28 research outputs found

    Upaya Meningkatkan Hasil Belajar Pembelajaran Tematik dengan Menggunakan Media Komik pada Siswa Kelas III SD Karanggondang Kabupaten Bantul Tahun Pelajaran 2013/2014

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    The purpose of this research is to improve learning outcomes through the use of thematic learning medium for students of class III comic Karanggondang Bantul elementary school year 2013/2014.This research is classroom action research ( CAR), which was commissioned jointly. Subjects in this study were students of class III SD Karanggondang Bantul totaling 34 students consisted of 17 female students and 17 male students. Object of this study is the result of the third grade elementary student learning Karanggondang Bantul on thematic learning using comics medium. Data collection techniques in this study was conducted with the test method and the method of observation. The instrument used in this study is testing and observation sheet. In this study, the test used is the test used. Test instrument is tested. Test trials tested are validity, distinguishing features, level of difficulty, and reliability. Data analysis techniques to determine the test with an average score on the learning outcomes of each cycle were used to determine the average value, the percentage increase in learning outcomes in each cycle, and the percentage of completeness that meet the KKM .The results showed that the learning outcomes on thematic learning using comics medium has increased from pratindakan, the first cycle and second cycle. This is indicated by an increase in the average value of student learning outcomes in pratindakan ie 65.56 increased to 73.09 in the first cycle and then again increased to 81.88 in the second cycle. The percentage of students who are able to reach KKM also increased each cycle is equal to 11.76% or 4 students at pratindakan, increased to 64.71%, or 22 people in the first cycle and the second cycle indicator of success has been achieved with the percentage of 82.35% or 28 students reached the KKM. Thus it is advisable for teachers to use comics in the thematic learning medium that can be considered as an alternative or efforts to improve student learning outcomes

    Correlational patterns of species diversity, swimming ability and ecological tolerance of non-marine ostracoda (Crustacea) with different reproductive modes in shallow water bodies of agri region (Turkey)

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    A total of 52 ostracod taxa (35 live spp. 17 subfossils) were collected from 70 shallow aquatic bodies with 11 different habitat types in Agri province (Turkey). Fabaeformiscandona acuminata is a new record for the Turkish ostracod fauna while 29 species were new for the province. Three types of habitats (stream, ditch and pond) contained the highest numbers of 24, 15, 11 species, respectively. Species were clustered into four main groups based on their distribution among habitats. Canonical Correspondence Analysis was able to explain 73.9% of the correlation between the 18 most frequently found species and five environmental variables. Water temperature and elevation were found to be the most effective factors on ostracods. Species with and without swimming setae tend to be found mostly in lentic and lotic habitats, respectively. Besides, species with swimming setae showed relatively higher ecological optimum and tolerance values for pH, electrical conductivity and water temperature than species without setae. The numbers of non-swimmer sexually reproducing species were twice the number of parthenogenetic species. Parthenogenetic species tend to have higher tolerance and optimum values for different environmental variables than sexual species. Results suggest a strong correlation among reproductive modes, swimming ability and ecological tolerances of the species

    Ostracoda (Crustacea) and limnoecological characteristics of Lake Karamurat (Bolu, Turkey): Testing pseudorichness hypothesis

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    To investigate the relationship between ostracod occurrence patterns, community assemblage, and abiotic factors, we sampled five sites on lake Karamurat (Bolu, Turkey) and two nearby rheocrene springs. Thirteen ostracod taxa (10 from the lake, three from the springs) were collected. Species exhibited clear habitat preferences, and lake and spring ostracods showed clear differences in their monthly and seasonal occurrences. Darwinula stevensoni and Cypria ophtalmica were the dominant species for the lake and Psychrodromus cf. fontinalis and P. olivaceus were only reported from the springs. Ostracod Watch Model illustrated that a rare species, Notodromas monacha, was only found in May to August from the lake while two species (D. stevensoni, C. ophtalmica) were encountered from all year around. Common species also exhibited relatively high levels of ecological tolerances to multiple environmental variables. Canonical correspondence analyses explained about 91% of correlation between species and environmental variables and indicated that four variables (water temperature, dissolved oxygen, pH and electrical conductivity) most strongly influenced species occurrences. Also, binary data of sample medians showed significant (P < 0.01) differences between ostracod assemblages from 13 lakes and reservoirs compared to Lake Karamurat. A significant correlation was detected between Lake Karamurat and two other lakes (Abant and Yeniçağa) located in the same region. The Pseudorichness Ratio (noncosmopolitan/cosmopolitan species) of the lake was very low (Pr = 0.25), indicating dominancy of cosmopolitan species over noncosmopolitans. Conservation efforts should be considered to addressed increasing anthropogenic impacts to Lake Karamurat.Thirteen ostracods reported for the first time from Lake Karamurat exhibited clear habitat preferences and seasonal occurrences. CCA results explained about 91% of correlation between species and environmental variables. The Pseudorichness Ratio of the lake was very low (Pr=0.25), indicating dominancy of cosmopolitan species over noncosmopolitans

    Fossil and Recent Distribution and Ecology of Ancient Asexual Ostracod Darwinula stevensoni (Ostracoda, Crustacea) in Turkey

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    In order to determine distribution, habitat and ecological preferences of Darwinula stevensoni, data gathered from 102 samples collected in Turkey between 2000 and 2017 was evaluated. A total of 1786 individuals of D. stevensoni were reported from eight different aquatic habitats in 14 provinces in six of seven geographical regions of Turkey. Although there are plenty of samples from Central Anatolia Region, recent form of the species was not encountered. Unlike recent, fossil forms of species were encountered in all geographic regions except Southeastern Anatolia. The oldest fossil record in Turkey was reported from the Miocene period (ca 23 mya). Species occurred in all climatic seasons in Turkey. D. stevensoni showed high optimum and tolerance levels to different ecological variables. Results showed a positive and negative significant correlations of the species with pH (P&lt;0.05) and elevation (P&lt;0.01), respectively. It seems that the ecological preferences of the species are much wider than previously known. Our results suggest that if D. stevensoni is used to estimate past and present environmental conditions, attention and care should be paid on its ecology and distribution

    New bisexual form of Cavernocypris subterranea (Wolf, 1920) (Crustacea, Ostracoda) from Idaho

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    Males of Cavernocypris subterranea were found for the first time in an Idaho spring. The bisexual form is described based on soft body parts and valves. The genus Cavernocypris now includes 2 bisexual and 1 parthenogenetic species

    Distributional patterns of non-marine Ostracoda (Crustacea) in Adiyaman Province (Turkey)

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    To understand the distribution and ecological characteristics of non-marine ostracods, the Poisson Method was applied to a total of 41 taxa (26 recent and 15 sub-fossil) from 111 (out of 120) aquatic bodies of Adıyaman Province, Turkey. All taxa were new records for the area and Schellencandona insueta and Gomphocythere n. sp. were the first records for Turkey. According to the Poisson method, ostracods were randomly distributed among all sampling sites (P>0.05). This is especially true for the cosmopolitan species (Candona neglecta, Heterocypris incongruens, Ilyocypris bradyi and Psychrodromus olivaceus) with broader ecological tolerance ranges to different environmental variables. According to canonical correspondence analysis (CCA), the first two axes explained 77.4% of the relationships and the most effective variables were found as electrical conductivity (F=3.987, P=0.002, λ=0.31), water temperature (F=3.582, P=0.002, λ=0.17), pH (F=3.510, P=0.002, λ=0.12) and elevation (F=4.491, P=0.02, λ=0.37). Additionally, the ratio (numbers of taxa/site =2) was found same at lower (450–550 m) and higher (1359–1459 m) ranges, in which H. incongruens and I. bradyi were the most common species found from different habitats. Overall, random distribution of ostracods among sampling sites seemed to be more affected by random distribution of cosmopolitan species at the regional level than the non-cosmopolitans whose distribution may be uniform or clumped since they prefer certain types of ecological conditions at local level.This study numerically contributes to the Turkish non-marine ostracod fauna. Besides, it offers important information about ecology of ostracod species. Indeed, It provides information to understand the distributional pattrens of this bioindicator organisms in freshwaters

    New bisexual form of Cavernocypris subterranea (Wolf, 1920) (Crustacea, Ostracoda) from Idaho

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    Males of Cavernocypris subterranea were found for the first time in an Idaho spring. The bisexual form is described based on soft body parts and valves. The genus Cavernocypris now includes 2 bisexual and 1 parthenogenetic species

    Ecological requirements of Ostracoda (Crustacea) in a heavily polluted shallow lake, Lake Yenicaga (Bolu, Turkey)

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    Although the area of Lake Yenicaga is a potential candidate for RAMSAR convention, several anthropogenic factors compromise its biological diversity. This is mostly due to nutrient-rich water released from both point and nonpoint sources. Thirteen ostracod taxa (Candona neglecta, C. candida, Ilyocypris bradyi, Darwinula stevensoni, Cypridopsis vidua, Physocypria kraepelini, Cypria ophtalmica, Prionocypris zenkeri, Eucypris virens, Herpetocypris reptans, Pseudocandona compressa, Fabaeformiscandona fabaeformis Potamocypris cf. fulva) were found during this study. Potamocypris cf. fulva is a new record for the Turkish freshwater ostracod fauna. The first nine of these species have broad geographic ranges, implying high tolerance levels to different environmental variables. Based on the estimated species optima and tolerance levels, two species exhibited higher effective number of occurrences (C. neglecta, and D. stevensoni, respectively) than the other species. Three species (C. neglecta, D. stevensoni, I. bradyi) did not show significant correlation with any environmental variable we used. Both Canonical correspondence (CCA) and Pearson correlation analyses showed that temperature was the most effective predictor of species occurrence, followed by electrical conductivity and redox potential. In contrast, pH and dissolved oxygen of water were the least effective predictors. Approximately 71% of the correlation between community composition and environmental variables was explained by the first axis of the CCA diagram, which had a relatively low (7.7%) cumulative variance of species. The lower (560 mu g/l) and the upper (2030 mu g/l) levels of ammonia (NH3) exceeded the limits during winter season. The concentrations of total coliform and Escherichia coli bacteria were measured up to 10 x 10(7) cfu/ml and 10 x 10(3) cfu/ml, respectively. Results of physicochemical measurements, microbiological counts, and species data indicate that water quality of Lake Yenicaga has been rapidly deteriorated by anthropogenic factors that are the main threat for not only the lake's aquatic diversity but also human health around the lake

    Distribution and ecological requirements of ostracods (Crustacea) at high altitudinal ranges in Northeastern Van (Turkey)

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    To understand ostracod distribution and ecology at high altitudes (1659–2889 m a.s.l.), 78 different aquatic sites located in the city of Van were sampled during summer of 2009. A total of 29 ostracod species were recorded in 57 sites. Among the species, Trajancypris laevis (G.W. Müller 1900), is a new report for the Turkish ostracod fauna. First axis of Canonical Correspondence Analysis (CCA) explained about 68% of the relationships between the 13 most abundant species and environmental variables. Four variables (redox potential, habitat type, pH and electrical conductivity) had the greatest effect on species composition (P0.05). Three species (Heterocypris incongruens (Ramdohr, 1808), Ilyocypris bradyi Sars, 1890 and Potamocypris villosa (Jurine, 1820)) occurred extensively from 1650 to 2350 m a.s.l. Spearman rank correlation revealed a negative relationship between Limnocythere inopinata (Baird, 1843) and altitude (r=−0.894, P=0.05), while two species (I. bradyi and Prionocypris zenkeri (Chyzer and Toth, 1858)) had a positive correlation to dissolved oxygen (P=0.05). There was a significantly negative relationship between Ilyocypris inermis Kaufmann, 1900 and electrical conductivity, and H. incongruens showed a significant correlation to station type. Five groups of species were determined by UPGMA analysis. Species in each cluster were grouped according to ecological conditions suitable for them. Results revealed that species ecological tolerances and optimum levels can be species-specific but species with cosmopolitan distributions tend to have high tolerance ranges to different variables, including altitudinal changes