54 research outputs found

    Factors Behind the Ibasho: Focusing on the needs and behaviors related to group adaptation

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    In this study, we hypothesized that the psychological Ibasho, which arises in relationships with others, is a sense of unconditional affirmation of one’s true self and an adaptive sense of being needed by others. The purpose of this study was to examine the effects of individual desires and behaviors on Ibasho in order to obtain an understanding of how they functioned. We measured Ibasho, over-adaptation, rejection–avoidance need (desire not to be rejected by others), and interpersonal dependency in 146 university students.We then examined the validity of the model using covariance structure analysis. The results showed that affectional dependency and sense of self-inadequacy predicted the sense of role through an orientation to others. In addition, instrumental dependency predicted role sense through an orientation to others. On the other hand, comfort was not significantly related to excessive external adaptation and rejection–avoidance need. These results suggest a difference in the nature of two aspects of Ibasho: role sense and comfort. The sense of role was a concept that depended on external criteria and was predicted by orientation to others, which is excessive external adaptation. Based on these results, we recommend adaptive Ibasho

    Effect of chronic intermittent hypoxia on ocular and intraoral mechanical allodynia mediated via the calcitonin gene-related peptide in a rat

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    Katagiri Ayano, Kishimoto Saki, Okamoto Yoshie, et al. Effect of chronic intermittent hypoxia on ocular and intraoral mechanical allodynia mediated via the calcitonin gene-related peptide in a rat. SLEEP 7, 687 (2024); https://doi.org/10.1093/sleep/zsad332.Study Objectives: Obstructive sleep apnea, a significant hypoxic condition, may exacerbate several orofacial pain conditions. The study aims to define the involvement of calcitonin gene-related peptide (CGRP) in peripheral and central sensitization and in evoking orofacial mechanical allodynia under chronic intermittent hypoxia (CIH). Methods: Male rats were exposed to CIH. Orofacial mechanical allodynia was assessed using the eyeblink test and the two-bottle preference drinking test. The CGRP-immunoreactive neurons in the trigeminal ganglion (TG), CGRP-positive primary afferents projecting to laminae I–II of the trigeminal spinal subnucleus caudalis (Vc), and neural responses in the second-order neurons of the Vc were determined by immunohistochemistry. CGRP receptor antagonist was administrated in the TG. Results: CIH-induced ocular and intraoral mechanical allodynia. CGRP-immunoreactive neurons and activated satellite glial cells (SGCs) were significantly increased in the TG and the number of cFos-immunoreactive cells in laminae I–II of the Vc were significantly higher in CIH rats compared to normoxic rats. Local administration of the CGRP receptor antagonist in the TG of CIH rats attenuated orofacial mechanical allodynia; the number of CGRP-immunoreactive neurons and activated SGCs in the TG, and the density of CGRP-positive primary afferent terminals and the number of cFos-immunoreactive cells in laminae I–II of the Vc were significantly lower compared to vehicle-administrated CIH rats. Conclusions: An increase in CGRP in the TG induced by CIH, as well as orofacial mechanical allodynia and central sensitization of second-order neurons in the Vc, supported the notion that CGRP plays a critical role in CIH-induced orofacial mechanical allodynia


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    九州大学応用力学研究所研究集会報告 No.25AO-S2 「非線形波動研究の拡がり」Reports of RIAM Symposium No.25AO-S2 The breadth and depth of nonlinear wave scienceProceedings of a symposium held at Chikushi Campus, Kyushu Universiy, Kasuga, Fukuoka, Japan, October 31 - November 2, 2013楕円関数に対するWeierstrass標準形に相当するものを定常KdV方程式の解に対して,その包合的な第一積分を用いて代数的に構成し,さらに,それを用いて問題をHeun型方程式のモノドロミーの計算に帰着させ,その解の2重周期性を証明するための方向性を示す.この類推として,2次定常KdV方程式の第一積分を用いて同様な標準形を構成する方法についても報告する


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    University of TokyoUniversity of Tsukuba会議名: 言語資源活用ワークショップ2021, 開催地: オンライン, 会期: 2021年9月13日-14日, 主催: 国立国語研究所 コーパス開発センター絵文字は,1999年ドコモ「iモード」サービス開始以降日本で普及し,GメールやiPhoneが日本参入しUnicodeに登録されたことから世界中に広まった。以来,絵文字は単なる感情や挿絵を付加する記号の枠を超え,語用論的な研究の対象になっている。しかしながら,これまでの絵文字の用法に関する調査は,小規模なものや,自然言語処理的な手法のものが多かった。本研究では絵文字に馴染み深いと思われる15~40歳を対象に,1680個の絵文字の用法について,「体・用・相のうちどれを表すのに使うことができるか」を複数選択可のアンケートで調査した。その結果,顔の絵文字は体言性が弱く相言性が突出して強いこと,交通手段を用いる絵文字では用言性が顕著に高いこと,また食べ物と動物は共通して強い体言性と弱い相言性が見られたが食べ物の方が用言性が強いことなど,絵文字の意味によって特徴ある分布が見られた


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    【Introduction】Congenital hemophilia is a category of hemorrhagic disease caused by a genetic defect in the production of coagulation factors. It is treated by administering regular coagulation factor injections on an ongoing basis. Hemophilia is a hereditary illness, often causing social and psychological problems as a result of the disease. To analyze the objective effects of hemophilia, we conducted a retrospective analysis in Tokushima University Hospital. 【Result】All 23 cases were men between the ages of20and72. Hemophilia A was present in17cases, and hemophilia B was present in six. Nineteen out of 23 cases were severe, and the others were intermediate. Medical assessments were conducted at pediatrics in seven cases and hematology in 16 cases. Adoption of the self-injection technique was not realized in five cases. Seventeen cases were complicated by hemophilic arthropathy, seven with human immunodeficiency virus(HIV), and 12 with hepatitis C virus. Eight participants were unemployed, and17were unmarried. 【Discussion】 Many adult hemophilia patients still visit pediatrics in our hospital. Hemophilia in the period of growth between adolescence and young adulthood is often accompanied by life-altering events such as entering higher education, marriage, and work experience. Therefore, collaboration among professionals of multiple occupations, such as doctors, nurses, pharmacists, medical social workers, and clinical psychologists, is essential. Furthermore, there are many cases of HIV and hepatitis C virus infections complicating hemophilia study due to the stigma surrounding HIV-tainted blood. 【Conclusion】It is imperative that we establish a long-term, sustainable, and multi-disciplinary transitional care and medical support system for patients and their families


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    Adaptive quantum state estimation for dynamic quantum states

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    刻々と変化する量子状態を最も精度よく推定する新規手法を実現. 京都大学プレスリリース. 2020-09-16.We propose an adaptive quantum state estimation method for nonstationary quantum states and verify the method by numerical simulations and experimental investigations. Adaptive quantum state estimation provides an asymptotically optimal scheme for estimating an unknown input quantum state by updating the measurement configuration upon the detection of each quantum. However, previous methods are only valid for quanta with the same quantum state (a stationary state). By adopting the likelihood function for a fixed number of recent detection results, our sequential adaptive quantum state estimation allows quantum states changing in time to be estimated. The numerical simulation results and experimental demonstration using photons agree well with the theoretical predictions. This method will find applications in various fields where dynamically changing quantum states need to be estimated

    A study on the statuses of dependence in the adolescence from the viewpoint of dependent objects <Article>

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    Relation between dependency and two aspects of self-consciousness : Focusing on dyadic relationships in adolescence

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    In this study, we focused on dyadic relationships in adolescence and examined the dependent appearance for significant other and the relation with two aspects of the self-consciousness. Two aspects of the self-consciousness are public self-consciousness and private self-consciousness. As a result of factor analysis,it was indicated that adolescents have mature and immature dependencies on significant others and dependent anxiety was observed regardless of the object of dependence. Furthermore, there was a positive correlation between dependence and public self-consciousness, as well as between an object orientation factor expressing an emotional approach to significant others and private self-consciousness. Participants (N=233, 115 man, 113 female) were divided into four groups according to the scores on the dependence scale. A one-factor analysis of variance was conducted with groups as the independent variable and public/private self-consciousness as the dependent variable. The results indicated significant differences between the groups in both types of self-consciousness. It is suggested that private self-consciousness develop through relationships with others and is necessary to build interdependent relationship with others

    Crystal structure of 1,8-dibenzoyl-2,7-diphenoxynaphthalene

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    In the title compound, C36H24O4, the benzene rings of the benzoyl and phenoxy groups make dihedral angles of 75.01 (4), 75.78 (4), 83.17 (5) and 80.84 (5)° with the naphthalene ring system. In the crystal, two types of C—H...π interactions between the benzene rings of the benzoyl groups and the naphthalene unit, and two kinds of π–π interactions between the benzene rings, with centroid–centroid distances of 3.879 (1) and 3.696 (1) Å, are observed