavras-chave: Pandemia; Direito; Civilização.ABSTRACT As in the Antigone of Sophocles, the representation of the present day unfolds as a tragedy, with a prologue (contexts of convergence), a page (the choir of society intervenes to introduce ruptures with the recent and remote past), several episodes (different and contradictory agendas and paths), is simos (diffuse adaptation to uncertainty) and the expectation of an epilogue,  still only foreshadowed but not initiated of affirmation of the rule of law over laws.Objective: to discuss how the sociocultural processes observed in the context of the current pandemic enunciate a change of civilizational paradigm, with implications still hardly imaginable in all domains.  Methodology: interdisciplinary dialogical argumentation, crossing social, economic and cultural variables, based on bibliography and studies coordinated by the author.Results: of this research allow identifying axes of tension and transformation in current societies, which cross geographies, sociopolitical systems and cultural traditions, although still in a context of great uncertainty. It is possible to identify trends, such as the defense of life or a lower appreciation of some values, and the affirmation of health as a focus of attention in the definition of strategies, but there is still no specific consolidation of any of these trends.Contributions:  the adaptive responses to the pandemic verified an affirmation of individual will and choice, which seems to evidence a new civilizational paradigm, rooted in the defense of the dignity of the human person. We see the resumption of the primacy of the agrapha nomoï, in a debate of Justice and Law, beyond the laws.Keywords: Pandemic; Right; Civilization. 

    PhD programme heritage, technology and territory

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    É um doutoramento singular, na medida em que inclui instituições do ensino politécnico e universitário e será lecionado a distância. São dois desafios que, por certo, são a razão das condicionantes que lhe foram impostas e que devemos superar, mantendo a cooperação inovadora, de que a primeira sessão do doutoramento é já uma expressão prometedora, quer pelo número de estudantes inscritos, quer pelo conteúdo desta primeira sessão. Este doutoramento é igualmente inovador no que concerne à sua organização, permitindo, através de um calendário racionalmente planeado, a gestão do tempo em conformidade com as atividades e os interesses dos estudantes