10 research outputs found
Madliger Love_Oikos 2016_Inter-annual
Future investment, fitness, and corticosterone levels of control and feather clipped female tree swallows across two habitat types (Riparian Cropland and Inland Pasture
Madliger Love_EAP 2016_Clipped Females
Baseline corticosterone (CORT), fitness, and other environmental and reproductive variables associated with feather-clipped female tree swallows (2011)
Madliger Love_EAP 2016_Control Females
Baseline corticosterone (CORT), fitness, and other environmental and reproductive variables associated with control female tree swallows (2010-2012)
Hennin 2016 - WWSC Data
These are data from an experiment in captive white-winged scoters in which we manipulated corticosterone to examine the profile of release of corticosterone over time, the impact on the HPA axis and subsequent changes in mass and fattening
Data from: Unpredictable Perturbation Reduces Breeding Propensity Regardless Of Pre-Laying Reproductive Readiness In A Partial Capital Breeder
The data file contains information on body mass at capture (BM1) or at release (BM2), the difference between BM1 and BM2 (DIFF) the concentration of VLDL and VTG, the YEAR (2003 or 2004),the Breeding Propensity with 1 indicating a breeding bird and 0 a bird non resighted in the colony, The Treatment category (maintained 24 hours in captivity or release immediately after banding), the release date in julian date and the band number (BAND
Common eider data for Harms et al MS: Feather corticosterone reveals effect of moulting conditions in an Arctic migratory bird
These data were collected from the field from 2007-2011. Column headings are as follows: ID (year plus bird band number); Band (bird band number); year (year eider was captured); CORTf (feather corticosterone in pg/mm); arrival (eider arrival date on breeding colony in Julian days); relArrival (relative arrival date); mass (eider mass in grams); Lay (date first egg was laid); relLay (relative lay date); nest (at least one egg was successfully hatched); Survival (1=eider found dead by end of breeding season, 0= eider that was not found dead during breeding season
Dataset used to test for directional selection on immune traits. Body size and mass measurements are provided as well as data for the 8 immune traits. The LIVEDEAD column provides information on the fate of individuals (1 is dead, 0 alive). BLEEDING.TIME is in min
Data with information on the carrier status of Pasteurella multocida labelled "PCR CARRIER STATUS" and several immune traits of Common eider
Data on measured immune traits of Common eiders during the pre-breeding and incubation stage