793 research outputs found

    Correlation of salivary immunoglobulin A with Body Mass Index and fat percentage in overweight/obese children

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    Obesity is considered a risk factor for periodontal health due to the lowgrade inflammation promoted by the increased adipose tissue. Objective: This study aimed to determine correlations and associations between gingival inflammation (Simplified Oral Hygiene Index, and Gingival Index), salivary immunoglobulin A (s-IgA), and salivary parameters (salivary flow and osmolality) in normal-weight and overweight/obese children. Material and Methods: Ninety-one children, aged 6 to 12 years old (8.6±1.9 years), were divided into two groups according to their body mass index (BMI), circumferences, skinfold measurements and body fat percentage: normalweight group (NWG; n=50) and overweight/obese group (OG; n=41). A calibrated examiner performed the clinical examination using the Simplified Oral Hygiene Index, Gingival Index, and salivary collection. Data analysis included descriptive statistics and association tests (p<0.05). Results: OG presented statistically higher s-IgA values compared with NWG, especially among the obese children (p<0.05). Significant positive correlations between s-IgA and salivary osmolality in OG (p<0.05), and between s-IgA and BMI values (p<0.05) and body fat percentage (p<0.05) were observed among all the children. Effect size varied from moderate for s-IgA values (d=0.57) to large for BMI (d=2.60). Conclusion: Gingival inflammation and salivary parameters were similar for NWG and OG; however, s-IgA presented higher values in OG, with correlations between BMI and body fat percentage

    Laparotomia Exploradora para retirada de corpo estranho em TGI – Relato de caso

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    Bezoares são corpos estranhos que impactam o lúmen do aparelho digestivo a partir da ingestão continuada, prolongada e intencional de materiais não comestíveis ou de medicamentos de uso contínuo que podem apresentar extensão em continuidadepara o intestino delgado ou fragmentação com múltiplas massas detectáveis em qualquer segmento intestinal. O objetivo desse manuscrito é relatar um caso de ingestão de corpo estranho (200 pregos), descrevendo a conduta instituída para a retirada deste Trato Gastroinstestinal (TGI). Paciente masculino de 51 anos atendido no Hospital Universitário Sul Fluminense (HUSF) – Vassouras/RJ, com queixa de ingestão de corpos estranhos em tentativa de suicídio. Foi submetido à laparotomia exploradora com retirada de 200 pregos em região gástrica. Retornou ao HUSF com recorrência do quadro por mais 2 vezes e foi submetido a novas cirurgias para retirada dos pregos. Não é comum na literatura médica, a descrição de bezoar composto exclusivamente por material metálico, o que justifica o relato desse caso


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    O estilo de vida contemporâneo – delineado por ingestão excessiva de alimentos ultraprocessados e hábitos sedentários acarretou um panorama de saúde-doença desafiador para os gestores da Saúde Pública/Coletiva devido à concomitância de rápidas transformações nutricionais e epidemiológicas, que se traduzem em prevalências alarmantes de sobrepeso, obesidade e doenças crônicas não transmissíveis

    Assessment of anti-diabetic activity of a novel hydrazine-thiazole derivative: in vitro and in vivo method

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    Diabetes mellitus is a chronic disease resulting in oxidative stress that promotes tissue damage. The appearance of this disease is highly related to lifestyle and food of the population, being of great interest to search for a dietary supplement that can also act by reducing oxidative alterations. Based on the broad range of biological activity of thiazole derivatives, this work aimed to evaluate the in vitro antioxidant activity of a novel hydrazine-thiazole derivative and studies in vivo. In in vivo experiments, the liver extracts of healthy and diabetic Wistar rats were used, with analysis to determine the enzymatic activity of SOD, CAT, GPx, and GR, and determination of lipid peroxidation. Finally, in the blood of these animals, biochemical parameters were evaluated. Statistical evidence of changes caused in liver enzymes and liquid peroxidation was not detected; however, these parameters were also not changed between control groups with and without diabetes. On the other hand, concerning biochemical parameters, significant differences were detected in uric acid, alkaline phosphatase, ALT, and urea, indicating a possible antioxidant protective role of such substances in the liver and kidney of diabetic animals that could be acting by means other than that commonly reported in the literature

    Synthesis and evaluation of platinum complexes with potential antitumor activity

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    A novel series of platinum (II) complexes was synthesized and the complexes were evaluated for their in vitro cytotoxicity against four human cancer cells lines. Five platinum complexes showed activity against at least one tumor cell line. Complexes 3 and 6 were promising, being active, at micromolar concentrations, against all the assayed tumor cell lines. Compound 3 was selected for further studies in mice with Ehrlich solid tumors and it was able to reduce the rate of tumor growth significantly during the first seven days. However, at the end of the experiments, there was no significant difference between the group of animals treated with 3 and the control group. The low solubility of the compound in the assay conditions can explain, at least in part, these results

    Bezoar metálico no trato gastrointestinal - relato de caso

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    The purpose of this article is to describe a clinical case of relapsing metallic bezoar in the gastroinstestinal tract, observed in a psychiatric patient treated at the Hospital Universitario Sul Fluminense, located at city of Vassouras/ RJ. Bezoars are foreign bodies that impact the lumen of the digestive tract and are formed by the continued, prolonged and intentional ingestion of exotic materials or continuous use of medications. The bezoars may extend in continuity to the small intestine or could be presented as multiple masses detectable in any gut segment. By exploratory laparotomies, the metallic bodies in the gastric and intestinal region were removed. The patient evaded the Hospital and monitoring of the case by a multidisciplinary team was not possibleO objetivo deste artigo é um relatar um caso de paciente psiquiátrico atendido no Hospital Universitário Sul Fluminense (HUSF), no município de Vassouras/RJ, com quadro recidivante de bezoar metálico no trato gastrointestinal. Bezoares são corpos estranhos que podem obstruir o lúmen do aparelho digestivo a partir da ingestão continuada, prolongada e intencional de materiais não comestíveis ou de medicamentos de uso contínuo. Os bezoares podem apresentar extensão em continuidade para o intestino delgado ou fragmentação com múltiplas massas detectáveis em qualquer segmento intestinal. Neste caso foram realizadas laparotomias exploradoras para retirada dos corpos metálicos em região gástrica. Houve evasão do paciente do HUSF, o que impediu o acompanhamento do caso por equipe multidisciplina

    Synthesis and cytotoxicity evaluation of thiosemicarbazones and their thiazole derivatives

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    O estudo teve como objetivo a síntese de uma série de tiossemicarbazonas e seus derivados tiazólicos e a avaliação da atividade citotóxica contra três linhagens de células tumorais humanas e células normais (Vero), a fim de se avaliar o potencial pró-apoptótico dos compostos mais ativos. As tiossemicarbazonas foram obtidas por reação entre um aldeído aromático e tiossemicarbazida (rend. 71-96%), as quais foram submetidas à ciclização com α-bromoacetofenona, fornecendo os heterociclos tiazólicos desejados (rend. 63-100%). Todos os compostos sintetizados foram testados na concentração de 50 µM contra três linhagens de células tumorais: HL60 (leucemia promielocítica), Jurkat (leucemia linfoblástica aguda) e MCF-7 (câncer de mama). O efeito pró-apoptótico foi avaliado por citometria de fluxo como porcentagem de células com DNA hipodiplóide. Três compostos tiazólicos foram ativos contra, pelo menos, uma linhagem tumoral (CI50=43-76 µM), com baixa citotoxicidade contra células Vero (CI50 >; 100 M). O composto mais ativo dessa série induziu fragmentação do DNA de 91% e 51% nas linhagens HL60 e MCF-7, respectivamente, sugerindo que este composto ativou a apoptose nessas células. Dentre os compostos sintetizados, um em particular apresentou atividade antiproliferativa e pró-apoptótica em células tumorais e pode ser considerado composto protótipo promissor na busca por novos análogos com atividade melhorada.The aims of this study were to synthesize a series of thiosemicarbazones and their thiazole derivatives, to investigate their cytotoxic activity against three human cancers and normal (Vero cells) cell lines, and to evaluate the pro-apoptotic potential of the most active compounds. Materials and Methods: The thiosemicarbazones were obtained by reacting an aromatic aldehyde with thiosemicarbazide (yield 71-96%), which were subjected to a cyclization with α-bromoacetophenone to yield the required thiazole heterocycles (yield 63-100%). All the synthesized compounds were screened at 50 µM concentration against three cell lines representing HL60 (promyelocytic leukemia), Jurkat (acute lymphoblastic leukemia), and MCF-7 (breast cancer). The pro-apoptotic effect was measured by flow cytometry as the percentage of cells with hypodiploid DNA. Results: Three thiazole compounds showed activity against at least one tumor cell line (IC50 = 43-76 µM) and low cytotoxicity against Vero cells (IC50 >; 100 M). The most active compound of this series induced 91% and 51% DNA fragmentation in HL60 and MCF-7 cell lines, respectively, suggesting that this compound triggered apoptosis in these cells. Conclusion: Among the synthesized compounds, one in particular was found to exert antiproliferative and pro-apoptotic activity on tumor cells and can be considered promising as a lead molecule for the design of new analogues with improved activity

    Religious and cultural uses of plants promoting agroecological transitions in rural settlements in Brazil.

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    Nature is a sacred space, where the tradition and rituals of Afro-Brazilian religions are celebrated, which performance is essential for the preservation of natural resources. Traditional communities that practice Candomblé in Brazil are settled on Nature, so they value and maintain biodiversity. Our objective was to study the spatial evolution of the land use by the traditional African-based community that occupies the Quilombo AnastáciaSite, as well as to understand how their customs – related to the maintenance of health and food -and their rituals help in the conservation of agrobiodiversity. The monitoring of the evolution of land use was carried out using LANDSAT satellite images and images from Google Earth software. According to the timeline (elaborated for 1997-2019), there was substantial increase in vegetation cover. In addition, the planting of native trees, food and medicinal species, as well as the use of agroecological practices (such as implementation of agroforestry systems), promoted diversification in the property. The Quilombo Site area favors the maintenance of the people's health and dietary habits, and the culture of this traditional African-based community guided the occupation of the soil, in order to benefit the conservation of agrobiodiversity
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