7,688 research outputs found

    Design-Time Quantification of Integrity in Cyber-Physical-Systems

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    In a software system it is possible to quantify the amount of information that is leaked or corrupted by analysing the flows of information present in the source code. In a cyber-physical system, information flows are not only present at the digital level, but also at a physical level, and to and fro the two levels. In this work, we provide a methodology to formally analyse a Cyber-Physical System composite model (combining physics and control) using an information flow-theoretic approach. We use this approach to quantify the level of vulnerability of a system with respect to attackers with different capabilities. We illustrate our approach by means of a water distribution case study

    Efficient Cluster Algorithm for Spin Glasses in Any Space Dimension

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    Spin systems with frustration and disorder are notoriously difficult to study both analytically and numerically. While the simulation of ferromagnetic statistical mechanical models benefits greatly from cluster algorithms, these accelerated dynamics methods remain elusive for generic spin-glass-like systems. Here we present a cluster algorithm for Ising spin glasses that works in any space dimension and speeds up thermalization by at least one order of magnitude at temperatures where thermalization is typically difficult. Our isoenergetic cluster moves are based on the Houdayer cluster algorithm for two-dimensional spin glasses and lead to a speedup over conventional state-of-the-art methods that increases with the system size. We illustrate the benefits of the isoenergetic cluster moves in two and three space dimensions, as well as the nonplanar chimera topology found in the D-Wave Inc.~quantum annealing machine.Comment: 5 pages, 4 figure

    The Local Optima Level in Chemotherapy Schedule Optimisation

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    In this paper a multi-drug Chemotherapy Schedule Optimisation Problem (CSOP) is subject to Local Optima Network (LON) analysis. LONs capture global patterns in fitness landscapes. CSOPs have not previously been subject to fitness landscape analysis. We fill this gap: LONs are constructed and studied for meaningful structure. The CSOP formulation presents novel challenges and questions for the LON model because there are infeasible regions in the fitness landscape and an unknown global optimum; it also brings a topic from healthcare to LON analysis. Two LON Construction algorithms are proposed for sampling CSOP fitness landscapes: a Markov-Chain Construction Algorithm and a Hybrid Construction Algorithm. The results provide new insight into LONs of highly-constrained spaces, and into the proficiency of search operators on the CSOP. Iterated Local Search and Memetic Search, which are the foundations for the LON algorithms, are found to markedly out-perform a Genetic Algorithm from the literature

    A software interface for supporting the application of data science to optimisation

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    Many real world problems can be solved effectively by metaheuristics in combination with neighbourhood search. However, implementing neighbourhood search for a particular problem domain can be time consuming and so it is important to get the most value from it. Hyper-heuristics aim to get such value by using a specific API such as `HyFlex' to cleanly separate the search control structure from the details of the domain. Here, we discuss various longer-term additions to the HyFlex interface that will allow much richer information exchange, and so enhance learning via data science techniques, but without losing domain independence of the search control

    Best-case performance of quantum annealers on native spin-glass benchmarks: How chaos can affect success probabilities

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    Recent tests performed on the D-Wave Two quantum annealer have revealed no clear evidence of speedup over conventional silicon-based technologies. Here, we present results from classical parallel-tempering Monte Carlo simulations combined with isoenergetic cluster moves of the archetypal benchmark problem-an Ising spin glass-on the native chip topology. Using realistic uncorrelated noise models for the D-Wave Two quantum annealer, we study the best-case resilience, i.e., the probability that the ground-state configuration is not affected by random fields and random-bond fluctuations found on the chip. We thus compute classical upper-bound success probabilities for different types of disorder used in the benchmarks and predict that an increase in the number of qubits will require either error correction schemes or a drastic reduction of the intrinsic noise found in these devices. We outline strategies to develop robust, as well as hard benchmarks for quantum annealing devices, as well as any other computing paradigm affected by noise.Comment: 8 pages, 5 figure

    Memory distribution in complex fitness landscapes

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    In a co-evolutionary context, the survive probability of individual elements of a system depends on their relation with their neighbors. The natural selection process depends on the whole population, which is determined by local events between individuals. Particular characteristics assigned to each individual, as larger memory, usually improve the individual fitness, but an agent possess also endogenous characteristics that induce to re-evaluate her fitness landscape and choose the best-suited kind of interaction, inducing a non absolute value of the outcomes of the interaction. In this work, a novel model with agents combining memory and rational choice is introduced, where individual choices in a complex fitness landscape induce changes in the distribution of the number of agents as a function of the time. In particular, the tail of this distribution is fat compared with distributions for agents interacting only with memory.Comment: 6 pages, 3 figures, submited to Physica
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