50 research outputs found


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    Continental crust is formed above subduction zones by well-known process of “juvenile crust growth”. This new crust is in modern Earth assembled into continents by two ways: (i) short-lived collisions of continental blocks with the Laurussian or later Eurasian continent along the “Alpine Himalayan collisional/interior orogens” in the heart of the Pangean continental plates realm; and (ii) long lived lateral accretion of ocean-floor fragments along “circum-Pacific accretionary/peripheral orogens” at the border of the PaleoPacific and modern Pacific oceanic plate.Continental crust is formed above subduction zones by well-known process of “juvenile crust growth”. This new crust is in modern Earth assembled into continents by two ways: (i) short-lived collisions of continental blocks with the Laurussian or later Eurasian continent along the “Alpine Himalayan collisional/interior orogens” in the heart of the Pangean continental plates realm; and (ii) long lived lateral accretion of ocean-floor fragments along “circum-Pacific accretionary/peripheral orogens” at the border of the PaleoPacific and modern Pacific oceanic plate


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    Tectonic-magmatic reworking of accretionary wedges is a key process responsible for differentiation and stabilization of continental crustal in accretionary orogens. This generic problem can be exemplified by magmatic evolution of the Chinese Altai which represents a high-grade core of the world's largest accretionary system, namely the Central Asian Orogenic Belt (CAOB). In the Chinese Altai, voluminous SilurianDevonian granitoids intruding a greywacke-dominated Ordovician flysch sequence. These intrusions are classically interpreted to originate from predominant (70‒90 %) juvenile (depleted mantle-derived) magma. However, their close temporal and spatial relationship with the regional anatexis of flysch rocks, allows us to examine the possibility that they were mainly derived from flysch rocks.Tectonic-magmatic reworking of accretionary wedges is a key process responsible for differentiation and stabilization of continental crustal in accretionary orogens. This generic problem can be exemplified by magmatic evolution of the Chinese Altai which represents a high-grade core of the world's largest accretionary system, namely the Central Asian Orogenic Belt (CAOB). In the Chinese Altai, voluminous SilurianDevonian granitoids intruding a greywacke-dominated Ordovician flysch sequence. These intrusions are classically interpreted to originate from predominant (70‒90 %) juvenile (depleted mantle-derived) magma. However, their close temporal and spatial relationship with the regional anatexis of flysch rocks, allows us to examine the possibility that they were mainly derived from flysch rocks

    Paleozoic geodynamics and architecture of the Mongolian Altai Zone

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    The Mongolian Altai Zone is a part of the extensive Cambrian-Ordovician accretionary system located at the junction of the Siberian craton to the north and Tarim and North China cratons to the south. It extends approximately 2,000 km from Russia to Mongolia and represents one of the critical elements for reconstructing the early Paleozoic geodynamics of the Central Asian Orogenic Belt (CAOB). The studied section comprises a succession of deformed low- and high-grade metasedimentary rocks characterised by dominant terrigenous components mixed with volcanogenic material. The detrital zircons analysis revealed two separate groups a) more mature siliciclastic sediments (mostly sandstones) with maximum depositional age of Cambrian-Ordovician (ca. 463-489 Ma; zircon U-Pb) and b) more juvenile greywacke type sediments with Ordovician-Silurian (ca. 438-446 Ma; zircon U-Pb) maximum depositional age. UPb ages of detrital zircons show Cambrian-Ordovician (εHf(t) values -24.8 to +16.0) and Late Archean to Neoproterozoic source (εHf(t) values -35.5 to +10.4) and are interpreted as derived from the Ikh Mongol continental arc and the Baydrag continent. The greywackes, in addition, contain Silurian detrital zircons, with εHf(t) values from -0.5 to +13, suggesting syn-depositional contribution of juvenile material from a nearby magmatic arc. Both types of sediments are affected by Devonian (ca. 369-382 Ma; zircon U-Pb) metamorphism and magmatism granites, as well as stroingly reworked during the Permian (ca. 271-296; zircon U-Pb) under various metamorphic conditions. Late Devonian granitoids associated with felsic migmatites, and their zircon εHf(t) values from -9.5 to +13.5, indicate extensive melting of the sedimentary pile. A Permian high-temperature metamorphism is associated with granodiorite intrusions (εHf(t) values from -22.0 to +12.6) that contain Devonian zircon xenocrysts, suggesting melting of a Devonian source. The tectonic evolution of the Mongolian Altai Zone can be discretized in four events from which the first two were related to early Paleozoic metamorphic and magmatic evolution. The third one is associated with crustal-scale detachment that exhumed the early Permian migmatitemagmatite core complex in the south. The whole edifice was later affected by significant PermianTriassic horizontal N-S shortening leading to juxtaposition of contrasting crustal levels thereby forming 'apparent' terrane structure of the Mongolian Altai Zone. The whole edifice is interpreted as a Cambrian to Silurian fore-arc, affected by Devonian syn-extensional deep crustal melting. In addition, the Permian anatectic zone is interpreted as a deep part of an inverted continental rift

    PTt history from kyanite-sillimanite migmatites and garnet-staurolite schists from the Bayankhongor area, Mongolia indicates suprasubduction switching from extension to compression during Rodinia assembly

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    The tectonometamorphic evolution of the peri-Siberian tract of the Central Asian Orogenic Belt is mainly characterized by Baikalian Late Proterozoic - Early Cambrian cycle related to amalgamation of Proterozoic oceanic and continent fragments to Siberain landmass. Here we present in-situ monazite geochronology linked to P−T modelling of micashischsts and migmatite gneisses at the northern part of the Precambrian Baydrag block (central Mongolia) previously considered as a part of Baikalian metamorphic belt. Garnet-sillimanite-kyanite gneiss records first burial to the sillimanite stability at ~725 °C and 6.5 kbar, followed by burial to the kyanite stability at ~650 °C and ~8 kbar. The garnet-staurolite schist records burial to the staurolite-stability at ~620 °C and 6 kbar, followed by a nearly isothermal burial to ~580 °C and 9 kbar. The monazite data yield a continuum of 207Pb-corrected 238U/206Pb dates of c. 926−768 Ma in the Grt−Sil−Ky gneiss, and c. 937−754 Ma in the Grt-St schist. Based on monazite textural positon and internal zoning, the time of prograde burial and peak under a thermal gradient of 28-32 °C/km is estimated at c. 870−890 Ma. It is not clear whether such high grade conditions prevailed until a phase of further burial under a geothermal gradient of 18-22 °C/km and dated at 800−820 Ma. Additionally, monazite with dates of c. 568−515 Ma occurs as whole grains or as rims with sharp boundaries on Grenvillean monazite in Grt-St schist testifying for minor Baikalian overprint. Metamorphic zircon rims with Th/U ratio ~0.01-0.06 in Grt−Sil−Ky gneiss with 877 ± 7 Ma age, together with lower intercepts of zircon discordia lines in both Grt-Sil-Ky gneiss and Grt-St schist further support the Tonian age of high grade metamorphism. The P−T and geochronology data show anticlockwise P−T evolution from c. 930 to 750 Ma which is interpreted as a result of thickening of suprasubduction extensional and hot edifice - probably of back arc or arc type. This kind of prograde metamorphism was so far described only on the northern part of the Tarim block and interpreted as a result of initiation of peri-Rodinian subduction of Mirovoi Ocean. Here, we further discuss geodynamic consequences of a unique discovery of Tonian metamorphism in term of tectonic switch related to initiation of peri-Rodinian oceanic subduction during supercontinent assembly followed by strong mechanical coupling potentially related to onset of Rodinia splitting

    ondrolexa/polylx: PolyLX 0.4.8 release

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    New in this release added plots module (initial) representative_point for Grains implemented moments calculation including holes surfor and parror functions added orientation of polygons is unified and checked minbox shape method adde

    ondrolexa/apsg: APSG 1.1.3 bugfix release

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    <h3>What's new in this release</h3> <p>contour keywords bug fixed</p> <ul> <li>slip and dilatation tendency methods added to stress</li> <li>proj alias of project for FeatureSet added</li> </ul&gt