27 research outputs found

    The Status of the House of the Prophet in the Holy Quran and Sunnah

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    هذا بحثٌ جَمَعتُهُ امتثالاً لأمرِ اللهِ تعالى الآمِرِ بمودة رسول الله r وأهل بيته الكرام، وحفظاً لوصيةِ سيدنا رسولِ اللهِ r، المُوصِي بمحبَّتهم والتمسِّكِ بهم، مع التَّمَسُّكِ بكتابِ اللهِ تعالى وسُنَّتِهِ r. قسمته على مبحثين: الأول بعنوان المبحث الأول: وجوبُ مودَّتِهم والتمسك بهم: وفيه ثلاثة مطالب: المطلب الأول: في القرآن الكريم: المطلب الثاني: مفاهيم مستنبطة من آية مودة القربى: المطلب الثالث: في السنة النبوية الشريفة وأقوال الصحابة والعلماء رضي الله عنهم أمّا المبحث الثاني فقد عنونته: تطهيرهم وكرامة نسبهم الشريف: وفيه مطلبان: المطلب الأول: تطهيرهم في القرآن الكريم والسنة النبوية: المطلب الثاني: كرامةُ نَسَبِهِم الطّاهرِ في القرآن والسنة. توصّلت إلى نتائج؛ منها: انهم عليهم السلام أولى الناس بالاقتداء والتأسّي. وجوب ودّهم ومناصرتهم حبا لله تعالى ولرسوله بلا منٍ ولا أذى.من أعظم المحرمات ايذاؤهم بأي نوع من الأذى فمحبّهم ومُكرمهم مؤمن، ومُبغِضهم ومُؤذيهم منافق. إنَّ هذه الأمّة لن تستعيد مجدها الذي أراده الله لها إلا بالأخذ بكتاب الله وبالتأسّي برسول الله واهل بيته الأكرمين عليهم الرضوان والسلام.This research gathered in compliance with the command of Allah Almighty commanding the affection of the Messenger of God (peace be upon him) and the people of his house honored, and keeping the commandment of our Lord the Messenger of God (peace be upon him), recommending their love and adherence to them, while adhering to the Book of God and his Sunnah.        The first question is entitled: The first subject: The obligation of their religion and adherence to them: There are three demands: The first requirement: In the Holy Quran: The second requirement: Concepts derived from the verse of the affection of the kinship: Third requirement: In the noble Sunnah and the sayings of the Companions and scholars As for the second topic, it is related to: Their cleansing and the dignity of their noble ratios: There are two demands: First demand: Purification in the Holy Quran and Sunnah: The second requirement: the dignity of their pure share in the Qur'an and Sunnah. Reached conclusions, including: 1-Peace be upon them, the first people to follow the example 2- the obligation and guidance and support of love to Allah and His Messenger without harm or harm. 3-One of the greatest taboos is to harm them with any kind of harm, and their loved ones and their Makram are believers, and those who hate them and harm them are hypocrites. 4-This nation will not regain its glory, which God wanted them only by taking the book of God and by listening to the Messenger of God and the people of his home the most generous of them tenderness and peace

    Comparing Study of The Stability and spectral properties vibrations for some Tellurium (IV) compounds containing cycloctadienyl group by Quantum Mechanical Calculations

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    Density Functional Theory (DFT) with B3LYP hybrid exchange-correlation functional and 3-21G basis set and semi-empirical methods (PM3) were used to calculate the energies (total energy, binding energy (Eb), molecular orbital energy (EHOMO-ELUMO), heat of formation (?Hf)) and vibrational spectra for some Tellurium (IV) compounds containing cycloctadienyl group which can use as ligands with some transition metals or essential metals of periodic table at optimized geometrical structures

    Broadcast Crime News and False Rumors (A comparative study)

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            الإشاعة ظاهرة اجتماعية وسيكولوجية قديمة قدم الحياة البشرية فقد عاصرت جميع الحضارات فهي وليدة مجتمعها تنمو وتزدهر مع الحاجات والدوافع البشرية وفي خضم الحياة بين جو الغموض والأهمية وعند غياب المعايير الأكيدة للصدق. تولد وهي ضئيلة في بدايتها وسرعان ما تتعاظم ناشرة سلاحها الفتاك فهي خطرة بكل أشكالها, ولما كان علم الاجتماع يرى أن البحث العلمي لا يكون منتجا إلا بوجود مشكلة وتحديد عناصرها والحلول لها, ونظرا للوضع الحالي الذي نعيشه في العراق اليوم, كان لابد من دراسة موضوع جريمة بث الأخبار والإشاعات الكاذبة وأثرها من مختلف الجوانب ومنها القانوني فهي أمضى سلاحا من أسلحة الحرب النفسية فهو سلاح يفتك بمعنويات الشعوب لما تبثه من أكاذيب وافتراءات بهدف شل الجيش والشعب عن مواجهة هذه الحرب العدوانية ولذلك كان منطقيا أن يتدخل المشرع الجزائي في المجتمع العراقي وغيره لحماية مجتمعه من اثر الأخبار والإشاعات ومحاربتها كظاهرة من الظواهر التي تشكل خطورة بالغة على أمن المجتمع وسلامته وعلى الأمن القومي ومصلحته الوطنية لذلك نجد المشرع العراقي عالج هذه الجريمة تحت عنوان الجرائم المضرة بالمصلحة العامة. لن نتعرض بطبيعة الحال لكل الجرائم وإنما سنكتفي بالتركيز على جريمة الأخبار والإشاعات الكاذبة اذ إن هذه الدراسة تهدف الى التعرف على جريمة الأخبار والإشاعات الكاذبة في قانون العقوبات العراقي, والتشريعات المقارنة الفرنسي والمصري.The rumor is a social and psychological phenomenon that is old in human life. All civilizations have been born. They are the birth of their society, which grows and flourishes with human needs and motivations and in the midst of life between ambiguity and importance and in the absence of certain standards of truth. It is small in its infancy, and soon the proliferator spreads its deadly weapon, which is dangerous in all its forms. As the sociology finds that scientific research is not productive unless there is a problem and its components and solutions are solved, given the current situation we are living in Iraq today, it was necessary to study the crime of news and false rumors and its impact from different aspects, including legal, it spent a weapon of psychological warfare Almost obliterates the morale of the people because of the lies and fabrications that aim to paralyze the army and the people from confronting this war of aggression so it was logical that the criminal legislator intervene in any society and the Iraqi to protect his society from the impact of news and rumors and fight it as a phenomenon that is very dangerous to The security and safety of society and national security and national interest, therefore, the Iraqi legislator punished this crime under the title of crimes harmful to the public interest. We will not be exposed to all crimes of course, but we will focus only on the crime of news and false rumors as this study aims to identify the crime of news and false rumors in the Iraqi legislation, and the French and Egyptian comparative legislation

    The Leading World’s Most Innovative Universities

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    This open access book is unique in its contents. No other title in the book market has tackled this important subject. It introduces innovation as a way of practice for world-class universities. It, then, discusses the criteria for being innovative in the academic world. The book selects some of the top innovative world-class universities to study the factors that qualified them to be innovative, so that any other university can follow their steps to become innovative. The final chapter of the book presents some recommendations in this regard

    Mapping stakeholders of the Palestinian Health Research System: a qualitative study

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    There is a growing international and regional interest in Health Research Systems (HRSs) in light of a global strategy for HRS stakeholders' (HRSSHs) active involvement. HRSSHs in Palestine have rarely been investigated with regard to uncertainties.; This study aimed to analyse perceptions of HRSSHs in order to understand their roles and involvement, identify gaps, and offer policy solutions for stakeholders' engagement in the Palestinian HRS.; This qualitative study targeted three local Palestinian health sectors, government, academia, and local and international agencies. Data were collected through 52 in-depth interviews (IDIs) and 6 focus group discussions (FGDs) and then analysed using MAXQDA 12 software. Participants and institutions were selected purposively based on a set of criteria and peer review.; The overall HRS stakeholders' roles were unsatisfactory, with low involvement from society, the private sector, local and international sectors. The role of academia and the Ministry of Health is vital but observed moderate in health research while that of international agencies is weak due to conflicting agendas and lack of a guiding body. Most universities have poor representation in public decision-making and scarcity in health research potential and capacity. Interest-power imbalance among stakeholders is reported where political, organizational, and technical shortfalls were indicative of weak roles and low involvement, along with a lack of health research culture, structure, resources, defined roles, and network.; Tackling the inadequate roles, interests' disparity, and poor involvement of HRSSHs is imperative for HRS strengthening. Redefining HRSSHs' roles and involving all stakeholders is key through strategic dialogue, consolidated leadership, and resource mobilization

    A vision to strengthen resources and capacity of the Palestinian health research system: a qualitative assessment

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    The World Health Organization has proposed a global strategy to build a robust Health Research System Resources and Infrastructural Capacity (HRSRIC). Despite the growing research productivity, HRSRIC in Palestine has rarely been investigated.; To analyse perceptions of health research system performers to understand the status of HRSRIC, identify its gaps, and propose policy solutions to strengthen HRSRIC.; This qualitative study targeted 3 health sectors: government, academia, and local and international organizations. Fifty-two in-depth interviews and 6 focus group discussions were conducted with key informants who were selected purposively. Data were analysed using MAXQDA 12.; Despite the availability of competent personnel, the overall HRSRIC, such as human and financial resources, and facilities, forms a central challenge. HR financing is limited, unsustainable, and flows from external and individual sources. The public and private funds are largely in shortage with resources misallocation and donors' conditionality. HR quality is moderate while knowledge transfer and translation are not well conceptualized and inappropriately performed. Lack of governance, coordination, HRSRIC strategy, resource allocation, systematic and reliable data, evidence-informed culture, and environmental impacts are the main common gaps.; The overall status of HRSRIC in Palestine is still lacking and major challenges persist where the pace of strengthening efforts is steady. There is an emphasis that strengthening HRSRIC is an imperative step and real investment opportunity for building a successful health research system. Political commitment, consolidated leadership structure, operational capacity building strengthening strategy, resources mobilization, and sovereignty are key requirements

    Agronomic and physiological indices for reproductive stage heat stress tolerance in green super rice

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    Optimum growing temperature is necessary for maximum yield-potential in any crop. The global atmospheric temperature is changing more rapidly and irregularly every year. High temperature at the flowering/reproductive stage in rice causes partial to complete pollen sterility, resulting in significant reduction in grain yield. Green Super Rice (GSR) is an effort to develop an elite rice type that can withstand multiple environmental stresses and maintain yield in different agro-ecological zones. The current study was performed to assess the effect of heat stress on agronomic and physiological attributes of GSR at flowering stage. Twenty-two GSR lines and four local checks were evaluated under normal and heat-stress conditions for different agro-physiological parameters, including plant height (PH), tillers per plant (TPP), grain yield per plant (GY), straw yield per plant (SY), harvest index (HI), 1000-grain weight (GW), grain length (GL), cell membrane stability (CMS), normalized difference vegetative index (NDVI), and pollen fertility percentage (PFP). Genotypes showed high significant variations for all the studied parameters except NDVI. Association and principal component analysis (PCA) explained the genetic diversity of the genotypes, and relationship between the particular parameters and grain yield. We found that GY, along with other agronomic traits, such as TPP, SY, HI, and CMS, were greatly affected by heat stress in most of the genotypes, while PH, GW, GL, PFP, and NDVI were affected only in a few genotypes. Outperforming NGSR-16 and NGSR-18 in heat stress could be utilized as a parent for the development of heat-tolerant rice. Moreover, these findings will be helpful in the prevention and management of heat stress in rice

    Primary school teachers knowledge towards management of students with T1DM

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    A descriptive cross-sectional study is conducted in Wasit Governorate, Numaniyah District. Out of 60 teachers were selected from 30 schools for each school 2 teachers, who were tested in a questionnaire related to type 1DM. The reliability of the questionnaire was achieved through a pilot study and then presented to experts to prove its validity. The total number of items included in the questionnaire was 30-items. The data was collected by using the self-report method and analyzed by applying a descriptive and inferential statistical data analysis approach .Out of 60 primary school teachers the mean age is 42.15±9.221, (53.3%) were female, (78.3%) were diploma graduated, (41.7%) had less than 5 years of experience, (81.7%) were exhibit no trained.  The results of the study indicated that the (78.3%) of school teachers expressed deficit knowledge. There were significant differences in teachers knowledge with regards age groups, years of experience and training sessions (p< 0.05)

    The Leading World’s Most Innovative Universities

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    This open access book is unique in its contents. No other title in the book market has tackled this important subject. It introduces innovation as a way of practice for world-class universities. It, then, discusses the criteria for being innovative in the academic world. The book selects some of the top innovative world-class universities to study the factors that qualified them to be innovative, so that any other university can follow their steps to become innovative. The final chapter of the book presents some recommendations in this regard