10 research outputs found

    Assessment of Renewable Sources of Energy for Residential Estate in Lagos State

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    The study investigated the use of renewable energy sources for residential estates in Lagos state; identified the available energy sources in the study area, determined the factors influencing the choice and utilization of renewable sources in the study area and examined the level of satisfaction derived from the chosen energy source by residents of Lagos state. The study was aimed at investigating the possibility of making energy available for residential estates dwellers from renewable energy sources so as to enhance uninterrupted energy supply and promote sustainability. To achieve the aim and objectives of the study, both primary and secondary data were used. The study made use of primary data collected by administration of e-questionnaire (google form) to building users. Data collected included energy source used by residents, the level of awareness of residents about various renewable sources, average amount of money spent on energy monthly, daily hours of energy supply, level of satisfaction derived from energy sources used. Data collected were analyzed using Statistical Package for Social it was analyzed using frequencies, mean score and tables. The result from the sources of energy used by residents in Lagos state revealed that 74% of buildings make use of generators alongside the energy provided from national grids. The result from the number of hours of energy supply daily revealed that residents only have access to electricity being an end use of energy for maximum of 8 hours. The level of awareness of residents revealed that 51.7%, 21.2%, 17.2%, 10.3%, 17.7% and 30.5% of the respondents are well informed about a possibility of generating energy from solar, wind, biomass, geothermal, biogas, and hydropower respectively. To promote the use of energy generated from renewables, the study made recommendations for intensified awareness schemes on the socioeconomic and environmental benefits of renewable energy sources, adequate investment in critical areas of renewable R&D and policy adjustments to create an investor friendly environment to attract greater renewable energy investment

    Reliability of Some Clinical Parameters for Field Diagnosis of African Animal Trypanosomosis in Cattle

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    Presumptive and inaccurate diagnosis of cattle trypanosomosis among field veterinarians has led to misuse of trypanocides, development of drug resistance, toxicities and huge economic losses. This study assessed the reliability, specificity and sensitivity of some identified trypanosomosis associated signalments (anaemia using FAMACHA® guide, body condition score (BCS), superficial lymph nodes enlargement and jugular pulsation) as field diagnostic parameters. Blood and faecal samples were collected from 273 subjectively selected cattle for the determination of packed cell volume (PCV) and screening for trypanosome, and for helminth egg using McMaster technique, respectively. Data obtained from assessment of packed cell volume based on BCS, FAMANCHA score, superficial lymph nodes enlargement and jugular pulsation were analyzed using descriptive statistics and Chi square, while comparison of data using independent student ttest and one-way ANOVA was similarly conducted. Of the screened cattle, 16.5% (45/273) were positive for trypanosome. Single infection due to Trypanosoma spp. was found in 13.5% (37/273) cattle, while 2.9% (8/273) had trypanosome concurrently with Babesia spp. or helminth infections. The prevalence of Trypanosoma infection was higher in animals with mild or moderately pale mucous membrane, slight emaciation, palpable superficial lymph nodes and pulsating jugular vein. The mean PCV of Trypanosoma infected cattle (27.65±0.056) was lower than in non-infected cattle (31.30±0.36) (p<0.05). Based on the jugular pulsation status, enlargement of the superficial lymph nodes, trypanosomosis state and Famancha category, there was no significant (p<0.05) variation in the PCV of the examined cattle. A negative and low correlation (r = -0.054) existed between BCS and FAMACHA® anaemia score. Each of the clinical diagnostic parameters showed poor sensitivity when employed separately, but the sensitivity improved when applied together and showed 80% specificity to Trypanosoma infection. The results of the present study showed that Trypanosoma infected cattle were associated with anaemia, emaciation, weight loss, jugular pulsation and lymphadenophathy. Key Words: Trypanosomosis, Diagnosis, Cattle, Anaemia, Treatmen

    First report of Colletotrichum cliviicola causing anthracnose disease of cowpea (Vigna unguiculata L. Walp) in Nigeria

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    Cowpea (Vigna unguiculata L. Walp) is a staple crop for millions of people in sub-Saharan Africa. However, its production is challenged by various abiotic and biotic constraints, including fungal diseases. In February 2020, around 10% of cowpea plants in IITA-Ibadan research plots (N7°29'49'' E3°53'49'') had symptoms of cowpea anthracnose disease (CAD). Symptoms included reddish brown spots, necrotic lesions, and vein streaks (Fig. 1). Diseased leaves were collected and taken to the laboratory, cut into small discs (3 mm in diameter) at advancing edges of lesions, and surface disinfected. Dry leaf discs were plated on PDA and incubated at 28°C for 5 days and sub-cultured in PDA for another 7 days. Isolates yielded phenotypes similar to Colletotrichum spp. (Fig. 2). DNA templates of four isolates (CC17 NG, CC19 NG, CC21 NG, and CC24 NG) were amplified using primers of the actin (ACT; ACT512F and ACT783R) (Carbone and Kohn, 1999) and glyceraldehyde-3-phosphate dehydrogenase (GAPDH; GDF and GFR) (Templeton et al., 1992) genes and sequenced. The sequences were deposited in GenBank (accession numbers OP716557 to OP716560 for ACT and OP716561 to OP716564 for GADPH). BLASTn results on NCBI showed 98-100% identity of the four isolates with C. cliviicola. A bi-locus phylogenetic tree revealed that the isolates belong to the species C. cliviicola (Fig. 3) when compared with existing sequences in the GenBank (Table 1). To fulfill Koch’s postulates, pathogenicity of each of the four C. cliviicola isolates was confirmed on 2-week-old cowpea plants cv. Ife Brown in screenhouse assays. Inocula were prepared from 7-d-old cultures washed with sterile water containing 0.1% TWEEN®20. Fungal suspensions were adjusted to 106 conidia/ml. Inoculations were carried out using the brush method. Leaves inoculated with sterile water containing 0.1% TWEEN®20 served as negative controls. Plants were kept in the screenhouse at room temperature for 21 days. All four C. cliviicola isolates produced CAD symptoms on inoculated leaves, while control leaves remained asymptomatic (Fig. 4). Each inoculated isolate was successfully re-isolated from symptomatic tissues and their identity confirmed. The fungus C. cliviicola is distributed in tropical and subtropical regions and has a wide host range, including several legumes (Damm et al. 2018). To our knowledge, this is the first report of C. cliviicola causing CAD in Nigeria and the world. There is the need to conduct a comprehensive distribution survey and develop appropriate control strategies in Nigeria. In addition, breeding for resistance to CAD in Nigeria should gear the efforts to all causal agents of the disease that occur across the country because historically CAD has been attributed to C. lindemuthianum and C. destructivum


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    Pneumonia is a major economic threat to swine industry worldwide, however, there is still dearth of information on the pathology and associated pathogens in Nigeria, and these were therefore investigated. Lungs from 408 slaughtered pigs were randomly collected from abattoirs in Abeokuta, Ibadan and Lagos. The lung samples were cultured for bacterial pathogens using standard techniques, while formalin-fixed tissues were processed for histopathological examination. Grossly, the most consistent lesion was bronchopneumonia (35.3%). The main histopathological findings were lymphoid hyperplasia of bronchus-associated lymphoid tissue (BALT) (88.2%), suppurative bronchopneumonia (63.6%), suppurative bronchitis and bronchiolitis with concurrent epithelial hyperplasia (57.1%), as well as thickened alveolar septa due to cellular infiltration consisting predominantly of neutrophils (54.1%). Ten different species of bacteria were isolated from the lung samples in which two or more pathogens were isolated from each sample (82.7%). Pasteurella multocida was the most frequently isolated bacterium (54.8%). Among the bacteria isolated, there were significant (P < 0.05) differences in the frequencies of isolation of β-haemolytic Streptococci, P. multocida, Haemophilus species and Escherichia coli between the pneumonic lungs and apparently normal lungs. The results of bacterial culture, gross and histopathological changes recorded in this study are consistent with bacterial pneumonia possibly caused by most of the bacteria identified in the present study.   &nbsp

    Factors Associated with Alcohol Consumption among Adolescents in Selected Secondary Schools in a Local Government Area of Oyo State, Southwest, Nigeria

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    Alcohol use during adolescence and young adulthood remain a prominent public health problem. This study identifies factors associated with alcohol consumption among adolescents in selected secondary schools in Ibadan North Local Government Area, Southwest, Nigeria. A cross-sectional descriptive study was used. One hundred and seventy-six (176) respondents were consecutively selected using the random technique. Data were analyzed using chi-square and hypotheses tested at a 5% level of significance. Findings revealed that the majority of the respondents had poor knowledge of alcohol consumption, while (36.4%) of the respondents had consumed alcoholic beverages. Over half (54.5%) engaged in drinking alcohol as a result of peer influence. The majority (70%) of them had good knowledge of factors influencing alcohol consumption and factors influencing consumption among the respondents. Thus, the rate of alcohol consumption among adolescents was low (36.4%) as a larger percentage (64.6%) of them did not consume alcohol owing to their knowledge of the effect and the presence of some protective factors within the environment. In conclusion, alcohol consumption among adolescents was low, knowledge of its consumption was high, and it was associated with its actual consumption. Alcohol use is also associated with peer influence and environmental variables, while age and gender did not have any relationship with alcohol consumption. Therefore, educational intervention to improve knowledge of the consequences of alcohol consumption among adolescents and public policies with preventive educational campaigns was recommended

    Hormone inducive effects of Syzygium aromaticum (Clove) extract on the reproductive performance of Bucks

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    Syzygium aromaticum (Clove) is a small evergreen tree of the myrtle family known for its unopened reddish-brown flower bud with strong aromatic flavor that are used for culinary purpose and are believed to have aphrodisiac properties. The objective of the experiment was to assess the effect of clove extract on hormone profile of West African Dwarf (WAD) bucks. One hundred and fifty WAD bucks with average weights of 10kg were randomly assigned to five treatments with 30bucks per treatment in a completely randomized design. Treatment A (control) and B were subcutaneously administered 0.1mL/kg of normal saline solution and 0.1mL/kg sildenafil citrate, respectively. Treatments C, D and E were administered 0.1, 0.2, and 0.3mL/kg of clove extract, respectively. The result showed a significant increase in WBC while PCV decreased with corresponding increase in extract doses. The extracts also significantly cause a reduction in creatinine, alkaline phosphatase (ALP) and aspartate aminotransferase (AST) with a significant increase in serum urea and alanine aminotransferase (ALT). There were significant increase in serum testosterone and prolactin while follicle stimulating hormone and luteinizing hormone were reduced. It was therefore concluded that subcutaneous administration of syzygium aromaticum extract could enhance sexual function at low doses of 0.1mL/kg body weight of bucks with no observable tissue damage