263 research outputs found

    The effect of different shape pattern of metal interconnects on the electrical and mechanical properties of stretchable conductive circuit

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    Electrically conductive adhesive (ECA) had been extensively studied to replace the Sn/Pb solder mainly found in printed circuit boards (PCBs) because of their harmful action towards human health and environment. In the production of stretchable PCBs, ECA mainly comprises of metallic filler and polymer matrix should perform good electrical and mechanical properties when straining being loaded. Therefore, determining the optimum shape pattern to be printed will contribute toward the desired traits of stretchable PCBs. In this study, commercial silver ink and thermoplastic polyurethane (TPU) as substrate was used. The ink was printed on the substrate by doctor-blade technique with different shape patterns with varies widths (1mm, 2mm and 3mm): (a) straight, (b) zigzag, (c) square and (d) sinusoidal. Then measurement of sheet resistance by four-point measurement was conducted on unloaded and loaded straining of shape pattern. This study exhibited that 3mm width zig zag shape pattern can elongate the highest straining (5% strained) compare than others patterns. In the meanwhile, straight and square shape pattern did not tolerate to any deformation which when straining at a minimum elongation of 0.1mm, the conductivity already lost. In conclusion, further study purpose, more analysis were suggested like analysis on the silver composition, curing temperature variation as well as the distribution of stress in printed shape pattern by 3D Finite Element Analysis (FEA) can be done for the more reliable study

    Mobile news: what kinds of information needed by the youth?

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    Information can be obtained through various means and one of them is through mobile news (M-news). It is a new concept in searching for information. The information searching emphasis on individual’s ability to obtain information using devices such as smart phones with Internet access without being tied to a certain physical location. Thus, this study was undertaken to find out types of news chosen by youth through mobile news: and to identify the relationship between motivating factors in using mobile news with the youth acceptance. The results of the study show that the types of news chosen by youth through mobile news are crime and entertainment. Further, result of the Pearson’s correlation test shows that there is a positive and significant relationship between motivating factors in using mobile news and the youth acceptance. In conclusion, it is hoped that the mobile news could be one of the leading learning medium

    Stepping-stone detection technique for recognizing legitimate and attack connections

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    A stepping-stone connection has always been assumed as an intrusion since the first research on stepping-stone connections twenty years ago. However, not all stepping-stone connections are malicious.This paper proposes an enhanced stepping-stone detection (SSD) technique which is capable to identify legitimate connections from stepping-stone connections.Stepping-stone connections are identified from raw network traffics using timing-based SSD approach.Then, they go through an anomaly detection technique to differentiate between legitimate and attack connections.This technique has a promising solution to accurately detecting intrusions from stepping-stone connections.It will prevent incorrect responses that punish legitimate users

    Kajian keperluan dan penerimaan remaja terhadap akhbar

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    Membaca pelbagai jenis maklumat di dalam akhbar membantu untuk membentuk dan membina minda remaja. Walaupun akhbar mempunyai pelbagai kandungan, ia semakin kurang menarik minat remaja untuk menerimanya sebagai salah satu bentuk bahan bacaan mereka. Dengan itu, objektif kajian ini adalah mengenal pasti jenis-jenis berita yang menjadi pilihan remaja; dan untuk mengetahui hubungan antara faktor keperluan dengan penerimaan akhbar oleh remaja. Kajian ini menggunakan pendekatan kuantitatif dengan 387 responden yang berumur antara16 tahun hingga 17 tahun dari sekolah menengah kebangsaan Wilayah Persekutuan Kuala Lumpur. Data kajian telah dianalisis dengan menggunakan Statistical Package for Social Science (SPSS) versi 15.0. Kedua-dua jenis statistik yang digunakan ialah statistik deskriptif dan statistik inferensi. Statistik deskriptif telah digunakan untuk mengenal pasti nilai-nilai peratusan, min, purata, dan sisihan piawai. Statistik inferensi telah digunakan untuk menerangkan hubungan antara pemboleh ubah yang dikaji. Hasil kajian mendapati bahawa jenis berita yang menjadi pilihan remaja adalah berita hiburan. Hasil ujian Korelasi Pearson menunjukkan bahawa terdapat hubungan yang positif dan signifikan antara keperluan dan penerimaan. Dengan merujuk kepada hasil kajian, dicadangkan faktor-faktor keperluan remaja perlu dikekalkan dalam setiap kandungan akhbar. Oleh itu, institusi akhbar dicadangkan menerbitkan lebih banyak bahan-bahan pendidikan dan bermaklumat untuk meningkatkan pemahaman remaja terhadap sesuatu berita

    The performance of DCCP TCP-like with initial slow-start threshold manipulation

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    This paper investigates the performance of the implementation of modified initial slow-start threshold size in Datagram Congestion Control Protocol (DCCP) TCP-like (CCID-2) over long delay link network.TCP-like is one of a congestion control mechanism for DCCP which is suitable for the delivery of multimedia data with abrupt changes during the transmission. The scenario is set for long delay link network,where the impact of the modified slow-start threshold value in TCP-like is significant.As a result, we managed to reduce the time required to obtain the maximum throughput in TCP-like during in the slow-start phase.The result shows that with the correct manipulation of initial slow-start threshold size for TCP-like, it will give a significant improvement to TCP-like performance over long delay link where the maximum throughput during the slow-start phase can be achieved faster

    Number Counting among Students with Mild Intellectual Disability in Penang: A Case Study

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    AbstractThis study examined number counting among students with mild intellectual disability. This study also investigates their skills as well as the difficulty they are facing on number counting. This is a quantitative research and had involved thirty participants as respondents. All respondents were selected through purposive sampling technique. Results of this study showed that students with mild intellectual disability have understanding of number counting using counting instructional models. Results of this study also showed that female students with mild intellectual disability have the higher mean scores compared to male students on number counting using n+1>n rule counting instructional model. On the other hand, male students with mild intellectual disability have higher mean score achievement on number counting using enumeration instructional model than female. It is shown from the result of the study that there is no significant difference in the skills of n + 1 > n rule counting instructional model among male and female students with mild intellectual disability. Also there is no significant difference among male and female in the skills of enumeration counting instructional model

    Al-Majusi contribution in the understanding of the cardiovascular system and blood circulation

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    The objective of this chapter is to represent AI-Majusi contributions in carduivascular system and blood circulation. The chapter refers to the main treatise entitled Kitab Kamil Sina 'ah Tibiyah, (The Complete Medical Art), written by Ali Ibn Abbas AI-Majusi, and other articles on cardiovascular system and blood circulation. The science ofthe heart and circulatory system took scientists centuries to comprehend and develop, providing us at the end, with what we know today. The chapter therefore, is an attempt to show how AIMajusi rectified certain concepts adapted by his predecesors on the same subject. Ali Ibn Abbas AI-Majusi was a Persian physician and psychologist (925-994 C) He was born in Ahvaz, Iran and The Complete Book of the Medical Art (Kitab Kamel AI-Sinaa AITibiyya) is his major work on the subjec

    Mechanical and Electrical Characterization of Nanocomposites Liquid-Solid Conductive Ink on Polyethylene Terephthalate (PET) Substrate

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    With drastic development of wearable electronics have urged the studies on the conductive ink and flexible substrate. Wearable electronics consist of nanocomposites liquid-solid conductive ink and flexible substrate such as polyethylene terephthalate (PET). They were produced by using stencil printing method. This paper presents the mechanical and electrical characteristics of  conductive ink with unloaded condition. The conductive ink was printed with four patterns, which were straight, curve, square and zig-zag patterns. Then, all four patterns were tested for their surface morphology, surface roughness, sheet resistivity and bulk resistivity. Surface morphology showed that conductive ink with 3 mm width had less granular particle formed than conductive ink with 1 mm width. Surface roughness of conductive ink with 3 mm width was smoother compared to 2 mm width and 1 mm width. Sheet resistivity and bulk resistivity results indicated that resistivity of all four patterns decreased with the increase of the conductive ink width. From the result, it showed that conductive ink with straight pattern has the best performance. Meanwhile, individual result for each pattern had its own function inside the circuit track.

    Ketidaksantunan bahasa sebagai strategi pujukan dalam iklan berbahasa Sepanyol

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    Makalah ini membincangkan tentang penggunaan ketidaksantunan bahasa sebagai strategi pujukan emosi dalam iklan bercetak. Sebanyak 21 buah iklan bercetak berbahasa Sepanyol yang diambil daripada majalah, surat khabar dan juga internet telah dikaji dan dianalisis mengikut Model Ketidaksantunan (Culpeper, 1996). Hasil kajian mendapati dalam dunia pengiklanan moden, pengiklan tidak lagi bergantung kepada strategi kesantunan bahasa dalam merekacipta sesebuah iklan bagi tujuan menarik perhatian pembeli sasaran. Sebaliknya, strategi ketidaksantunan bahasa yang secara jelas boleh mengancam air muka seseorang juga diguna pakai secara meluas dalam iklan berbahasa Sepanyol. Hasil kajian mendapati strategi ketidaksantunan bahasa dalam iklan boleh menjadi daya penarik untuk mempengaruhi pelanggan sasaran dan menjadi pendorong bagi mencetuskan minat masyarakat untuk membeli barangan yang diiklankan. Strategi ketidaksantunan bahasa yang dapat dikenalpasti dalam iklan komersial adalah seperti menakut-nakutkan pembeli, mengugut secara langsung atau tidak langsung, menyindir serta memasukkan ujaran asertif berunsur negatif. Manakala bagi iklan sosial pula elemen ketidaksantunan yang dapat dikesan, antara lain adalah seperti penggunaan kata ganti nama yang tidak sesuai dan juga sindiran secara langsung

    Efficacy and cost-effectiveness of three broad-spectrum herbicides to control weeds in immature oil palm plantation

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    Efficacy and cost-effectiveness of three herbicides (paraquat, glufosinate ammonium, and glyphosate) were evaluated at the MAB Agriculture-Horticulture Sdn. Bhd. Plantation, in Sepang, Malaysia from February 2004 to October 2005. The experimental design was RCBD with four replications. Each plot size, with the measurement of 4.8 x 20.5 m, was used for three oil palm plants. There were 13 treatments applied at the respective rates (namely, paraquat at 200, 400, 600, 800 g a.i. ha-1, glufosinate ammonium at 200, 400, 600, 800 g a.i. ha-1, glyphosate at 400, 800, 1200, 1600 g a.i. ha-1) and an untreated check as a control. The rates for the herbicides cover their field recommended rates (paraquat at 400-600 g a.i. ha-1, glufosinate ammonium at 500 g a.i. ha-1, and glyphosate at 1000 g a.i. ha-1). Results showed that glufosinate ammonium and glyphosate gave better efficacies than paraquat as revealed by the data on the percentage of weeds killed, the percentage of weed growth reduction and the duration of effective weed control. Nonetheless, a similar efficacy did not always produce the same cost-effectiveness. The most cost-effective treatment was glyphosate (at 400 g a.i. ha-1), followed by glyphosate (at 800 g a.i. ha-1) and glufosinate ammonium (200 g a.i. ha-1) with the costs around RM108.95, RM160.70, and RM214.19 ha-1year-1, respectively. Meanwhile, glyphosate has the ideal criteria as the most cost-effective herbicide because it is cheap (at the current price of RM13.75 L-1), good efficacy at low dose, produces long duration of effective weed control, and lesser spraying rounds required year-1