1,058 research outputs found

    Modelos de previsão em gestão hospitalar recorrendo a técnicas de data mining

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    Dissertação de mestrado em Engenharia e Gestão de Sistemas de InformaçãoÉ notório que as falhas verificadas na gestão hospitalar estão normalmente relacionadas com a falta de informação e a insuficiente gestão de recursos. Estes aspetos são determinantes para a gestão de qualquer entidade organizacional. Foi a partir deste princípio que se abordou o processo de Data Mining (DM) neste projeto, com o intuito de identificar dados pertinentes sobre a gestão de doentes e assim proporcionar aos gestores do Centro Hospitalar do Porto (CHP) informações importantes para fundamentar as suas decisões. Durante a realização desta Dissertação, foram desenvolvidos modelos de DM capazes de realizar previsões em âmbito hospitalar (gestão de altas). O desenvolvimento dos modelos de previsão foi realizado em ambiente real, com dados reais oriundos do CHP. Para isso foi adotada metodologia de investigação Action Research, o mesmo foi orientado segundo a metodologia Cross-Industry Standard Process for Data Mining (CRISP-DM). Ao nível do DM foram usadas as técnicas baseadas em Árvores de Decisão, Árvores de Regressão (AR), Naïve Bayes e Support Vector Machine (SVM) para realizar as tarefas de Classificação e Regressão. A avaliação e validação dos modelos de Classificação foi efectuada através da utilização da métrica baseada na acuidade. Para os modelos de Regressão foram usadas várias métricas, Mean Squared Error, Mean Absolute Error, Relative Absolute Error e Regression Error Characteristic. Para além destas métricas foram ainda usadas as técnicas Cross Validation e Leave-One-Out Cross Validation para avaliar a capacidade de generalização dos modelos de previsão. Os modelos de Classificação foram capazes de prever altas de doentes com valores de acuidade compreendidos entre ≈82.69% e ≈94.23%. Alguns dos modelos de Regressão obtiveram um desempenho similar ou inferior ao previsor médio naïve, resultados no geral compreendidos entre ≈38.26% e ≈94,89%. Os resultados obtidos permitem suportar decisões ao nível da gestão de altas. Com este trabalho foi também possível concluir que os modelos de Classificação apresentam resultados menos satisfatórios para os serviços de Ortopedia e Obstetrícia e os modelos de Regressão para o serviço de Parto. Porém a Classificação proporcionou bons modelos de previsão para o serviço de Parto e Berçário, e a Regressão para os serviços de Ortopedia, Obstetrícia e Berçário.The hospitals mismanagement is associated with the lack of information and poor management of resources. These aspects are crucial for the management of any organizational entity. It is on this principle that the Data Mining (DM) process was addressed in this project, to identify relevant information about the management of patients and thus provide to the managers of Centro Hospitalar of Porto (CHP) important information to help in their decisions. While performing this dissertation, several DM models were developed to predict hospital discharge. The development of the predictive models was conducted in a real environment with real data. This project was conducted using the Action Research research methodology and the Cross-Industry Standard Process for Data Mining (CRISP-DM) methodology. From the DM techniques, Decision Trees, Naïve Bayes and Support Vector Machine were used to induce Classification and Regression models. The evaluation and validation of the Classification models was done through the acuity obtained in the results. For Regression models several metrics were used, namely: Mean Squared Error, Mean Absolute Error, Relative Absolute Error and Regression Error Characteristic. In addition to these metrics it was used the Cross Validation and Leave-One-Out Cross Validation techniques to evaluate generalization capacity of the models. The classification models were able to predict the patient discharges with acuity values ranging from ≈82.69% to ≈94.23%. The regression models achieved a performance similar to or lower than the average naïve prediction, being comprehended between ≈38.26% and ≈94.89%. The results are able to support management decisions, when it comes to patients discharge management, however Classification models for the Orthopedics and Obstetrics services and regression models for Childbirth service presented less satisfactory results. However, Classification provided good predictive models for service Childbirth and Nursery, and Regression to the services of Orthopedics, Obstetrics and Nursery

    Activar a memória da Fábrica Rio Vizela: o processo têxtil como estratégia de intervenção

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    Dissertação de mestrado em Aquitectura (área de especialização em Cidade e Território)A seguinte investigação foi realizada com o objectivo de compreender para o atual estado de abandonado da Fábrica de Fiação e Têxtil do Rio Vizela, uma das primeiras estruturas industriais que foram implementadas na região do Ave, mais especificamente na Vila das Aves. Fundada no final do século XIX. Esta sobreviveu a vários momentos históricos, visíveis através da sua transformação estrutural e o desenvolvimento da paisagem circundante. Estas transformações levaram à descoberta de uma relação recíproca entre a fábrica e sua envolvente; onde se descobriram três elementos comuns: a Estrada Nacional 105 (EN 105), o Rio Vizela e o caminho de ferro. A Analise realizada a estes elementos ajudou a entender a importância de cada um desses sistemas, e como as suas funções mudaram ao longo do tempo, que por sua vez afetaram a Fábrica Rio Vizela. Para representar essa informação e o estado deteriorado atual da fábrica, forma feitas várias visitas ao local, onde, foi realizado um levantamento fotográfico das permanências para poder expor todas as qualidades espaciais da ruína. Assim, a fim de procriar uma estratégia para dar inicio á recuperação da Fábrica, foram realizadas visitas a 5 diferentes casos de estudo, de forma a poderem ser utilizados como referências de intervenções, cujo conceito é comum, a Resiliência. Cada caso foi abordado sob o mesmo olhar critico, começando por entender a importância de cada caso no passado e enfatizando a estratégia implementada para abranger suas funções atuais. É importante entender cada estratégia individualmente, pois os impactos sob a envolvente são específicos a cada lugar. Toda esta informação será utilizada estrategicamente para formar um projeto para a Fábrica Rio Vizela, transformando-a numa estrutura resiliente. Esta estratégia é concebida e organizada em três etapas, o Recuperar, o Reconstruir, e o Reabilitar. Estas etapas abordam uma escala diferente, salientando a importância das permanências no novo ciclo desta estrutura, onde o passado e o presente lançam as bases para a futura intervenção.The following Investigation is carried out to understand the current abandoned conditions of the Fábrica de Fiação e Têxtil do Rio Vizela. One of the first industrial structures that were implemented in the Ave region, more specifically in Vila das Aves. Founded in the late nineteenth century, it survived through various historical moments. This is visible through its structural transformation and the development of the surrounding landscape. These transformations lead to the discovery of a reciprocal relationship between the factory and its surroundings; which lead to the discovery of three common elements, these are: Estrada Nacional 105 (EN 105), River Vizela and the railroad. Analysing these in more depth helped understand the importance of each of these systems and how their functions changed over time, which in turn affected the Fábrica Rio Vizela. In order to represent this information and the current decayed state of the Factory, various visits were made to the site. Where a survey was conducted of what remained, of the original structure, recurring to photographs to be able to expose all the spatial qualities. Hence, in order to deign a strategy of how to recover this Factory, visits were made to 5 different case studies, to be used as references. Where in each case the analysis was approached in the same manner, which started by understanding the importance of each case study in the past and by emphasising the strategy implemented to attain their current roles. It is important to understand each strategy individually because the impacts they had on the surrounding is unique to each location. All this information will then be used to carefully form a strategy for the Fábrica Rio Vizela, turning it into a resilient structure. This strategy is designed and organized in three stages, the Recovery, the Rebuilding, and the Rehabilitation. Each step addresses a different scale, stressing the importance of the permanence’s in the new cycle of the structure. Where the past and the present lay the foundations for future intervention

    Fatores associados ao hábito de fumar entre idosos (Projeto Bambuí)

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    OBJECTIVE: To describe the characteristics and associated factors of the smoking habit among older adults. METHODS: A population-based study was carried out comprising 1,606 (92.2%) older adults (>;60 years old) living in the Bambuí town, Southeastern Brazil in 1997. Data was obtained by means of interview and socio-demographic factors, health status, physical functioning, use of healthcare services and medication were considered. The multiple multinomial logistic regression was used to assess independent associations between smoking habits (current and former smokers) and the exploratory variables. RESULTS: The prevalence of current and past smoking was 31.4% and 40.2% among men, and 10.3% and 11.2% among women, respectively (p;80 years) and schooling (>;8 years) and positive association with poor health perception and not being married. Among women, independent and negative associations with current smoking were observed for age (75-79 and >;80 years) and schooling (4-7 and >;8 years). CONCLUSIONS: Smoking was a public health concern among older adults in the studied community, particularly for men. Yet, in a low schooling population, a slightly higher level was a protective factor against smoking for both men and women. Programs for reducing smoking in the elderly population should take these findings into consideration.OBJETIVO: Descrever as características e fatores associados ao hábito de fumar em uma população idosa. MÉTODOS: Estudo de base populacional realizado com 1.606 (92,2%) idosos (>;60 anos) residentes na cidade de Bambuí, Estado de Minas Gerais, em 1997. As variáveis estudadas foram: fatores sociodemográficos, condições de saúde, função física, uso de serviço de saúde e de medicamentos. Os dados foram coletados por meio de entrevista. A regressão logística multinomial foi utilizada para avaliar associações independentes entre o hábito de fumar (atual e passado) e as variáveis exploratórias. RESULTADOS: A prevalência de tabagismo atual e passado foi de 31,4% e 40,2% entre os homens, e de 10,3% e 11,2% entre as mulheres, respectivamente (p;80 anos) e escolaridade (>;8 anos) e associação positiva com percepção ruim da saúde e não ser casado. Entre as mulheres, associações independentes e negativas com tabagismo atual foram observadas para idade (75-79 e >;80 anos) e escolaridade (4-7 e >;8 anos). CONCLUSÕES: O tabagismo constituiu um problema de saúde pública entre os idosos da comunidade estudada, sobretudo no sexo masculino. Mesmo em uma população de baixa escolaridade, o grau de instrução foi fator protetor para o tabagismo em ambos os sexos. Programas para a redução do tabagismo na população idosa deveriam levar estes resultados em consideração

    In vitro comparative study of microhardness and flexural strength of acrylic resins used in removable dentures

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    Communication abstract: Proceedings of the 5th International Congress of CiiEM - Reducing inequalities in Health and Society, held at Egas Moniz’ University Campus in Monte de Caparica, Almada, from June 16th to 18th, 2021.This is an open access article distributed under the Creative Commons Attribution License which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original work is properly cited.Polymethylmethacrylate is the material of choice for prosthetic bases. Depending on the type of polymerization, acrylic resins may present some mechanical weaknesses that may lead to the failure of a prosthesis. The microhardness and flexural strength of a dental material determine its applicability. The objective of the present investigation was to evaluate the in vitro Knoop microhardness and flexural strength of a thermopolymerizable (Probase Hot) and an autopolymerizable (Probase Cold) resin, according to ISO 20759-1: 2013.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Pervasive adaptive data acquisition gateway for critical healthcare

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    The data acquisition process in real-time is fundamental to provide appropriate services and improve health professionals decision. In this paper a pervasive adaptive data acquisition architecture of medical devices (e.g. vital signs, ventilators and sensors) is presented. The architecture was deployed in a real context in an Intensive Care Unit. It is providing clinical data in real-time to the INTCare system. The gateway is composed by several agents able to collect a set of patients’ variables (vital signs, ventilation) across the network. The paper shows as example the ventilation acquisition process. The clients are installed in a machine near the patient bed. Then they are connected to the ventilators and the data monitored is sent to a multithreading server which using Health Level Seven protocols records the data in the database. The agents associated to gateway are able to collect, analyse, interpret and store the data in the repository. This gateway is composed by a fault tolerant system that ensures a data store in the database even if the agents are disconnected. The gateway is pervasive, universal, and interoperable and it is able to adapt to any service using streaming data.This work has been supported by FCT - Fundacao para a Ciencia e Tecnologia within the Project Scope UID/CEC/00319/2013 and the contract PTDC/EEI-SII/1302/2012

    IEM@ProjectNetworking revisited: freshmen students closer to professional practice

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    This paper describes a challenge given to freshman students of the Integrated Master degree of Industrial Engineering and Management (IEM) – University of Minho, Portugal. It was developed in the context of the Integrated Project of Industrial Engineering and Management 1 (IPIEM1). First-year students were challenged to interview an Industrial Engineer, or someone with this function, in a company. That was the second time the challenge was proposed to students of this program, after the first time in 2013. The challenge, called “IEM@ProjectNetworking”, has as main idea to allow students, on their own, to establish network with an IEM active professional and to get a full picture of what could be their future career. Students worked in pairs and had a semi-structured interview guide to help them to perform the interview. All interviews were synthetized in a written report and in a summary presented orally. Thirty-three interviews were conducted and assessed by a group of teachers and researchers. Teachers believe that by presenting this challenge, students will be more focused and aware of the contents given in the courses of the following semesters. At the same time, teachers obtain a perspective of what IEM professionals are doing and update their knowledge about industry needs. In fact, many findings were obtained with this challenge, namely: 1) a company database and the connection to IEM professionals for their future contact; 2) the stimulus of students’ capacity of initiative; 3) the students learned how to prepare and conduct an interview, to communicate, to extract the most important from an interview; and; 4) the students acquire knowledge where they can work and the variety of functions which they may be engaged. The assessment was based on how the task was organised and accomplished (written report and oral presentation in pitch format). Based on the analysis of results obtained from an online survey applied to students and their feedback during the oral presentation, it is possible to state that the challenge has been mastered perfectly, with a “mission accomplished” feeling.FCT -Fundação para a Ciência e a Tecnologia(UIDB/00319/2020

    Descrição do trajeto casa-escola: estudo com crianças de três escolas públicas

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    O estudo de mobilidade na comunidade escolar, deve ser elaborado com o objetivo de implementar um conjunto de soluções práticas que visem mudar os hábitos de deslocação, reduzindo a dependência do automóvel e tornando os transportes ativos e os transportes públicos mais solicitados, melhorar a segurança e a qualidade de vida nos acessos à escola e sensibilizar a comunidade escolar para uma mobilidade mais sustentável. Torna-se necessário encontrar estratégias de promoção de atividade física em crianças e adolescentes, de modo a combater o sedentarismo originado pela era tecnológica em que vivemos. O deslocamento ativo para a escola é uma fonte de atividade física moderada continua que os jovens têm ignorado. Este estudo tem como objetivo descrever as formas de deslocamento no trajeto casa-escola de adolescentes do ensino básico em três escolas públicas do concelho de Braga e sua relação com o género e idade. Participaram 555 adolescentes (254M/301F) com média de idades (12,29 anos). Para avaliar, foi aplicado um questionário desenvolvido por Pereira et al. (2013). Os resultados demonstraram que 60,9% dos alunos vem a pé para a escola distando desta 1 km. Os alunos que moram de 1,1 km a 3km usam preferencialmente o carro para se deslocar para a escola (66,7%). As deslocações de bicicleta são inexistentes. A distância casa/escola segundo 30,5% dos alunos dista menos de 1km. A duração média do trajeto casa/escola é até 15 minutos (84,1%).São os alunos com idades mais baixas (10 -13 anos) que utilizam o automóvel ligeiro. Os mais velhos (14anos) utilizam o autocarro.CIEC - Centro de Investigação em Estudos da Criança, IE, UMinho (UI 317 da FCT

    Innovation quality: discussion and a model for measurement

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    This article deals worth Innovation Quality (or Quality of Innovation) instead of Quality Innovation (or Innovation in Quality). It is recognized that innovations along with knowledge must be part of any kind of organization strategy as relevant tools in order to obtain competitive advantage. To associate quality and creativity to these factors makes the results more significant. The goal of the current study is to discuss innovation as a positive or negative factor for quality improvement and try to measure such relation through an indicator that is open to numerical determination with application in several practical conditions, especially in the productive activity. A set of dimensions is proposed for the innovation quality as a way to achieve such goal. It is proposed and discussed an index called Innovation Quality as a goal to quantify the real contribution of innovation in each case, so aiming to open a thorough discussion about this concept