528 research outputs found

    The Case for Constitutional Revision in North Dakota

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    The Relationshiop of Obsessive-Compulsive Characteristics to Impression Accuracy and Perceptions of Self and Others

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    The identification of methodological and statistical difficulties in previous impression accuracy research has necessitated that the role of personality in impression accuracy be reinvestigated. The present research addressed: (1) the impact of obsessive-compulsive personality traits on impression accuracy; and (2) subject perceptions of actual self, ideal self, others, and others\u27 perceptions of them. This study utilized a 2 x 2 x 2 design. Independent variables included: (1) judge vs. observer status; (2) high vs. low obsessive-compulsive traits; and (3) first vs. second session. Dependent variables included subject ratings on the OSCARS (Versions 1-4), designed to measure the obsessive-compulsive tendencies in actual self (OSCARS 1), ideal self (OSCARS 2), others (OSCARS 3), and predictions of others\u27 perceptions of self (OSCARS 4). The MAACL-R State Form was also utilized as a dependent variable both before and after each interaction. Twenty-six high and low obsessive-compulsive subjects were each paired with an unfamiliar low obsessive-compulsive partner for two sessions. Subjects were assigned different partners for each session. The subjects were asked to complete the OSCARS 1-2 and the MAACL-R prior to an unstructured 40-minute interaction. After this interaction, they were asked to complete the OSCARS 3-4, and a MAACL-R for both themselves and their partner. The MAACL-R demonstrated that the obsessive-compulsive group was significantly more hostile, and scored lower on positive affect and sensation-seeking than did the controls on the administration immediately prior to the second interaction. Results also indicated that the high obsessive-compulsive group demonstrated significantly different actual and ideal selves. They demonstrated a tendency to rate their partners in accordance with their own ideal self perceptions. They also believed their partners rated them significantly lower on obsessive-compulsive traits than they rated themselves to be. The implications of these findings are discussed

    Germination of Arabidopsis thaliana Aided by Bacterial Interaction

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    Hypothesis: Arabidopsis thaliana specimens germinated in isolated soil bacteria will exhibit positive growth characteristics and rates. Background: Arabidopsis thaliana is a small flowering plant in the family, Brassicaceae. The characteristic short lifecycle and other qualities make this model plant for scientific research.1 Nitrogen is very limited in a usable form for plants in most soils. The liberation of nitrogen from the environment is essential for the plants' survival. Nitrogen fixation is done by soil micro-organisms that break apart nitrogenous compounds into simple, assimilable forms of this essential nutrient. Introduction of soil microorganisms is in agricultural to ensure an ample supply of nitrogen containing compounds to improve crop yield. Four ecotypes: Kas-1 (India), Col-0 (USA), Rsch-4 (Russia), and Bs-5 (Switzerland) were used to test the resulting growth with respect to ecotype and origin. Biomass produced from measured using Kas-1 at varying temperatures. Four ecotypes allow for genetic variation to be considered when analyzing the collected results

    The Growth of Arabidopsis thaliana Facilitated by Microbe Interaction

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    Bessie Abrego, Kayla Simmons, and William Omdahl's poster on the presence of microorganisms will facilitate the germination and growth of Arabidopsis thaliana

    EMG of Serratus Anterior, Upper, Middle, and Lower Trapezius during Glenohumeral Abduction in a Participant with Scapular Dyskinesia: A Case Study

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    Introduction and Purpose. The purpose of this case study was to examine the differences in muscle activation between the upper trapezius, middle trapezius, lower trapezius and serratus anterior in a participant with scapular dyskinesia. Methods. EMG activity was recorded using a Noraxon TeleMyo DTS telemetry unit with a sampling rate of 1 kHz. EMG data was recorded during three different speeds of shoulder abduction. Four scapular muscles were monitored bilaterally during the experiment. The muscles that were monitored included the upper trapezius, middle trapezius, lower trapezius and serratus anterior. The subject was also captured on video using the NiNox 125/250 FPS camera system. Results. In comparing UE ratios of EMG activity, it appears that the left lower trapezius showed more EMG activity than the right lower trapezius. The left serratus anterior showed decreased activity relative to the trapezius muscle activity. The decreased activity in the left serratus anterior would help explain the scapular winging that occurred in the subject during shoulder elevation . Conclusion. The results of this study indicate that the subject showed increased EMG activity in the left lower trapezius and decreased in the left serratus anterior that might explain the scapular dyskinesia. The use of EMG and video may be a useful diagnostic tool for clinicians to identify specific muscle firing patterns

    Why does choking occur in team sports?

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    Bacheloroppgave, idrett - spesialisering i trenerrollen, 2014Forfatter: Nikolai Omdahl Tittel: Hvorfor oppstÄr choking i lagidrett? Hensikt: Hensikten med oppgaven er Ä belyse emnet choking og hvorfor dette fenomenet oppstÄr i lagidrett. Gjennom Ä analysere og diskutere ulike faktorer som angst, prestasjonsorientert klima og sosial fasilitering skal jeg finne ut hva som ligger til grunn for choking i lagidrett. Metode: Litteraturstudie. Jeg benytter meg av tidligere forskning og annen data som er relevant for mitt problemomrÄde. Resultat: Resultatene i denne oppgaven viser at choking oppstÄr i lagidrett pÄ grunn av flere faktorer. Faktorene er angst, prestasjonsorientert klima og sosial fasilitering. Disse faktorene kan ikke skape choking stÄende alene, men hvis de blir knyttet sammen kan de ligge i grunn for choking i lagidrett. Illustrasjonsliste: Illustrasjon 1. situasjoner som leder til choking. s.9 Illustrasjon 2. Kriterier for identifisering av en choker. s.2

    Turning Points in Relationships with Disliked Co-workers

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    Although most people begin their employment with the education and on-the-job training to handle the tasks their jobs entail, few long-term employees boast that they feel competent in dealing with all the difficult people they encounter in the workplace. Unpleasant coworkers range from annoying nuisances to major sources of job frustration and career roadblocks. Given that periodic preoccupation with unlovable coworkers is nearly a universal feature of organizational life, it is not surprising that such relationships are given due attention in the media and popular press (e.g., Bramson, 1989; Topchik, 2000). What is surprising is how little scholarly attention has been given to such interactions. Scholars have extensively examined the outcomes of positive work relationships, such as social support and friendship through co-worker relationships and guidance through mentoring (e.g., Bridge & Baxter, 1992; Kram & Isabella, 1985). However, only recently has scholarly attention been focused on identifying troublesome coworkers and documenting outcomes of unpleasant work relationships such as cynicism and reduced job satisfaction and organizational commitment (e.g., Fritz, 2002; Omdahl & Fritz, 2000). This neglect of unpleasant or difficult relationships in the workplace mirrors the more general literature on interpersonal communication. For decades, the focus has been on the development and maintenance of effective relationships, and only recently has research on the “dark side” of personal relationships gained attention (Duck, 1994). This examination of negative relationships in general and with negative coworkers in particular is long overdue. People spend considerable time and energy navigating difficult relationships, and many working hours are spent in the company of others whom we do not voluntarily seek out and may actively dislike (Hess, 2000). These relationships have many negative effects on employees and organizations. For instance, research has shown that negative relationships detract from a person’s occupational experience through increased stress, workplace cynicism, organizational turnover, and decreased job satisfaction, organizational commitment, and task effectiveness (e.g., Cooper & Cartwright, 1994; Fritz & Omdahl, 1998). Research that increases scholars’ understanding of the causes, nature, and processes of such relationships can offer insight for communication theory and practice
