5 research outputs found


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    For a long time, teaching and learning in a formal higher education is always means the meeting of teacher and learners in the classroom. The rapid changes in technology shift the paradigm of teaching and learning. The emerging in the use of the Internet changes the teaching and learning activities. Teaching and learning not only happends in the real classroom, but also in the virtual classroom where teacher and and learners separate physically. E-learning becomes a popular tool as an interactive tool for virtual education. However, the use and the implementation of e-learning in formal education are not as simple as it says. Since, changing paradigm of teaching and learning is a complicated process which involved many parties. The article discusses how e-learning changes the teaching and learning in a formal higher education in Indonesia. The article also discuss the prior experience of Universitas Terbuka, as a distance education institution in Indonesia, in implementing the teaching and learning through the Interne

    Pemberdayaan Ekonomi Kreatif: Diversifikasi Produk Ayam Olahan di Tanah Sareal, Bogor

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    EMPOWERING CREATIVE ECONOMY: DIVERSIFICATION OF PROCESSED CHICKEN PRODUCTS IN TANAH SAREAL, BOGOR. The demand for food of animal origin (PAH) is increasing rapidly in Bogor. The demand dominated by broiler products from the Pondokrumput chicken shelter and slaughter facility (TPnA), Tanah Sareal. The TPnA business unit is located in densely populated settlements and sometimes causes social, economic and environmental problems. There is a negative perspective on the neglect of the TPnA business unit in community involvement so that it has negative implications for the existence of the business unit. One of the efforts to reduce its negative impact is to invite the community around TpnA to participate in the processing of TpnA's fresh chicken production into the advanced processed chicken, among others by using the "ungkep" chicken technique. The prospect of the “ungkep” chicken market is promising and can contribute to improving the local community's economy. Chicken "ungkep" has many variations of the preparation to meet the needs of public consumption. Besides, the use of basic spices, spices and proper cooking techniques in chicken produces flavour, without the need for flavourings. This chicken product certainly meets the rules of safe-healthy-whole-halal (ASUH) and is durable. This community service activity was expected to contribute to inspiration, motivation, insight, and creativity. Another contribution is to provide increased knowledge, experience and added value to the business unit for shelters, chicken slaughterhouses (TpnA). Finally, this activity is also useful for local communities who do not yet have a small business base

    Sistem sosial budaya Indonesia

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    Buku materi pokok sistem sosial budaya Indonesia adalah bahan ajar bagi mahasiswa UT yang terdiri dari 9 modul yang secara berurutan membahas topik pluralisme, sistem kepercayaan, etnisitas, jender, hubungan industrial, otonomi daerah, hubungan antar kelompok, dan intregrasi

    Pemberdayaan Ekonomi Kreatif Melalui Diversifikasi Produk Pengolahan Ayam Ungkep Di Kecamatan Tanah Sereal Kota Bogor

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    Pesatnya permintaan pangan asal hewan (PAH) di kota Bogor dan sekitarnya; meningkatnya kebutuhan masyarakat akan menu kuliner yang praktis dan siap saji; keberadaan unit usaha Tempat Penampungan dan Potong Ayam (TPnA) di lingkungan permukiman yang padat penduduknya; dan masih rendahnya tingkat ekonomi masyarakat sekitar TPnA, telah menginspirasi tim dosen Universitas Terbuka Bogor untuk melakukan kegiatan pengabdian masyarakat dengan judul “Pemberdayaan Ekonomi Kreatif melalui Diversifikasi Produk Pengolahan Ayam Ungkep dan Pemasaran di Kecamatan Tanah Sereal, Kota Bogor”. Kegiatan dimaksudkan sebagai upaya memberi inspirasi, motivasi, wawasan, dan kreativitas sekaligus meningkatkan knowledge, experience dan nilai tambah bagi masyarakat sekitar unit usaha TpnA yang umumnya sebagai pengangguran ataupun pembantu rumah tangga paruh waktu. Kegiatan dilaksanakan dengan cara memberikan pelatihan dengan pendekatan pembelajaran partisipatif, praktek, pendampingan, serta monitoring dan evaluasi hasil kegiatan. pada bulan Juli sampai dengan September 2019. Hasil kegiatan menunjukkan adanya peningkatan pengetahuan dan kreativitas keterampilan pada warga untuk melakukan pengolahan ayam potong segar menjadi ayam ungkep yang siap dipasarkan

    Pemberdayaan Ekonomi Kreatif: Diversifikasi Produk Ayam Olahan di Tanah Sareal, Bogor

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    EMPOWERING CREATIVE ECONOMY: DIVERSIFICATION OF PROCESSED CHICKEN PRODUCTS IN TANAH SAREAL, BOGOR. The demand for food of animal origin (PAH) is increasing rapidly in Bogor. The demand dominated by broiler products from the Pondokrumput chicken shelter and slaughter facility (TPnA), Tanah Sareal. The TPnA business unit is located in densely populated settlements and sometimes causes social, economic and environmental problems. There is a negative perspective on the neglect of the TPnA business unit in community involvement so that it has negative implications for the existence of the business unit. One of the efforts to reduce its negative impact is to invite the community around TpnA to participate in the processing of TpnA's fresh chicken production into the advanced processed chicken, among others by using the "ungkep" chicken technique. The prospect of the “ungkep” chicken market is promising and can contribute to improving the local community's economy. Chicken "ungkep" has many variations of the preparation to meet the needs of public consumption. Besides, the use of basic spices, spices and proper cooking techniques in chicken produces flavour, without the need for flavourings. This chicken product certainly meets the rules of safe-healthy-whole-halal (ASUH) and is durable. This community service activity was expected to contribute to inspiration, motivation, insight, and creativity. Another contribution is to provide increased knowledge, experience and added value to the business unit for shelters, chicken slaughterhouses (TpnA). Finally, this activity is also useful for local communities who do not yet have a small business base