158 research outputs found

    MASTABA: Family Digital Shrine

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    Performance of large scaled tsunami run-up analysis using explicit ISPH method

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    The tsunami run-up simulation by the particle method at city level needs to huge number of particle at least 1 billion particles. The conventional particle simulation method is not easy to solve these huge problem even on the premise of using supercomputer. Then, a new particle method ’fully explicit Incompressible SPH’ is developed that takes into consideration both calculation efficiency and accuracy. Finally, we demonstrate the future plan how to use our simulation resultes for a practical ’Soft’ disaster mitigation method through the evacuation education with the Virtual Reality(VR) system

    Predictive importance of left ventricular myocardial stiffness for the prognosis of patients with congestive heart failure

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    SummaryObjectivesThis study was designed to determine the prognostic importance of left ventricular (LV) myocardial stiffness, a hemodynamic index which is closely related to B-type natriuretic peptide (BNP) concentration in patients with congestive heart failure (CHF).BackgroundWhile elevated BNP, an abnormality of cardiac neurohormones, is known to be an independent marker of death or re-admission, it remains to be clarified whether there is also a strong predictor directly related to cardiac dysfunction.MethodsLV performance variables and stress–strain analyses including diastolic myocardial stiffness constant (Km) were obtained from 37 patients with initial CHF by the combined simultaneous measurement of echocardiographic and hemodynamic data. Survivors were monitored for a mean of 23 months, with the main endpoint being combined death or first re-admission for CHF.ResultsTen patients (27%) were primary endpoint cases. Both Km and plasma BNP levels were higher in the event than in the event-free group. By Cox proportional hazards analysis, Km≥4.0 was identified as the only variable with significant and independently incremental predictive power to affect the primary endpoint (adjusted hazard ratio=7.354, 95% confidence interval 1.379–39.232, p=0.02).ConclusionsIn patients with CHF, increased myocardial stiffness may have greater prognostic significance compared to other conventional predictors. Increased myocardial stiffness may be considered to be an important prognostic factor independent of the loading conditions

    Stress Promotes Drug Seeking Through Glucocorticoid-Dependent Endocannabinoid Mobilization in the Prelimbic Cortex

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    Background Clinical reports suggest that rather than directly driving cocaine use, stress may create a biological context within which other triggers for drug use become more potent. We hypothesize that stress-induced increases in corticosterone “set the stage” for relapse by promoting endocannabinoid-induced attenuation of inhibitory transmission in the prelimbic cortex (PL). Methods We have established a rat model for these stage-setting effects of stress. In this model, neither a stressor (electric footshock) nor stress-level corticosterone treatment alone reinstates cocaine seeking following self-administration and extinction, but each treatment potentiates reinstatement in response to an otherwise subthreshold cocaine priming dose (2.5 mg/kg, intraperitoneal). The contributions of endocannabinoid signaling in the PL to the effects of stress-level corticosterone on PL neurotransmission and cocaine seeking were determined using intra-PL microinfusions. Endocannabinoid-dependent effects of corticosterone on inhibitory synaptic transmission in the rat PL were determined using whole-cell recordings in layer V pyramidal neurons. Results Corticosterone application attenuated inhibitory synaptic transmission in the PL via cannabinoid receptor type 1 (CB1R)– and 2-arachidonoylglycerol–dependent inhibition of gamma-aminobutyric acid release without altering postsynaptic responses. The ability of systemic stress-level corticosterone treatment to potentiate cocaine-primed reinstatement was recapitulated by intra-PL injection of corticosterone, the CB1R agonist WIN 55,212-2, or the monoacylglycerol lipase inhibitor URB602. Corticosterone effects on reinstatement were attenuated by intra-PL injections of either the CB1R antagonist, AM251, or the diacylglycerol lipase inhibitor, DO34. Conclusions These findings suggest that stress-induced increases in corticosterone promote cocaine seeking by mobilizing 2-arachidonoylglycerol in the PL, resulting in CB1R-mediated attenuation of inhibitory transmission in this brain region

    Normal mitochondrial respiratory function is essential for spatial remote memory in mice

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>Mitochondrial DNA (mtDNA) with pathogenic mutations has been found in patients with cognitive disorders. However, little is known about whether pathogenic mtDNA mutations and the resultant mitochondrial respiration deficiencies contribute to the expression of cognitive alterations, such as impairments of learning and memory. To address this point, we used two groups of <it>trans</it>-mitochondrial mice (mito-mice) with heteroplasmy for wild-type and pathogenically deleted (Δ) mtDNA; the "low" group carried 50% or less ΔmtDNA, and the "high" group carried more than 50% ΔmtDNA.</p> <p>Results</p> <p>Both groups had normal phenotypes for not only spatial learning, but also memory at short retention delays, indicating that ΔmtDNA load did not affect learning and temporal memory. The high group, however, showed severe impairment of memory at long retention delays. In the visual cortex and dentate gyrus of these mice, we observed mitochondrial respiration deficiencies, and reduced Ca<sup>2+</sup>/calmodulin-dependent kinase II-α (α-CaMKII), a protein important for the establishment of spatial remote memory.</p> <p>Conclusion</p> <p>Our results indicated that normal mitochondrial respiratory function is necessary for retention and consolidation of memory trace; deficiencies in this function due to high loads of pathogenically mutated mtDNA are responsible for the preferential impairment of spatial remote memory.</p

    The Effect of Changing the Contraction Mode During Resistance Training on mTORC1 Signaling and Muscle Protein Synthesis

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    Acute resistance exercise (RE) increases muscle protein synthesis (MPS) via activation of mechanistic target of rapamycin complex (mTORC), and chronic resistance exercise training (RT) results in skeletal muscle hypertrophy. Although MPS in response to RE is blunted over time during RT, no effective restorative strategy has been identified. Since eccentric muscle contraction (EC) has the potential to strongly stimulate mTORC1 activation and MPS, changing the muscle contraction mode to EC might maintain the MPS response to RE during chronic RT. Male rats were randomly divided into RE (1 bout of RE) and RT (13 bouts of RE) groups. Additionally, each group was subdivided into isometric contraction (IC) and EC subgroups. The RE groups performed acute, unilateral RE using IC or EC. The RT groups performed 12 bouts of unilateral RE using IC. For bout 13, the RT-IC subgroup performed a further IC bout, while the RT-EC subgroup changed to EC. All muscle contractions were induced by percutaneous electrical stimulation. Muscle samples were obtained at 6 h post exercise in all groups. After the 1st RE bout, the EC group showed significantly higher p70S6K Thr389 phosphorylation than the IC group. However, the phosphorylation of other mTORC1-associated proteins (4E-BP1 and ribosomal protein S6) and the MPS response did not differ between the contraction modes. After the 13th bout of RE, mTORC1 activation and the MPS response were significantly blunted as compared with the 1st bout of RE. Changing from IC to EC did not improve these responses. In conclusion, changing the contraction mode to EC does not reinvigorate the blunted mTORC1 activation and MPS in response to RE during chronic RT

    ホイクシャ ヨウセイ ニオケル シンタイ ヒョウゲン キョウザイ オモシロダンス ニ カンスル ジッセン ホウコク

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    保育者に必要とされる表現力を養うためには、養成校において自ら表現する楽しさや他の者の表現を感受する楽しさを経験しておく必要がある。そこで、ダンスの楽しさを充分体験できる教材「おもしろダンス」を用い、そこに創作的要素を多く組み込むことで、自分の表現や他者の表現、自己の気づきと他者の理解・コミュニケーションなどについての意識がどのように変化するのか、また創作すること・発表することに対してどう思ったかを質問紙により調査した。その結果、受講者のこれらについての意識は、授業のねらいに適った望ましい方へ変化し、また創作・発表に対して概ね好感を持っていることが明らかになった。To develop the ability of expressing, which is said to be a necessity for nursery teacher, it is important to experience the joy of expressing oneself and the joy of embracing the expressions of others while in training school.For this aim, a questionnaire survey was made on how the awareness about one\u27s own expression and expressions of others; communication, self-awareness and understanding others changed, and about how the participants felt about creating works and presenting them, when using the teaching material "Omoshiro dance" (fun dance), which offers a lot of fun experiences on dance, with many creative elements incorporated into it. As a conclusion, the survey showed that the participants\u27s awarenesses on these aspects had changedin desirable directions of the aims of the class, and that they mostly had good feelings about creation and presentation

    Optimizing the timing of 3.6 mg Pegfilgrastim Administration for Dose-Dense Chemotherapy in Japanese Patients with Breast Cancer

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    Perioperative dose-dense chemotherapy (DDCT) with pegfilgrastim (Peg) prophylaxis is a standard treatment for high-risk breast cancer. We explored the optimal timing of administration of 3.6 mg Peg, the dose approved in Japan. In the phase II feasibility study of DDCT (adriamycin+cyclophosphamide or epirubicin+cyclophosphamide followed by paclitaxel) for breast cancer, we investigated the feasibility, safety, neutrophil transition, and optimal timing of Peg treatment by administering Peg at days 2, 3, and 4 post-chemotherapy (P2, P3, and P4 groups, respectively). Among the 52 women enrolled, 13 were aged > 60 years. The anthracycline sequence was administered to P2 (n=33), P3 (n=5), and P4 (n=14) patients, and the taxane sequence to P2 (n=38) and P3 (n=6) patients. Both sequences showed no interaction between Peg administration timing and treatment discontinuation, treatment delay, or dose reduction. However, the relative dose intensity (RDI) was significantly different among the groups. The neutrophil count transition differed significantly among the groups receiving the anthracycline sequence. However, the neutrophil count remained in the appropriate range for both sequences in the P2 group. The timing of Peg administration did not substantially affect the feasibility or safety of DDCT. Postoperative day 2 might be the optimal timing for DDCT